• l’année dernière


00:00 [musique]
00:02 [musique]
00:04 [musique]
00:06 ♪ La la la la la la ♪
00:08 ♪ La la la la la la ♪
00:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:33 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:44 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:11 - Ah!
01:12 - Oh!
01:13 - Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:15 - Ne vous inquiétez pas, monsieur.
01:16 Je vous l'enlève.
01:18 - Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:21 - Ah! Oh!
01:22 - Ne vous en faites pas.
01:23 J'ai une douche ici, quelque part.
01:25 - Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:27 - Non! Je ne veux pas! Non!
01:29 Oh!
01:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:35 - Boy, I hope he's not too tall.
01:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:44 - Oh! Oh! Oh!
01:46 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:50 - Pfiou!
01:52 You little monster, I'll teach you!
01:55 Hey, come back here, you little boy!
01:57 I'd like to get my hands on a good, fat guy.
02:00 - Pfiou!
02:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:07 - I'm gonna check out the water.
02:09 - All right, but stay close by.
02:11 - Right, Mom.
02:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:17 - I think we'd better follow him.
02:19 - Wow, it's cold.
02:22 - Sorry, sonny, but you can't go in
02:24 until the surfing competition is over.
02:27 - Surfing? Hey, I'm a wizard, Dad.
02:29 - Well, if you'd like to watch,
02:31 you can get a great view from that pier over there.
02:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:39 - Wow, those guys are really good.
02:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:49 - Whoa!
02:51 - That tall blonde boy is cheating like mad.
02:54 Someone ought to tell him a thing or two.
02:56 - Pfiou!
02:59 - Help me!
03:02 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:10 - Whoa!
03:12 - Whee!
03:15 - Boy overboard! Boy overboard!
03:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:24 - Don't worry, son, I'll save you.
03:27 - Whoa!
03:29 - Whee! Yay!
03:31 [laughing]
03:33 I hope Dad is watching.
03:36 - Just hold on, son.
03:39 - Back!
03:42 ♪ ♪ ♪
03:44 - That little blonde kid is really good.
03:47 - I'll fix his wagon.
03:50 - Hey, there's a lot of bad drivers out here.
03:53 - Okay, squirt, you've had it.
03:56 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:00 - Hey!
04:02 - That bully!
04:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:08 - Hey, that's my son!
04:11 - Whoa!
04:13 [groaning]
04:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:19 [cheering]
04:22 - Please, let me go.
04:25 I have to save my son.
04:27 - Who's gonna save you?
04:29 [splash]
04:32 [cheering]
04:35 - Henry, are you all right?
04:37 - Of course I'm all right.
04:39 I was just helping the lifeguard make sure no one got hurt.
04:42 - Dad, did you see me?
04:44 - Of course. Are you all right?
04:47 - All right?
04:49 I just had the best time of my life.
04:52 - You were wonderful, dear.
04:54 - With a little help from my mom.
04:56 - Young man, that was some of the finest surfing we've ever seen.
05:00 [whistling]
05:02 We've decided to award you first prize,
05:04 even though your entry into the contest wasn't exactly official.
05:07 - Gee, thanks.
05:09 - Oh, my goodness.
05:11 That woman is still stuck on the pier.
05:13 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:15 Oh, I'm gonna fall.
05:18 [splash]
05:20 [splash]
05:22 [splash]
05:24 [splash]
05:26 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:28 - Gee, mister, you're a real hero after all.
05:31 [laughing]
05:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:40 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:47 - It's nice of you kids to volunteer to help clean out the garage.
05:50 - Sure, Dad. We enjoy doing it.
05:52 - We sure do, Mr. Mitchell.
05:54 - Hey, I've been looking all over for this.
05:57 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:59 Come on, Jay, let's go one-on-one.
06:01 - You're on.
06:03 - I thought you kids were helping me clean out this junk.
06:06 - We are. First we gotta make sure this basketball is all worn out.
06:09 - Don't worry, Mr. Mitchell. I'll help you.
06:12 - Why, thank you, Margaret.
06:14 - Gee,
06:16 as soon as I finish playing with this skip rope I just found.
06:19 - Well, Ruff,
06:21 at least I know I can count on you to help.
06:24 Ruff? Where are you, fella?
06:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:29 [splash]
06:31 Oh, man's best friend. Hmph.
06:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:36 Huh?
06:38 [splash]
06:40 [footsteps]
06:42 - Hey, look what Ruff dug up.
06:44 - I wonder what's in it.
06:46 - There's only one way to find out.
06:48 [crack]
06:50 [squeak]
06:52 There's a skull on it!
06:54 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:56 - It's a pirate treasure map.
06:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:00 - Where'd all this fog come from?
07:02 - I don't know,
07:04 but I wish it would go away.
07:06 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:08 - I sure wish the city would do something about this darn smog.
07:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:13 - Some kind of weird lights.
07:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:17 - Lights, my foot!
07:19 Those are eyes belonging to a giant dragon!
07:23 - [roars]
07:25 [splash]
07:27 [thunder]
07:29 - I love these glasses.
07:31 That looks just like a pirate ship.
07:33 - Well, I do have glasses,
07:35 and it is a pirate ship!
07:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:39 [thunder]
07:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:43 [thunder]
07:45 - And that's the captain of the ship!
07:47 - Come along, me hearties!
07:49 Here they be, Captain Redbeard!
07:51 But I warn you,
07:53 a female aboard ship means nothing but bad luck!
07:56 - Bad luck, bad luck!
07:58 - Quiet, you flea-infested feather duster,
08:00 before I have you stuffed and mounted!
08:02 All right, which of you sea urchins has it?
08:05 - Has what?
08:07 - The map! Now hand it over
08:09 or I feed you to the sharks!
08:11 - That shows what you know, Mr. Smarty!
08:13 There are no sharks on this block!
08:16 - Oh, no?
08:18 What do you call them?
08:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
08:22 - Oh, there goes the neighborhood!
08:25 - But that's impossible!
08:27 - Anything's possible on a ghost ship!
08:30 - Ghost ship?
08:32 - I'm losing me patience!
08:34 Now, which one of you has the treasure map?
08:37 - I bet that be it, Captain!
08:39 Some new-fangled kind of globe of the world!
08:42 Yah-ha! Hand it over!
08:44 - Here!
08:46 - Come on, let's get out of here!
08:49 - They're getting away! They're getting away!
08:53 (explosion)
08:55 - Hey!
08:57 - Ah-ha! At last!
09:04 I have it! The lost treasure of Captain Mitchell!
09:08 After searching the seven seas for 200 years,
09:12 I finally found it!
09:14 - Shall we find the buried treasure?
09:20 You lot pitch in and do a day's work!
09:22 Here, you! Clean them things till they sparkle!
09:26 - I don't do windows!
09:28 - They ain't windows! They're portholes!
09:31 Now clean 'em, or go out one of 'em!
09:34 - Oh, portholes! Ha-ha! That's different!
09:37 I just love doing portholes!
09:40 - Here, you brat! You swab the deck!
09:43 - Boy, this guy's worse than my mom!
09:45 - Too bad you ran out of mops and stuff.
09:48 If you need me, I'll be sunbathing.
09:50 - That's what you think!
09:52 It's a crow's nest for you!
09:59 - I think I'm too chicken to be a crow!
10:02 - There's the map! We've got to get it back!
10:19 - Yeah! Once Ratbeard finds the treasure...
10:22 It's a curse for us!
10:24 - I'll get the map. You guys keep watching outside.
10:28 (ronflement)
10:30 (gémissement)
10:32 (ronflement)
10:34 (gémissement)
10:36 (gémissement)
10:38 (gémissement)
10:40 (ronflement)
10:42 - Ahoy, Captain! Stay your stumps!
10:44 (gémissement)
10:46 - Some! Try to steal my treasure map, eh?
10:48 I'll have your ride for this!
10:50 - You'll have to catch me first!
10:52 (explosion)
10:54 Did you get the map?
10:56 - Right here!
10:58 (gémissement)
11:00 - That's what you think!
11:02 No pack of pint-sized landlubbers is gonna steal that treasure from Ratbeard the pirate!
11:07 (gémissement)
11:12 - Alligators!
11:15 - That's right, me hearties!
11:17 (rire)
11:19 Hungry ones at that!
11:23 - Now you'll either get that map, or be their dinner!
11:27 (ronflement)
11:29 - N-n-nice, alligators!
11:31 We just wanna get that map.
11:33 - Hurry, Dennis!
11:35 I can't hold you much longer!
11:37 - Better think of something quick, Dennis!
11:39 We're both getting tired!
11:41 - It's hard to think when the blood is rushing to your brain.
11:44 - Hold everything! I just got an idea!
11:47 - I know they're in here someplace.
11:50 I found them! A whole bunch of caramels!
11:53 - Caramels? This is no time for a candy break!
11:56 - Not for me! For the alligators!
11:59 Watch what happens!
12:01 - Those caramels may be bad for their teeth, but they're sure good for our health!
12:11 - When I get me hooks on that treasure map,
12:14 I'll be the richest buccaneer whatever sailed the briny!
12:17 (rire)
12:20 (explosion)
12:21 - Ah! I was away!
12:23 - What in the name of Neptune was that?
12:30 Captain Miquel!
12:35 - Precisely! And now, Monsieur Redbeard,
12:38 will you kindly hand over my treasure map?
12:40 - That's what you think!
12:42 The masked men! Slice him up like a French pastry!
12:45 (laughter)
12:47 (coups de feu)
12:49 - What are you waiting for, you lily-livered jellyfish?
12:57 Run him through!
12:58 - Not so fast, Redbeard!
13:00 Giddy up, fellas!
13:02 - Back up, you wonky damn thing!
13:08 Full speed has done!
13:10 (yells)
13:12 - Coming over, Mark!
13:14 Coming over, Mark!
13:17 (coup de feu)
13:19 - I wish to thank you for returning my treasure map.
13:21 - Easy come, easy go!
13:23 - Hmm. There is something about your face that looks familiar.
13:27 - Yours too, but I can't figure out what.
13:30 - Sorry to interrupt, but we've got to figure out a way to get home.
13:33 - I will be honored to take you on my vessel.
13:36 - You would?
13:38 - M'amuselle, it would be my pleasure.
13:40 - Oh! (laughs)
13:42 You're cute!
13:45 (vrombissement du moteur)
13:47 - So long, Captain Michelle!
13:58 And thanks for the lift back!
14:00 - Thanks to you, my young friends.
14:02 And au revoir!
14:04 (coups de feu)
14:06 - The ship! It's gone!
14:11 - It disappeared into thin air!
14:14 Maybe we imagined the whole thing!
14:16 - Well, kids, this is the last of it.
14:18 The garage is all cleaned out.
14:20 - Dad! Where'd you get this picture?
14:26 - Oh, that's supposed to be your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.
14:30 They claim he was a pirate, but I don't believe a word of it.
14:33 - Did his name happen to be Captain Michelle?
14:36 - Why, you're right! How did you know that?
14:39 - Just a crazy guess. I can't believe it's him!
14:42 - All right!
14:44 - All right!
14:46 - Gangway! Speeding ice cream!
14:56 Uh-oh!
14:58 I wonder if they got an Olympics for this kind of thing.
15:06 - Hey, here comes a squirt. Watch this.
15:09 - Hey!
15:11 - Oh!
15:13 - Boy, Mitchell, do you look dumb.
15:18 - Go for it, Brock!
15:26 - Hey, thanks!
15:29 - Hey, that's mine! Give it back!
15:32 - Oh, so sorry. You want it back?
15:35 Go get it!
15:37 - Mmm, crunchy!
15:45 - Who does that big bully think he is, anyway?
15:48 Ever since he moved into the neighborhood, he's been picking on everybody.
15:52 - Hey, Pee-Wee, it's past noon.
15:56 Why are you still wearing your pajamas?
15:58 - Oh, hi, Dennis. These aren't pajamas. This is a gi.
16:02 I'm going to my karate class.
16:04 - Karate? You mean like Bruce Lee?
16:07 Hi-ya!
16:09 - Well, sort of.
16:11 It's simply a matter of balance and breathing.
16:14 A good karate student can defend against opponents many times his own size.
16:18 - No kidding.
16:20 You mean somebody like me could lick a real big bully?
16:23 Hmm.
16:25 - Dennis, are you sure you wouldn't rather take piano lessons?
16:33 - Hmm?
16:35 - Hi, I'm...
16:40 Say, I think King Kong's at the door.
16:45 - Ah!
16:49 - Hey, this is a cinch.
16:51 I think I'll get this karate stuff down pat.
16:54 - Good afternoon, class.
16:56 Today, as an inspiration to the newer students,
16:59 we will have a demonstration of skills by our star pupil.
17:02 Osco Bender.
17:04 - Huh?
17:06 - Hey, squirt, you're bowing too low.
17:09 (laughs)
17:11 - Osco will first demonstrate the power of the karate blow
17:14 by breaking a brick into with his bare hand.
17:17 - Nothing to it.
17:19 - Too bad it's not with his bare head.
17:21 Gee, I hate to see him do all that work on an empty stomach.
17:28 - Eee!
17:31 - Eee!
17:33 A jelly donut!
17:35 - Would you have rather had glazed?
17:37 - Why, you...
17:39 - Osco, remember, self-control is the essence of the martial arts.
17:43 Now, please, try once more.
17:46 - Eee!
17:48 - You know, that chair looks wobbly.
17:50 Let me get you a better one.
17:52 - Yow!
17:56 - Gee, I was wrong. It looks fine now.
17:59 Why, I'm gonna...
18:01 - Young man, perhaps you'd better return to your place in line
18:05 and try not to be so helpful.
18:07 - Eee!
18:11 - Maybe we should move on to the next technique.
18:14 Osco will break this board with a flying kick.
18:17 We will need a volunteer to hold the board.
18:19 Ah, my phone.
18:21 Excuse me for a moment.
18:23 - Mitchell?
18:25 You just volunteered.
18:27 - Ha, ha, ha! - Uh-oh!
18:29 - Now, hold it real steady.
18:34 We wouldn't want you to get creamed, would we?
18:37 - Uh, one of us sure wouldn't.
18:39 - Eee!
18:42 - Yow!
18:44 - Look, a deadly PT fly!
18:46 - Yay!
18:48 - (all gasping)
18:53 - Nope, wrong again.
18:55 - Okay, Mitchell, that's it.
18:58 - Yow!
19:00 - Whoa!
19:02 Whoa!
19:04 Whoa!
19:06 Whoa!
19:08 Whoa!
19:10 - Hurry it up, Joe.
19:12 We got just enough time to get these carpets on the plane to Tibet.
19:16 - Hi, Mom.
19:22 Hey, I don't need to take karate anymore.
19:24 I already got my ground out.
19:26 - On your first day?
19:28 - I guess I'm just a fast learner.
19:30 Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya!
19:34 (musique rythmée)
19:37 ♪ ♪
19:44 (coups de feu)
19:46 ♪ ♪
19:53 (coups de feu)
19:55 ♪ ♪
20:00 (coups de feu)
20:02 ♪ ♪
