• l’année dernière


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Un autre véhicule arrive.
00:32Hey, c'est Mr. Fix-It!
00:34Je me demande ce qu'il y a sous cette grosse feuille sur son trailer.
00:37J'imagine que c'est quelque chose de vraiment cool.
00:41Il est en forme d'un football géant.
00:45Désolé, Mr. Fix-It. Je pense que nous avons le dernier endroit où nous pouvons park.
00:48Pas de problème, Huckle. Je vais juste trouver un autre endroit pour park et tester ma nouvelle invention.
00:56Boy, it looks like Mr. Fix-It's new invention sure left a dent in that dumpster.
01:02Hey, look!
01:04Where did that flipper come from?
01:06Beats me, Sally. I didn't notice it before.
01:09Me either.
01:10Oh well, let's go get the paddle boat.
01:16Wow! I've got the biggest fish in Fizzytap Lake!
01:20No, you haven't. I've got the biggest fish in Fizzytap Lake!
01:27Oh! My fish got away!
01:29It sure was a big one. Look at the size of the boot it was wearing.
01:34Now we need to find more bait.
01:36Here, wormy, wormy, wormy!
01:46What was that?
01:47I don't know. What was that?
01:49I asked you first!
01:50Well, I asked you second!
01:51Well, whatever it is, we caught it!
01:54You mean it caught us!
02:13You let it get away!
02:14No, I didn't. You let it get away!
02:16Did not!
02:17Did too!
02:18Did not!
02:19Did too!
02:20Not too!
02:21What was that?
02:22All I know is, whatever it was, it's a mystery!
02:30Go Bug here with a newsflash.
02:32There's something fishy in Busytown Lake.
02:35What do you think it is, Huckle?
02:37It's a sea monster!
02:39There are no sea monsters in a lake.
02:42Huckle's right. It's not a sea monster.
02:45It's a lake monster!
02:47So there you have it, folks.
02:49Huckle believes there's a lake monster in Busytown Lake.
02:53No, I didn't say that.
02:54I don't believe there's any kind of monster in the lake.
02:57And I'll prove it by finding out what it really is
03:00and solving the Busytown Lake monster mystery!
03:03So, get ready for it!
03:06Who, what, why, how?
03:08Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:10Who, what, why, how?
03:12Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:16Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:18Solve a mystery!
03:20Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:22All together!
03:24Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:26Huckle, Cat, you and me!
03:28Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:30Who, what, why, how?
03:32Who, what, when, where, why, how?
03:34Stay tuned, folks, for important news updates
03:37as Huckle dives into the Busytown Lake monster mystery!
03:41Go Bug out!
03:44So, Huckle, how are we going to find out what the thing in the lake really is?
03:48Just like we always do, Loli.
03:50Keep our eyes and ears open and look for clues.
03:53Oh, exactly what I was going to say.
03:56Look! There it is again!
03:59You're right, Sally! Let's go!
04:02Uh, we're not chasing it, are we?
04:05You bet we are!
04:06But what if it really is a sea monster?
04:08I mean, lake monster?
04:10Full speed ahead, Sally!
04:15Look! It's a diver!
04:17Maybe what we saw was just a diver!
04:20Did anyone see it?
04:21See what?
04:22I'm not sure what it was, but it was as big as a car with big glowing eyes!
04:26Oh, that sure sounds like a lake monster to me!
04:30I got it! I got it! I caught the lake monster!
04:34And it looks an awful lot like Big Wolf!
04:37That's because it's a lake monster!
04:40And it looks an awful lot like Big Wolf!
04:43That's because it is me!
04:45Now get me out of this net so I can catch the lake monster!
04:49You're not going to catch it, I'm going to catch it!
04:51Or not!
04:52Or two!
04:53Or not!
04:54Or two!
04:58What are you thinking, Huckle?
05:00Well, Sally, whatever it was, was headed in that direction.
05:03So I think that's where we should go to look for clues.
05:06And if we're lucky, we might just find something!
05:09And if we're real lucky, it won't be a lake monster!
05:15Are those footprints?
05:17They don't look like any footprints I've ever seen before!
05:20They look more like flipper prints to me!
05:22You mean lake monster prints!
05:25It's okay! You can come out now, Ollie!
05:29I still don't believe there's a monster in the lake!
05:32Well, I hope you're right!
05:34The footprints head up here, come on!
05:37Regarde! C'est le truc de Mr. Fix-It dans Trailer!
05:40Mais je ne vois pas Mr. Fix-It!
05:42C'est parce que le lake monster l'a attrapé!
05:45Il est probablement juste là-bas, en train de tester sa nouvelle invention!
05:51Regarde! Il y a un autre groupe de tracs qui retournent dans l'eau!
05:55Il y en a un!
05:57Nous devons le suivre!
05:59À notre bateau de patins!
06:02Oh, est-ce vraiment nécessaire?
06:05Je pense qu'il serait plus facile d'attraper le lake monster si on avait de la patine!
06:09Bonne idée!
06:10Tu devrais être la patine du lake monster!
06:12Non, tu es plus délicieuse que moi, tu devrais être la patine!
06:15Mais tu es plus goûteuse que moi, tu devrais être la patine!
06:17Non, toi!
06:18Non, toi!
06:19Non, toi!
06:20Non, toi!
06:21Uh-oh! Nous sommes les deux la patine du lake monster!
06:28Vous allez bien?
06:30Oui, merci, Lowly!
06:32Mais il a laissé le lake monster s'enfuir!
06:34Non, je ne l'ai pas fait, tu l'as fait!
06:36Je ne l'ai pas fait!
06:37Tu l'as fait!
06:38Je ne l'ai pas fait!
06:39Tu l'as fait!
06:40Non, tu ne l'as pas fait!
06:41Mais ce n'est pas un lake monster!
06:43Oh non? Alors qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:45Je ne sais pas, mais...
06:47Il y a quelque chose à propos de sa forme qui a l'air très familier!
06:52C'est un patin!
06:54Juste comme celui que j'ai pris en photo dans le parking!
06:57Est-ce possible qu'il ait quelque chose à voir avec le lake monster?
07:00Regarde le gros patin qu'il a mis dans notre bateau!
07:03Ce patin a l'air aussi familier!
07:06Je pense qu'il est temps de repasser sur ce que nous savons!
07:09Ok, nous savons que tout ce qui est dans le lake est aussi grand que la voiture,
07:13a des yeux brillants et a la forme d'un grand football!
07:16Et nous avons trouvé des patins de type flipper étrange dans le sac et ce flipper bleu!
07:20Et le lake monster a laissé un gros patin dans notre bateau!
07:24Maintenant je me rappelle pourquoi ce patin a l'air si familier!
07:27C'est le deuxième grand patin que nous avons vu aujourd'hui!
07:29Tu te souviens du premier?
07:31Oui, le patin dans le sac de parking que M. Fix-It a inventé!
07:35C'est vrai, Lowly!
07:38Sally, je peux voir ta caméra, s'il te plaît?
07:45Je pense que je sais ce que le lake monster est vraiment!
07:50Alors, Huckle, as-tu réussi à amener le mystère à la surface
07:53et résoudre le mystère du lake monster dans la ville occupée?
07:56Je pense que j'ai réussi, Goldbug!
07:58Voici ce que je pense qu'il s'est passé!
08:00Nous savions que tout ce qui était dans le lake était grand et à la forme d'un football,
08:04et que c'était fort suffisamment pour empêcher le bateau de l'étoile.
08:07Et puis je me souviens de quelque chose d'autre que nous avions vu plus tôt,
08:10qui était grand et à la forme d'un football,
08:12et qui était fort suffisamment pour empêcher un patin de type flipper!
08:15Sally a aussi trouvé un flipper dans l'eau
08:17après que le so-appelé lake monster ait touché le bateau de l'étoile,
08:20ce qui était exactement comme le flipper que nous avons trouvé
08:22après que M. Fix-It a inventé l'invention pour toucher le patin!
08:25Je pense que le lake monster n'est pas vraiment un monstre du tout!
08:28C'est vraiment l'invention de M. Fix-It!
08:31Tu veux dire que M. Fix-It a fait un lake monster?
08:33Non, Loulie, ce n'est pas un lake monster,
08:36mais c'est aussi grand qu'un voiture et a des yeux brillants comme des lumières!
08:40Je pense que c'est quelque chose qu'il peut conduire!
08:42Comme un submarine?
08:43Exactement! Mais il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le savoir!
08:51C'est parti!
08:56Regarde, ma nouvelle invention!
08:58Huckle a raison!
09:00Tout le monde ensemble a résolu un mystère
09:04Avec Huckle, vous pouvez en résoudre un!
09:09Hurray for Huckle!
09:11Alors, qu'en pensez-vous de ma nouvelle invention?
09:14C'est un submarine, M. Fix-It!
09:16Quelqu'un d'autre a inventé des submarines il y a longtemps!
09:19Mais personne n'a inventé un submarine!
09:22Vous avez raison!
09:23C'est le premier submarine de danse que personne n'a vu!
09:28Alors, voulez-vous une petite tournée sur mon submarine de danse?
09:33Moi d'abord!
09:38Où est-ce qu'il est?
09:40On dirait qu'il va falloir qu'on t'aide!
09:42Oui, c'est ça!
09:43C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:44C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:45C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:46C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:47C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:48C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:49C'est ce que j'ai pensé!
09:50On dirait qu'il va falloir qu'on t'aide pour qu'il ne s'arrête pas, Mr. Fix-It!
09:55Pas de problème, Huckle! Je vais juste le faire danser!
10:21Salut, Mr. Fix-It! Qu'est-ce que tu fais aujourd'hui?
10:23Je mets des roues incroyables sur les cartons de vendeurs de Grocer Dog!
10:27Ça pourrait être ma meilleure invention jamais!
10:29Oh mon dieu! J'ai attendu des années pour une invention comme celle-ci!
10:33Comment ça marche?
10:34Quand la dernière sache de grocerie est retirée du carton de vendeur,
10:37le carton retournera au supermarché tout seul!
10:42Oh, ça retourne à l'hôtel! Et personne ne l'appuie!
10:45Les cartons peuvent même être retirés du parking et ils retourneront toujours au supermarché!
10:49Tout seul!
10:51Si j'avais ces vieilles roues à porter, je n'aurai plus besoin d'une chaussure!
11:05Ce sont de belles fleurs!
11:07Pourquoi vous en achetez-vous autant?
11:09Nous avons besoin de nouvelles!
11:11Quelqu'un est allé directement à travers le jardin des fleurs de maman!
11:13Et a flatté toutes les tulipes!
11:15Comment savez-vous que quelqu'un est allé?
11:17Ils ont laissé des pneus de pneus directement dans le jardin!
11:20Avez-vous entendu quelque chose?
11:22Oui! Maman a crié!
11:24Qui a flatté mes tulipes?
11:26Hum! Personne ne sait qui c'était!
11:29Ça m'a l'air d'être...
11:31Un mystère!
11:34C'est le jour de la nouvelle!
11:37Oh mon dieu!
11:38C'est le jour de la nouvelle!
11:41Goldbug ici!
11:42Nous vous rapportons du supermarché de Grocer Dog
11:44avec une nouvelle éblouissante!
11:46Huckle, qu'est-ce que vous pouvez nous dire?
11:48Bien, Goldbug, il semble que quelqu'un est allé directement à travers le jardin des fleurs de maman
11:52et a flatté toutes les tulipes!
11:54Vous savez qui vous êtes, pauvre chauffeur!
11:56Très bientôt, nous saurons qui vous êtes aussi!
11:58Parce que Huckle est le meilleur mystère-solveur dans la ville de Bercy!
12:01N'est-ce pas, Huckle?
12:02Avec l'aide de mes amis, je suis là!
12:04Êtes-vous prêt pour une équipe?
12:08C'est parti!
12:37Let's get Busytown!
12:39There you have it, folks!
12:41Stay tuned as Huckle and his pals shift into high gear
12:44to solve the mystery of the bad driver!
12:47And that's the buzz in Busytown!
12:49Goldbug out!
12:52Let's get clue hunting!
12:53To the big twins' house!
12:55Right behind you, Huckle!
12:56Let's roll!
12:58Hey! Wait for us!
13:06If we can find out what vehicle did this,
13:08we should be able to figure out who was driving.
13:11These tire tracks look unusual.
13:15It looks like there must be two sets of wheels.
13:17This set of wheels are closer together
13:19and this set of wheels are farther apart.
13:22I better take a picture in case we need it later.
13:26Gee, there must be a zillion different vehicles in Busytown.
13:29How do we know where to look?
13:31Well, the tulips are all flattened in that direction.
13:34So that has to be the way our mystery vehicle was going.
13:37If we head in the same direction,
13:39we might find our bad driver.
13:41Come on, team!
13:55Wait, Mr. Frumble!
13:56Let us help you.
13:57Thank you.
14:01How could something this heavy tip over?
14:03Something banged into it.
14:05I heard a big crash and ran outside.
14:07And there it was, just lying on the ground.
14:10Something banged into it.
14:12I'll bet it was the same bad driver that flattened the tulips.
14:16Look! There's red paint on the birdbath.
14:19That means that whoever flattened the tulips
14:22and bumped into the birdbath must be driving a red car.
14:25I know who drives a red car.
14:27You have a lot of explaining to do, Lowly.
14:30What? I'm not the bad driver.
14:32Lowly's right, guys. Come here, I'll show you.
14:36See? Lowly's apple car doesn't make tracks
14:39that look like the ones we saw in the flower garden.
14:41Right, Huckle.
14:42The flower garden wheel tracks had two close together
14:45and two farther apart.
14:47And there's no scraped paint on Lowly's car either.
14:50So he didn't knock over the birdbath.
14:52Oops! Sorry, Lowly.
14:54I should say so.
14:57I'd feel terrible if I ever bruised my apple car.
15:01Hey, if the bad driver scraped his car,
15:04maybe he took it to Mr. Fix-It's repair shop to get it fixed.
15:07Come on, team. Let's go check it out.
15:11Hi there, kids. What can I do for you today?
15:13Do you have any red cars that are here to be fixed?
15:16I sure do. Three of them. They're parked over there.
15:23Look, Huckle.
15:24This car's front wheels are closer together than its back wheels.
15:27Hey, that means it would make tracks
15:29like the ones we saw in the flower garden.
15:31But this car is here to get a broken window fixed.
15:34And the paint isn't scratched.
15:36So this isn't the car that knocked over Mr. Frumble's birdbath.
15:40Neither is this one. It's as soft as a marshmallow.
15:43It couldn't have knocked over a heavy birdbath.
15:47This little red car could knock over some tulips,
15:49but not a big birdbath.
15:51Oh, now what do we do, Huckle?
15:53Well, I guess we'll have to keep looking.
15:55C'est l'heure d'aller sur la route. Allons-y, les gars.
15:59Bonjour, Mme. Chim. Bonjour, Sadie.
16:01Bonjour, Sally.
16:05Sadie Chim's stroller is red.
16:08And its two front wheels are closer together
16:11than the two back wheels.
16:13Just like the tracks through Mom's garden.
16:15Don't let her get away.
16:17Uh, guys, I think you're forgetting something.
16:20Hello, Mrs. Chim.
16:22Hello, boys.
16:23Hello, boys.
16:24You ask. No, you ask.
16:27Ask me what?
16:28Well, uh...
16:30Did you, uh, take a shortcut through my mom's flower garden?
16:34Did I do what?
16:35Guys, it couldn't have been the baby stroller that went through the garden.
16:40A stroller doesn't move unless someone pushes it, right?
16:44And if you look carefully at Sally's picture,
16:47you'll notice there were no footprints left behind in the garden.
16:51Oups, again.
16:54Thank you for clearing up that little misunderstanding, Huckle.
16:57No problem, Mrs. Chim.
17:00Time to look for more clues, team.
17:03Did you hear that?
17:05Let's go check it out.
17:08It's Mrs. Honey's fence.
17:12Look, there's red paint on it.
17:14Just like there was on the birdbath.
17:16First the tulips, then the birdbath, and now Mrs. Honey's fence?
17:19I've seen some crazy drivers in Busytown, but this one takes the prize.
17:24There's a prize for driving crazy?
17:26What kind of prize is it?
17:27No, Lowly just means this is the worst driving he's ever seen.
17:33Where did my shopping cart go?
17:35I was just going to return it to the supermarket.
17:38Oh, you don't have to do that anymore, Mrs. Honey.
17:40Now they roll back to the supermarket all by themselves.
17:43Wait a minute.
17:44I think I know where your shopping cart went.
17:47And I think I just solved the bad driver mystery, too.
17:50You did?
17:51Who was it?
17:52Come on, team. We're going back to the supermarket.
18:03So, Huckle, can you steer us any closer to who the bad driver is?
18:08I sure can, Goldbug. Here's what I think happened.
18:11We knew from the tracks through Mrs. Pig's flowerbed
18:14that the bad driver's vehicle had two sets of wheels.
18:17One pair spaced closer together than the other.
18:20Mr. Frumble's top old birdbath had red paint on it,
18:23so whatever hit it was painted red.
18:26None of the red cars in the repair shop matched the vehicle we were looking for,
18:30so we had to keep searching.
18:32Baby Sadie's stroller was red,
18:34and its wheels matched the tracks in the garden.
18:37But since there were no footprints left behind,
18:39the tracks couldn't have been made by Mrs. Chimp pushing the stroller.
18:42Then something painted red knocked down Miss Honey's fence,
18:45and she couldn't find her shopping cart.
18:48That's when I remembered Mr. Fix-It's new invention,
18:51shopping carts that move on their own without being pushed.
18:54Their wheels matched the tracks in the flower garden, and they're red.
18:58I realized it wasn't a busy town bad driver who had caused all the trouble.
19:02It was one of Mr. Fix-It's shopping carts that drives itself back to the supermarket.
19:08But Huckle, if the cart went through the flower garden,
19:11shouldn't there be some dirt on the wheels?
19:13There isn't.
19:14And if it banged into Mr. Frumble's birdbath,
19:16shouldn't there be some red paint missing?
19:18There isn't.
19:20Maybe this cart didn't flatten any flowers or bang into a birdbath,
19:24but I bet one of those carts did.
19:27Well, there you have it, folks.
19:29It looks like Huckle and his team have done a real bang-up job
19:32solving the bad driver mystery.
19:34Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
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