00:00 [Musique]
00:05 [Musique]
00:17 Dans un vieil maison à Paris, couvert de lignes,
00:20 vivent 12 petites filles, en deux lignes.
00:24 [Musique]
00:32 Dans deux lignes, elles ont cassé leur pain,
00:34 [Musique]
00:35 et ont brûlé leurs dents,
00:37 [Musique]
00:38 et sont allées à l'école.
00:39 [Musique]
00:48 Elles ont quitté la maison à 9 h 30.
00:50 [Musique]
00:53 Elles raillent,
00:54 [Musique]
00:59 ou brillent.
01:00 [Musique]
01:03 La plus petite, c'est Marilane.
01:05 [Musique]
01:10 [Musique]
01:23 [Musique]
01:36 [Musique]
01:45 [Musique]
02:09 [Musique]
02:23 Oh, Madeline!
02:25 [Musique]
02:27 Madeline!
02:28 Pépito, what is it?
02:30 Is something wrong?
02:31 No, no!
02:33 Les carnivales, the gypsies, they are calling!
02:37 [Musique]
02:58 Oh, les carnivales, les licornes!
03:00 Hum, yes, I guess.
03:03 [Musique]
03:23 Up and down and down and up,
03:25 they hoped the wheel would never stop.
03:27 Round and round, the children cried.
03:30 Here, Miss Claver, just one more ride!
03:33 [Explosion]
03:34 A sudden gust of wind, a bolt of lightning.
03:36 [Chickens clucking]
03:37 Even the rooster found it frightening.
03:39 [Chickens clucking]
03:44 The big wheel stopped.
03:46 Miss Claver lent a hand.
03:48 How fortunate, there was a taxi stand.
03:51 Taxi, taxi, allons-y, vite, vite, hurry, little girls.
03:56 Oh, wait, my cabbage!
04:00 [Musique]
04:03 Wait, Miss Claver, look up here!
04:06 We are stuck, someone, help us!
04:09 [Explosion]
04:10 Oh, on the moon!
04:12 [Musique]
04:15 Hurry, children, off with your clothes.
04:17 You will eat supper in bed.
04:19 Mrs. Murphy brought the soup of the evening.
04:22 It was half past nine.
04:24 Then suddenly, Miss Claver gasped.
04:26 [Gasp]
04:28 Good heavens, where is Madeline?
04:32 Ay, Dios mio, where is mi Pepito?
04:37 [Explosion]
04:38 No one knows we are up here.
04:41 This is no fun anymore.
04:44 We must try to get down.
04:46 [Musique]
04:48 Look, maybe this will work.
04:51 [Musique]
04:54 Madeline, you are going to try to climb down?
04:57 Oui, I must.
04:59 No, I will go.
05:01 No, si.
05:03 Madeline, you always get to do the exciting things.
05:08 All right, Pepito, I will be brave like you, Madeline.
05:13 You are almost there.
05:15 [Musique]
05:19 [Explosion]
05:21 Do not worry, Madeline, I will be back.
05:25 It was downpouring more and more as he knocked on the gypsy's caravan door.
05:30 Who is there?
05:32 It is Pepito.
05:34 Spinochio? Go away.
05:36 I do not like people with noses like breadsticks.
05:39 Not Spinochio, Pepito.
05:43 Pepito? Why didn't you say so?
05:47 What can I do for you?
05:49 Please, help. Madeline is still stuck on top of the Ferris wheel.
05:54 Clementine? But she is lost and gone forever.
05:58 Not Clementine, Madeline.
06:02 Madeline? Why didn't you say so?
06:05 We must get help.
06:07 [Musique]
06:10 Smiley, Honko and Giorgio, come with me. Be quick.
06:14 [Musique]
06:21 One, two, three.
06:24 [Musique]
06:28 With the aid of the elephant, strong man and clown, Madeline was safely taken down.
06:33 Bravo, Monsieur Clown. Oh, merci.
06:37 The gypsy mama gave them a meal and they quickly ate with glee and zeal.
06:42 Now finish up. We must send you home now because our caravan is leaving tonight.
06:47 Oh, gypsy mama, please do not make us go. Please, please.
06:53 Sorry, children. If you come with us, your families will worry.
06:57 Now you two go along home.
06:59 Taxi, taxi. Au revoir.
07:05 [Musique]
07:09 [Rires]
07:11 The big wheel was folded and the tent. They packed their wagons and away they went.
07:17 For gypsies do not like to stay. They only come to go away.
07:23 [Musique]
07:27 [Musique]
07:48 What have we here? I thought I sent you children home.
07:53 That is true, gypsy mama, but we thought if you knew that we were quite grown up and...
07:59 and we are often on our own and our families won't mind if we stay with you for a while.
08:07 Very well. You can stay for a little while.
08:10 A while? Oh, merci, merci.
08:13 But you have to earn your keep and you must write to your parents from the next town.
08:20 We can stay. We can stay as a couple. Yay!
08:26 [Musique]
08:30 The night is filled with stars, goulash and guitars.
08:35 I hear a tune. What can it be?
08:41 It is a gypsy melody.
08:46 [Musique]
08:49 Oh Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
08:53 Oh Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
08:59 A night is filled with dreams and sounds of tambourines.
09:07 The song is loud and now you'll see
09:11 It is a Gypsy melody.
09:18 Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
09:23 Oh Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
09:30 The night is filled with dance, adventure and romance.
09:37 And now the music's part of me.
09:41 It is a Gypsy melody.
09:47 Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
09:53 Oh Slovaki, oh Slovaki, we're on a Gypsy caravan.
10:00 Oui, oui, monsieur.
10:08 A very little girl with a very big smile
10:11 and most charming red hair.
10:13 Comme ça.
10:14 And a boy with a bad, I mean a funny hat.
10:17 We saw them last near the ferris wheel.
10:20 Come and show me where it was.
10:22 But madame, there is no ferris wheel.
10:28 They are gone forever.
10:30 Mais pauvre chie t'a perdue.
10:33 A bright new day.
10:38 The sky was blue, the storm was gone, the world was new.
10:42 This is the castle of Fontainebleau.
10:45 Today, dear children, it belongs to you.
10:49 How wonderful to float in a pool while other children go to school.
10:55 Never to have to brush your teeth.
10:59 And never have to go to sleep.
11:03 But it wasn't all fun, it was hard work too.
11:09 There were acts to learn and tricks to do.
11:12 Riding this horse is hard work.
11:18 Even more difficult than riding Giorgio the elephant.
11:23 Then Madeline said,
11:27 Perhaps it is about time we sent dear Miss Clavella line.
11:32 Dear Miss Clavella, we are in a circus and feeling fine.
11:38 Much love from Pepito and Madeline.
11:42 The eleven little girls cried night and day because Madeline was still away.
11:47 Poor Miss Clavella was a shadow of her former self with eleven girls instead of twelve.
11:53 But she suddenly revived when the postal car arrived.
11:56 Thank heaven, the children are well.
12:00 But dear old dear, they've forgotten how to spell.
12:07 She studied the postmark and then fast and faster they rushed to the scene of the disaster.
12:14 Meanwhile at the circus so far from home the gypsies were having problems of their own.
12:20 Alright, let us hear a loud roar.
12:24 Oh no, the lion, he is sick. What will we do?
12:33 We will have to get another lion.
12:37 We will look in the forest.
12:39 They returned with a squirrel and a bird that was blue.
12:42 No, said the gypsy mama, these will not do.
12:46 Madeline, Pepito, please do come here.
12:50 I suddenly had the most brilliant idea.
12:54 How would you like to try on this lovely lion costume?
12:58 A lion? But why?
13:01 We run a little circus, a lovely little circus.
13:05 And we can't let the touch of the lion fool, fool our girls.
13:10 The show must go on, the show must go on.
13:16 We can't desert the show when the lion gets the green.
13:24 We can't desert the show when the lion gets the green.
13:28 And in a happy circus when the elephants get pleased,
13:35 We cannot shut our tents down even if they start to sneeze.
13:39 The show must go on, the show must go on.
13:45 We can't desert the show when the lion gets the green.
13:53 And in a joyful circus if this strong man takes a fall,
13:57 We'll still be on the scene, a new, a wonderful fall.
14:02 The show must go on, the show must go on.
14:08 We can't desert the show when the lion gets the green.
14:12 The show must go on, the show must go on.
14:16 We can't desert the show when the lion gets the green.
14:21 [musique]
14:25 With a curved needle and some string, the gypsy sewed the children in.
14:30 [speaking in French]
14:38 [laughing]
14:40 And nobody knew what was inside that tough old lion's leathery hide.
14:45 Bonjour, Monsieur Lion Tamer. What trick shall we do today?
14:49 You may call us Madelito or Pepito Lion.
14:53 Bon, Madelito or Pepito Lion.
14:56 First, we will jump through this hoop.
14:59 No, no, no. You must do better.
15:03 Higher!
15:05 Try it lower.
15:10 Lower!
15:11 Now, bite my head.
15:13 Bite your head?
15:15 That's right. Bite my head.
15:17 Excellent!
15:19 And after doing that, he's fed.
15:25 And after that, he's put to bed.
15:30 Good morning, Frog. Good morning, Bat.
15:36 [laughing]
15:38 It was a lovely dawn and all was well.
15:41 So the lion roamed through wood and dell.
15:44 He smelled sweet flowers.
15:47 Then he came to a farm.
15:50 [barking]
15:54 He frightened the barnyard in ten minutes.
15:56 Oh, this is getting hot.
15:59 Very hot.
16:00 I'm tired of being a lion.
16:03 I'm tired of being a gypsy.
16:05 I want to go home.
16:09 [chants en anglais]
16:14 [chants en anglais]
16:19 [chants en anglais]
16:23 [chants en anglais]
16:28 [chants en anglais]
16:33 [chants en anglais]
16:38 [chants en anglais]
16:43 [chants en anglais]
16:48 [chants en anglais]
16:53 [chants en anglais]
16:57 [chants en anglais]
17:03 [chants en anglais]
17:09 [chants en anglais]
17:15 [chants en anglais]
17:21 [chants en anglais]
17:26 [chants en anglais]
17:31 [musique douce]
17:35 [en anglais]
17:40 [en anglais]
17:46 [en anglais]
17:57 [en anglais]
18:01 [en anglais]
18:22 [en anglais]
18:27 [musique douce]
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