Madeline Madeline S03 E006 Madeline and the Wedding

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Avec le soutien de Denix
01:01Dans une vieille maison à Paris, couverte de vignes,
01:08vivaient 12 petites filles dans deux lignes.
01:13Dans ces deux lignes, ils ont quitté la maison à 21h30.
01:18La plus petite était Madeleine.
01:21Rien ne lui donnait plus de plaisir que de trouver des secrets.
01:26Mais il n'y avait pas beaucoup de temps pour arrêter,
01:29quand ils commençaient leur journée d'achat.
01:55Tout d'abord, les filles ont traversé la porte de la fleurierie de Mlle Lafleur.
02:26Même si les fleurs étaient aimées par tout le monde,
02:29la fleurierie n'avait pas de temps pour s'amuser.
02:33Une fois qu'elles ont acheté un grand bouquet,
02:35elles ont continué leur voyage.
02:43Elles ont visité un autre magasin.
02:55Et la fleurierie était leur dernière stop.
03:25Elles n'avaient pas beaucoup de temps seules.
03:37Puis Madeleine a passé du temps avec Pepito, un bon ami.
03:51Après l'école, les amis ont travaillé dur
03:54dans un magasin dans l'arrière-plan.
04:10Au-dessus de la fenêtre, inconnu à Pepito,
04:13il était regardé par son mauvais cousin, Pablito.
04:17Sissy, playing with girls! Bah!
04:22As Madeleine hurried home to eat,
04:25she noticed something on the street.
04:28Two lonely people who did not meet.
04:38That night, she told what she had seen
04:41and how she'd like to intervene.
04:44It was so sad.
04:47She did not look at him and he did not look at her.
04:53But if they could get together,
04:55perhaps they would not be so sad all the time.
05:01Just like in the movies.
05:04They would live happily ever after.
05:08It would be beautiful.
05:11It will be beautiful because I have a plan.
05:17The next day, Madeleine felt glee
05:20at what she found in the hollow tree.
05:23A petit canot!
05:25Oh, I will take it to the park
05:27and I will give Pepito this rock that looks like the Eiffel Tower.
05:31But while she was at the secret place,
05:34she did not see a spying face.
05:39For Madeleine was on her way
05:43to try some matchmaking.
05:46That day...
05:47Bonjour, Mademoiselle Lafleur.
05:49Have you ever had any of Monsieur Ledeau's wonderful bread?
05:53Oh, no, Madeleine. I have not been in his shop.
05:56I live with my sister and we eat only crackers.
06:02Bonjour, Monsieur Ledeau.
06:04You should buy some flowers for your store, Monsieur Ledeau.
06:08Mademoiselle Lafleur's shop has the most beautiful flowers in Paris.
06:13Oh, I have no time for flowers, Monique.
06:16All I have time for is flower.
06:23They will be going home soon.
06:26Without even seeing each other.
06:28Would the woman ever meet the man?
06:32Then Madeleine thought of a better plan.
06:35I have an idea, mes amis, but we must hurry.
06:38Geneviève! Come here, s'il te plaît!
06:41Geneviève would play matchmaker between the florist and the baker.
06:49Will you do it, Geneviève?
06:54This is it, Geneviève. Go!
06:59Oh, no! Geneviève!
07:02Help! A dog has escaped! Save her!
07:06The florist heard them.
07:12And Monsieur Ledeau...
07:18But so did their friend, Pepito.
07:20I will save her, do not worry.
07:24The plan, which had a splendid start, soon began to fall apart.
07:32Stop, Pepito!
07:34Do not catch her!
07:36Madeleine, let me up!
07:38Geneviève will be lost forever!
07:42No, Pepito!
07:44Madeleine held on to Pepito's sleeve,
07:47hoping the others would save Geneviève.
07:55I do not want you to rescue the dog, Pepito!
07:58What? But why?
08:00I want them to rescue the dog!
08:03Come here, little doggie!
08:08Come on!
08:09Two lonely people soon gave chase.
08:12Come here!
08:23Ah, yes! There you are, ma petite!
08:26Yes, there you are!
08:28Good girl!
08:30And at last met, face to face.
08:40Look! My plan worked!
08:42I still do not understand.
08:44I will leave you a note in the hollow tree.
08:48Merci beaucoup!
08:50Thank you for rescuing Geneviève.
08:53Please come inside so all the girls can thank you.
08:56Then, in the old house dining room,
08:59love at last began to bloom.
09:03Beautiful flowers, mademoiselle Lafleur.
09:06Delicious bread, monsieur Ledoux.
09:09Just around the corner.
09:11To have you working so close by and never to have met is unbelievable.
09:15Good work, Geneviève!
09:17But at Pepito's house next door,
09:20things were in a great uproar.
09:22Pepito has a girlfriend! Pepito has a girlfriend!
09:26I do not! Do not!
09:29I saw her with her hand on your arm.
09:32Oh, Pepito, stay here with me!
09:34That is not true, Pepito!
09:36Pepito was visiting on vacation
09:39when he began this altercation.
09:42Oh, yeah? What about this, Pepito?
09:45Here are the presents from your girlfriend.
09:48She is just a friend.
09:50It is a game we play together.
09:52Only sissies play with girls.
09:55Though Pepito was mad at Pepito that night,
09:59he started to think that his cousin was right.
10:04Thank you again for saving Geneviève.
10:07Oh, thank you, Madeline.
10:10Yes, thank you, Madeline.
10:13May I walk you home, mademoiselle?
10:16Oui, monsieur Ledoux.
10:18Bonne nuit, Madeline.
10:20Bonne nuit.
10:23Then, when Madeline checked the hollow tree,
10:26there was nothing there for her to see.
10:29She was disappointed as could be.
10:32What is wrong with you, Pepito?
10:35Here is the note I promised you.
10:46While the baker and florist became closer each day,
10:50Pepito continued to stay away,
10:53causing Madeline much dismay.
10:56The happy couple enjoyed life more.
10:59We love our bread. We love our butter.
11:03But most of all, we love each other.
11:09But Madeline felt worse than before.
11:14One day, when Pablito had something to hide,
11:18the girls were greeting guests inside.
11:21We have an important announcement to make.
11:24Mademoiselle Lafleur has agreed to be my wife.
11:30We will be married soon, and we want all of you to be in the wedding.
11:37That is wonderful news!
11:43Geneviève as well?
11:45After all, she brought us here.
11:49And we would like your friend Pepito to be in the wedding too.
11:53I will invite him now. May I, Miss Clavel?
11:56Oui, Madeline.
11:58The news of the wedding made Madeline glow,
12:02as she wanted to share it with Pepito.
12:05Oh, Pepito! Pepito!
12:08I hope this works.
12:10She was a little nervous, though.
12:13Bonjour, Pepito.
12:16Monsieur Ledoux and Mademoiselle Lafleur are getting married.
12:19They want us all in the wedding.
12:22You too. Can you do it?
12:26I don't know.
12:28I don't know.
12:30I don't know.
12:32I don't know.
12:34I don't know.
12:36Can you do it?
12:42Well, would you like to come over and play tomorrow?
12:45We could work on the clubhouse, or ride bicycles.
12:49No, sorry. Bye.
12:57Madeline felt quite dejected when all her plans were soon rejected.
13:03She checked her hiding place.
13:07A look of horror crossed her face.
13:10Pepito hates Madeline? But why?
13:21Was it true that Pepito wrote such a hurtful, ugly note?
13:29All day long, wherever she'd go,
13:32Madeline thought about Pepito.
13:35Pas de Pepito, s'il vous plaît.
13:40Mes amis, we must practice for the wedding.
13:45Meanwhile, there was no forgetting that the girls would soon be in a wedding.
13:52We need a groom.
13:55Come, Lulu, here.
13:57Right this way. You will stand right here, like so.
14:03Un chapeau.
14:06And we are ready.
14:09Here is our flower girl.
14:13Try to stay together, everyone. We have to practice, you know.
14:19Her friends practiced walking up the aisle.
14:25But Madeline did not even smile.
14:29Madeline, what is the matter with you tonight?
14:32Pepito does not want to be my friend anymore.
14:36Why not?
14:38I do not know.
14:39That is terrible.
14:41I am sorry, Madeline, but we are still your friends.
14:44And we always will be.
14:46That is right.
14:55We'll honour, cherish and protect and always be your friends.
14:58When you are down, we'll make you laugh, we promise to defend.
15:01In health or sickness, we'll be there for richer or for poorer.
15:04What this day for fear is about, we're friends forevermore.
15:07We'll always be there for you.
15:10For you.
15:11We'll always be there for you.
15:14Do you take me for your lifelong friend?
15:17We do, we do, we do.
15:24We'll stay in touch when we grow up, though you might travel far.
15:27We'll always know, we'll always like, you'll know just where we are.
15:30We'll still be there right by your side when you are old and grey.
15:33Our friendship will be just as strong as it is on this day.
15:36We'll always be there for you.
15:39For you.
15:40We'll always be there for you.
15:43Do you take me for your lifelong friend?
15:46I do, we do, we do.
15:49I'll always be there for you and you.
15:52I'll always be there for you.
15:56Do you take us for your lifelong friend?
15:59I do, I do, I do.
16:02I'll always be there for you.
16:07Do you take us for your lifelong friend?
16:11I do, I do, I do.
16:19You have wonderful friends, all of you!
16:24I just wish Pepito felt the same way.
16:26Why did it change?
16:37Non, Pablito, le toit est crouillé, il va fumer
16:41Je sais ce que je fais, Pepito
16:43Les choses ne sont pas allées au bon chemin pour Pepito, avec son cousin le lendemain
16:48Non, non, nous ne voulons pas un toit rouge
16:50Pourquoi pas ? Le rouge est mon couleur préférée
16:54Arrête, Pablito, tu n'es pas amusant à jouer avec
16:59Oh, et je suppose que Madeline est plus amusante
17:02Oui, c'est vrai, mais elle ne me parlera plus
17:07Le club n'était pas bien
17:09Et alors Pepito a entendu un cri
17:12Aide ! Geneviève a couru
17:20Vas-y Geneviève, tu sais ce qu'il faut faire
17:26Geneviève a couru
17:28Je vais la sauver, ne t'inquiète pas
17:33Whoa, Geneviève, arrête !
17:35Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
17:41Sauve-le, Pepito, s'il te plaît
17:50Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
17:51Geneviève a couru et j'ai...
17:53Bon, elle est là
17:56Au moins, tu as aimé mon toit
17:58Viens Geneviève, viens
18:00Et alors, quand Madeline s'est éloignée, Pepito savait ce qu'il devait dire
18:06Madeline, attends !
18:08Je suis désolée de t'avoir fait mal
18:10Tu m'as vraiment aidé, pourquoi as-tu été si mignonne, Pepito ?
18:14Mon cousin Pablito m'a trompé, il m'a dit que les garçons ne devaient pas jouer avec les filles
18:19C'est la chose la plus stupide que j'ai jamais entendue
18:22Il n'y a rien de mal avec les garçons et les filles qui sont amis
18:25Maintenant je sais que tu as raison et que Pablito n'est pas amusant à jouer avec
18:28Il a presque détruit notre club
18:30Peut-être que tu pourrais m'aider à le réparer
18:33Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec la note dans le arbre ?
18:35Pepito déteste Madeline ?
18:37Quoi ? Je n'irais jamais écrire ça, ça doit être Pablito
18:41Je suis contente que tu n'aies pas écrit cette note et oui, je vais t'aider
18:45Allons-y, viens !
18:47Reste chez toi Geneviève, bonne fille
18:55Bien joué Geneviève
18:59Un jour près, dans deux lignes, ils partaient de la maison couverte de lignes
19:06Le jour était rempli de brillant soleil
19:09Ils arrivaient à l'église à 9h30
19:16Dans deux lignes, ils marchaient dans l'aisle
19:19S'en souvenir, pour s'arrêter et sourire
19:23Les amis et la famille regardaient et pleuraient
19:28Surtout quand ils voyaient la femme
19:33Ils étaient proclamés mari et femme
19:41Ils partaient pour avoir une belle vie
19:45Pepito et Madeline mangeaient du riz et puis ils sont retournés
19:51Ils étaient de bons amis, comme avant
19:54Et c'est tout ce qu'il y a
19:56Il n'y en a plus
20:20Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
