00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:07 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:11 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound, vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:13 ♪ From the final lexicon, watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:19 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe, we need a living dictionary ♪
00:21 ♪ Her superior intellect keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:26 ♪ Go, girl ♪
00:28 ♪ Huggy faces by her side ♪
00:29 ♪ Vocabulary of DIY ♪
00:32 ♪ She'll make sure that crime won't pay ♪
00:34 ♪ Then throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:38 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:41 ♪ Word up, from the planet lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:53 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:55 Today's words are ordinary and remarkable.
00:59 Ah, c'est un jour de trésorerie dans la ville.
01:02 Hey, Becky, regarde!
01:03 Le trésorerie de la famille Meng.
01:05 [bips]
01:07 C'est comme un map qui montre
01:09 qui est votre famille et comment ils sont liés à vous.
01:11 Qui va présenter à l'école demain?
01:14 C'était une décision difficile,
01:15 mais je vais avec mon grand-père, Swoops.
01:18 Il n'était pas un pilote d'examen ordinaire.
01:20 Il était le seul en 17e dans le monde
01:22 à voler son jet plus vite que la vitesse du son.
01:25 Wow, c'est tellement cool!
01:27 Et toi, Violet?
01:29 Qui est la personne la plus remarquable
01:30 dans votre famille?
01:31 C'est facile.
01:33 Ma grande-mère, Helen Heaslip.
01:35 Elle a laissé vivre plus de 300 chats dans sa maison
01:38 après la grande flotte de 1909.
01:41 C'est remarquable, Violet.
01:43 Je crois que oui.
01:46 Hmm...
01:47 Après avoir entendu parler de Scoops et de Violet,
01:49 les Botswords semblent tous un peu... ordinaires.
01:52 Oh, je le savais!
01:53 Notre famille est ordinaire.
01:55 On devrait en avoir un medall.
01:57 Chut!
01:58 En fait, TJ, si quelque chose est ordinaire,
02:00 ça veut dire que c'est simple, rien de spécial.
02:02 C'est l'opposé de pourquoi quelqu'un aurait un medall.
02:04 Chut! Quoi?
02:06 Les Botswords?
02:07 Pas du tout!
02:08 Mais j'ai encore beaucoup de membres de la famille
02:09 à traverser, alors...
02:11 Ne t'inquiète pas, Becky.
02:12 Je suis sûre que tu trouveras quelqu'un
02:14 pour présenter à la classe demain.
02:16 Oui, je suis sûre qu'il y aura
02:17 beaucoup de Botswords remarquables là-bas.
02:20 Je devrais trouver quelqu'un
02:21 ou je vais laisser ma famille enceinte
02:23 devant toute la classe.
02:25 (rires)
02:26 Butcher!
02:28 Euh... Vous savez, les gars,
02:29 pas de temps pour se battre autour du bâtiment...
02:31 du truc... du truc de la famille.
02:33 Je vais aller directement chez moi et le résoudre.
02:35 Allez, Bob!
02:36 Chut!
02:38 Ha! Ha!
02:39 C'est remarquable!
02:40 Je suis riche!
02:42 Ou au moins, je serais si je pouvais
02:43 faire mon débarquement.
02:44 Tu vas où, Butcher?
02:46 Oh! WordGirl!
02:48 Je veux dire... WordGirl.
02:50 Qu'est-ce qui peut t'amener ici?
02:53 Bien, maintenant que tu me l'as posé,
02:54 deux choses, en fait.
02:55 (tousse)
02:56 D'abord, je crois que tu as dit "remarquable"
02:58 il y a un instant, et le mot est remarquable.
03:00 Oh, wow!
03:01 Merci beaucoup d'avoir pointé ça.
03:04 Maintenant, je devrais partir.
03:06 Et deux, je ne peux pas te laisser
03:07 voler tous ces barres de canne.
03:09 Mais je ne vole pas de canne!
03:10 Je vole de mon...
03:12 Oh non, c'est du canne.
03:13 (tambour)
03:15 Je ne vais pas aller en prison
03:16 pour une sache de canne.
03:17 Toc-toc-toc!
03:19 Ha! Ha!
03:20 (coup de feu)
03:22 Wow! Great job, WordGirl!
03:24 What an exceptional little girl!
03:26 Why, she must come from a great family.
03:28 (tousse)
03:30 A little bit later, at the Botsford residence...
03:33 OK, Bob, I know this looks
03:34 like an ordinary day around here,
03:36 but keep on the lookout.
03:37 With any luck, remarkable Botsfords
03:39 will start popping up everywhere.
03:40 I am the greatest of all time!
03:43 See?
03:44 You won't believe it, Becky.
03:46 I finally got that pesky mustard stain
03:49 out of your father's shirt!
03:51 Oh! Oh, that is great!
03:53 But I don't know if it's remarkable enough
03:54 for my presentation.
03:56 Well, I am going to try to get a ketchup stain
03:58 out of TJ's shirt if you want to stick around!
04:01 (laughing)
04:03 That's OK. Thanks, though.
04:05 I did it! I broke the world record!
04:07 That's definitely remarkable!
04:10 Wow, TJ, you just broke a world record?
04:13 Yes! Most jumps on a pogo stick!
04:16 Let me just check the record book now to make sure.
04:19 So?
04:20 Hmm. Current record? 200,000 jumps.
04:24 And how many did you get?
04:25 Two... That's it, two.
04:28 Hmm. But I still broke my personal world record.
04:31 I've been stuck at one for days!
04:33 Becky! Something wrong?
04:40 No, not wrong, Dad. Just... ordinary.
04:43 Maybe this will help.
04:45 (both grunting)
04:46 Um, I'm trying to do a project for school
04:48 and I have to do a presentation
04:50 on the most remarkable member of our family tree.
04:52 Oof, that's a tough one.
04:54 Tell me about it. So few to choose from.
04:57 Wait, what?
04:58 I've got a whole photo album
04:59 full of remarkable family members.
05:01 You do?
05:02 Becky, we're the Botsfords!
05:05 You see him? That's Benjamin J. Botsford.
05:08 He worked on the very first car assembly line.
05:10 Really?
05:11 Mm-hmm. He was the paint inspector.
05:13 His job was to literally watch paint dry.
05:16 Fun fact, that's actually a popular expression now.
05:20 Uh, maybe we should try another page.
05:22 Okay, now he is in the football hall of fame.
05:25 He led the city in scoring.
05:27 Wow, now that's remarkable.
05:29 Small correction, scorekeeping.
05:31 He was in the football scorekeeper's hall of fame.
05:33 One of the best the city's ever seen.
05:35 Man, could he count!
05:36 Uh...
05:38 Oh, and her? That's Ethel Maxton Botsford.
05:40 She saved the king.
05:42 Of France?
05:43 Nope. The king, Becky.
05:45 The king of discount socks at the old mall.
05:48 If Ethel hadn't moved his store to the new mall,
05:50 they would have been out of business now.
05:52 Ha, ha, ha! Great thinking, Ethel.
05:54 I'm wearing some right now.
05:55 Dad, I thought you said this album
05:57 was full of remarkable Botsfords.
05:59 Oh, it is.
06:00 Every page has a story just like this.
06:03 You do know what remarkable means, right?
06:05 Of course I do.
06:06 Something is remarkable
06:08 when it's amazingly special or unusual.
06:10 And it's not just the Botsfords, Becky.
06:11 Another example of something remarkable
06:13 might be when someone flies their jet
06:15 faster than the speed of sound.
06:16 Or, I know, when that he-slip lady
06:18 saved all those cats during the flood.
06:20 That was remarkable.
06:22 Well, thanks for the help, Dad.
06:24 I should probably get up to my room
06:25 and at least finish my family tree.
06:27 Any time, Becky. Good luck!
06:29 What am I gonna do?
06:31 (squeaking)
06:32 (yawns)
06:33 This whole family tree thing is just so...
06:36 (yawns)
06:37 ...exhausting.
06:39 (squeaking)
06:45 What? Bob, what is it?
06:48 (squeaking)
06:49 The butcher?
06:51 Did he break out of jail already?
06:53 (squeaking)
06:54 Come on, Bob!
06:55 (squeaking)
06:56 (whirring)
06:58 (squeaking)
06:59 (roaring)
07:01 (squeaking)
07:02 (whirring)
07:04 I got this!
07:06 (roaring)
07:07 (whirring)
07:09 (roaring)
07:10 (squeaking)
07:12 (snoring)
07:13 What?
07:15 (sirène)
07:16 Just another remarkable day
07:18 for Wonderbro!
07:19 TJ?
07:21 What's the matter, sis?
07:23 Did you think the whole family was "ordinary"?
07:25 Um, well, actually...
07:27 (thud)
07:28 (thud)
07:29 Check you later, sis!
07:31 I don't know what's going on around here, Huggy.
07:34 But we can figure it out
07:35 after we bring the butcher back to jail.
07:37 (shrieking)
07:38 (thud)
07:39 (thud)
07:40 (thud)
07:41 Whoa!
07:42 That was a close one, dear.
07:44 (rire)
07:45 Mom?
07:46 I just saved the farmer's market
07:47 from a giant tree slug
07:49 and thought I'd bring you some fresh carrots.
07:51 I want to make sure you're eating enough veggies.
07:54 (snorting)
07:55 (snorting)
07:56 (snort)
07:57 (snorting)
07:59 (snorting)
08:00 (snorting)
08:01 (shrieking)
08:03 (snorting)
08:05 See you tomorrow!
08:06 Well, this just keeps getting more and more remarkable.
08:09 (thud)
08:10 (snorting)
08:11 Stop right there, butcher!
08:13 (soupir)
08:14 (snort)
08:15 (snort)
08:16 Hamburger hammer!
08:19 (thud)
08:20 (snort)
08:21 (grunt)
08:22 He's too strong, Huggy!
08:23 Ha-ha!
08:24 (snort)
08:25 (snort)
08:27 Dad?
08:28 You can call me...
08:29 The Tim!
08:30 (chatter)
08:31 (snort)
08:32 (chimes)
08:33 (chimes)
08:34 (chimes)
08:35 (snort)
08:36 (snort)
08:37 (snort)
08:39 Thanks for your help, Dad!
08:40 Er, The Tim?
08:41 That was remarkable!
08:42 Of course it was!
08:43 For we are...
08:44 The Bots-Birds!
08:46 Remarkable high five!
08:48 Yeah!
08:49 (chimes)
08:50 Huh?
08:51 (chimes)
08:52 Huh?
08:53 What's happening?
08:55 Was I dreaming?
08:58 Oh, of course I was dreaming!
09:00 Ugh!
09:01 Guess I'm back to real life
09:02 and my ordinary family.
09:04 Becky, hurry up!
09:05 You're gonna miss the bus!
09:06 Oh, no! And I'm late?
09:08 (train whistle)
09:09 Wait for me!
09:11 (train)
09:12 Hey!
09:13 Thanks for waiting for me!
09:15 Thank your brother!
09:16 He's the one what told me to wait.
09:18 He did?
09:19 Hey, thanks, TJ!
09:20 You totally saved the day!
09:22 No problem, sis.
09:23 It's just another ordinary day
09:25 for your wonderful bro!
09:26 Hmm...
09:27 Why does that sound so familiar?
09:29 (chimes)
09:30 Well, this is it!
09:31 Presentation day!
09:32 You guys ready?
09:33 I'm as ready as I'll ever be!
09:35 I'm totally ready!
09:37 I even brought Aunt Helen's prize
09:40 collection of fur balls
09:42 to help tell her story.
09:44 I can't wait to hear about
09:45 the remarkable person you found
09:47 in your family tree, Becky.
09:49 Yeah, me neither!
09:51 Because there isn't one.
09:52 What?
09:53 Oh, no!
09:55 What's the matter?
09:56 I was late catching the bus this morning
09:58 and I forgot my family tree!
09:59 And my lunch!
10:00 Oh, no!
10:02 What are you going to do?
10:03 I, uh...
10:04 Sorry to interrupt, but Becky,
10:06 I think you forgot something!
10:08 My family tree!
10:09 My lunch!
10:11 Just want to make sure
10:12 you're eating enough vegetables!
10:14 Right!
10:15 Thanks, Mom!
10:16 Oh, and Becky, your shoelace!
10:18 Oh!
10:19 Um...
10:20 Uh...
10:21 Uh...
10:22 Thanks, the Tim!
10:23 I mean, Dad!
10:24 Sure thing, sweetheart!
10:25 (claps)
10:26 Hmm!
10:27 A little later...
10:28 Even though my family tree
10:29 might look a little ordinary,
10:31 there are some people in it
10:32 who are definitely remarkable to me.
10:34 So today, I'm doing my presentation
10:36 on my mom, my dad,
10:38 and my brother, TJ!
10:40 And so, Becky finally realized
10:42 her family wasn't so ordinary after all!
10:45 And I just realized
10:47 we've come to the end of the show!
10:49 Be sure to tune in again next time
10:50 for more crime-fighting fun
10:52 on another remarkable episode of...
10:54 Word Girl!
10:55 ♪ Word Girl! ♪
10:59 ♪
11:00 Hello, I'm Bo Handsome,
11:01 and this is...
11:03 May I have a word?
11:05 As usual, the player who correctly defines
11:07 today's featured word
11:09 will win a fabulous prize!
11:11 Let's play!
11:12 May I have a word?
11:15 Yes, you may!
11:16 Today's featured word is "scamper."
11:18 To give you a clue,
11:19 here are some clips from Word Girl
11:21 that show the meaning of the word.
11:23 ♪
11:33 (ding!)
11:34 Emily, go ahead!
11:36 Scamper means to run or move
11:37 quickly or lightly,
11:39 like in that last clip
11:40 where Dr. Two-Brain's mice
11:41 are scampering away,
11:42 carrying him on a wheel of cheese.
11:44 Congratulations!
11:45 You are today's winner!
11:47 Huggy, show her what she's won!
11:49 (applause)
11:50 An official Word Girl
11:52 Super Duper Supercharged Super Bowl!
11:56 (cheering)
11:57 (ding!)
11:58 (yells)
11:59 (whoosh!)
12:00 (ding!)
12:01 (ding!)
12:02 Okay!
12:04 (clears throat)
12:05 That's it for today's...
12:06 (yells)
12:07 (dance music)
12:10 (whoosh!)
12:11 As I was saying, that's...
12:13 Whoa!
12:14 (whoosh!)
12:16 (squeaking)
12:17 That's it for today's episode.
12:18 See you next time on...
12:19 May I have a word?
12:22 ♪ Word Girl ♪
12:24 Listen for the words "attend" and "rare."
12:27 Ah, yes, another exciting day in the city.
12:30 Why?
12:31 Because it's the Boxford family
12:33 occasional cleaning of the little space
12:34 between the floorboard and the molding.
12:36 And everybody's getting in on the action.
12:38 I'm not sure this is action.
12:40 Come on, this is action-packed.
12:43 When you clean, it's like you're on a treasure hunt.
12:45 Only the treasure is dust.
12:48 Right.
12:49 But isn't treasure usually less dusty and more...
12:52 shiny?
12:53 Look, I found a penny.
12:54 Neat.
12:56 Weird, the front of this penny looks right,
12:57 but the back has a bumblebee on it.
12:59 Whoa!
13:01 That's because you're holding a bumblebee penny from 1913.
13:05 It's one of the most rare pennies in the world.
13:07 Wow.
13:08 Wait a minute.
13:09 If this penny's so rare,
13:11 how come I've never seen one?
13:13 Because something is rare
13:15 when there aren't many other things like it.
13:16 Rare things are hard to find
13:18 because there aren't a lot of them around.
13:19 Well, this is an incredible discovery.
13:21 I should show this off at the city's rare penny exhibit.
13:25 Hi, everyone.
13:27 Becky, are you as excited about the show as I am?
13:30 Wow, word travels fast.
13:32 But actually, Violet,
13:33 the rare penny exhibit isn't for a couple of days.
13:36 The what exhibit?
13:37 Violet is actually here because there's a special episode
13:40 of Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour
13:42 in about... oh, now.
13:44 I brought snacks and notepads to write down our thoughts
13:46 for a complete viewing experience.
13:50 Oh, I see.
13:51 Well, tell you what, you watch your show now
13:53 and we'll have a fascinating penny discussion
13:55 when we all attend the exhibit in a few days.
13:58 Sure, Dad.
13:59 I'm looking forward to it.
14:01 ♪ The pretty princess and magic pony ♪
14:03 ♪ Midsummer celebration ♪
14:05 Oh, I can't believe it's finally here!
14:07 I've been looking forward to it
14:09 since the late spring celebration special.
14:12 Do you remember in that episode--
14:13 Shh! The show's starting.
14:15 I mean, I don't really care, but, uh, you know,
14:18 you guys might want to be able to hear it.
14:20 Ja, you cannot find me.
14:27 Oh, you found me.
14:30 Let's all take a nap.
14:35 [snoring]
14:37 Shining Tale!
14:40 This was a midsummer I'll never forget!
14:44 I'd say it was more of a celebration, princess.
14:47 You're right! A midsummer celebration!
14:51 [laughing]
14:52 [laughing]
14:54 Oh, yes!
14:56 So I loved it, of course.
14:59 But I have to admit that I loved it less
15:02 than every other episode of the show I've ever seen.
15:05 Right, exactly.
15:06 It was really, really good,
15:08 like all the episodes of Pretty Princess,
15:09 but it wasn't really, really, really good.
15:12 Are you guys kidding me?
15:14 That was the absolute worst episode of Pretty Princess
15:16 that I've ever seen.
15:17 TJ, don't be so dramatic.
15:19 Oh, come on, admit it, Becky.
15:21 That midsummer special was a major stinker.
15:23 Well, parts were confusing.
15:25 But the episode had all the important stuff in it.
15:27 You know, it had a princess and a pony.
15:30 Pretty Princess never had a beard.
15:32 How could we not notice?
15:34 Okay, everybody needs to cool down.
15:36 Let's remember that the midsummer celebration special episode
15:39 must have been good,
15:41 because Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour
15:43 is always good.
15:44 You're right.
15:45 Maybe there is something wrong with us.
15:47 Exactly.
15:48 Like we're in a bad mood and we can't appreciate a good story.
15:52 So all we need to do is watch it again
15:54 when we're feeling better.
15:55 Good idea.
15:57 Let's plan on attending a special midsummer celebration re-watch.
16:01 Yay!
16:02 I think.
16:03 I don't know. I'll have to think about it.
16:05 A few days later at the Rare Penny exhibit,
16:09 there's so much great information to say about the Bumblebee Penny,
16:12 I don't know where to start.
16:13 Maybe the part where I explain what money is?
16:15 Oh, I like that part.
16:16 It's so on topic.
16:18 Violet, I'm glad you decided to attend the exhibit.
16:21 I thought if I attended the exhibit,
16:24 seeing all of these rare coins
16:25 might get my mind off the Pretty Princess,
16:27 Magic Pony midsummer celebration.
16:30 So, did it work?
16:31 No.
16:32 But seeing the giant ten-ton penny
16:35 made me realize something.
16:37 La midsummer celebration est une grande spéciale.
16:41 Pour l'apprécier,
16:42 il faut la regarder sur un grand écran.
16:45 Ça pourrait être ça.
16:47 Ce centre de convention a un espace avec un grand écran.
16:50 Et la réunion de la midsummer celebration
16:52 commence bientôt.
16:54 Qui veut mettre un costume de bée et danser comme un fou?
17:00 Moi.
17:01 Bob, je sais que la penny est importante pour papa.
17:03 Mais il faut s'assurer que nous n'avions pas été faux
17:05 et que nous aimons le spécial épisode
17:07 de Pretty Princess and Magic Pony Power Hour.
17:09 C'est un pirate!
17:11 En même temps, la trouble brûle.
17:14 Comme une tempête brûle sur les hauts mers.
17:17 Si vous étiez un pirate comme notre ancien ami, Capitaine Tangent.
17:20 Félicitations, Oscar.
17:22 Un exhibit rempli de doubloons.
17:24 C'est bon pour le piquant.
17:26 Je vous le dis, ça serait juste à mon allée.
17:29 Bien sûr, ce n'est pas la seule chose à mon allée.
17:31 J'aime construire des chips dans une bouteille.
17:33 C'est une bonne façon de passer un soir léger.
17:36 - Vous commencez par... - Les doubloons!
17:38 Les doubloons!
17:39 C'est bon, les doubloons.
17:41 Écoutez, vous, pauvres landlubbers.
17:43 C'est moi, Capitaine Tangent, le pirate.
17:46 Je suis ici pour vous tuer de tous vos doubloons.
17:49 Vous croyez à ce mec?
17:51 Hé, mon ami, l'exhibit des doubloons était la semaine dernière.
17:53 (rires)
17:56 Ah, vous me connaissez.
17:58 Je vais prendre ces doubloons
18:00 et les mettre dans un grand trésor.
18:02 Trésor!
18:04 En fait, j'utilise des trésors de toutes tailles.
18:07 Le plus important dans un trésor n'est pas la taille,
18:09 c'est de s'assurer qu'il se ferme avec une serre.
18:12 (rires)
18:13 Cette fête de fleurs est super amusante.
18:17 Mais maintenant, les fleurs ont besoin de notre aide.
18:19 (sonnerie)
18:20 (chants)
18:21 - On va chercher Bram... - Ce n'était pas le vrai Pony's Voice.
18:24 - OK! - Vous pouvez totalement dire
18:26 que Sparkletopia est Cleveland.
18:28 (chants)
18:30 Attends, Bob. On a un sujet très important
18:32 à faire ici. Violet, on doit le faire.
18:34 Cet épisode spécial n'est pas vraiment, vraiment génial.
18:37 C'est juste... "régulièrement" génial.
18:39 (cris de chien)
18:40 Attends, quoi? Capitaine Tangent?
18:43 Mais qu'est-ce qu'il fait ici?
18:44 (rire)
18:45 Il va voler tous les petits pétards?
18:48 Violet, je reviendrai tout de suite.
18:49 Bob veut me montrer un sandwich rare...
18:51 rosé.
18:53 - Oh...
18:54 - Regardez, une nuage purple.
18:56 Nommons tous les autres couleurs qui existent.
18:58 - Ça ne va pas mieux.
19:00 (chants)
19:02 - C'est une bonne addition à ma collection de doubloons.
19:05 La vérité est que ça va être assez bas.
19:07 En fait, l'autre jour, j'ai vu
19:08 que mon prix de membership à l'gym a presque doublé.
19:10 - Ah! Cancellez le gym!
19:12 Un bon parc est gratuit!
19:14 - Tu as raison, Oscar.
19:15 Et parlant de courir,
19:16 faisons un délire avant que Word Girl...
19:18 - Ah!
19:20 - Droite les pétards, Capitaine Tangent!
19:22 - Word Girl!
19:24 Ah! C'est quoi, une coïncidence?
19:25 Plus tard, je dis la nomme de Word Girl et elle apparaît.
19:28 C'est comme quand je disais
19:29 "Je devrais appeler ma mère."
19:31 Et à ce moment-là, le téléphone a sonné.
19:32 Et qui était-ce? Ma mère!
19:34 Oh, ça me rappelle.
19:35 Elle dit qu'on doit aller à son exhibit d'art.
19:37 Pas d'excuses, cette fois.
19:38 - Excuse-moi, Capitaine Tangent.
19:39 Pouvons-nous rester concentrés
19:40 sur ce qui se passe ici, en ce moment?
19:42 - Oh, oui, oui, oui. Désolé.
19:43 Mais n'oubliez pas, la semaine prochaine,
19:45 l'exhibit d'art de maman.
19:46 - Ah! Je vais la peindre!
19:47 - Écoute, si tu ne donnes pas des petits-fois,
19:49 le prochain exhibit que tu atteindras
19:51 sera en prison!
19:53 - Ça ne m'effraie pas,
19:54 surtout parce que je ne sais pas ce que tu veux dire
19:56 par le mot "atteindre".
19:57 - Oh, le mot "atteindre" signifie "aller".
20:00 Donc quand tu dis qu'il faut aller à l'exhibit d'art de ta mère,
20:03 c'est pareil que si tu disais
20:04 qu'il faut "atteindre" son exhibit d'art.
20:06 - Je vois.
20:07 Bien, je suis heureux qu'on ait tous été là,
20:09 parce que maintenant, j'ai deux trésors.
20:11 Ces doubloons et une compréhension
20:13 du mot "atteindre".
20:15 Merci, Word Girl.
20:16 - De rien, Capitaine Tangent.
20:17 - Maintenant, en tant que token de mon appréciation,
20:20 prenez des doubloons!
20:22 - Wouah!
20:24 (bruit de moteur)
20:26 (bruit de moteur)
20:28 - Ah!
20:29 Ces doubloons ne vous appartiennent pas!
20:31 Ils sont pour tout le monde d'apprécier!
20:33 Surtout le doubloon Bumblebee!
20:35 - Pourquoi? Qu'est-ce qui est si spécial
20:36 sur le doubloon Bumblebee?
20:38 - C'est une histoire assez intéressante.
20:40 - Oh, j'adore les histoires!
20:42 - Ah! Moi aussi!
20:43 - En 1913,
20:45 le vieux Mack Sullivan était le designer de coins officiel
20:48 à la Nationale Mint.
20:49 C'est là qu'ils font les coins.
20:51 - Hey!
20:52 (coup de feu)
20:53 - Ah, merci, Huggy!
20:55 - Wow! Les gens sont vraiment intéressés par la histoire de père.
20:58 - Et c'est la histoire de la rare Bumblebee Penny.
21:01 Merci pour votre temps.
21:02 (applaudissements)
21:03 - Wouah! T'es un bon père!
21:05 - Tu sais, ça serait un bon couloir!
21:07 - Quoi? - J'ai un couloir!
21:08 Ça me rappelle une fête de birthday
21:10 que j'ai atteinte sur un bateau d'un ami proche.
21:12 Être à la mer...
21:13 - Oh! Quoi? - C'est assez, Capitaine Tangent!
21:15 Cette histoire est terminée!
21:17 (explosion)
21:19 (explosion)
21:21 (bruit de moteur)
21:23 - Yarr!
21:24 Et j'étais juste à la pointe!
21:26 - Si vous voulez apprendre à raconter une bonne histoire,
21:28 vous devriez écouter ce monsieur ici.
21:30 Je suis contente de pouvoir vous présenter, sir.
21:33 J'ai apprécié.
21:35 - Merci, Word Girl!
21:36 Comme Capitaine Tangent,
21:37 j'aime les histoires qui se passent sur un sujet
21:39 et qui font de la sensibilité aux écouteurs.
21:41 - Je suppose qu'on ne peut pas tous raconter des histoires comme vous, sir.
21:43 - Bien, Word Girl,
21:44 si vous avez aimé ma histoire de Bumblebee Penny,
21:46 vous pouvez vous en occuper.
21:47 Hey! Qui veut entendre une histoire
21:49 de comment j'ai trouvé ma rare Penny en bois?
21:51 - Moi! - Moi aussi!
21:52 - Bien, c'est bon. Rassemblez-vous.
21:54 C'était l'été, juste avant l'hiver,
21:56 ce qui est juste avant l'automne.
21:58 Et j'avais juste brisé le sol sur ma première barre de bois.
22:01 Donc, Word Girl a réussi à protéger les rares Penny.
22:04 Arrêtez, Capitaine Tangent,
22:06 et écoutez des histoires très intéressantes sur les monnaies.
22:08 Et si vous ne pouvez pas attendre
22:10 le spectacle de fin d'hiver du Princeau,
22:12 assurez-vous d'attendre
22:14 l'épisode super génial de...
22:16 Word Girl!
22:18 - Wow! J'ai sauté le chien, much?
22:21 (rires)
22:24 - Word Girl!
22:27 - Hello, I'm Beau Handsome,
22:29 and this is the bonus round of...
22:31 - May I have a Word?
22:33 - Our returning champion will have a chance to play
22:36 for even greater prizes on the bonus round.
22:39 Emily, you correctly defined the word "scamper."
22:41 Ready to play the bonus round?
22:43 - Yes, sir. - Great!
22:45 Take a look at these three pictures and tell me
22:47 which one shows the definition for "scamper."
22:49 (musique de "Scamper")
22:52 (musique de "Scamper")
22:54 - Emily!
22:59 - Numéro 1. Dans cette photo,
23:01 le learneur se ramène vers une maison,
23:03 courant lentement et rapidement pour ne pas être attrapé.
23:05 - C'est correct! Ce qui signifie que vous êtes notre gagnant du bonus round.
23:08 Montrez-lui ce qu'elle a gagné, mon amour!
23:11 - 200 plus de Super Duper Super Charge Super Balls officiels de Word Girl?
23:16 (soupir)
23:17 C'est tout pour aujourd'hui! À la prochaine sur...
23:19 - "I Have a Word"!
23:21 - Want more Word Girl?
23:23 Watch your favorite episodes and test your word power
23:26 on
23:28 Want Word Girl's word power?
23:30 Fly over to your local library.
23:32 Cape not required.
23:34 Word up!
23:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
23:42 *musique*