Abonne toi bg !
00:00 [Music]
00:04 Well, you are aware that we are on a YouTube channel,
00:06 on which you are now if no one has reposted this video.
00:09 But if you watch us since a TikTok account with less than 50 subscribers,
00:12 well, let me pass this message.
00:14 "Hello mom, I'm on TV, woooooo!"
00:16 But finally, let's start with the fact that we are on YouTube
00:19 and that you watch us in your bed since your phone.
00:21 This information is useless, but it helps us to establish a context.
00:24 Contexts are very important.
00:26 And then like that, it avoids me from imagining that you are watching us pooping,
00:30 or in the worst case, masturbating cheerfully on the sweet sound of our voices.
00:33 Because yes, statistically, it has already necessarily happened, so don't do that!
00:36 But as a creator, you have to be prepared for what you are being chewed in your mouth!
00:39 Well, not really in the mouth, it's a way to illustrate the result of a masturbation.
00:43 All this to say that making videos on YouTube makes us YouTubers,
00:46 so our life, as little surprising as it is, is that of a YouTuber.
00:49 Thus, we are legitimate to the creation of this video, well, I think.
00:52 Even if we, at the moment, we are just embryos of YouTubers.
00:55 And yes, we don't have the experience of Amixem, the man with a thousand product placements.
00:58 No, we, at our Palmarest, we just have "Red Shadow Legend" and a refusal of "NordVPN".
01:01 But at the same time, it's super hard to make them drop money at each age.
01:05 To send emails to a whole bunch of companies known but not too much,
01:08 knowing that most will fall into the depths of a saturated messagery.
01:11 Because you must not forget that you are still a little shit first of all!
01:13 And when you're lucky and it's the brands that come directly to contact you,
01:16 well, even there, it's not won! No, far from it!
01:18 It's the beginning of a mental war, my friend!
01:20 Opposing you, young YouTuber without experience, sitting in underwear on his desk chair,
01:24 to David, marketing expert, costar at 500 bucks with a single and unique goal,
01:27 to make you do the most things by dropping the least of your eyes.
01:30 Well, after, the life of a YouTuber is not only product placements, huh,
01:33 but hey, we said that talking about Ozai in first place, it was going to attract your attention.
01:36 Because we must not forget that YouTuber is above all a job of passion,
01:39 certainly by money, but also by the desire to create, what do I say, the need to create!
01:43 In order to entertain the population, by making their daily life a little happier,
01:46 or by teaching them things, so that they are a little less stupid.
01:48 When we spend tens of hours to torture ourselves to find jokes,
01:51 by inventing fictional characters just as unbearable as annoying.
01:54 Well, it's for you that we do that, you little shit, ungrateful!
01:57 But why do you insult people after saying a moving message?
02:00 You ruined everything!
02:02 It's to maintain a balance, Timothée, everything is a question of balance.
02:04 Look, we insult people in videos, but in the comments we are adorable!
02:07 Subscribe, put the bell, little bunch of parmesan, little dick, little shit.
02:10 We want to see the subscriber curve next to the stars, my guy!
02:13 We want the top click by impression, higher than average!
02:16 That makes me feel good, my guy!
02:17 Because yes, a little pleasure in the life of a YouTuber is the statistics curves,
02:21 but little pleasure that can quickly turn into obsession,
02:24 since you can analyze everything and spy on each member of your audience.
02:27 For example, we can see that there are a lot more guys than girls on this channel,
02:30 which probably comes from our puerile humor, mainly based on the bise.
02:33 We can also see that you are a majority to watch us on the phone,
02:36 or that you leave the videos before they are finished.
02:38 Which is still frankly a shame,
02:40 because you miss all the Google Play cards hidden at the end of the credits.
02:42 It's wrong, there never was and there never will be, you can leave without fear!
02:45 But thanks to this curve, we can also see that you are big perverts.
02:48 You see this peak, well it means that many people have reviewed this very precise passage.
02:52 And when we look at the latter, what do we see?
02:54 Well, we see a mole brush, my friend,
02:56 which confirms the theory of the stealthy braids on the Infosmile channel.
02:59 After that, some will say that Youtuber is a job of a brawler,
03:02 that we spend our days brawling like good big brawlers,
03:04 that I should rather go to the employment office to find a real job,
03:07 like taking a shovel and a rake to build houses.
03:09 But let me tell you that already, it's not like that we build houses.
03:12 And if I built it, it will be collapsed before even being finished,
03:15 or even maybe before even starting.
03:17 Me in life, I know how to make jokes, but I have no other skill.
03:20 Well yes, it's true, once I managed to drill a hole in a wall to put a frame in it.
03:24 But drilling walls, it doesn't interest me at all, I want to drill on Youtube,
03:27 so that the day I drill a wall again, it will be to hang the trophy of the million.
03:30 Well, after, before it happens, we still have a lot of steps to go,
03:33 like making a feed on the channel of another Youtuber,
03:35 get recognized in the street to feed our melon, which is already very consequent,
03:38 participate in a convention to finally see your dirty olive cake faces,
03:42 make a bad buzz and trigger a drama on Twitter, like
03:45 "Infosmile is the most racist channel in France? I'm telling you."
03:48 Finally, you got me, we still have a lot of things to live thanks to Youtube.
03:51 The legend says that they died the next day of a lightning stroke, it's Ciao.
03:54 Here, it's the end of this video, I hope you liked it.
03:57 Well yes, we told a little about our lives, but that's what's going on on Youtube right now, right?
04:00 I invite you to share this video and put a little like to inflate the stats,
04:04 always more stats, and go for a little trip on Tipeee maybe,
04:07 so that we can buy clothes, it could be nice.
04:09 Come on, good evening, ciao ciao!
04:10 Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe!