• l’année dernière
Abonne toi ! :D


00:00 [SQUEEZE-O'S]
00:04 So, today we're here to talk about Lucas Auchard,
00:06 better known as Squeezie, or Squeezo for the intimes.
00:09 I've seen all his videos, and nobody calls him Squeezo, first of all.
00:11 What do you know? Maybe his father calls him Squeezo.
00:13 Do you know his father? No, you don't.
00:15 No, but once I saw him from afar, the PGW, and even...
00:17 What are you talking about, the PGW?
00:19 We've been confined for two years, it's become an urban legend, this thing.
00:22 Get out of here.
00:23 Get out, get out.
00:24 Oh, okay, I'm leaving.
00:25 Invisibility cape, yes!
00:27 Anyway, if you're French, and you haven't been cryogenized in the last ten years,
00:31 you must know Squeezie, aka the first French YouTuber.
00:34 You know, this guy who can do absolutely anything he wants is a real star in this field.
00:37 I'm sure he could do a great remake of Romeo and Juliet live at the theater,
00:40 and with that, he'd beat the French viewer record on Twitch, the Boog.
00:43 Oh, I'm told in the earring that he already did it, and that he actually beat the record, okay.
00:47 Well, he could go into music and win a prize at the NRJ Music Awards.
00:50 Oh, I'm told in the earring that he already did that with his album Oxys.
00:53 Oh, okay, well, he could eat a cassoulet on stage and revolutionize contemporary art.
00:57 So, you haven't done that yet, Squeezie, so, did we miss his life or what?
01:01 Yeah, I'm only saying that because I'm the same age as him, but 3-0 on his subscriber count,
01:05 and even more on his bank account.
01:07 So subscribe, hit the bell to reduce the gap a bit.
01:10 By the way, his subscriber count, we're talking about it, 15 million people.
01:13 You know what that means, 15 fucking million people?
01:15 It's a quarter of the population of fucking France, my good sir.
01:17 You'll never meet 15 million people in your own life.
01:20 It's the equivalent of 185 Stades de France, or 1,700,000 minibuses to bring all those people to Stades de France.
01:27 I'm sure I have distant cousins who know Squeezie, but don't even know who I am.
01:31 There are children who don't know their biological parents, but who know Squeezie.
01:34 Well, I'm warning you, this is going to go to bio-pic in Bohemian Rhapsody mode.
01:37 So, the guy started YouTube 15 years ago, while I was still eating my shit.
01:41 Yeah, I was a bit of a late kid, that's true, that's true, I ate my shit until I was 25, so what?
01:45 Then, he started doing gaming videos and other nonsense for a few years.
01:49 After that, he got spotted by a Romanian, and together they created the Cyprien Gaming channel.
01:52 A gaming channel, but mainly dedicated to product placement.
01:55 And then, it's a mega-buzz, the little Squeezie goes from success to success,
01:58 and in 10 years of career, the guy just became a new millionaire like Gotaga.
02:01 Unlike my father, who is in a way my example of life,
02:04 who in 35 years of career is not even sure he can pay his retirement.
02:07 So I don't even know who I should believe, seriously, which model should I follow to be happy?
02:11 Squeezie or Alain? This is my real father, say hi to him in the comments.
02:14 But finally, Squeezie is mostly a channel with 8 billion views,
02:18 spread over more than 1,300 videos, some of which have become cool.
02:22 This sentence means we're going to list the times he fucked up the game.
02:24 Like his freestyle videos with Bigflo and Oli, fire in the eyes!
02:27 Or this feat with McFly and Carlito.
02:29 But also the time he won a gold single for the song Mirador.
02:32 No, first of all, it's Keza and Freddy Gladieux who did Mirador.
02:35 Oh yeah, and in your opinion, who paid for all this?
02:37 Euh, Santa Claus?
02:38 Yeah, man, because that year, Santa Claus was Lucas Auchard,
02:42 send the PNG explosion.
02:43 So yes, some often call him a simple French PewDiePie.
02:47 But it's no less than the first French YouTuber,
02:49 and probably soon the French streamer with the most followers.
02:52 Whether we like it or not, we have to admit that the word "Squeezie" generates click.
02:56 Besides, that's exactly why this video exists, we're not going to lie, we're big fans.
03:00 And frankly, as long as you're honest, it deserves a little blue thumb, right?
03:02 You can even subscribe as long as you are, why not go check our Tipeee?
03:05 We shouldn't stop on such a good path.
03:06 What do you mean? We're diehards, and it's the one who says he's a diehard.
03:10 Diehard, go.
03:10 Well, you've pissed me off, I'm out.
03:12 Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe.
