Delivered! --- Bishop Dale C. Bronner

  • il y a 7 mois
Delivered! --- Bishop Dale C. Bronner
00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 - Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:00:31 Thank you, Jesus.
00:00:33 No matter what it is,
00:00:36 God has equipped you.
00:00:39 You got a strength that you may not even know that you have
00:00:42 until you get there and God will make it do what it do.
00:00:47 (laughs)
00:00:48 Glory to God.
00:00:49 Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
00:00:52 Are there any witnesses in the house
00:00:54 to what I'm talking about?
00:00:56 (laughs)
00:00:59 Yes, God, yes.
00:01:00 (congregation cheering)
00:01:04 Thank you, Jesus.
00:01:07 Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
00:01:11 You may be seated.
00:01:12 Hallelujah.
00:01:14 Thank you, Jesus.
00:01:18 (congregation cheering)
00:01:21 Glory to God.
00:01:30 Glory.
00:01:31 Our scriptural lesson today comes from Mark chapter five.
00:01:34 Mark chapter five, verse one through eight.
00:01:37 Notice I'm reading from the modern English version.
00:01:40 Notice there are these words.
00:01:42 "They went to the other side of the sea
00:01:46 "to the region of the Gadarenes.
00:01:49 "And when he had come out of the boat,
00:01:54 "immediately a man with an unclean spirit
00:01:59 "came out of the tombs and met him.
00:02:02 "He lived among the tomb
00:02:05 "and no one could constrain him, not even with chains,
00:02:09 "because he had often been bound with shackles and chains,
00:02:14 "but he had pulled the chains apart
00:02:15 "and broken the shackles to pieces
00:02:18 "and no one could subdue him.
00:02:20 "And always, night and day, he was in the mountains
00:02:24 "and in the tombs, crying out
00:02:26 "and cutting himself with stones.
00:02:30 "But when he saw Jesus afar off,
00:02:33 "he ran up and kneeled before him
00:02:35 "and cried out with a loud voice,
00:02:38 "'What have you to do with me, Jesus,
00:02:40 "'Son of the Most High God?
00:02:43 "'I adjure you by God, do not torment me.'
00:02:47 "For Jesus said to him,
00:02:49 "'Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.'"
00:02:54 I'm speaking today simply from the subject "delivered."
00:02:58 Delivered, delivered.
00:03:01 Jesus came to set the captives free,
00:03:06 to break us from the very things
00:03:08 that put us in bondage and hold us back,
00:03:11 the very thing that incarcerate our dreams,
00:03:13 our ability to be able to imagine things,
00:03:16 to live freely for God.
00:03:17 He came to set us free from hangups and bad habits
00:03:23 and different things that would be dishonoring to God.
00:03:26 Jesus came to set the captives free.
00:03:29 When we do stupid things,
00:03:32 and then we say, "I don't know what made me do that."
00:03:35 Jesus came to set us free.
00:03:37 And what he did in this instance,
00:03:41 you have to realize, Jesus was God in the flesh.
00:03:45 But the Bible says that he gave up his mighty power in glory
00:03:50 and took on the form of a man.
00:03:53 So he didn't walk the earth as God.
00:03:56 He walked the earth as a man filled with the Spirit of God
00:04:00 and in right relationship with God.
00:04:03 So what Jesus did on the earth,
00:04:06 he was showing and demonstrating to us as our example.
00:04:10 Jesus is our chief example.
00:04:13 He's saying, "Anybody who is in right relationship with God
00:04:17 can do what I'm doing."
00:04:20 I mean, Jesus told us, Mark chapter 16,
00:04:22 "In my name, they shall cast out devils.
00:04:26 They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.
00:04:31 If any deadly things shall come up on them,
00:04:34 it will not hurt them."
00:04:36 I mean, Jesus said, "What I'm doing,
00:04:38 it's not unique to me as the Son of God."
00:04:42 He says, "I'm living on the earth
00:04:45 like a man who's empowered by the Spirit of God,
00:04:48 who's in right relationship with God.
00:04:50 And anybody who's got God's Spirit in them,
00:04:53 who's living in right relationship with God can do this."
00:04:56 And that's why Jesus said,
00:04:58 "The works that I do shall you do also."
00:05:01 That's why you need to realize these hands of yours,
00:05:04 they are blessed to bless.
00:05:06 You're taught to teach.
00:05:09 You're fed to feed.
00:05:10 I mean, whatever God has done in you,
00:05:12 you gotta realize that I'm a Holy Ghost machine.
00:05:15 I'm a blessing on my way somewhere to happen.
00:05:18 You gotta realize God has something in me
00:05:20 to use me for His glory.
00:05:22 This is not to make our name great.
00:05:25 We do this by the power of His name.
00:05:28 He's given us authority of using His name.
00:05:32 And oftentimes, whenever deliverance
00:05:35 is on the other side of something, there's a storm.
00:05:39 I mean, it's your greatest victory
00:05:42 is on the other side of a battle.
00:05:45 I mean, whatever the thing is
00:05:46 that will make you who you are,
00:05:49 it is on the other side of a struggle.
00:05:51 It's on the other side of a battle.
00:05:53 That's why when you see people
00:05:54 and it looks like they've arrived
00:05:57 and then so you say, "You know, man, if they could do it,
00:06:00 I can do it."
00:06:02 But see, what you don't realize
00:06:04 is the relationship that they have
00:06:07 with somebody that you can't see who's with them.
00:06:09 (congregation applauding)
00:06:13 It's not the institution of higher learning
00:06:15 where they have matriculated that has capacitated them
00:06:18 to do what they were able to do.
00:06:20 It is because when they were afraid and didn't know
00:06:23 and were struggling and they were saying,
00:06:25 "Father, I stretch my hands to Thee.
00:06:28 No other help I know.
00:06:30 If Thou withdraw Thyself from me, where will I go?"
00:06:34 They are the people that are saying,
00:06:35 "God, help me that except You build the house."
00:06:40 They labor in vain who build it.
00:06:42 Except You, Lord, build the business.
00:06:45 We labor in vain except the watchman,
00:06:49 he watches the city in vain if God is not in it.
00:06:53 And so it's this thing that we do by God,
00:06:55 by this unseen power and force that is with us,
00:06:59 this divine personality of God who is with us
00:07:03 and living in us to be able to work the works of Him
00:07:08 who hath called us while it is day.
00:07:10 For the night comes when nobody will be able to do it.
00:07:13 And that's why when God puts something on you,
00:07:15 He's gotta put a fire up under your feet
00:07:18 'cause you don't have forever.
00:07:20 May God give us the wisdom to be able to discern
00:07:25 the timing of the Lord.
00:07:29 To discern the timing of the Lord,
00:07:32 we've gotta know God's timing
00:07:35 so that we can apply our hearts to wisdom
00:07:38 because time is moving.
00:07:40 And as I said last week, never allow yourself,
00:07:44 never allow yourself to get comfortable
00:07:46 in a place where you ought to be delivered.
00:07:50 You can get yourself in a pickle
00:07:52 and you realize I shouldn't be here.
00:07:56 Don't get comfortable in a place where God designed
00:07:58 for you to get delivered.
00:08:00 It is interesting that this man is living in a cemetery.
00:08:08 This man of Gadara, he's living in a cemetery,
00:08:13 a place where there are tombstones,
00:08:16 living among the tombs.
00:08:20 The Greek word that we have translated as "tombs" here
00:08:24 literally is the word that means "memories."
00:08:26 That's why oftentimes a graveyard or a cemetery
00:08:31 is called a memorial, memorial gardens,
00:08:35 a place of memory
00:08:37 where we remember things and remember people.
00:08:39 This man was stuck in a memory,
00:08:43 stuck in a memory.
00:08:44 I never will forget we had a woman here several years ago
00:08:50 and she'd gone to a place to get these demons out of her
00:08:56 that was driving compulsive behavior in her life
00:09:00 and she couldn't stop it still.
00:09:03 And I'm wondering, I asked her, I said,
00:09:06 "Okay, the demons came out of you,
00:09:07 but why are you still in the behavior?"
00:09:12 And she said these words to me,
00:09:16 "That the memory is as powerful as the demon that once held me."
00:09:24 So every time that she remembered how good sin felt.
00:09:34 I mean, the Bible says that Moses chose rather to suffer
00:09:38 affliction with the people of God
00:09:40 than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
00:09:43 There is pleasure in sin.
00:09:46 If it didn't feel good, people wouldn't do it,
00:09:51 addictively, but it feels good.
00:09:57 It looks good.
00:09:58 And so they get drawn back into it.
00:10:00 And it is a memory.
00:10:03 You'll be doing fine until you have a flashback
00:10:09 of yourself lonesome.
00:10:12 You know that the relationship was not healthy for you.
00:10:15 You know they had other things that you couldn't really stand
00:10:17 when you were out of the bed.
00:10:20 But the flashback was about what happened.
00:10:27 While you're at home lonely and your hormones are acting up
00:10:35 and you get a memory, a flashback,
00:10:40 it is as powerful as the demon that once held you.
00:10:45 That's where this man is.
00:10:46 I'm just trying to keep it real and make...
00:10:49 just paint the picture so you understand why this man is out
00:10:52 here living in the place of going down memory lane.
00:10:56 But he's stuck in memory lane.
00:10:58 He's stuck in a place that he's not supposed to make himself
00:11:02 comfortable, but he's made that his dwelling place.
00:11:06 He dwells there.
00:11:07 He is living among the memories of how good it used to be.
00:11:12 He can't even go forward in his life because he's stuck
00:11:15 on the good old days, how wonderful things are back here.
00:11:20 And so he's in this place and stuck in a past trauma.
00:11:26 He can't get out of this.
00:11:28 Somebody died and he's stuck.
00:11:30 It impacted him.
00:11:31 And he never advanced and grew and matured beyond the trauma
00:11:36 that happened to him.
00:11:37 The day they left me, the day that I was abandoned,
00:11:39 the day that I was abused, the day that I was molested,
00:11:42 and they are locked in a trauma because trauma is a portal
00:11:48 for demons to enter.
00:11:51 Because the moment that your life experiences trauma,
00:11:55 here comes a demon spirit to you telling you that if God were
00:11:58 with you, this would have never happened.
00:12:02 The Lord was with Joseph and bad things happened to him.
00:12:07 And let me tell you this, did Joseph have the favor of God
00:12:10 on his life?
00:12:11 Absolutely.
00:12:12 You can be blessed and highly favored and all hell can break
00:12:15 loose in your life.
00:12:18 So I don't want you to let any demon spirit come to you just
00:12:21 because you're having a hard time and make you think that
00:12:24 because you're having a hard time,
00:12:26 you're not doing something right.
00:12:28 No, no, no.
00:12:29 It may be the evidence that you're doing the right thing.
00:12:31 But when trauma comes, when you're traumatized that my mama
00:12:34 died and my daddy died and my brother died and my sister died
00:12:37 and my son died and my daughter died,
00:12:39 I lost my business.
00:12:41 And the trauma, you can't even get past what you lost.
00:12:45 The man is stuck in memory lane.
00:12:47 He's there, he's going through a myriad of images in his mind
00:12:53 that have him locked in it.
00:12:55 And when you reflect on pain, you writhe in the pain
00:13:00 all over again.
00:13:03 It's the power of a memory.
00:13:07 And it locks the person.
00:13:10 I love the words of Rosa Luxemburg that said that those
00:13:13 who do not move do not notice their change.
00:13:18 Those who do not move do not notice their change.
00:13:22 People that are still in the same place.
00:13:25 They still remember you from high school and they're still
00:13:27 there.
00:13:28 You've moved on.
00:13:29 But all of their dealings and memory with you is still stuck
00:13:32 back in a place, but you've grown now.
00:13:34 You're not that same person.
00:13:35 You're not still doing those stupid, foolish things.
00:13:38 But they're still involved in adolescent, juvenile behavior
00:13:42 because they are stuck in a memory when it was so fun back
00:13:46 then.
00:13:47 And what used to be fun will become funny if you're still in
00:13:52 it down the road.
00:13:55 You're 56 years old and you're still doing stuff that you were
00:13:58 doing when you were 16.
00:14:00 That's no longer fun.
00:14:02 That's funny.
00:14:04 You're still in the club trying to move and you're losing hair
00:14:09 and it's turning gray.
00:14:11 [laughter]
00:14:13 Stuck, stuck, stuck in a place.
00:14:20 It's interesting.
00:14:23 Held by the power of a memory.
00:14:25 That's the only thing that holds the little baby elephant to the
00:14:30 two-foot stake that they drive in the ground and then they put
00:14:34 a bracelet around his left foot and he ends up walking around
00:14:39 this peg all of his life.
00:14:42 And then as the elephant grows, because while he's a baby, he
00:14:46 pulls against it with all of his might trying to rip it out of
00:14:48 the ground.
00:14:49 He doesn't have enough strength to do it, but he keeps eating.
00:14:51 He keeps growing and now he's several hundred pounds and he
00:14:54 could rip it out very easily.
00:14:56 But the only thing that is holding the elephant to the
00:14:59 little peg in the ground is a memory.
00:15:02 They remember when they were younger and they tried with all
00:15:06 of their might to pull it up and they couldn't.
00:15:09 They're not held physically by that little peg anymore.
00:15:13 And there are people today that I have witnessed and I said to
00:15:17 one man by the spirit, I said, "I see you.
00:15:19 You are locked behind an open door.
00:15:23 The door is wide open, but you feel stuck."
00:15:28 That's where the maniac of Gadara was.
00:15:31 He was a wild man, uncontrolled, undisciplined.
00:15:35 He had no vision.
00:15:38 He was without restraint.
00:15:39 He casts off restraint.
00:15:41 It means that he couldn't see anything better that he could
00:15:44 do.
00:15:46 Until you decide where you would rather be, you are stuck where
00:15:53 you are.
00:15:55 Some people don't like who they're with and where they are.
00:15:59 They just don't have a better idea.
00:16:03 And that locks them into the place where they are.
00:16:08 But the beautiful thing that I love about the Holy Spirit is
00:16:13 that the Holy Spirit moves on you.
00:16:17 Have you ever had the Holy Ghost to move on your heart?
00:16:21 Has He ever moved in your hands or in your feet and moved you to
00:16:24 do something?
00:16:25 I'm telling you that when God moves on you, God is a moving
00:16:30 thing. When you see Him in the opening chapter of Genesis 1,
00:16:33 the Bible says when there was chaos and darkness that the
00:16:37 Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep.
00:16:40 God's not scared of darkness.
00:16:42 He'll move on darkness so that light will come.
00:16:46 That's a reason that God will send you into the hood and send
00:16:50 you to people with problems.
00:16:51 You wonder why everybody that God sends to you has a problem?
00:16:56 It's because there's something in you to be able to unlock that
00:17:00 person from that issue.
00:17:02 God's sending somebody because you've got keys on the inside of
00:17:06 you.
00:17:07 It's amazing that when you're at rest because you see Newton's
00:17:12 law of motion, which is the law of inertia,
00:17:18 says that a body at rest remains at rest but a body in motion
00:17:22 remains in motion.
00:17:23 But if you're at rest, you're at rest.
00:17:28 And when the Holy Ghost gets on you, one thing about it,
00:17:31 when the Holy Ghost starts moving on you and in you,
00:17:34 you can no longer rest.
00:17:37 He puts you in motion.
00:17:40 He will send you somewhere.
00:17:43 Start the business.
00:17:45 Plant the garden.
00:17:47 Buy the car.
00:17:48 He will put you in motion.
00:17:50 Go and call so-and-so.
00:17:52 Text so-and-so.
00:17:53 Send so-and-so a message.
00:17:56 He'll always move you to do something.
00:17:59 You'll be surprised.
00:18:00 You'll get moved by the Holy Spirit to do something.
00:18:03 He'll move you in what to do.
00:18:05 And when you see the Holy Spirit back in Scripture in II Peter
00:18:11 chapter 1 and verse 21, notice this.
00:18:14 "For no prophecy at any time was produced by the will of man,
00:18:18 but holy men moved by the Holy Spirit."
00:18:23 The holy men moved by what?
00:18:26 The Holy Spirit spoke from God.
00:18:29 Moved by the Holy Spirit.
00:18:31 Moved by the Holy Spirit.
00:18:33 Say this with me.
00:18:34 I am moved by the Holy Spirit.
00:18:37 My God, whenever people are moved by the Holy Spirit,
00:18:40 seed is planted in the earth.
00:18:42 People begin to share their testimony of what God did
00:18:45 for them.
00:18:46 God will move you.
00:18:47 Share your story with them.
00:18:49 Tell them how I delivered you.
00:18:50 Tell them how I brought you out.
00:18:52 Tell them how I blessed you.
00:18:54 Give them your testimony.
00:18:55 The Holy Ghost will move you to share your story
00:18:59 with other people.
00:19:01 I'm telling you that when the Lord,
00:19:03 the Holy Ghost moves on you, the sick are healed.
00:19:06 He will move on you and sick people will be healed.
00:19:10 When the Holy Spirit moves on you,
00:19:12 demons come out of other folks.
00:19:14 The demons are healed and restored.
00:19:19 It's amazing that when the Spirit of God moves on you,
00:19:22 the lost are saved.
00:19:24 The gifts of the Spirit are put into activation.
00:19:27 Evangelism begins to take place because the Holy Spirit
00:19:32 moved on you.
00:19:33 Certain things will never happen until God moves on you,
00:19:37 until God moves in you.
00:19:38 God will move in you.
00:19:41 You can't just send the Lord to the prison and down to the
00:19:44 nursing home and all of this.
00:19:45 You've got to say, "Lord, Holy Ghost, go with me.
00:19:49 Go in me.
00:19:50 Go in me.
00:19:51 Go in me."
00:19:52 He said, "Whom will I send and who will go for us?"
00:19:55 You can't send the Holy Ghost.
00:19:57 He'll go with you.
00:19:58 He'll go with you.
00:20:00 He'll go with you.
00:20:01 You go.
00:20:02 He said, "I'll go and I'll go with Moses.
00:20:04 Go and I'll go with you.
00:20:05 Go and I'll go with your mouth.
00:20:07 Joshua, you go as I was with Moses so I will be with you."
00:20:11 God moves on you.
00:20:13 He'll move on you to bless somebody.
00:20:16 He'll move on you to do things.
00:20:18 He'll move on you to say something.
00:20:20 God will move on you.
00:20:22 The Holy Ghost, when He moves on you,
00:20:24 somebody's going to get blessed.
00:20:27 I'm just telling you, let God move on you.
00:20:29 Let God arise.
00:20:30 When He arises in you, people get blessed.
00:20:33 They get blessed.
00:20:36 But it's a curse not to be able to move because a curse binds
00:20:40 you but a blessing looses you.
00:20:46 The Hebrew word for curse is the word "ara," A-A-R-A-R.
00:20:51 And it means to make powerless, to make powerless.
00:20:54 It means to resist.
00:20:56 It means to bind.
00:20:59 A curse binds you to your current position.
00:21:02 It locks you in the place where you are.
00:21:04 So 20 years down the road, you'll be in the same place.
00:21:08 No progress, no evidence of growth,
00:21:12 and everything that God established in the earth
00:21:16 was designed to grow.
00:21:19 It was designed to grow.
00:21:21 It was built.
00:21:22 It was engineered to grow.
00:21:27 And I never will forget being in a foreign country and watching
00:21:30 a lady raise her hand and there was a lot of passion and emotion
00:21:33 and I asked the interpreter, "What is this woman saying?"
00:21:37 Because it reminded me of that scene in "The Color Purple"
00:21:41 when Celie was cursing Mister.
00:21:45 She sort of held her hand up and mumbled some words out
00:21:49 in a foreign language I couldn't understand.
00:21:52 And I said, "What did that lady just say?"
00:21:56 Because she screamed it.
00:21:58 I said, "What did she just say?"
00:22:00 And he said, "She just cursed the man."
00:22:03 But I said, "What?
00:22:05 Tell me.
00:22:06 You know the language?
00:22:06 What did she say?"
00:22:07 I wanted to know the words.
00:22:08 I'm a word guy.
00:22:10 What did she say?
00:22:14 And these were the words of the curse.
00:22:16 "May you remain in the place where you are."
00:22:22 And most people wouldn't recognize that as a curse
00:22:25 because some people are locked in the same place.
00:22:28 I was speaking for an academic institution and the head of that
00:22:34 academic institution that I was sitting next to had one of the
00:22:39 teachers to stand up and say, "I have been teaching in this
00:22:43 school for 25 years and I have 25 years of experience."
00:22:48 And this - the principal leaned over to me and said,
00:22:53 "She has one year of experience that's been repeated 25 years."
00:22:57 (laughter)
00:23:03 She says she had 25 years of experience.
00:23:05 He says she's got one year of experience that she's repeated
00:23:08 25 times.
00:23:11 That told me she wasn't growing, that nothing was changing,
00:23:17 and you ought not be in the same place 10 years down the road as
00:23:22 to where you are now.
00:23:26 You ought to know more.
00:23:27 You ought to be more.
00:23:28 God designed you like a tree planted by the rivers of water
00:23:32 that brings forth fruit.
00:23:34 You ought to be growing something.
00:23:35 Be fruitful and multiply.
00:23:41 We're designed to do something in this earth.
00:23:44 Don't just sit there.
00:23:45 He's saying, "Bust a move.
00:23:47 Go and grow."
00:23:49 He's telling us, but the curse locks people in their position.
00:23:55 It makes them comfortable in a place where they ought to be
00:23:57 growing.
00:23:58 And there's a reason that we call it growing pain,
00:24:05 growing pain, because growth is uncomfortable,
00:24:09 because you have to leave the reality as you know it and
00:24:15 embrace another reality that you don't yet know.
00:24:19 And so he's calling us from that.
00:24:21 What gets us stuck?
00:24:23 Here are a few things that get us stuck.
00:24:25 A mediocre mindset.
00:24:27 The word mediocre literally means middle of a rock.
00:24:30 It's a rock climbing term.
00:24:32 It's when guys have climbed up half the way,
00:24:36 mediocre half of the way, where they say,
00:24:40 "This is good enough."
00:24:42 A mediocre mindset, "That's good enough."
00:24:44 You don't want to just be good enough.
00:24:45 You want to be excellent.
00:24:48 We are reflectors of God's glory.
00:24:50 God is an excellent God.
00:24:52 Here's another thing that gets us stuck is weariness of the
00:24:55 soul.
00:24:56 That's discouragement.
00:24:57 That's when you've been discouraged.
00:24:58 Sometimes too many failures can discourage your soul.
00:25:02 They knock the wind out of you.
00:25:04 It's exhaustion of the human soul,
00:25:07 that weariness of the soul is discouragement.
00:25:09 People get discouraged and they say,
00:25:10 "Well, there's no use in my trying.
00:25:11 I haven't been able to get anywhere."
00:25:14 Here's another thing, being in love with the good old days.
00:25:17 And they love reminiscing about the good old days,
00:25:19 but that doesn't help you to go forward, does it?
00:25:22 Here's another one.
00:25:23 It's dwelling on past failures.
00:25:25 What went wrong in the past?
00:25:28 You remember when David had an affair with Bathsheba and he had
00:25:30 got her pregnant?
00:25:32 There was a child that was born from that.
00:25:34 And David was a man after God's own heart,
00:25:35 but God says, "Listen."
00:25:36 He sent a prophet and he said, "Hey, hey, God saw you.
00:25:40 Is that what you did?"
00:25:41 He said that this thing is going to die.
00:25:43 This man, he put on sackcloth and ashes.
00:25:45 He started praying and fasting.
00:25:47 And he was just saying, "God, turn it around.
00:25:49 Turn it around."
00:25:50 And one day he noticed that his servants,
00:25:55 all of the security and the attendants,
00:25:57 they were whispering.
00:26:00 And he said, "My child must be dead."
00:26:02 And they scared to tell him.
00:26:03 And he came out and confronted them.
00:26:05 He said, "Is the child dead?"
00:26:06 They said, "Yep, yep, the child is dead."
00:26:08 I guess they felt that David was going to fall to pieces,
00:26:10 but David knew God.
00:26:12 David had a relationship with God.
00:26:14 I mean, just because you sin doesn't mean that you don't
00:26:16 know God.
00:26:17 David knew God.
00:26:18 And David had a relationship with God.
00:26:20 And David loved God.
00:26:22 And it broke his heart.
00:26:23 And that's why he got restored.
00:26:26 David was a faithful man.
00:26:27 A faithful man is not a man that never sins.
00:26:29 He's a man who is faithful to repent every time that he
00:26:32 misses the mark.
00:26:33 (applause)
00:26:34 David's heart was broken and he's in deep contrition.
00:26:40 And he wrote Psalm 51, "Trying out to God.
00:26:45 Wash me God, create in me a new clean heart and renew within me
00:26:49 a right spirit God."
00:26:51 He's saying, "God, I want to be right with you.
00:26:53 I've got to be right with you."
00:26:56 And the Bible says the moment that they told him that his
00:26:58 child was dead, the Bible says he got up and washed his face
00:27:01 and changed his clothes.
00:27:02 He ate him a meal.
00:27:04 He's like, "I'm good now.
00:27:06 I'm going to go forward.
00:27:07 I'm not going to be locked in the trauma of what just
00:27:09 happened.
00:27:11 I'm not going to be locked into the trauma of my last loss,
00:27:15 my last failure.
00:27:16 I'm not going to let that scare me into never trying again."
00:27:20 Dwelling on the past.
00:27:23 Here's another thing that locks people is the lack of vision.
00:27:26 They just have no vision.
00:27:28 Where there is no vision, the Bible says people cast off
00:27:31 restraint.
00:27:32 They are undisciplined.
00:27:33 They are undisciplined, a lack of vision,
00:27:36 hopelessness, no goals.
00:27:38 Then they have fear.
00:27:40 Fear will keep you in a place, you're like,
00:27:42 "I'm scared.
00:27:43 I'm scared to go over there.
00:27:44 I'm scared."
00:27:45 People are more in love with security than they are
00:27:47 with opportunity.
00:27:48 And let me tell you, every time that God shows you an
00:27:51 opportunity, it's going to scare the daylights out of you.
00:27:54 You know why?
00:27:55 Because it can cost you your job.
00:27:57 It can cost you money.
00:27:58 You can lose your house.
00:27:59 You can lose the shirt off of your back.
00:28:01 Every time God will show you an opportunity and it is
00:28:03 intimidating, and God wants you to be intimidated.
00:28:06 It's what Sothia said, "Look to Me."
00:28:08 Trust Me.
00:28:09 Trust Me.
00:28:10 And nothing more says, "God, I trust You," than to go
00:28:13 scared to death.
00:28:15 I'm scared, but I'm going.
00:28:17 I'm scared, but I'm creeping along.
00:28:19 I'm scared to death, but Jesus, I trust You.
00:28:22 I do trust You.
00:28:23 I trust You.
00:28:24 I'm walking not because I'm not scared.
00:28:26 I'm walking because I trust You.
00:28:28 And while you're trusting and trembling,
00:28:32 you know, God is working some things out and every
00:28:35 step strengthens you more and more.
00:28:37 But if you've got fear in you, the fear will keep you.
00:28:40 It'll say, "You better keep on that good job.
00:28:42 You better keep what you have.
00:28:44 Don't you dare apply for another loan because this
00:28:46 thing might go belly up on you."
00:28:49 And it's taking a risk.
00:28:51 It is taking a risk.
00:28:52 It is saying, "God, I trust You."
00:28:54 And then trauma is one of the things that gets us stuck.
00:28:58 Trauma.
00:28:59 Trauma.
00:29:00 Trauma can be the loss of a loved one.
00:29:02 It can be a failure that you've dealt with.
00:29:04 It can be a sickness that traumatizes you.
00:29:06 It can be abuse and molestation and rape.
00:29:08 All of that.
00:29:09 Financial ruin.
00:29:10 It traumatizes your life.
00:29:14 And God came to set us free.
00:29:16 He wanted to set us free.
00:29:18 It is interesting.
00:29:19 In John chapter 11 and verse 44, notice this.
00:29:23 "And he who had died came out bound hand and foot
00:29:27 with grave clothes."
00:29:28 This is when Jesus went to raise Lazarus from the dead.
00:29:31 "And his face was wrapped with a cloth and Jesus said
00:29:34 to the folks around him, 'Loose him and let him go.'"
00:29:38 Because what I want you to see here is that while it took the
00:29:42 supernatural miraculous power of God to raise Lazarus from the
00:29:46 dead, Jesus told the folks that were with him to loose him and
00:29:51 let him go.
00:29:53 You need a support team once God has loosed you.
00:29:57 Once He has loosed you from death,
00:29:59 now the bandages or the other stuff that still has you tied
00:30:02 up.
00:30:03 I mean if you go to jail, when you get out,
00:30:06 you thank God you're free but you still got to live.
00:30:10 You need a job now.
00:30:12 You need somebody that will walk with you and support you and
00:30:15 give you an opportunity.
00:30:17 You need somebody that will loose you and let you go.
00:30:20 Several years ago, I don't know why but I preached a message
00:30:25 entitled "Take Off Your Clothes."
00:30:32 Little did I know that particular day three
00:30:34 professional strippers were in the house.
00:30:36 We had fineness at the altar on another level that day.
00:30:41 But this is one thing that I knew.
00:30:49 I wasn't trying to be crass or carnal but I think that God was
00:30:58 trying to loose these three girls out of a lifestyle that
00:31:03 was destroying them on the inside.
00:31:06 This was on a Sunday, that Tuesday,
00:31:13 one of those girls who gave up her heart to the Lord that
00:31:15 Sunday was found murdered behind a dumpster downtown because the
00:31:21 man that she worked for was not going to let her go.
00:31:26 And I met with one of the other ones who was in that lifestyle
00:31:31 and I said, "We're going to help you to get a job because how can
00:31:35 I tell you to quit stripping if I don't loose you into another
00:31:40 opportunity?"
00:31:42 Now she wasn't making the same kind of money but there was a
00:31:48 peace on the inside of her.
00:31:50 [applause]
00:31:55 And the fact that she would go from making hundreds of
00:32:02 thousands of dollars a day to working in the retail market,
00:32:09 making peanuts compared to what she had been making but that was
00:32:12 a peace in her soul.
00:32:17 It was a part of our loosing her and letting her go after she had
00:32:22 been delivered from the lifestyle of stripping.
00:32:26 And instead of sitting back with pharisaical eyes and judging her
00:32:32 for what she had been doing, the Bible says,
00:32:36 "Show them, turn the other cheek,
00:32:38 show them the other side.
00:32:39 Show them a better way that you don't have to live like this.
00:32:43 You'll be able to have peace in your soul and not deal with all
00:32:48 of these spirits that you have bonded to yourself through all
00:32:52 of the promiscuity of that lifestyle.
00:32:55 It wasn't worth it.
00:32:57 Curses get us stuck but blessings set us free.
00:33:02 One of the things that when a person is cursed,
00:33:05 a curse doesn't directly mean that you will do that thing but
00:33:09 it means that you will have a weakness to it.
00:33:11 Are you listening?
00:33:12 A curse means that there's a weakness there.
00:33:14 If there's been a curse in your family,
00:33:16 it doesn't mean that you will do what your daddy did or your
00:33:19 granddaddy did or your grandmama did but it means that there will
00:33:22 be a weakness in you genetically.
00:33:26 You'll be genetically predisposed for it.
00:33:29 It's not a life sentence.
00:33:30 It's not a definite but it does mean that you might have a
00:33:33 greater sensitivity in this area.
00:33:37 If you came from an alcoholic, it means that you could become
00:33:40 an alcoholic from the first drink.
00:33:42 You've got a weakness here.
00:33:43 So he's saying be very careful.
00:33:45 The weakness.
00:33:47 The curse is a weakness.
00:33:48 It's not a death sentence.
00:33:50 It's a weakness that then if a person opens that door,
00:33:54 they can get locked.
00:33:56 But he came to set the captives free,
00:33:59 the people that were bound to open the prison doors.
00:34:02 He came to deliver people.
00:34:04 Jesus is a deliverer.
00:34:06 When the name Yeshua is a form of the name Joshua which means
00:34:12 Jehovah is salvation and He comes as a deliverer for His
00:34:17 people to deliver them from the enemies that are trying to
00:34:19 destroy them.
00:34:21 And there are demon spirits that have entered in our world now in
00:34:24 massive numbers and they come to try to destroy us.
00:34:29 The blessing sets us free.
00:34:32 The cursing locks us up.
00:34:34 And so the times that I have been commanded of the Lord to
00:34:38 bless a particular person, the blessing is not putting
00:34:43 something in the person.
00:34:44 The blessing is letting something out that God put in
00:34:48 that they didn't even know was in because when you have
00:34:50 prophetic eyes, God will allow you to see something in the
00:34:54 person that they didn't even know that they were carrying.
00:34:56 And when I lay my hand there, it was already there.
00:35:01 The first lady that I laid hands on back in 1976, she had been
00:35:08 married for six years and believing God that her womb
00:35:13 would be open, she had no child.
00:35:17 And I laid my hands on her and I felt something go out of me.
00:35:22 She jumped because something came into her and she went home
00:35:28 and got pregnant and had a second son after that.
00:35:34 I didn't put the baby there.
00:35:36 Every girl, every little girl when she's born has all of the
00:35:47 eggs that she will ever have in her life.
00:35:50 Women's bodies don't manufacture eggs.
00:35:54 But when they reach around 11 or 12 years old, every month the
00:35:59 left ovary will release an egg and the next month the right
00:36:03 ovary and they alternate back and forth.
00:36:06 And the process had been going on and I didn't put anything in
00:36:09 it, I let something out because the child was already in her.
00:36:15 And when her husband, she met with it, God released out the
00:36:20 blessing was that that let out what God had already put in her
00:36:26 destiny.
00:36:27 She was destined to be a mother and her husband was destined to
00:36:30 be a father.
00:36:31 I released the destiny of God.
00:36:35 I didn't put anything there.
00:36:36 And so if you don't have anything in you, if somebody
00:36:38 laid hands on you, you're not going to get anything.
00:36:41 But if God has already destined that you will do great things,
00:36:45 you don't have to have a degree, a pedigree, you don't have to
00:36:49 have the resources and a big organization behind you.
00:36:53 You'll be like a little David there with a rock and a
00:36:55 slingshot and say, "Lord, I don't know what I'm doing.
00:36:58 I'm standing up before this, this, this giant here.
00:37:01 I don't know how to put my words together.
00:37:04 I don't know what I'm doing, Jesus."
00:37:06 But Lord, in the name, in the name, in the name, you will be
00:37:12 surprised.
00:37:13 You, if somebody had told you that you were going to do all
00:37:17 that you have done, you would not have believed them because
00:37:20 you didn't know that it was in you.
00:37:22 But God can see things that are in us and the blessing of the
00:37:25 Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow to it and it releases it
00:37:29 out of your life.
00:37:31 But there was the king that was already in you while you were
00:37:34 acting the fool.
00:37:35 The king was inside of the fool.
00:37:38 God simply called them forth.
00:37:41 There's a king and a fool in every man.
00:37:44 And whichever one that you address is the one that will
00:37:47 rise up and respond to you.
00:37:49 And there's a queen and the B word in every woman.
00:37:54 A brat.
00:37:57 What were you thinking?
00:38:00 And whichever one you address is the one that will come to the
00:38:04 forefront.
00:38:07 So don't curse your blessing.
00:38:08 Don't curse, don't curse your blessing.
00:38:13 Don't curse your blessing.
00:38:15 It is interesting that in John chapter 5,
00:38:21 there's a story of a man that had sat beside the well for 38
00:38:26 years waiting for the moving of the water.
00:38:30 He had heard a fable that at a certain season that an angel
00:38:33 would come down and move the water and the first person who
00:38:35 got in would get healed.
00:38:38 And for 38 years, he had been brought and somebody beat him
00:38:40 down.
00:38:42 It's because he was waiting on the wrong thing.
00:38:44 So when Jesus comes up, he sees the man who had been brought
00:38:48 there every day for 38 years.
00:38:50 And Jesus, he didn't even ask him,
00:38:54 "Dude, what you waiting on?"
00:38:56 Jesus said, "Get up.
00:39:01 Pick up your bed and walk.
00:39:04 Because you've been waiting on something that's probably never
00:39:06 coming."
00:39:07 So he says, "Get up, get up, get up and bust a move.
00:39:10 I want you to get up and walk by faith.
00:39:12 Get up and walk."
00:39:13 Jesus gave him the command.
00:39:15 He released, he let him know, "The thing that you've been
00:39:17 waiting for is never coming.
00:39:19 You're waiting on somebody to apologize to you so you can
00:39:22 forgive them.
00:39:23 You don't have to wait for them to apologize.
00:39:26 They may die and go wherever they're going.
00:39:29 And you may never get your apology.
00:39:34 You don't wait to...
00:39:35 The apology is not for their benefit,
00:39:37 it is for yours.
00:39:41 Because when you forgive them, when you forgive them,
00:39:43 the forgiveness is not about them,
00:39:45 it's about you.
00:39:47 You forgive them for your own sake because when you forgive
00:39:49 them, then the Father will forgive you.
00:39:51 Forgiveness opens and releases.
00:39:55 Unforgiveness closes.
00:39:58 You need to be open to somebody you need to forgive.
00:40:01 I don't care who they are and what they did and how long they
00:40:04 did it to you.
00:40:05 Forgive them.
00:40:07 You're not their judge.
00:40:08 And you've not been perfect yourself.
00:40:10 Forgive them.
00:40:11 Forgive your father.
00:40:13 Forgive your mother.
00:40:14 Forgive your husband, your wife.
00:40:16 Forgive them.
00:40:17 Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
00:40:20 Forgive them whether they ask for it or not.
00:40:23 Jesus didn't wait for the people who crucified Him to ask for
00:40:27 forgiveness.
00:40:28 He asked on their behalf proactively,
00:40:30 "Father, forgive them.
00:40:32 You forgive them."
00:40:33 And when you do that, something profound will happen.
00:40:36 And notice this man that had been there for 38 years and
00:40:39 Jesus said, "Get up, pick up your bed and walk.
00:40:41 Get it moving, sir."
00:40:42 In Saint John chapter 5 and verse 14,
00:40:45 the Bible says, "Later Jesus found him at the temple and
00:40:47 said to him, 'See, you are well again.
00:40:49 Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.'"
00:40:53 Jesus said, "I want to break this.
00:40:55 I want to break the cycle.
00:40:56 I want to break the cycle.
00:40:57 You've been in a cycle for 38 years."
00:41:01 And He says, "If you go back to that cycle,
00:41:03 you're going to be in worse shape the next time."
00:41:06 Here's what I want you to understand.
00:41:08 Jesus' blood breaks the curse but we are responsible for
00:41:12 correcting the course.
00:41:15 Jesus' blood breaks the curse but we are responsible for
00:41:20 correcting the course.
00:41:22 Because if cancer runs into your family and if you're eating the
00:41:25 same diet that grandma ate that gave her cancer,
00:41:29 you got to correct the course.
00:41:31 You got to correct the course.
00:41:32 If they had a sedentary lifestyle,
00:41:34 you got to correct the course.
00:41:36 You got to correct the course.
00:41:38 Jesus raises us but then He looks at us and says,
00:41:42 "Loose them and let them go."
00:41:43 They need a community.
00:41:45 They need a support system.
00:41:47 They need somebody who believes in them that can help hold them
00:41:50 accountable and be their cheerleader.
00:41:54 Their cheerleader.
00:41:55 Not somebody who's standing there waiting to judge them
00:41:58 every time that they make a mistake.
00:42:01 And I want you to see that we have to walk in the deliverance
00:42:05 that Jesus brings into our life.
00:42:06 Galatians chapter 5 and verse 1, notice what it says.
00:42:09 "It was for freedom that Christ set us free."
00:42:12 It was for freedom to set us free.
00:42:15 "Therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to
00:42:19 the yoke of bondage, of slavery."
00:42:22 He said, "But He's the one."
00:42:23 Keep on standing.
00:42:24 You have to stand in your freedom.
00:42:26 You have to walk in your freedom.
00:42:28 Keep standing firm and don't be subject again.
00:42:31 Don't go back to it.
00:42:33 Don't go back to it and you got to fill every void because
00:42:36 demon spirits go into places where there are voids.
00:42:40 You got to clean and empty.
00:42:41 That's what the devil says.
00:42:42 That's an invitation for me to come back.
00:42:44 So he's saying fill it.
00:42:46 Fill it with the Holy Ghost.
00:42:47 Fill it with the purposes of God.
00:42:49 Fill it with godly people in your life.
00:42:51 Fill it.
00:42:53 Fill it.
00:42:54 Fill it.
00:42:55 Fill it with the right association.
00:42:57 Listen, because all change, all change is really ultimately a
00:42:59 matter of association rather than behavior.
00:43:02 You want to change your behavior, change your
00:43:04 associations.
00:43:05 Change your associations.
00:43:07 In Galatians chapter 5, around verse 5, it says, "You did run
00:43:12 well.
00:43:13 Who did hinder you that you did not obey the truth?"
00:43:17 It's always a who that messes you up, not a what.
00:43:20 It's always a two-legged human being that messes you up.
00:43:23 Always a who.
00:43:25 You did run well.
00:43:26 He said you were running well.
00:43:27 You were on a good track.
00:43:28 Who?
00:43:29 Who?
00:43:30 Who?
00:43:31 And then all of a sudden you start seeing rebellion come in
00:43:33 the heart of your children.
00:43:34 And you know that you didn't train them like that in your
00:43:37 house?
00:43:38 It's a who.
00:43:40 It's a who.
00:43:41 It's a two-legged human being.
00:43:42 It's a who.
00:43:43 It's the people that they've been talking to.
00:43:45 It's somebody that they've been direct messaging.
00:43:48 It's somebody that they've been on the phone with.
00:43:50 It's a who.
00:43:51 It's a who.
00:43:53 When their attitudes shift, they change, and you know that this
00:43:55 person that used to be kind and respectful and all of a sudden
00:43:59 you see her switching up.
00:44:00 It's a who.
00:44:01 It's always, he says you were doing well.
00:44:04 Who did hinder you?
00:44:05 Who did hinder you?
00:44:07 It's always a who.
00:44:08 It's always a who.
00:44:10 And so he says walk, stand fast in the liberty.
00:44:13 You got to stand in that liberty because the devil is going to
00:44:16 try to come back and re-inhabit the very place that he's been
00:44:19 evicted from.
00:44:20 And whenever you get into sin, sin creates guilt, fear, and
00:44:26 hiding, these three things.
00:44:27 Sin creates guilt, fear, and hiding.
00:44:32 Guilt, fear, and hiding.
00:44:34 That's what happened, you know, with Adam and Eve in the garden.
00:44:38 They hid themselves because they were afraid.
00:44:43 Because sin brings guilt, fear, and hiding.
00:44:48 So because they were hiding because they were afraid, they
00:44:52 were afraid because they were guilty.
00:44:55 Sin brings guilt, fear, and hiding.
00:44:59 And what happened is that when Adam and Eve sinned, they hid
00:45:03 from God's presence.
00:45:06 Prayerlessness is a form of hiding.
00:45:10 If people don't pray and if they don't read his Bible and if they
00:45:12 don't come around his people, if they won't come to church, it's
00:45:15 a form of hiding.
00:45:16 Saying, "Lord, you know, I'm out here doing this dirt and I ain't
00:45:18 going to play with you."
00:45:19 Like, "Pick a boo, you know, I like you."
00:45:22 I mean, where do you go to hide from God?
00:45:25 His eyes run to him.
00:45:27 He can see you.
00:45:29 His eyes are on you.
00:45:30 He sees you.
00:45:33 But we assume that if I don't pray, if I don't go around God's
00:45:35 people, if I stay away from prophetic folks.
00:45:37 But you know, God knows your address.
00:45:44 You'll think that you'll be hiding and the Lord will come up
00:45:46 through a clerk in a store.
00:45:48 He'll have somebody to meet you in the parking lot.
00:45:50 He got parking lot profits.
00:45:51 I'm telling you, God knows your number.
00:45:57 You'll be standing somewhere trying to get something to eat
00:45:59 and somebody said, "Hmm, you know what?
00:46:01 You know, I got a word for you.
00:46:06 God been dealing with me.
00:46:07 I don't know why."
00:46:08 You better thank God that He loves us that much because He's
00:46:16 trying to deliver us saying, "Stand fast in the liberty of
00:46:19 where you've been set free."
00:46:20 He says, "Don't go back and entangle yourself up with the
00:46:23 stuff that got you tied up because if you do that again,
00:46:25 it's going to be harder to get out the next time."
00:46:27 And He says, "You can't live your life where you're just
00:46:30 constantly sinning and then repenting over that same sin."
00:46:34 It's not new stuff.
00:46:35 People are, they still are sinning over the same old stuff.
00:46:40 So it's the same old stuff.
00:46:41 It's not new things.
00:46:42 So they sin and then they repent and they sin and they repent.
00:46:44 And repentance is wonderful.
00:46:46 And the best thing that you can do after you have sinned is to
00:46:48 repent.
00:46:49 But then at some point, you've got to,
00:46:51 you've got to begin to look at and say,
00:46:55 "What habits do I need to change in my life?
00:46:59 What are some boundaries that I need to set in my own life?
00:47:02 And what measures of accountability will I make for
00:47:05 myself so that I'm not coming back into these same repetitive
00:47:09 habitual sins over and over again?"
00:47:12 Because yeah, God will forgive you and He'll forgive you every
00:47:15 time that you come.
00:47:17 But every time that you sin in a habitual sin,
00:47:20 you begin to reduce the presence of God in your life.
00:47:25 So you'll be saved but you'll be powerless.
00:47:28 Because when you are tripped up by sin yourself,
00:47:32 demons have no fear.
00:47:34 But when you carry His presence, somehow people can tell when you
00:47:44 have been with God.
00:47:47 With Peter and John.
00:47:49 The Bible says that they perceived that these were
00:47:52 ignorant and unlearned men but they perceived that they had
00:47:56 been with God.
00:47:59 If you've been with God, there's an aura that radiates off of
00:48:04 you.
00:48:05 There's an energy that comes off of you.
00:48:07 People can sense it.
00:48:08 When Moses came down, he didn't have to explain to anybody where
00:48:12 he had been.
00:48:13 He shone with the glory of God.
00:48:16 There's a power and in His presence there is fullness of
00:48:19 joy.
00:48:20 And at His right hand, if you can just get His presence.
00:48:24 Don't just get forgiven.
00:48:25 Get His presence.
00:48:26 Lord, if Your presence, God said,
00:48:28 "I've got to have Your presence.
00:48:30 I've got to have Your presence."
00:48:32 And so He wants His presence with us and we need His presence
00:48:36 desperately in our lives.
00:48:37 It's because He is with us because in His presence is where
00:48:41 God reveals His plans.
00:48:44 If you really want to know the plans of God,
00:48:46 get in His presence.
00:48:47 Get in God's presence and God will take you to places that you
00:48:54 never really knew that were available to you.
00:49:00 And I just want you to realize this,
00:49:04 that the giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who
00:49:10 is within you.
00:49:12 The giant in front of you is never bigger than the God who is
00:49:19 within you.
00:49:20 I'm telling you, there's a big God that's on the inside of us.
00:49:23 Somebody's bigger than you and I.
00:49:25 This God is a giant on the inside of us.
00:49:29 The giant in front of you.
00:49:31 Goliath is never as big as the God that was in David.
00:49:35 And so if you've got the presence of God on the inside
00:49:40 of you, God will have you and He will help you.
00:49:44 And I want you to just keep looking forward with Him.
00:49:50 You keep looking forward.
00:49:51 You know why?
00:49:52 Because even when you mess up, God says,
00:49:55 "I know you and I love you.
00:49:58 And I had a destiny and just because you messed up,
00:50:00 I didn't change my plans concerning you."
00:50:04 God is God.
00:50:05 He already knew that and He had calculated your mix-up and
00:50:08 mess-ups in the equation.
00:50:10 And that's why He said in Jeremiah 29 and 11,
00:50:12 "I know the plans that I have for you," declares the Lord.
00:50:15 "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
00:50:18 Plans to give you hope and a future."
00:50:20 God says, "I know all of that.
00:50:22 I know all of that.
00:50:23 I know all of that that is about you.
00:50:26 I got a destiny for you.
00:50:28 I got plans for you.
00:50:30 And I'm not gonna let your immaturity and your lack of
00:50:34 discipline disqualify you for what I've called you to do.
00:50:37 But I'm gonna draw you.
00:50:38 I'm gonna draw you.
00:50:39 You may be delayed but you won't be denied.
00:50:42 You've slowed things down a bit but God says,
00:50:44 "I'll bring you.
00:50:45 It's gonna take you longer because I'm gonna have to walk
00:50:47 you around in a desert place, in a dry place until the things
00:50:51 that are driving you to sin until they die.
00:50:55 I'm gonna have to let you walk this thing out.
00:50:58 And as you walk it out, I can't bring you into this promised
00:51:00 land until you walk that out."
00:51:03 So he said, "I still got a promised land for you.
00:51:06 And your rebellion, it's just gonna delay you."
00:51:11 But God says, "I got you.
00:51:14 I know you."
00:51:15 It's no surprise on Him when we don't follow the plan as it is.
00:51:22 But I tell you, keep pursuing your God-destiny.
00:51:26 The Apostle Paul, you have to be just like he was in Philippians
00:51:29 chapter 3 and verse 12 through 14.
00:51:31 Notice what Paul said.
00:51:32 He said, "I admit that I haven't yet acquired the absolute
00:51:35 fullness that I'm pursuing.
00:51:37 But I run with passion into His abundance so that I may reach
00:51:42 the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me
00:51:45 to make me His own.
00:51:47 I don't depend on my own strength to accomplish this.
00:51:50 However, I do have one compelling focus.
00:51:54 I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart
00:51:59 to the future instead.
00:52:01 And I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching
00:52:05 the heavenly goal and gaining the victory prize through
00:52:08 the anointing of Jesus."
00:52:10 May I just remind you today that if you're dealing with any kind
00:52:13 of bondage that has held you, 1 Corinthians,
00:52:19 2 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse 10 reminds us that He
00:52:22 delivered us from so great a death and does deliver us.
00:52:29 And in Him we trust that He will still deliver us.
00:52:34 He has delivered, He does deliver, and He will deliver.
00:52:40 God is a deliverer.
00:52:42 He has delivered us.
00:52:44 When we get tangled up again, He does deliver us.
00:52:48 And when we get tangled in the future,
00:52:50 He will still deliver us.
00:52:52 God is a deliverer.
00:52:54 It's His nature.
00:52:56 It's His heart.
00:52:57 It's His love.
00:52:58 It's His unfailing mercy for us.
00:53:01 God is a deliverer.
00:53:04 But our deliverance requires trust.
00:53:10 And that's why you'll see it in Jeremiah chapter 17 in verse 7
00:53:13 and 8.
00:53:15 "But blessed are those who trust in the Lord."
00:53:18 Blessed, blessed.
00:53:19 "Blessed are those who trust in the Lord.
00:53:22 Blessed are those who trust."
00:53:24 If you trust God, you're blessed.
00:53:26 "And have made the Lord their hope and their confidence."
00:53:30 I don't know about you, but God is my confidence.
00:53:33 And notice what he says that they are like.
00:53:35 "They are like trees planted along a riverbank
00:53:40 with roots that run deep into the water,
00:53:43 such trees that are not bothered by the heat
00:53:47 or worried by long months of drought.
00:53:50 Their leaves stay green,
00:53:52 and they never stop producing fruit."
00:53:55 Even when you go through an economic recession
00:53:58 or a depression, God says, "If your roots are deep in Me,"
00:54:02 and while other people are closing up
00:54:04 and filing for bankruptcy,
00:54:06 God says, "I'll be able to sustain you.
00:54:08 You won't even realize how you're able to be sustained."
00:54:11 But when your roots run deep,
00:54:14 He said you will still be producing fruit
00:54:18 even though there have been long months of drought.
00:54:21 And you've had to go through dry season,
00:54:22 but it's deep roots that allow you.
00:54:25 It's not a matter of if dry seasons will come.
00:54:28 They will.
00:54:29 It's a matter of when.
00:54:31 And if when they come, your roots are deep in God.
00:54:37 That, "Lord, I don't know how long
00:54:40 this recession is going to last.
00:54:42 I don't know what the inflation is going to do
00:54:44 to my bottom line.
00:54:45 I don't know how many people are gonna leave
00:54:48 and how well I'm gonna be able to keep good people working,
00:54:52 but Lord, I know You.
00:54:54 My confidence is in You.
00:54:56 I trust You, Jesus.
00:54:58 I don't know whether the people that have been supporting me,
00:55:00 whether everybody will stay in place or not,
00:55:02 but God, I trust You.
00:55:04 When your roots run deep,
00:55:06 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel
00:55:08 of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners,
00:55:11 nor sits in the seat of the scornful,
00:55:13 but his delight is in the law of the Lord.
00:55:15 And in His law does he meditate day and night,
00:55:18 and he shall be like a tree planted by the river."
00:55:24 Plant it, plant it.
00:55:26 With my roots going deep, I'm near water.
00:55:28 There is water way down there.
00:55:31 And the drier that it gets here, the deeper I've got to go.
00:55:34 The hotter it gets here, the deeper I go.
00:55:37 The deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper.
00:55:39 Father, I stretch my hands.
00:55:41 Jesus, I go deeper, deeper.
00:55:43 As it gets hotter, as it gets drier, I go deeper, deeper,
00:55:48 deeper, deeper.
00:55:49 When I humble myself, He will exalt you.
00:55:53 Humble, He'll exalt you.
00:55:54 Humble, He will exalt you.
00:56:07 He will make you green in a place that looks barren.
00:56:11 God will cause you to prosper.
00:56:12 And it should be that somebody with your background
00:56:15 and somebody in this section of town
00:56:17 shouldn't be able to make money like this.
00:56:19 They shouldn't be able to flourish like this.
00:56:21 But when the hand of the Lord is on you,
00:56:23 because your roots run deep in Him,
00:56:25 this is not because you're so smart.
00:56:28 It's not because you've got the great advertising
00:56:30 and marketing.
00:56:31 It's not because of your social media campaigns.
00:56:34 It is because somewhere somebody has got some deep roots,
00:56:38 deep roots, deep roots, deep roots.
00:56:44 You don't ever know, and I'm telling you,
00:56:46 that sometimes God will bring people close by.
00:56:50 I was with David Green, the owner of Hobby Lobby,
00:56:55 and he told me, he said, "I got up in the night
00:56:59 to go to the bathroom."
00:57:02 And he said, "My wife was in the other room praying.
00:57:05 She's interceding."
00:57:07 You don't ever really know the secret to somebody's success,
00:57:13 because sometimes they are prayer warriors,
00:57:17 and nobody sees them.
00:57:19 They don't even know their name, but they've been praying
00:57:23 when it's difficult days,
00:57:25 when you didn't have enough resources,
00:57:27 and when you are shaking as your hand is signing loan documents.
00:57:35 But when you've got somebody who knows how to pray,
00:57:43 you don't see them praying,
00:57:44 but you see the effects of their prayer.
00:57:49 And your roots, your roots run deep.
00:57:53 So while others are withering, drying up and dying,
00:57:57 somehow they don't see any more water being poured on yours
00:58:04 than what they have on theirs.
00:58:06 But what they don't understand is that there is a reservoir
00:58:10 that's in the depth of prayer,
00:58:11 that's in the depths of the Spirit.
00:58:14 You're planted by a stream of water.
00:58:16 The water is there.
00:58:17 If you go deep enough, you'll find it.
00:58:20 If you go deep enough, you'll find it.
00:58:22 And sometimes you've got to go hundreds of feet down,
00:58:25 but the water is there.
00:58:27 It'll be dry on the surface,
00:58:29 but if you ever allow yourself to get down,
00:58:32 if you go down, God will raise you up.
00:58:35 You'll strike water.
00:58:37 You'll strike it, and God will water you.
00:58:40 He will water you, and He will make,
00:58:43 He'll turn what looked like a desert place
00:58:46 and turn it into a fruitful place.
00:58:49 This is the time for the prophetic hand of God
00:58:52 to rest over your life.
00:58:54 God will deliver you.
00:58:56 He'll deliver your families.
00:58:58 He'll deliver your sons and your daughters.
00:59:00 God's a deliverer.
00:59:01 He's a deliverer.
00:59:02 He's a deliverer.
00:59:03 And listen, if you're in this place today,
00:59:06 and if you realize my life is out of kilter with God,
00:59:10 I want you to just meet me here at this altar,
00:59:13 because some of you are bound.
00:59:15 Some of you are in a place where you need deliverance of God
00:59:18 to come in your own mind, in your emotions,
00:59:20 through the trauma.
00:59:22 This is the time right now.
00:59:23 There's no shame in this.
00:59:24 This is victory.
00:59:26 Jesus turns shame into glory.
00:59:28 He turns shame into glory.
00:59:30 Jesus turns shame into glory.
00:59:34 Some of you have been stuck.
00:59:36 You've got memories.
00:59:37 You've been traumatized.
00:59:38 You've got demons' voices that have been speaking to you.
00:59:41 Some of you have been battling depression.
00:59:43 And it's time for you to get your mind back.
00:59:46 You've been dwelling among the tombs.
00:59:47 And Jesus came to deliver you.
00:59:50 He came to say, you come out, come out, come out, come out.
00:59:54 And He sent these demon spirits into a herd of swine, pigs.
01:00:03 And there was such a contorted and confused spirit
01:00:06 in these swine that they jumped off the cliff
01:00:09 and committed suicide.
01:00:12 The suicidal thoughts are not yours.
01:00:14 They come from that trauma.
01:00:16 They come from a demon source.
01:00:18 Jesus is a deliverer.
01:00:21 Come on and get your deliverance today.
01:00:23 [APPLAUSE]
01:00:31 And I'm going to tell you this, just like I knew
01:00:34 in the earlier service, that some of you
01:00:36 remember that change is really a matter of associations
01:00:39 rather than merely habits.
01:00:41 If you don't get folks delivered that are in your household,
01:00:46 it'll be so difficult for you.
01:00:48 And all God needs is one lamb for the house,
01:00:50 because some of you are living what I would
01:00:52 consider to be a hell house.
01:00:55 And there are difficult relationships there.
01:00:57 There's carnality and folks that just don't know Jesus.
01:01:00 But you're tired of the bondage.
01:01:02 You're tired of being stuck.
01:01:04 God wants you to grow.
01:01:05 You were designed to grow.
01:01:06 You were built to grow.
01:01:08 You were designed to become more than what you are.
01:01:11 And He's just calling for people that
01:01:17 need to be delivered from the kingdom of darkness
01:01:21 into the kingdom of His dear Son.
01:01:24 You're tired of what's happening when
01:01:26 you get into bed at night.
01:01:29 You're tired of what you've been feeling in your body.
01:01:32 You've been tired of every time you
01:01:34 get so close to a deal coming through and things working out
01:01:38 in your favor, and then something
01:01:39 comes and snatches it away and messes it up and spoils it.
01:01:46 Jesus is a healer.
01:01:48 He is a deliverer.
01:01:50 The Greek word for saved is the word eso, zio, soso.
01:01:55 And it means to be safe.
01:01:57 It means to be healed.
01:01:59 It means to be delivered.
01:02:01 It means to be set free.
01:02:04 He came to set the captive free.
01:02:06 Jesus came to set the captive free,
01:02:11 to liberate people that are bound,
01:02:13 to bring them into a fresh expression of glory
01:02:17 and dimension of power.
01:02:18 And even if there's not been any reverence for God
01:02:22 in your household, may it begin with you.
01:02:26 All He needs is one lamb.
01:02:28 Believe on the Lord Jesus.
01:02:30 You and your household will be saved.
01:02:32 He has the capacity to save everything
01:02:35 that's under your roof, everything that has been
01:02:39 wavered to draw it back and to cause a divine restoration
01:02:45 in your own family.
01:02:48 Deliverance is real.
01:02:51 And there's nothing that feels as wonderful as being
01:02:54 set free from guilt and shame and hiding.
01:03:02 Come on today so you can get healed.
01:03:03 And for some of you, it's not even for you.
01:03:08 It's for your household.
01:03:09 It's for people that are connected to you,
01:03:13 that you want God to do it.
01:03:15 And this is not by might, nor by our power, but it's by His
01:03:26 spirit.
01:03:28 Remember, the blood breaks the curse.
01:03:31 The blood breaks the curse.
01:03:33 The blood breaks the curse.
01:03:36 The blood breaks the curse.
01:03:39 The blood breaks the curse.
01:03:43 The blood-- Satan, the blood is against you.
01:03:49 We plead the blood over every mind today,
01:03:52 every spirit God today, over every body today
01:03:55 in the name of Jesus.
01:03:57 We plead the blood.
01:04:01 We plead the blood.
01:04:02 We plead the blood.
01:04:03 We plead the blood that causes demon spirits to flee
01:04:06 and to cry out.
01:04:07 We plead the blood today.
01:04:09 We plead the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood of Jesus.
01:04:12 The blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus.
01:04:16 Father, may you give them a holy discontent in their spirits
01:04:20 today, holy discontent, a holy discontent,
01:04:25 a holy discontent.
01:04:26 There were things used to make them laugh,
01:04:28 and they used to not feel any conviction about it.
01:04:32 But Lord, may there come now a holy discontent
01:04:35 in the hearts of your people.
01:04:37 I thank you, God.
01:04:38 You see every individual.
01:04:40 You know them by name.
01:04:42 May you quiet every demon that has spoken to them.
01:04:51 And we command it to come out of them even now.
01:05:00 We speak to whatever has not been planted by you, God,
01:05:07 and command that thing to come out.
01:05:11 Every unclean spirit, [SPEAKING LATIN]
01:05:19 Everyone that has been causing confusion in the minds
01:05:23 and hearts of your people, we call it out
01:05:25 in the name of Jesus.
01:05:27 We call it out, confusion.
01:05:30 And we call in clarity, [SPEAKING LATIN]
01:05:34 Lord, in Jesus' name, the thing that
01:05:37 has been tormenting to them, where they are cutting
01:05:41 themselves, beating themselves up over things that
01:05:45 have gone wrong, we call in now the Prince of Peace.
01:05:48 You go into their hearts, Lord, and transform them.
01:05:55 Begin to change their desires, their emotions.
01:05:57 Begin to heal them in that broken place.
01:06:01 Heal them in the place of breach where the trauma came in.
01:06:08 Lord, I pray in the name of Jesus
01:06:11 for the soothing presence of the Holy Spirit
01:06:14 to now flood them, flood them, flood them, flood them,
01:06:17 saturate them, God, with your presence.
01:06:21 Wash us, cleanse us.
01:06:23 Forgive us, God, when we've missed the mark.
01:06:26 Wash us, cleanse us, Lord.
01:06:29 Transform us on the inside, our desires.
01:06:32 Transform us, Jesus.
01:06:36 Make us new.
01:06:38 Father, I pray that you will connect us
01:06:41 to those that you've ordained, appointed, and anointed
01:06:46 to be able to help to loose us and set us free.
01:06:52 Father, thank you for what your blood does.
01:06:54 Thank you for what the Holy Ghost does.
01:06:57 Thank you for what your anointing does
01:06:59 in breaking every yoke of bondage,
01:07:02 every fetter that ties.
01:07:04 We thank you that you put a divine sickle in and sever
01:07:09 that that has been connecting us to the demonic.
01:07:12 In the name of Jesus, I speak, God,
01:07:15 the covering of the Holy Ghost over every household
01:07:18 that is represented at this altar right now, God.
01:07:21 Quiet the voices of the enemy.
01:07:23 Lord God, and may we have clarity of your voice
01:07:27 coming in, Lord.
01:07:28 May you do the work as we surrender our hearts to you
01:07:31 today, Lord Jesus.
01:07:33 May you finish what you started.
01:07:35 You're the alpha and the omega.
01:07:37 You're the beginning and the ending, the first and the last.
01:07:40 And we trust you this day that what you started,
01:07:43 that by the power of the Holy Ghost,
01:07:45 that you will finish it.
01:07:46 In Jesus' name, amen.
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