Coronation Street 17th January 2024

  • il y a 8 mois
Coronation Street 17th January 2024


00:00 *Musique*
00:24 *Musique*
00:34 *Musique*
00:56 Bye bye
01:04 *Musique*
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22:14 *Sonnerie de téléphone*
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23:51 *Cri de bébé*
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24:05 *Bruit de porte*
24:07 - Addy ! Addy, it's me !
24:09 - What's happening ?
24:11 - It's Addy. He's passed out.
24:13 He wants to come home and get hammered.
24:15 - Not unless he's a total lightweight.
24:17 I saw him, what, an hour ago, and he was cool.
24:20 - Something must be wrong then. We have to get in.
24:22 - Someone must have the key.
24:23 - I don't know, but there's no time. We have to break it down.
24:25 - No way am I paying for it.
24:27 - I'll pay, just do it.
24:29 - No need.
24:31 - Move.
24:33 - Have you done this before ?
24:38 - No comment.
24:40 - Okay.
24:44 Addy !
24:46 Addy !
24:47 - Call an ambulance !
24:48 - Yeah, I was gonna.
24:50 - We knew it wasn't likely, Gemma.
24:55 - I know.
24:57 I know, I'd have thought maybe if they realised how much I miss living with them all.
25:02 - They miss you too, like mad.
25:04 - I hate that it's my fault that they're sad and I can't bear seeing them unhappy.
25:08 - Like Caitlin said though, you're doing all the right things,
25:11 so we just have to try and be patient, yeah ?
25:15 - It's easier said than done though.
25:18 Especially when it seems to me that they're dragging the fear.
25:20 - I know it's not easy.
25:22 On any of us.
25:24 - Are you okay ?
25:28 - Yeah, you know.
25:30 Midtimes are a bit lively.
25:33 - I am so sorry, Jez.
25:35 - I know. I do.
25:37 Well, we're in this together, alright ?
25:41 We'll make it through.
25:43 - Won't we ?
25:45 I need to put the kids up in a tick.
25:49 - Yeah, I better get to work.
25:54 - Oh, actually, I forgot to mention.
25:57 Linda's arriving tomorrow.
25:59 - And you just forgot to mention it ?
26:01 - Oh, come on, don't be like that. I didn't want to give you more to worry about, did I ?
26:05 - So, you told me six months ago that I'd only be able to see my kids with supervision.
26:09 What kind of man am I ?
26:11 - Hey, them kids love you.
26:13 Don't you forget it.
26:15 - Give him a big kiss from me, yeah ?
26:17 - So, is he the one you rescued, then ?
26:23 - This one ? No.
26:25 - You're a handsome boy.
26:27 - Don't encourage him.
26:28 Do you know, this morning, I caught him looking at himself in the mirror.
26:33 Go on, then, you two, go and get a cake.
26:35 And get one from the front, not from the back.
26:37 They'll have all dried up there.
26:39 - What's his name ?
26:41 - He's Freddy, aren't you ?
26:43 He likes you.
26:45 - Yeah, dogs do. Humans, not so much.
26:48 - Is that right ?
26:49 - Used to work in a dog rescue center.
26:51 - Really ?
26:52 - Well, volunteer.
26:54 - Well, there's nothing wrong with volunteering.
26:55 You know, volunteers are the backbone of this country.
26:58 I mean, charity shops, care homes, the lifeboats, look how they risk their lives.
27:03 - Yeah, now you mention it, there was the odd snappy terrier.
27:05 - And it's usually for some idiot, in a pedalo, isn't it ?
27:08 - Better get going. Got to soak up to the boss.
27:11 - Huh ?
27:12 - See you around, Fred.
27:14 - Say goodbye.
27:15 Well, if you ever fancy coming along when he's having one of his constitutionals.
27:20 - Sorry ?
27:21 - A constitutional.
27:23 - Oh.
27:24 - On a walk.
27:26 Honestly, I blame computer games.
27:29 - Well, cool. See you later.
27:31 - How are you going to get them if you've already spent your Christmas money ?
27:34 You're not having any of mine.
27:35 - I don't need yours.
27:36 I've got some from Granny Cass, if you must know.
27:38 - That's not fair.
27:39 - Boo her, what are you going to do ?
27:41 - So how come she gave you money for ear pods ?
27:43 - She just did.
27:44 I can get her to buy some more for you, if you like.
27:46 - Really ?
27:47 - What are you two chuntering about, eh ?
27:49 - There you go.
27:50 Right out of the three pound sixty.
27:52 - Three pound sixty ?
27:54 For cakes that have been standing under a fluorescent light for the best part of the day ?
27:59 - Yeah.
28:00 Cheers.
28:01 - Where's the...
28:02 Hello.
28:03 - Dad.
28:04 - Where's he gone ?
28:06 What have you done with them, Fred ?
28:08 - I mean, they can't have done it here.
28:10 They must have taken it somewhere else, crushed it and brought it back.
28:14 - Who does that ?
28:16 - We're going to take this down to the pound.
28:18 If you want to come to the station and then we can do the paperwork.
28:21 - I was just saying, this is a weird one.
28:24 - Yeah.
28:25 Beats me when anyone goes to the trouble.
28:28 Yeah, I've got a pretty good idea.
28:31 - Oh, you know, they've totally worked out now.
28:34 They can sign naughty stuff to each other without anyone cutting in hand.
28:37 - Hey, that's a bit like us when we had that secret language when we were kids, do you remember ?
28:41 - Yeah.
28:42 I'm sure Cleo's looking more grown up.
28:45 And...
28:46 I reckon I can see you in her, Al.
28:49 - Yeah.
28:50 I always said he was the handsome one.
28:52 - Oi !
28:53 All my kids are handsome.
28:55 Joseph.
28:59 Dad said you were around.
29:01 Sorry I didn't see you after school.
29:03 Love you.
29:04 - Oh, bless him.
29:05 - Yeah, I'm sorry I missed you too.
29:08 I hope school was all right.
29:10 I'll be home before you know it.
29:13 Love you.
29:14 - You will be.
29:16 - What if they find some reason not to let me go home ?
29:23 Like, you read about it, don't you ?
29:26 I don't think I could bear that.
29:27 - Hey, hey, calm it down.
29:28 - Hey, hey, calm it down.
29:29 - Just wondering if you fancy walking to school with me and Dad tomorrow ?
29:38 Promise not to walk too fast.
29:39 - He makes fun of my little legs.
29:41 - Hey.
29:45 Nobody is taking them kids off you.
29:48 Nobody.
29:50 Answer him, then.
29:56 - I won't miss it for the world.
29:58 - Can you set the table, Ruby, please ? There's a good girl.
30:05 - I'm not even hungry.
30:07 - I don't even live here, but I'm cooking the dinner.
30:10 Table.
30:11 - I did it yesterday. It's Hope's turn.
30:13 - You're early.
30:14 I hope you don't expect your dinner to be on the table.
30:17 You see ?
30:18 Here's your father now.
30:19 I've just asked her to set the table
30:21 and you'd have thought I'd asked her to scrub down the chimney.
30:24 - But it's Hope's turn.
30:25 - That better be homework you're doing.
30:27 Shopping ?
30:28 I don't even know why you bother.
30:29 You can't afford to buy anything from there anyway.
30:31 - I don't have to.
30:32 Hope's gonna need a bit of granny cash to pay for it.
30:35 - She'll be lucky.
30:36 - Wish you'd have said a pay rise for me, hadn't you ?
30:39 - No, 'cause you actually have to do a bit of work to get one of them.
30:42 Table.
30:44 Now.
30:45 - Paul ?
30:46 - Hey, slow down, I can't...
30:48 Oh, dear.
30:51 Er... Yes ?
30:54 Yes, no, I've got keys.
30:56 Don't you worry about the shop.
30:58 - Yeah, thanks, evening.
30:59 Bye.
31:00 So, where is he ?
31:01 Is he OK ?
31:02 - The doctor's with him now.
31:03 - Yeah, but is he OK ?
31:04 What did they say ?
31:05 - Nothing.
31:06 We got here and they brushed him through and...
31:07 I don't know.
31:08 - Only Adam's family.
31:09 - Yeah, that's me.
31:10 I'm his father.
31:11 How is he ?
31:12 - He's conscious, which is good.
31:13 We're giving him oxygen and keeping an eye on him.
31:15 - Right, so what happened ?
31:16 Why did he pass out ?
31:17 - Carbon monoxide poison.
31:18 - What ?
31:19 How ?
31:21 - It's usually from an old boiler.
31:23 - What ?
31:24 So, he was being poisoned ?
31:25 - Absolutely.
31:26 By breathing in the carbon monoxide,
31:28 it was replacing the oxygen in his blood cells.
31:30 - Yeah, but how long was he in there ?
31:32 - Not sure.
31:33 But left much longer, it could have been fatal.
31:35 - How come I didn't smell anything ?
31:37 - Unfortunately, it's odourless.
31:38 The silent killer.
31:39 He was just lucky someone came along.
31:42 - Thank you.
31:43 - I expect you'd like to see him.
31:45 - Please.
31:46 - Oh, you two go.
31:50 I don't want to crowd him.
31:52 - OK.
31:53 - Hey.
32:17 - How is he ?
32:20 - He's big, Robbie.
32:21 He's asking to see you.
32:24 Honey, listen, you've got every right to be angry,
32:28 but in the grand scheme of things,
32:29 is a stupid kiss really that important ?
32:32 You know, your brother, he could have died.
32:35 And it would be wonderful if Amy would be here now,
32:38 if he's thinking about all the things
32:40 that we wish we'd said.
32:42 'Cause life is short.
32:44 It really is.
32:49 - Dad, I, um...
32:50 I'll get him a drink.
32:55 - Thank you.
32:56 - So, I am proposing to suggest to the members
33:07 that during this period of hibernation,
33:10 we embark on a public relations campaign.
33:17 But, facts, if you will.
33:21 Emphasising that they are more closely related
33:24 to humans than to rodents, and so forth.
33:28 Nina ?
33:30 - Sorry ?
33:31 - You seem somewhat distracted.
33:32 Is anything wrong ?
33:33 - I kissed Hardy.
33:36 - Ah, oh.
33:38 - I know.
33:40 I'm a terrible person.
33:42 - Ah, well...
33:43 - And now Asha knows.
33:44 What an idiot.
33:45 I bet she's gonna be mad.
33:46 - What an idiot.
33:47 I messed everything up.
33:48 - Now's the time to say something.
33:53 - Well, it certainly seems to have been
33:58 a reckless thing to do,
34:00 if you want to continue a relationship with Asha.
34:03 - Yeah, I do.
34:04 Of course I do.
34:05 But she just won't take my calls now.
34:07 - Well, perhaps she needs a little time.
34:09 I'm sure, in the end, everything will be well.
34:13 - Do you think ?
34:15 - I think so.
34:16 - Well, I'm sure it will be well.
34:18 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:19 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:20 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:21 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:22 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:23 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:24 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:25 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:26 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:27 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:28 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:29 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:30 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:31 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:32 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:33 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:34 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:35 - I'm sure it will be well.
34:36 - I'm sure it will be well.
35:02 - I'm sure it will be well.
35:09 - I'm sure it will be well.
35:14 - I'm sure it will be well.
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35:24 - I'm sure it will be well.
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44:00 - I'm sure it will be well.