Raw Dogging at Frannie's Beef and Catering in Schiller Park, IL

  • last year
Frank The Tank
00:00 Take me out for some hot dogs.
00:03 Alright!
00:05 Wow, Franny!
00:07 Oh my God, Franny!
00:09 I can't believe it!
00:11 She's opened up her own hot dog stand!
00:14 It's been a long time since I've seen Franny.
00:17 You know, with that haunted house there.
00:19 She was terribly fat!
00:21 You know?
00:23 What's that? What's that?
00:25 I don't know where Hank is.
00:27 I don't know where Hank is these days, but I'm here!
00:31 And I'm here to determine if these hot dogs are good.
00:33 Maybe.
00:35 Literally under the takeoff of O'Hare Airport.
00:39 Don't miss it, but hot dogs, maybe.
00:45 We're going to determine just how good these hot dogs are.
00:47 And actually go to Walgreens here.
00:49 And Franny's Beef and Catering, just outside this park.
00:55 [Music]
00:57 [Music]
01:25 Alright, we're here at Franny's Beef.
01:28 Another member of the Vienna Beef Hall of Fame.
01:31 Now, these don't look like the typical Vienna Beef hot dogs.
01:34 These look more like the Subret Dirty Water style hot dogs from New York.
01:39 And they don't have the poppy seed bun that you usually find in Chicago.
01:43 But the bun to dog ratio is good.
01:45 And they steamed the bun, they steamed the dog.
01:47 Well, let's see if the dog has any esteem.
01:50 [Music]
01:52 Nice, solid snap.
01:57 I'm going to give it a triple.
02:13 It's got the type of snap I like.
02:15 It's got the type of...
02:17 The dog I like doesn't have the poppy seed, but that works with this dog.
02:24 This dog actually tastes more like something you find out of a Subret park.
02:29 A good Subret park in New York.
02:31 Okay, here's the chili dog.
02:37 And it looks like another one that might be using beans.
02:42 But we'll see how it actually tastes.
02:45 [Music]
02:47 Alright, the chili dog actually does hold up this time.
02:52 It doesn't fall apart.
02:54 That's a good thing.
02:55 It's a nice enough chili, nice enough spicy enough chili.
02:59 I like the cheese sauce.
03:02 I think I'm going to give it...
03:08 A, um...
03:11 I think I'm going to give it a...
03:15 I'll give it a double.
03:16 A hustle double, barely getting in ahead of the tag.
03:19 I like the spice of it, the taste of it, the tang of it.
03:23 And the dog is very good.
03:25 As for the fries here...
03:28 These are excellent fries.
03:31 Excellent, excellent fries.
03:35 8.2.
03:41 This place has it's own homemade lemon ice.
03:44 Let's see how this came out.
03:46 I'm going to give this lemon ice a 9.1.
04:02 This is perfect lemon ice.
04:04 This is what lemon ice should taste like.
04:06 Read us!
04:08 [Lemon ice]
04:10 This is real lemon ice.
04:14 And it's quite nice.
04:16 Even though it might cause your tooth to ache from the freeze.
04:21 And also, watch out for the brain freeze.
04:25 That's what Billy Eppler experiences every fucking minute.
04:28 Oh Franny!
04:30 You know, this doesn't feel like a Chicago place to me.
04:35 It feels more like a place I'd find in Jersey.
04:37 With it's style of hot dog, the push cart style, the steam style.
04:41 The dirty water hot dog, if you will.
04:43 But I don't hate that.
04:45 You see, sometimes you bring Chicago dogs into New York.
04:49 And by that reason, New York style dogs should be in Chicago.
04:53 So if you want a New York style dog in Chicago, this is the place to go.
04:58 And I think the hot dogs are very good.
05:01 They're thin, they're thin, subret.
05:04 That's what it tastes like to me.
05:05 It tastes a little like a subret to me.
05:07 If you know any other places I should go, leave a comment down below.
05:11 And don't forget to click like and subscribe, because you never know when I'm going to show up.
05:15 Keep raw dogging, and I'll see you down the road.
05:19 Take me out for some hot dogs.
05:23 Get me one that's only plain.
05:26 No mustard or ketchup.
05:29 I'll know what the dog is really about.
05:33 And it's hoped that this is a good one.
05:36 Maybe a home run or a double.
05:39 But if it sucks, it will be a strikeout.
05:42 And I'm worried of my taste buds.
05:45 [laughs]
05:47 [beep]
05:49 [whoosh]
05:51 [silence]
05:54 [silence]
05:57 [silence]
