Great Exploits - Stephanie Ike Okafor

  • l’année dernière
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:02 We're going to go on a journey here, guys.
00:00:20 And just rock with me, OK?
00:00:25 Now, for the past couple weeks, we
00:00:27 have been on the Seed Mentality series.
00:00:31 And it has been incredible.
00:00:34 If you have not caught up on it, maybe this is your first time,
00:00:38 you're being exposed to us for the first time,
00:00:40 then I encourage you to watch it on our YouTube channel.
00:00:45 I just want to do something.
00:00:46 There's a gentleman.
00:00:47 You have a white hoodie and a jacket.
00:00:51 Yeah, you right there.
00:00:53 And the Lord is just--
00:00:54 I couldn't stop seeing what God is doing just over your life.
00:01:00 And he's just showing me that he is just
00:01:01 getting started with you.
00:01:04 He is just getting started with you.
00:01:08 Thank you, Lord.
00:01:09 Thank you, Lord.
00:01:11 Thank you, Lord.
00:01:12 Actually, you might just stand up.
00:01:14 There's a lot of activity happening around you.
00:01:17 Now, you can catch it, too.
00:01:19 Come on, I'd love a good catch up.
00:01:21 But I also want you to stand up.
00:01:24 And both of you, just open your hands.
00:01:27 Thank you, Jesus.
00:01:28 Holy Spirit, what you have started, perfect it.
00:01:34 I thank you, Lord, that every lie that
00:01:37 has tried to rob them of their now, the power in their now,
00:01:41 Lord God, that it is canceled, that that lie is being uprooted
00:01:46 right now in the name of Jesus.
00:01:49 Holy Spirit, begin to move upon them, in them.
00:01:53 Thank you, Lord.
00:01:54 Thank you, Lord.
00:01:56 And everything connected to their destiny,
00:01:59 empower them with it right now in the name of Jesus.
00:02:03 As they have opened their hands, Lord God, before you,
00:02:06 fill it up.
00:02:07 Fill it up with grace.
00:02:09 Fill it up with your favor.
00:02:11 Fill it up with your empowerment, O God.
00:02:14 Teach their hands to war in the place
00:02:18 that you have called them to.
00:02:20 We thank you, Lord.
00:02:22 This would be a day that is marked in their lives.
00:02:26 And they would know that from this moment
00:02:28 they will never be the same.
00:02:30 Because they walked in here feeling alone,
00:02:33 but they would walk out knowing that they
00:02:35 are clothed by the power of the Holy Ghost.
00:02:39 And so we thank you, Jesus.
00:02:41 Have your way in Jesus' name.
00:02:45 Amen.
00:02:45 Amen.
00:02:46 Amen.
00:02:46 Amen.
00:02:47 [APPLAUSE]
00:02:49 And what I love about these moments
00:02:52 is that you can grab on that, too.
00:02:55 You can catch that, too.
00:02:56 Thank you, Lord.
00:02:57 But we have been on this seed mentality series.
00:03:00 And last week, our pastor, PT, was
00:03:04 teaching on this message called "It's Time to Shine."
00:03:08 And in that message, he talked about how in the last days
00:03:12 which we are in, there are great exploits connected,
00:03:16 waiting for God's people to step into.
00:03:20 That for those in position that they would do--
00:03:22 it's already written.
00:03:25 Great exploits for God's people.
00:03:29 And the message, it was not just about a sermon.
00:03:32 It was a burden.
00:03:34 Because when there is a burden in the spirit,
00:03:36 it--
00:03:37 you can't shake it off until God accomplishes
00:03:41 what he wants to do through it.
00:03:44 And so the message laid a beautiful foundation for us.
00:03:50 Because as we are in seed mentality,
00:03:52 you cannot have--
00:03:53 you cannot be a person that has seed mentality without having
00:03:56 harvest mentality.
00:03:58 Because harvest-- the promise of harvest is in seed time.
00:04:04 And so as we are taking this shift
00:04:06 to talk about what does harvest look like in the kingdom,
00:04:09 and it looks like great exploits.
00:04:13 And as we go on this journey, you're
00:04:15 going to recognize that a lot of the things that we think
00:04:19 is just for our glory all serve a purpose.
00:04:24 Authority, influence, wealth, they all serve a purpose.
00:04:30 And so great exploits, the harvest connected to it.
00:04:38 What I love about this idea, even
00:04:40 when you think about seed time and harvest time,
00:04:44 is that as long as you are diligent with what God has put
00:04:49 in your hands in the season of seed time,
00:04:53 there would always be a harvest.
00:04:56 And what the enemy likes to do is
00:04:59 to get you to the point where you begin to grow weary,
00:05:04 that you get tired.
00:05:05 You feel like, God, it's not working.
00:05:07 And you start to give up.
00:05:10 But the interesting thing is that to understand
00:05:14 the end result of what God called you to start
00:05:18 is in what God said about it.
00:05:21 It has nothing to do with your emotions.
00:05:24 It has nothing to do with your tantrums.
00:05:25 We all have them, not just kids.
00:05:29 It has nothing to do with any of that.
00:05:31 It is all about what did God say about this in the beginning.
00:05:34 And too often, we give up before we ever
00:05:39 allow the seed to grow.
00:05:42 And the unfortunate part, family,
00:05:44 is that when you turn your back on the seed,
00:05:47 you turn your back on your harvest.
00:05:50 This past week, I experienced a beautiful harvest.
00:05:54 I have a brother.
00:05:56 And when my mom was pregnant with him,
00:05:58 everything about his life just has God all over it.
00:06:02 When my mom was pregnant with him,
00:06:04 there was a prophetic word that went forth,
00:06:07 that he would be a mighty man of God.
00:06:10 And then I was mentioned because of him.
00:06:12 They were like, and he will have a sister.
00:06:14 And they talked about how close we would be,
00:06:19 which we are extremely close.
00:06:22 And they also talked about what would look
00:06:25 like both of us in ministry.
00:06:27 Before I was even born, they started talking about me,
00:06:30 and I said, oh, OK.
00:06:32 But then, when my brother was born and we grew up,
00:06:38 we both would have these supernatural experiences.
00:06:43 And I would run to it.
00:06:44 He would run from it.
00:06:48 And no matter-- he would be like, yeah,
00:06:52 it's so funny because he acts like he doesn't mess with Jesus.
00:06:57 But when it's time to pray, he would take his hat off.
00:06:59 I said, oh, you went Baptist in this thing.
00:07:01 [LAUGHTER]
00:07:05 He would have this wisdom when he talks about Christians
00:07:09 and all this.
00:07:10 And I would always talk to him according
00:07:12 to the call on his life.
00:07:14 I'm like, look at your apostle.
00:07:17 And he would just be so frustrated with me, right?
00:07:20 But we would have these beautiful conversations
00:07:22 about the Bible and all kinds of things.
00:07:25 We would go back and forth and talk about questions.
00:07:28 There are things I would say, look, I don't know.
00:07:30 I'm still trying to ask the Lord about that.
00:07:33 But he had been running for such a long time.
00:07:35 And this past week, my daughter was dedicated on last Sunday.
00:07:39 So the family was in town.
00:07:41 And so while he was in town, he gave his life to Jesus.
00:07:44 [APPLAUSE]
00:07:47 And not only that, got baptized.
00:07:50 [APPLAUSE]
00:07:54 Because the moment-- he literally
00:07:56 texts me like 12-something in the morning.
00:07:59 He's like, man, I think I need to get baptized.
00:08:01 I said, we could do that today.
00:08:02 [LAUGHTER]
00:08:04 We don't need to delay this any longer.
00:08:08 It's been delayed for a long time.
00:08:12 And we talked about community earlier in the announcements,
00:08:15 right, the power of community.
00:08:17 I reached out to my community.
00:08:19 We had the baptism at Rose's place.
00:08:21 Come on, somebody.
00:08:22 Shout out to Rose.
00:08:23 [APPLAUSE]
00:08:25 And it was so beautiful.
00:08:28 But what that spoke to me was we never gave up
00:08:31 on the seed of God's word.
00:08:33 There was a word God spoke about him.
00:08:36 And we are still going to keep cultivating that
00:08:39 until it looks like everything the Lord said.
00:08:45 And you have to start wondering, what
00:08:47 have you turned your back on?
00:08:50 Because you got frustrated.
00:08:52 Because you felt like, God, I've invested so much in this.
00:08:57 You see, the scripture tells us there is one who plants.
00:09:01 There is another who waters.
00:09:03 But it is the Lord that causes it to grow.
00:09:08 When my brother and I started having this dialogue that
00:09:11 led to him wanting to be baptized,
00:09:14 it was so evident that the Lord has stepped in.
00:09:21 And you have to recognize that even when something hasn't
00:09:24 happened according to what God showed you,
00:09:28 could it be it's just not in its time?
00:09:31 And there is still something being cultivated.
00:09:35 There is still something God is shaping and molding.
00:09:38 And all that is required from you is to be patient.
00:09:43 That is why the word of God tells us in Galatians 6.9,
00:09:46 it says, "Let us not become weary in doing good.
00:09:52 For at the proper time, we would reap a harvest--"
00:09:56 listen, by doing what?
00:09:58 Not giving up.
00:10:00 If you don't give up, there is a harvest
00:10:02 on the other side of it.
00:10:05 This is also why God doesn't give up on you.
00:10:08 Because you are God's seed that he sent to your generation,
00:10:13 that he sent to the earth.
00:10:16 And even when in your stubbornness and rebellion,
00:10:19 you just are not trying to give the Holy Spirit a break,
00:10:23 the Lord still fulfills that harvest connected to your life
00:10:27 through your seed or through the earth's seed.
00:10:30 Someone in that family lineage would reveal and manifest
00:10:36 the harvest that was always connected to you.
00:10:40 God doesn't give up on you.
00:10:42 And what harvest coming out of you looks like
00:10:46 is great exploits.
00:10:47 So I want to talk about that.
00:10:51 Let's look at Daniel 11.32.
00:10:55 The Bible says this.
00:10:58 "Those who do wickedly against the covenant,
00:11:03 he shall corrupt with flattery.
00:11:06 But the people who know their God shall be strong
00:11:11 and carry out great exploits."
00:11:14 Our pastor talked about this scripture last week.
00:11:18 And he talked about how those who do wickedly--
00:11:21 this is about violating the covenant.
00:11:23 This is not people outside of God.
00:11:26 These are the people that said yes to God.
00:11:30 And then all of a sudden, they violate the covenant.
00:11:36 That what God required out of their lives,
00:11:39 they started to go towards another direction.
00:11:42 And what happens when there is a path God calls you to
00:11:46 and you start going here, the temptation,
00:11:49 the lustful desires in your heart
00:11:51 is leading you into something else.
00:11:54 But then check out what the Bible says
00:11:56 that has me so fascinated.
00:11:59 It says, "He shall corrupt with flattery."
00:12:04 As I studied the word for flattery,
00:12:06 it gave this understanding of deceitful portion.
00:12:12 Have you or someone you know ever experienced
00:12:16 when you are clearly doing something
00:12:21 that was outside of God's will for your life?
00:12:24 It was not consistent with the word of God, the ways of God,
00:12:29 the character of God, the standard of God.
00:12:33 But the moment you stepped into it,
00:12:36 doors started opening to you.
00:12:39 It wasn't until you compromised on what kind of film
00:12:42 you would do that you got the award.
00:12:46 It wasn't until you compromised about what kind of sound
00:12:50 you would release, then you started being recognized.
00:12:55 And then we think this is fruit.
00:12:59 And then people start to argue, no, no, no, like, man,
00:13:02 God is opening doors for me, fam.
00:13:04 Right?
00:13:07 Like, you know, we have to be in the world and not of it,
00:13:10 but you looking like it.
00:13:12 And they start to argue with you because they're like, no,
00:13:16 like, all these doors opening, I want to glorify God through it.
00:13:20 But when did ever in history--
00:13:25 I just put all the words more randomly.
00:13:28 But when ever did you see God needed to compromise
00:13:32 his standard to bless you?
00:13:36 When have you ever seen God needed to compromise himself
00:13:40 to get a resource to you?
00:13:43 And people begin to have this new doctrine that, no, God
00:13:49 is opening doors for me.
00:13:50 But could it be that this flattery,
00:13:53 this deceitful portion is the enemy bringing things
00:13:57 to your path to keep you there?
00:14:01 That the enemy does not even want
00:14:02 to give you the opportunity to repent,
00:14:06 but to model corruption?
00:14:10 Because the many people that watch you and follow you
00:14:13 would say, oh, they love God.
00:14:17 They worship God.
00:14:18 They're all about God.
00:14:19 And they're doing this, then so can I.
00:14:23 Because they're doing it and giving God glory,
00:14:26 it must not be that deep.
00:14:29 Flattery.
00:14:31 That those that violate the covenant, he corrupts them.
00:14:37 You see the word-- it's so interesting,
00:14:38 because you would think they were already corrupted when
00:14:40 they violated the covenant.
00:14:43 But after it was violated, because they're people,
00:14:46 I'm telling you, their intentions are good.
00:14:48 They really want to follow Jesus.
00:14:52 But we all have things in our heart
00:14:54 that we don't even know about until we
00:14:57 are in a circumstance that pulls it out.
00:15:01 We don't recognize the things we lust
00:15:02 for outside of the things of God until we
00:15:05 come into a situation, an opportunity that pulls it out.
00:15:11 When you mean all I have to do is this, and I make this,
00:15:16 and then you start contemplating.
00:15:19 Like maybe, you know what?
00:15:20 Maybe I could try it.
00:15:21 I really have this thing due.
00:15:22 I need to pay this bill.
00:15:25 So you're doing it not because you have really
00:15:28 corrupted your way.
00:15:29 You just fail for some deception, some temptation.
00:15:34 But then the moment you got there,
00:15:36 now the enemy begins to corrupt even your doctrine.
00:15:40 He begins to corrupt what you see and know about God.
00:15:45 Because when he starts bringing things your way,
00:15:49 oh, now you have the award.
00:15:50 Now you're getting recognition.
00:15:52 Your influence is growing.
00:15:54 And you're like, well, man, God is opening doors for me.
00:15:56 Then God must think this is OK.
00:15:58 Corruption.
00:16:01 You start arguing, defending why it's not that deep.
00:16:04 Corruption.
00:16:07 Because he doesn't even want you to get out and come into truth.
00:16:10 And so when we find ourselves here,
00:16:14 then the Bible takes a turn.
00:16:17 Because it says, "But the people who know their God
00:16:22 shall be strong and carry out great exploits."
00:16:28 You see, for many--
00:16:30 and there is no shame here.
00:16:31 You have to know truth in order to grow.
00:16:34 For many, we have a surface relationship with God.
00:16:39 And what do I mean by that?
00:16:40 Your relationship with God is shaped
00:16:42 by your comfort and routines.
00:16:46 There are things you do that check off the box of relationship
00:16:49 with God.
00:16:51 Go to church, which is beautiful.
00:16:53 We here now.
00:16:55 I have Bible study.
00:16:57 Amazing.
00:16:58 I have a Bible plan I'm studying.
00:17:00 Beautiful.
00:17:02 But all of it is shaped around self.
00:17:07 God, what can you do for me?
00:17:09 God, what is the industry you've called me into so that I can
00:17:12 shine?
00:17:13 Not even about your glory shining through me.
00:17:15 No, no, no.
00:17:16 Just I want to know, God, where is the place you've called me
00:17:19 so I can have a breakthrough?
00:17:21 We limit it to us not realizing that the agenda of heaven
00:17:28 can be boiled down to one word, dominion.
00:17:33 Everything-- you see, there is the will of God
00:17:35 on a personal level, right?
00:17:37 Should I get-- which was the property?
00:17:41 Should I take this job or is it that job?
00:17:43 Should I hire this person or is that not the person?
00:17:45 Is this the person I should marry, x, y, and z, right?
00:17:49 But all of it is not centered around you.
00:17:53 It is connected to dominion.
00:17:56 From the beginning, it's been about dominion.
00:17:59 In the garden, when God created man and woman,
00:18:02 you know, male and female, Adam and Eve, what he says to them,
00:18:05 be fruitful and multiply.
00:18:07 Have dominion.
00:18:09 In the end, it will still be about dominion.
00:18:12 In Revelation, it talks about how
00:18:14 and the kingdoms of this world has become the kingdoms
00:18:17 of our God and of his Christ that Jesus would reign.
00:18:23 It has always been about extending the reign
00:18:27 and rulership of Jesus in everything.
00:18:31 That the marriage is not just about you being happy.
00:18:33 If you put the weight of your happiness
00:18:35 in another individual, it will crumble.
00:18:37 It's not just about that.
00:18:39 The marriage is about the reign and rule
00:18:41 of Jesus in that family name.
00:18:45 It's not just about God.
00:18:46 What is the job you're asking me to take?
00:18:48 Because your presence there should
00:18:50 show what it looks like for God to reign and rule
00:18:53 over a person, your temperament.
00:18:58 That everything connected to your life,
00:19:01 it's filtered through the funnel of dominion.
00:19:05 And it's unfortunate that the kingdom of darkness
00:19:09 understands taking territory more than God's people.
00:19:14 And in this season, there is an emphasis
00:19:19 on the spirit of God for his children,
00:19:22 for the sons and daughters of God
00:19:24 to be equipped to know what this life is really about.
00:19:28 You see, the word of God says, my people, my people
00:19:31 perish due to a lack of knowledge.
00:19:36 Not other people, my people.
00:19:38 Because we have made life about what it's not about.
00:19:46 We've centered everything on who we are
00:19:49 and what we want to gain out of it, not recognizing
00:19:51 we are vessels for the glory of God to flow through,
00:19:56 for the dominion of God to be established.
00:20:03 And so I want to teach you, because I
00:20:06 think for you to really grasp what has taken place
00:20:10 is to also understand how the enemy functions.
00:20:15 You see, you have to understand that Satan was once
00:20:17 an angel in the Lord's court before he became Satan,
00:20:23 the devil, and all that stuff.
00:20:25 He probably failed.
00:20:26 Took some angels with him.
00:20:28 But there are things he learned about the structures
00:20:30 and systems of how things work.
00:20:33 And the apostle Paul had a revelation about this.
00:20:37 And as I'm going to read this, I know
00:20:39 there are many in this room like me.
00:20:40 When you read this passage in the past,
00:20:42 you just grouped everything together
00:20:44 and just called all of it the devil, just bind everything.
00:20:47 And we're going to read this, and you
00:20:49 see what I'm talking about.
00:20:51 So it says here in Ephesians 6, 12,
00:20:56 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
00:21:00 but against principalities, against powers,
00:21:05 against the rulers of darkness of this age,
00:21:08 against spiritual host of wickedness
00:21:12 in the heavenly places."
00:21:15 I want you to write this down, and you might see it behind me
00:21:19 as we really go into it one by one.
00:21:23 "Principalities lead.
00:21:26 Powers influence will.
00:21:29 Rulers control territories.
00:21:32 And wickedness ensues, causing depravity."
00:21:38 Now, let's start with principalities.
00:21:41 Because when we see this, we would recognize
00:21:43 this is a chain of command.
00:21:46 It was not this random thing Paul was talking about.
00:21:50 The apostle Paul was trying to let the people know
00:21:52 that before your issue becomes through flesh and blood,
00:21:56 it didn't start with flesh and blood.
00:21:59 Before it gets to the point of what people are doing,
00:22:02 it didn't start there.
00:22:05 It started in the spiritual realm.
00:22:08 It started with principalities, then powers,
00:22:12 then rulers of darkness, and then spiritual wickedness
00:22:15 in high places.
00:22:17 And so starting with principalities,
00:22:19 this term actually refers to the first in a series,
00:22:25 the leader and the first place of angels and demons.
00:22:31 Do you see that this list is actually not random?
00:22:35 That when the apostle Paul is given this revelation,
00:22:38 he's starting with the order of how they function.
00:22:44 That when Satan wants to take a territory,
00:22:47 when he has interest in a territory,
00:22:51 the first one he sends is a prince.
00:22:55 He sends an angel as a prince over the territory,
00:23:00 and their job is to map out the territory.
00:23:04 You see, every city, every state, every region
00:23:10 has a unique purpose in God.
00:23:15 There is something connected to regions
00:23:18 in also fulfilling the purpose of the Lord.
00:23:22 That is why when God plants a church in a city,
00:23:26 that church should serve as the kingdom embassy,
00:23:31 and the people should serve as ambassadors being sent out.
00:23:36 That is why in the book of Revelation,
00:23:38 when the Lord is sending messages to the cities,
00:23:41 he's actually sending it to the churches,
00:23:43 and not just the churches,
00:23:45 the angels assigned to those churches.
00:23:48 Because the Lord's angels that he assigns to regions
00:23:52 are connected to the churches that he built.
00:23:55 Not every church in the city was built by God.
00:24:01 There are some churches that the angels are like,
00:24:03 "I don't know who sent you."
00:24:07 And I'm saying that because you got to pray
00:24:09 before you just be going anywhere.
00:24:12 Because not everything was built.
00:24:15 The Lord says, "I would build my church."
00:24:20 When the Lord is building his church,
00:24:23 he's not just building a gathering place
00:24:25 for people to just laugh and chill and go home
00:24:27 without conviction or transformation.
00:24:30 When the Lord is building his church,
00:24:32 it is about taking territory over that region.
00:24:37 So he says, "I would build my church,
00:24:41 and the gates of hell would not prevail against it."
00:24:46 It was not just about the location of the --
00:24:49 like, you know, oh, right here on La Brea.
00:24:50 No, it's about the territory that the church represents.
00:24:56 And so when the enemy wants to, you know,
00:24:59 take authority over a territory,
00:25:01 he starts by sending the prince to map it out.
00:25:05 What is God's agenda for this territory?
00:25:09 And how he begins to recognize it
00:25:11 are the people who have been sent there.
00:25:14 Okay, we're in Los Angeles.
00:25:16 Wow, there are a lot of people in this territory.
00:25:18 They're very talented.
00:25:20 There's a lot of evangelists here.
00:25:23 You see, the mistake we have made
00:25:24 is that we made ministry only look like this to you.
00:25:28 But you didn't recognize that ministry looks like politics,
00:25:31 and you're an apostle in it,
00:25:33 that you could be a prophet in technology,
00:25:37 that you could be an evangelist in the film industry,
00:25:39 in the music industry.
00:25:41 So the enemy begins to look at,
00:25:43 "Who are the people sent to this region?"
00:25:47 I see a lot of evangelists.
00:25:49 I see a lot of people with talent and skills.
00:25:52 Oh, so what God wants to do here
00:25:54 is to use media to establish his kingdom.
00:25:59 How can we corrupt it?
00:26:01 How can we corrupt the media to reflect our kingdom?
00:26:07 So it starts by gathering intelligence.
00:26:13 Okay, what is happening here?
00:26:17 Who are the people assigned here?
00:26:18 What are their weaknesses?
00:26:21 Who could we use for our plan and agenda?
00:26:24 And this is where powers now come in.
00:26:26 Because after the territory has been mapped out,
00:26:30 intelligence has been gathered.
00:26:32 They have gathered data about the region.
00:26:35 Now, powers, that word actually speaks
00:26:38 to the power of choice,
00:26:39 liberty of doing as one pleases,
00:26:43 and authority over mankind.
00:26:45 What is it talking about?
00:26:46 Your will.
00:26:47 The power of choice.
00:26:50 You have free will.
00:26:52 Powers come to influence the will of people
00:26:57 to carry out the agenda of the enemy.
00:27:01 This is when they bring suggestive thoughts to you
00:27:04 according to your weakness.
00:27:07 They look for people that are compatible
00:27:10 to Satan's agenda.
00:27:12 If he wants to take over media,
00:27:15 okay, do we have people that are talented,
00:27:17 but they are so hungry for fame
00:27:19 they will do anything to be seen?
00:27:21 Who is compatible with this?
00:27:25 It's the same thing.
00:27:27 You see, the schemes of Satan never changes.
00:27:30 We see it in the Garden of Eden.
00:27:32 Many times we think the serpent was the devil.
00:27:34 No, he was not.
00:27:35 The serpent, the Bible says,
00:27:37 was an animal created by the Lord,
00:27:40 like the other animals of the field.
00:27:45 But when Satan was trying to get access
00:27:49 to infiltrate the garden
00:27:51 and to get Eve's attention and to deceive her,
00:27:56 he looked for the animal,
00:27:58 because, I mean, there was only two humans,
00:28:00 and Adam and Eve.
00:28:02 So the only people he could use were the animals.
00:28:06 But he looked for the animal
00:28:07 that was the most compatible with his agenda,
00:28:11 because he needed something that could be cunning,
00:28:14 that could bring a deceptive message.
00:28:18 So he scans through the animals,
00:28:20 and then he sees the snake.
00:28:22 And that's why the Bible highlights,
00:28:24 study this in Genesis, it says,
00:28:26 "And the snake was the most cunning
00:28:28 "out of all the animals that the Lord God had made."
00:28:32 And so when he gets the snake on his side,
00:28:36 he's like, okay, this is the conversation,
00:28:38 you're gonna, you know, I'm gonna use you.
00:28:41 To talk to the woman.
00:28:43 That is why the snake was also cursed.
00:28:46 Satan is not the one on his belly.
00:28:49 The Bible says, "As a result of what the serpent did,
00:28:54 "now the Lord says, 'Now on your belly shall you crawl.'"
00:28:58 So it gives us the idea
00:28:59 that that was not even his original design,
00:29:01 that perhaps he had legs, he had hands,
00:29:04 but because of what happened,
00:29:06 the fall of man also brought the animals
00:29:08 into a fallen state.
00:29:10 So back then, animals were talking,
00:29:16 they were having dialogue,
00:29:17 but they're in a fallen state now,
00:29:19 so now instead of the lion being your friend,
00:29:21 he wants to eat you.
00:29:22 So instead of the snake, you know,
00:29:27 jumping, you know, doing a little dance,
00:29:30 now he got a sweater.
00:29:32 But it was about compatibility.
00:29:37 Who is most compatible to our agenda?
00:29:40 The same thing happens.
00:29:42 When they're scouting the area,
00:29:44 they're seeing people who God called.
00:29:47 You see, God said about Jeremiah,
00:29:49 "Jeremiah, before I formed you, I knew you.
00:29:53 "And before you were born, I set you apart
00:29:59 "and ordained you a prophet to the nations."
00:30:03 Jeremiah was always a prophet.
00:30:06 It was just not yet activated.
00:30:08 And so the revelation coming to him
00:30:11 activates what God always knew about him.
00:30:14 But if we saw more of Jeremiah's story,
00:30:18 we may have seen that there was something unique
00:30:21 about Jeremiah, that maybe he would have these dreams
00:30:24 and things about the future
00:30:26 that he just didn't understand.
00:30:27 Why am I seeing all of this?
00:30:29 And so when the enemy is after the territory,
00:30:33 he says, "Okay, we see where the influence is going.
00:30:37 "Now, what do they desire?
00:30:40 "What are they after?
00:30:43 "They're after fame, okay.
00:30:45 "They're after wealth.
00:30:47 "They're after this more than pleasing God.
00:30:49 "Okay, we can corrupt them.
00:30:52 "We can get them to our side."
00:30:55 This is when all of a sudden,
00:30:58 you need to pay rent and all that,
00:31:00 and then there's a film,
00:31:02 and now you're called to be the one to be the star in the role
00:31:06 but what you are going to reflect
00:31:09 and what the character you are playing
00:31:13 is everything that is anti-God.
00:31:16 But then you're like, "Okay, this is a big check.
00:31:20 "It's not like I'm doing that."
00:31:21 But you don't recognize the power of the media.
00:31:28 The enemy is looking for who can fill in the gaps
00:31:31 so that the next generation, young women and men,
00:31:34 will begin to feel like, yes, sexual freedom is a thing.
00:31:37 Where did that start from?
00:31:40 Media.
00:31:41 The songs promoted it.
00:31:44 The movies promoted it.
00:31:46 Billboards promoted it.
00:31:49 So while men are wearing more clothes,
00:31:51 women are wearing less
00:31:55 because there is an image that we want to reflect
00:31:59 because we're seeing it, we're consuming it,
00:32:03 we're hearing it, and we're being shaped by it.
00:32:08 The Bible says, "As a man thinks, so is he."
00:32:12 So if I can get to how they think,
00:32:14 then I can control the people.
00:32:18 And so all of a sudden, we see a new generation of people
00:32:23 that are being raised up saying that,
00:32:25 "Oh no, I don't want to be married.
00:32:26 "I want to have a boyfriend and a girlfriend."
00:32:29 Where is it coming from?
00:32:33 No, I'm being real with y'all.
00:32:34 Can we talk like this?
00:32:37 Media.
00:32:40 Because they're seeing something that is making it cool.
00:32:44 So you have people that are defending promiscuity
00:32:49 and calling it sexual freedom.
00:32:53 And that's why I loved when Pastor Brenda was preaching,
00:32:56 believe it was two weeks, three weeks ago,
00:32:59 and she talked about how some of you
00:33:02 would never experience anxiety
00:33:03 until you hooked up with that person.
00:33:05 Because when you do it,
00:33:08 we think that following the ways of God
00:33:11 is about God trying to control you.
00:33:12 No, he's trying to protect you.
00:33:15 The boundaries God creates for you are for your freedom
00:33:20 because he recognizes outside of his covering,
00:33:25 there are many things that can influence you
00:33:28 and gain access to you.
00:33:29 And so what you're calling sexual freedom,
00:33:33 you don't realize that you're opening up yourself
00:33:36 for many things to have mastery over you.
00:33:41 That if you're honest, you were not dealing with that
00:33:44 until you hooked up with that person.
00:33:48 But in God, there is a covering.
00:33:50 And so when the enemy wants to infiltrate,
00:33:55 he starts giving people ideas.
00:33:57 Do this kind of movie, make this kind of song,
00:34:01 oh, it's gonna be a hit.
00:34:02 And the moment you come into agreement with it,
00:34:05 he has you.
00:34:06 The moment you agree with his suggestive thinking,
00:34:11 have you ever researched films and songs
00:34:15 that you have some suspicious about?
00:34:17 Like, who gave the inspiration behind this?
00:34:20 And if you ever listen to the people behind it,
00:34:23 talk about where the inspiration came from,
00:34:25 they will tell you, you know, I was on a train
00:34:28 and it just came to me.
00:34:31 I was sitting down and I just had this vision.
00:34:36 It's not Godly, they're not Christians.
00:34:39 I just had this vision
00:34:41 and I just knew what I'm supposed to do.
00:34:45 Who sent it?
00:34:47 Who suggested it?
00:34:48 So powers do their thing.
00:34:52 Now rulers of darkness step in.
00:34:54 And so check this out, right?
00:34:56 That term translates to the devil and his demons.
00:35:00 But it compromises of two Greek words, right?
00:35:05 Or comprises rather of two Greek words.
00:35:08 One is cosmos.
00:35:09 And for many of us, when we hear cosmos,
00:35:11 we think about, you know, the world and the universe,
00:35:15 but there's another meaning that it suggests to us.
00:35:18 It says, the ungodly multitude,
00:35:22 the whole mass of men alienated from God
00:35:26 and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ.
00:35:31 So after powers have done their thing,
00:35:36 they said, oh, we, 'cause powers,
00:35:38 they're after building their army.
00:35:39 So when they've done their thing,
00:35:43 now the rulers of darkness step in.
00:35:45 They said, okay, now this people,
00:35:47 as a result of their agreement,
00:35:50 they're a hostile to the cause of Christ
00:35:56 while they are praising Christ.
00:35:58 Isn't that ironic?
00:35:59 That is why you can't just give your yes to anything.
00:36:05 You can't just say that you're in a tight spot
00:36:09 and so you give your yes to things
00:36:11 and then you thank God,
00:36:13 but you bow down to the enemy to do it.
00:36:15 What I've learned in God is that
00:36:19 their heart knows that you must give
00:36:21 before he presents you the yes
00:36:23 that will change your entire life.
00:36:25 Their heart knows.
00:36:30 Pastor Brenda was sharing about,
00:36:32 you know, when she talked about the offering,
00:36:33 her story, I was there, I watched it.
00:36:36 I watched the faithfulness of God.
00:36:42 There were things that she had to say no to
00:36:46 even though she had need of it.
00:36:48 She had to say no and God showed himself true,
00:36:53 that he doesn't need our help to bless us
00:36:56 and he doesn't need us to compromise to bless us.
00:37:00 There are things that you are actively involved in
00:37:05 that the Holy Spirit will begin to convict you
00:37:07 because he will open your eyes to see
00:37:10 that you are not building God's kingdom through it.
00:37:14 You've been defending what it means
00:37:17 not knowing this is corruption by flattery.
00:37:20 What you were calling fruit was a trap.
00:37:25 You said these open doors are fruit from God.
00:37:29 No, it was a trap to keep you there.
00:37:31 That if the enemy can give you a few toys,
00:37:35 he could distract you from your destiny.
00:37:39 You're looking for a check
00:37:40 and God wants to give you the land.
00:37:42 You're looking for a check
00:37:45 and God wants to give you the territory.
00:37:47 The Bible says, ask of me
00:37:51 and I will make the nations your inheritance.
00:37:55 Do you know, can you imagine,
00:37:58 the Lord is even trying to provoke something out of us.
00:38:02 He says, what you're asking me is so beneath you.
00:38:06 He says, I need you to have a territory mindset.
00:38:10 If you ask me of the nations,
00:38:13 I will make it your inheritance
00:38:15 because it belongs to the kingdom
00:38:19 and the Lord is looking for people
00:38:22 who would be bold enough to reclaim the territory.
00:38:27 (audience applauding)
00:38:31 With rulers of darkness,
00:38:34 so that first word, we get that.
00:38:36 Then the second word is a Greek word, krateo
00:38:41 and it talks about getting possession of
00:38:44 to become master of,
00:38:47 to lay hands on one, to get him into one's power
00:38:51 because this is where the enemy says,
00:38:53 okay, we have agreement.
00:38:55 Now let's empower them by our spirit.
00:38:57 And now they start having encounters with demonic spirits.
00:39:04 They start receiving visions from demonic spirits.
00:39:08 They start hearing from demonic spirits.
00:39:12 You would find something consistent, even using sound.
00:39:15 Let me talk about singers and musicians,
00:39:17 songwriters in particular, they hear what they write.
00:39:21 Very often you would hear a songwriter say,
00:39:26 I woke up with this melody.
00:39:28 I woke up with this sound.
00:39:32 And they start to write it.
00:39:34 Or even with producers, they hear it
00:39:37 before they write it, before they create it.
00:39:40 Where did it come from?
00:39:41 - Jesus.
00:39:42 - Jesus.
00:39:42 - Jesus.
00:39:43 - There are people who write films
00:39:46 and they will tell you, I had a dream about this.
00:39:49 It just came to me.
00:39:51 Where did it come from?
00:39:53 You see, there are things, there are sounds,
00:39:56 there are things that God wants to put in the airwaves.
00:40:01 And for the enemy to corrupt it
00:40:02 is for him to bring his own version.
00:40:05 And so rulers of darkness are now the demons,
00:40:11 the demonic spirits that begin to walk with people.
00:40:15 You see, the Bible says concerning God,
00:40:18 he says, can two walk together except they be agreed?
00:40:21 So once there is agreement, there is an invitation
00:40:27 for the spirit behind what you agree to, to walk with you.
00:40:31 And the rulers of darkness, their agenda
00:40:35 is to create trends, traditions, and law,
00:40:40 to pass laws against the counsel of God.
00:40:44 That is why God needs people in politics.
00:40:48 Their agenda is different.
00:40:52 It's just like, for example,
00:40:56 Halloween has become our tradition.
00:40:59 (audience mumbling)
00:41:02 It is so much so a tradition that every store,
00:41:05 even, I mean, during Halloween,
00:41:09 we're taking our daughter to the pediatrician child,
00:41:11 there's all kinds of things there.
00:41:13 It is a tradition of the land.
00:41:15 But if you study the background,
00:41:21 the history of Halloween, you will begin to question,
00:41:28 when did this become part of culture?
00:41:30 And you see, and what makes Halloween fun
00:41:36 is how crazy can you decorate your house?
00:41:40 How many skulls can you put there?
00:41:42 How many coffins can you just lay in your front yard?
00:41:46 What are you inviting?
00:41:49 Right?
00:41:52 Because image, image is very important.
00:41:56 Image attracts something.
00:41:58 The Lord said, "Let us make man in our image."
00:42:04 Not just likeness, image.
00:42:07 And so during Halloween,
00:42:11 you have people dressing their kids as witches.
00:42:15 And they're like, "Oh, she's a bad witch."
00:42:16 I said, "No, no, she should not be a witch at all."
00:42:23 Because what are you calling into that child's life?
00:42:27 And so people now grow up and they don't know how to trace
00:42:34 where the issue started from.
00:42:35 Because you took on the image of something
00:42:39 that you were calling to reflect in your life.
00:42:43 How did it become a tradition?
00:42:46 It's not random family.
00:42:51 Because rulers of darkness,
00:42:53 their agenda is to use your influence,
00:42:57 your wealth, your authority to create trends.
00:43:01 So you see things trending
00:43:04 and then your kids are talking about it.
00:43:07 But you don't realize that was the goal.
00:43:10 Let's get them young.
00:43:11 You begin to recognize
00:43:16 that not everything is just entertainment.
00:43:20 Not everything is random
00:43:21 or this blind thing that we're doing.
00:43:24 I remember I was with my husband, it was on Halloween.
00:43:27 I was walking past,
00:43:31 I mean, the thing is because I see a lot in the spirit.
00:43:34 And so there are things I'm like,
00:43:36 "Man, God, I wish you would open people's eyes."
00:43:40 And I was walking past one of our neighbors
00:43:46 and his mask was not even on.
00:43:50 But I saw what his mask was on him.
00:43:55 And I looked at him and I shook my head.
00:43:59 I was like, "Wait, what is going on right there?"
00:44:02 So I'm thinking it's his mask.
00:44:03 Not knowing his mask was not even on.
00:44:05 So I look at my husband and I'm like, "Did you see that?"
00:44:10 He's like, "No, I see exactly what you're talking about."
00:44:14 Because I thank God that we are equally yoked in that way.
00:44:17 We both see a lot.
00:44:18 And when the man puts on his mask,
00:44:25 I'm like, "He doesn't recognize the image
00:44:29 "was not randomly created."
00:44:32 Do you recognize that there's some things
00:44:35 you would see in movies
00:44:36 that are actually the image of certain spirits?
00:44:42 I remember there was a demonic spirit
00:44:45 I had seen on somebody one time in prayer.
00:44:48 And I saw that spirit in a movie as a character.
00:44:54 The same image.
00:44:56 I remember when the Lord gave me a vision concerning LA.
00:45:02 And there was a creature I saw that was almost standing
00:45:06 like the gatekeeper of Los Angeles.
00:45:09 I said, "Oh no, what is this?"
00:45:11 (audience laughing)
00:45:13 And the Lord said, "No, because now it's time
00:45:15 "for this person to be dethroned
00:45:17 "and God's people to take the territory."
00:45:21 But you know, when I researched,
00:45:22 because I was like, "What is this?"
00:45:25 Everything about this image was so clear to me.
00:45:28 I saw, I could draw it if I could draw.
00:45:31 And so I'm like, "What has a goat head and this?"
00:45:36 And I'm starting to look at the whole image
00:45:39 and it was the exact image of Baphomet.
00:45:44 For some of you may know what that is.
00:45:46 The exact image.
00:45:48 Image matters.
00:45:51 And so what the enemy wants to do is how can he reflect
00:45:56 the ways of his kingdom in your ears and in what you see?
00:46:01 And then we're bowing down to these things
00:46:06 while praising God.
00:46:08 (audience member whooping)
00:46:11 You have to recognize that the one who gets the territory
00:46:15 is the one who can infiltrate the culture.
00:46:18 Who infiltrates the culture has the territory.
00:46:23 So when God is calling you to rise up in boldness,
00:46:28 don't be so caught up with, man,
00:46:31 feeling like you're gonna be the only one.
00:46:34 It's gonna look weird.
00:46:36 That you're gonna say no to this deal
00:46:37 and God, man, this could have brought a lot.
00:46:39 No.
00:46:41 God, there are things that you would be tested in
00:46:44 and tempted by.
00:46:45 And if you can overcome them,
00:46:49 the Lord will give you the land.
00:46:50 Even Jesus, even Jesus had to be led,
00:46:57 he was led by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by Satan.
00:47:03 To show you the model that before you can walk
00:47:07 into the fullness of your calling in God,
00:47:10 there are things you must say no to.
00:47:12 And it all, it's all, the tactics don't change, family.
00:47:19 Jesus, 40 days, he's fasting.
00:47:24 No food.
00:47:25 The man is hungry.
00:47:26 He needs provision.
00:47:29 He has the power to do it on his own.
00:47:32 [audience murmuring]
00:47:35 He has the power to turn stones into bread.
00:47:40 So the enemy did not say,
00:47:44 Jesus, let me turn stones into bread for you.
00:47:48 No, no, no.
00:47:49 He said, you're hungry.
00:47:51 Why don't you turn stones into bread?
00:47:53 What is that power?
00:47:55 Your will.
00:47:55 Let me get you to use your free will
00:48:00 to not surrender to the ways of your father.
00:48:03 Because it was not just about Jesus being fed,
00:48:07 it was about taking away his sufficiency in God.
00:48:10 That you don't need to wait for the angels to attend to you.
00:48:15 You don't need to wait for God to tell you,
00:48:18 now you can eat.
00:48:19 Jesus, it's within your power.
00:48:23 Just do it.
00:48:24 The same way it's within your will to say yes or no.
00:48:28 It's within your will to take the job or deny it.
00:48:32 It's within your will to say, you know what,
00:48:34 yeah, maybe someone tells you, you know what,
00:48:37 start an OnlyFans.
00:48:39 You make some money.
00:48:39 We all making money.
00:48:40 It's within your will.
00:48:43 You can provide for yourself.
00:48:47 Why are you gonna wait for all these things
00:48:49 that you're waiting on?
00:48:51 You've been waiting long enough.
00:48:52 All you have to do is go register.
00:48:58 You don't even have to go to an office.
00:49:01 It's on the computer, on your phone, child.
00:49:03 Just click.
00:49:04 It is within your will.
00:49:08 But will you say no to what you have the power to do
00:49:14 because it doesn't glorify God?
00:49:17 And wait to say God when it's time,
00:49:21 you would make the provision.
00:49:22 What was the next thing?
00:49:25 Jesus, bow down to me and I will give you
00:49:27 all the kingdoms of the earth.
00:49:29 He wasn't lying.
00:49:31 In that moment, it was his
00:49:33 because Adam, in the fall of man,
00:49:35 Adam gave it to him.
00:49:36 That's why when the Lord said, you know,
00:49:39 in the Garden of Eden, God is like,
00:49:41 Adam, Adam, where are you?
00:49:43 It was not about location.
00:49:45 Your crown is not on your head.
00:49:49 You are not in the position of your throne.
00:49:51 I created you to have dominion and you have lost it.
00:49:57 - Wow.
00:49:58 - So when Adam and Eve submitted to the words
00:50:02 that came from the enemy,
00:50:04 essentially they gave him what was given to them.
00:50:07 And so that is why Jesus had to go,
00:50:12 you know, the whole thing and reclaim things.
00:50:13 So by his authority and by his power,
00:50:16 we can claim territories back.
00:50:18 That's why the Bible says Jesus is now the head
00:50:22 of all principalities and power,
00:50:24 but he has called us to exercise that authority
00:50:29 and claim things back from the principalities
00:50:32 that were sent.
00:50:33 (audience applauding)
00:50:36 But it's the same thing.
00:50:38 So Satan is like, hey, bow down to me.
00:50:42 I will give this to you.
00:50:43 Same thing with the enemy.
00:50:44 Just take this job and fame is yours.
00:50:50 What do you want?
00:50:53 I will give it to you.
00:50:55 It's not an in-person conversation like that,
00:50:57 but it's happening in your mind.
00:51:00 Just take the job.
00:51:01 Just take it, just take it, just take it.
00:51:04 That's why your greatest battlefield is in your mind.
00:51:06 There's a war going on in your mind
00:51:10 because who gets your will controls you.
00:51:13 It's the same technique.
00:51:17 And the moment the enemy can now rule over a person,
00:51:23 have mastery over them because of their weakness
00:51:25 and brokenness, you know what follows?
00:51:28 Spiritual host of wickedness.
00:51:30 Because when they're creating trends and traditions
00:51:37 and they're using their influence to show people
00:51:40 the wrong way of life, it gives permission
00:51:44 to demonic spirits to begin to oppress people.
00:51:48 It gives permission because they say,
00:51:51 oh, that person looks like us.
00:51:53 Oh, that person looks like us.
00:51:55 Oh, that, oh, definitely looks like us.
00:51:58 Right, they start looking.
00:51:59 And so what is the result?
00:52:01 Now you have depravity of humanity.
00:52:04 Drunkenness, abuse, rape, mass shootings,
00:52:10 all kinds of things that start happening in the world.
00:52:14 And the apostle Paul says,
00:52:16 you're not dealing with flesh and blood.
00:52:20 (audience murmurs)
00:52:22 It happened through flesh and blood.
00:52:24 That person that caused the abuse was flesh and blood.
00:52:29 The mass shooter was flesh and blood.
00:52:31 The drunk driver was flesh and blood.
00:52:37 But it didn't start there.
00:52:38 The person who committed suicide
00:52:45 because they didn't feel worthy.
00:52:47 They had given themselves to so many people sexually
00:52:50 and it left them with a void.
00:52:52 It didn't start there.
00:52:54 He says, we do not wrestle with flesh and blood.
00:52:59 The moment it gets to flesh and blood,
00:53:03 we're not talking about the issue anymore.
00:53:06 We need to go to the root.
00:53:09 And so when God is calling you to rise up in boldness,
00:53:15 he says, stop bowing down.
00:53:17 Take territory.
00:53:20 Stop thinking about just you and your life
00:53:24 being comfortable.
00:53:26 Take territory.
00:53:27 And he provokes you.
00:53:30 He says, if you ask of me,
00:53:32 I will make the nations your inheritance.
00:53:36 We're not asking.
00:53:38 We're asking for ourselves.
00:53:43 We're not asking for the land.
00:53:45 We're not asking for the areas,
00:53:48 the industries he's calling us to.
00:53:50 There are many of you and there are hard yeses
00:53:53 that you're gonna have to give to God.
00:53:55 And it's worth it.
00:53:57 You have to know that it's worth it.
00:54:01 And if you ever needed permission to say no, you got it.
00:54:06 The things you need to say no to
00:54:10 in order that you will give the right thing to yes.
00:54:14 You see, Jesus said in John 15 five,
00:54:17 he says, I am divine.
00:54:21 You are the branches.
00:54:22 He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit.
00:54:26 For without me, you can do nothing.
00:54:29 There are people that do many things without God,
00:54:35 but it all sums up to nothing.
00:54:37 It's not regarded as anything.
00:54:41 Can you imagine using your whole life, losing your soul?
00:54:45 The Bible says, what would it profit a man
00:54:47 to gain the whole world and lose his soul?
00:54:53 Because you are so after gain,
00:54:57 you compromise your way to attain it.
00:55:01 And here's the sad thing.
00:55:03 You sacrifice so much of yourself for gain
00:55:07 and it doesn't even last.
00:55:11 The Bible talks about that the blessings of the Lord,
00:55:16 it make it rich and adds no sorrow.
00:55:22 Why does it have to tell you that?
00:55:23 Because there is something else
00:55:26 that can look like blessings.
00:55:27 It could enrich you, but it comes with sorrow.
00:55:32 It is the reason why some of you would experience
00:55:36 the greatest seasons of your life.
00:55:39 And it would also be the worst season at the same time.
00:55:41 That when you finally got all the things
00:55:46 you were pursuing, you still depressed.
00:55:48 After you got the deal, you bought the dream, whatever,
00:55:55 but you still woke up in tears
00:55:59 because it doesn't satisfy.
00:56:02 And the enemy, he's no fun either.
00:56:07 Once he's done with the person, throws you away.
00:56:11 That is why you can see empires crumble in a day.
00:56:17 These are people who gave their lives to build,
00:56:23 but built it on compromise, crumbles in a day.
00:56:27 Because it wasn't the blessing that came from the Lord.
00:56:32 You don't want the blessing that comes with sorrow.
00:56:37 (soft music)
00:56:39 You don't want to compromise yourself
00:56:42 to look like you're living the life, but you're dead inside.
00:56:47 That's what the enemy is after.
00:56:51 The soul is your soil.
00:56:54 If your soul is not healthy,
00:56:59 there's not much you can do for God's kingdom.
00:57:01 And so he's after corrupting your soul as much as he can.
00:57:07 To make you feel worthless.
00:57:10 Why do we always struggle with unworthiness?
00:57:13 Because of the things registered in our soul.
00:57:16 The abuse was an attack against your soul.
00:57:22 That it will trap you in that time of your life.
00:57:26 But you know what I love about God?
00:57:32 Is his goodness and his mercy.
00:57:35 Because no matter what you have experienced,
00:57:38 no matter what you have done, or went through,
00:57:42 there is a reason why the Bible says,
00:57:45 "God is slow to anger, but rich in mercy."
00:57:49 Because he is after you.
00:57:52 And the enemy wants to keep you trapped,
00:57:55 but look at all the things you've done.
00:57:57 Okay.
00:57:58 God is slow to anger, but rich in mercy.
00:58:05 And the things that makes you feel unworthy,
00:58:09 Jesus put it on the cross.
00:58:11 And it's time to come home, man.
00:58:16 It's time to live for what life is really about.
00:58:21 There is a great shaking coming.
00:58:24 And many of you, you can feel that thing.
00:58:28 Just by a show of hands,
00:58:33 how many people have been dreaming about floods?
00:58:35 Look at that.
00:58:39 How many people have been dreaming about earthquakes?
00:58:42 Look at that.
00:58:45 How many people have had these dreams
00:58:51 where it feels like the world,
00:58:54 it's almost like the world is ending?
00:58:57 Look at that.
00:58:57 And the reason I'm doing it,
00:59:00 because you know there are witnesses in the room
00:59:02 to what God is showing you.
00:59:03 There is a great shaking coming.
00:59:07 And there are messages that before it hits the land,
00:59:11 God begins to reveal it to people here, there, there.
00:59:14 So that it would echo.
00:59:17 That you would know it's not just a random dream I had
00:59:19 because of something I watched.
00:59:20 You didn't even watch anything concerning it.
00:59:22 Or something I ate.
00:59:24 No, no, no.
00:59:25 There's confirmation even in this room.
00:59:28 Then imagine how many people watching all over the world.
00:59:32 That will say, "Wow, I've been having this dream reoccurring."
00:59:35 And how many of you has it been reoccurring?
00:59:37 Look at that.
00:59:39 When a dream is reoccurring,
00:59:41 God wants you to pay attention to its message.
00:59:44 That the first time he sent it to you,
00:59:46 you discarded it too quickly.
00:59:47 So he has to send it again
00:59:50 so you feel the weight of its importance.
00:59:53 There's a shaking coming.
00:59:55 It's not to make you afraid, no.
00:59:57 It's for you to be in position.
01:00:02 The Bible says, "Finally we're gonna pray."
01:00:05 In that scripture it says,
01:00:06 "But they who know their God
01:00:08 "shall be strong and do great exploits."
01:00:12 This knowing is a knowing of intimacy.
01:00:15 It's a knowing of oneness.
01:00:17 When you become one with a person.
01:00:19 What does it look like
01:00:23 when your agenda becomes God's agenda?
01:00:26 Where your life is about God,
01:00:29 what do you wanna do on the earth?
01:00:31 Through me.
01:00:33 Not just for me,
01:00:36 but through me.
01:00:37 How do you wanna take dominion?
01:00:41 Through me.
01:00:42 How do you wanna reign in this thing?
01:00:46 Through me.
01:00:48 That type, when your life is about that,
01:00:54 there is a dimension of God he begins to reveal to you.
01:00:58 There is a dimension of himself he shares with you.
01:01:02 Do you know concerning Abraham,
01:01:06 God was like, how can,
01:01:07 there were things he did not even like to hide from Abraham.
01:01:11 Because Abraham had made his life about God's agenda.
01:01:16 God will say things like,
01:01:19 "How can I hide such a thing from Abraham?"
01:01:23 What does that mean?
01:01:25 There are things God hides.
01:01:27 But when you make your business about his business,
01:01:32 there is a revelation he begins to show you.
01:01:36 And that empowers you to take territory.
01:01:40 Don't settle for what is beneath you.
01:01:45 Start asking God the right questions in prayer.
01:01:50 Stand with me, family, we're gonna pray.
01:01:54 (soft piano music)
01:01:57 Thank you, Lord.
01:02:00 Thank you, Lord.
01:02:02 There's gonna be fresh encounters
01:02:13 that is available to you.
01:02:16 This word was so heavy, man.
01:02:22 And like I said, you might need to listen to it again.
01:02:25 There's a move of God
01:02:30 that wants to take place on the earth.
01:02:35 Like the world has never seen great exploits.
01:02:41 But who are the people that will be bold enough
01:02:45 to say no where it hurts
01:02:50 and say yes where it matters?
01:02:52 Thank you, Jesus.
01:02:58 If you know I'm speaking to you, I wanna pray with you.
01:03:01 God wants to, he's sending you out,
01:03:05 but the first thing it's about, being with him.
01:03:08 Being one with him.
01:03:11 God, I wanna know what's on your heart.
01:03:14 I wanna know what is your,
01:03:17 begin to ask God questions like,
01:03:18 what is your vision for the entertainment industry?
01:03:21 What is your vision for politics?
01:03:24 What is your vision for my family?
01:03:27 Because there's some of you,
01:03:29 what God wants to raise out of your union.
01:03:33 You're thinking marriage is about you,
01:03:34 but it's about the environment you might cultivate
01:03:38 for the children God wants to send through you.
01:03:41 Start asking the Lord, what is your vision?
01:03:46 You have to know there are things
01:03:47 that God already wants to give you.
01:03:49 You don't need to keep asking him to give, give, give.
01:03:51 He already, Jesus said,
01:03:53 even the things you have not asked, he knows.
01:03:58 Then what is he trying to tell us?
01:04:02 If there is a revelation that before you even ask,
01:04:06 I know what you're trying to ask me for,
01:04:09 then maybe we shift and say,
01:04:14 okay, you already wanna give me this.
01:04:17 What is the purpose of it?
01:04:18 What if we need to shift what we're asking for in prayer?
01:04:24 God wants to give you a boo.
01:04:27 I mean, it was in the beginning.
01:04:29 The woman was inside a man.
01:04:33 He said, you're not going nowhere.
01:04:34 Y'all two belong together.
01:04:36 He didn't create them separately.
01:04:39 She was inside of him.
01:04:41 He just brought her out.
01:04:44 God wants to give you the things you're asking of him,
01:04:47 but maybe it's about what is the purpose.
01:04:52 God, God, what would my marriage represent?
01:04:57 God, what would this job represent for your kingdom?
01:05:03 God, how do you wanna use me in this industry?
01:05:06 Not just God, bring me to the stage, stage, stage, stage.
01:05:10 That lust would corrupt you.
01:05:13 (congregation murmurs)
01:05:15 That lust for the thing will corrupt it
01:05:18 because you will lose discernment.
01:05:21 But God, what is the purpose?
01:05:25 How does this reflect taking territory?
01:05:28 You have to already receive that he is a good God,
01:05:32 and he wants to give you even beyond what you're asking.
01:05:37 Ephesians 3:20, now unto him
01:05:41 who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly,
01:05:45 above all we can ask or think.
01:05:47 I mean, listen, God is trying to show himself.
01:05:50 He said, look, it's not about you asking me.
01:05:53 I can even do more than that,
01:05:54 but do you know why I'm sending it?
01:05:57 Because the late Miles Monroe said something so brilliant.
01:06:03 He says, when the purpose of a thing is not known,
01:06:06 abuse is inevitable.
01:06:10 When you don't know why you have a thing,
01:06:12 you will abuse it.
01:06:13 So what if it's about us changing our outlook
01:06:22 and feeling like we're begging God to do something
01:06:24 that he already wants to do?
01:06:26 But he says, but do you know the purpose of it?
01:06:30 And are you committed to the purpose of it?
01:06:35 Family, we gotta pray, we gotta go,
01:06:39 but if I'm talking to you and you're saying that,
01:06:42 you know what, Lord, I'm done.
01:06:45 I'm done fighting, I'm done wrestling back and forth.
01:06:49 I'm like Jacob, I've wrestled enough, give me a new name.
01:06:52 If you don't know the story, study it.
01:06:55 You say, God, I wanna be about your kingdom.
01:07:02 I don't wanna praise you while I'm bowing down
01:07:04 to the other guy's kingdom.
01:07:05 If that's you, no matter where you are,
01:07:08 what you've done, whatever, I want you to run to the front.
01:07:11 We're gonna pray.
01:07:13 Thank you, Lord.
01:07:15 Thank you, Jesus.
01:07:16 Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord.
01:07:20 Thank you, Lord.
01:07:24 You're done running, get as close to the altar as you can.
01:07:29 Don't worry about who's next to you.
01:07:33 Don't worry about who you came with.
01:07:38 If God wants to get in your business,
01:07:39 so what you go down there for?
01:07:41 Don't worry about it.
01:07:44 God is after you.
01:07:46 He never gave up on you and he never will.
01:07:50 Some of you got involved in things even this morning,
01:07:57 come down to the altar.
01:07:58 Don't let shame put you in a chokehold.
01:08:07 God is bigger than that.
01:08:09 God can use the worst of us
01:08:13 and do mighty things through us
01:08:17 if we are willing to surrender, that's it.
01:08:20 If you're willing to just say, Lord, I've done a lot,
01:08:25 but I wanna lay it all down before you.
01:08:28 That's all he needs, a surrendered heart.
01:08:31 Thank you, Lord.
01:08:37 Thank you, Jesus.
01:08:38 No more running, no more running.
01:08:42 You may feel like there's some of you,
01:08:47 'cause I can feel you in the room.
01:08:48 I can sense when there's tension.
01:08:51 And you feel like, oh man, I didn't walk with the people.
01:08:53 It was like the great wave.
01:08:55 Now I have to walk by myself.
01:08:57 This is about you and God.
01:08:58 The battlefield of the mind,
01:09:01 don't allow the enemy to cause you to miss a moment
01:09:06 because you know what he tries to do after?
01:09:08 He now taunts you with it.
01:09:09 Oh yeah, you didn't go down, remember?
01:09:12 So you're not really like into this thing, no.
01:09:15 If you know that the Lord is calling you
01:09:18 and why I'm asking you to do this
01:09:20 is to make a prophetic act.
01:09:22 I'm stepping out of what I've been in
01:09:25 and I'm stepping into who God is calling me to be.
01:09:29 Come down to the altar.
01:09:31 Thank you, Jesus.
01:09:33 Thank you, Lord.
01:09:34 Thank you, Lord.
01:09:36 Thank you, Lord.
01:09:37 And you might be at the altar,
01:09:40 you might be in the congregation,
01:09:42 but if you need to give your life to Jesus,
01:09:45 you've been going back and forth again.
01:09:48 I was sharing with the earlier service,
01:09:52 I remember where there will be like several people.
01:09:54 I don't know if they had a group or something,
01:09:57 but they'll always reach out.
01:09:58 They're like, wow, we just,
01:10:00 we love that talk.
01:10:01 They used to call sermons the talk.
01:10:03 I thought it was so cute.
01:10:05 I'm like, oh yeah, that was, yeah, amen for the talk.
01:10:08 And they will tell me, oh yeah, the talk, the talk, the talk.
01:10:12 They were not coming to church because of Jesus.
01:10:15 They came for positive vibes, good energy.
01:10:19 Wow, this place has such good energy.
01:10:22 I say, yes.
01:10:22 But you know what happened in the midst of all that?
01:10:29 In the midst of all that,
01:10:31 Jesus, like a sniper, captured their hearts.
01:10:35 They were coming in, oh, positive vibes.
01:10:38 Everybody's family, just happy.
01:10:40 They were not looking for the Lord.
01:10:43 I'm telling you the truth.
01:10:44 I've had conversations with these people.
01:10:46 They said, oh, that was such a good talk, like a TED talk.
01:10:49 Said, wow, oh, Sunday TED talk, you know?
01:10:52 But in the midst of that, God captured their hearts.
01:10:59 And maybe you walked in here for the talk,
01:11:02 for good vibes and positive energy,
01:11:06 but God is doing something in your heart right now.
01:11:10 There's something you cannot shake off
01:11:12 that the Holy Spirit is doing.
01:11:15 If that is you, I want you to just lift up your hands.
01:11:18 Thank you, Lord.
01:11:20 Thank you, Lord.
01:11:21 Thank you, Lord.
01:11:22 (congregation applauding)
01:11:24 Thank you, Jesus.
01:11:28 If you're saying yes to Jesus for the first time,
01:11:30 can we please pull up that cure our coats for salvation
01:11:34 so we can walk this journey with you?
01:11:36 But we're gonna pray, family.
01:11:39 What God has started with you, He will perfect it.
01:11:44 Their heart knows you're gonna have to give.
01:11:49 It could feel like it's gonna cost you,
01:11:55 but it's only gonna remove the blinds from your eyes.
01:11:59 It's gonna set you free
01:12:03 into the thing God has called you to do.
01:12:05 That you will no longer be a slave to the system,
01:12:10 but that you would reign as ambassadors of Christ.
01:12:16 Let's just open our hands in the sign of surrender.
01:12:24 Heavenly Father, we thank you.
01:12:26 It is so evident that your presence is in this place.
01:12:31 And I thank you, Lord.
01:12:35 (laughs)
01:12:38 Wow.
01:12:38 Wow, wow, wow.
01:12:44 Let me pause for a second.
01:12:47 In a minute or two,
01:12:50 I just want you to talk to your Father.
01:12:52 He's listening.
01:12:53 (sniffles)
01:12:55 You can close your eyes to avoid distractions.
01:13:00 (gentle music)
01:13:16 (sniffles)
01:13:18 (gentle music)
01:13:21 (sniffles)
01:13:31 (sniffles)
01:13:44 (gentle music)
01:13:46 Thank you, Jesus.
01:13:56 Thank you, Jesus.
01:14:00 Lord, I thank you that you are working
01:14:03 in the hearts and minds of everyone here right now.
01:14:06 And you're calling them higher.
01:14:13 You're calling them higher.
01:14:15 And I see that you are touching them.
01:14:19 Even by yourself, you are touching them one by one,
01:14:24 one by one, one by one, one by one.
01:14:28 Thank you, Jesus.
01:14:30 I thank you that every lie of the enemy is cast down.
01:14:35 I thank you, Lord, that they are coming to know truth.
01:14:41 And they would walk in it.
01:14:43 And they would live by it.
01:14:44 I thank you, Lord, that they would know
01:14:47 that that bigness they feel inside of them.
01:14:49 It's not a lie.
01:14:53 There is a harvest connected to the identity for the kingdom.
01:14:59 And there is a demand for it in these times.
01:15:03 And so I thank you that even when the shaking comes,
01:15:08 they will stand strong.
01:15:09 They will stand strong.
01:15:10 They would be like the land of Goshen,
01:15:13 that no matter what was happening to others,
01:15:17 they were unaffected because there was a covering of the Lord.
01:15:21 They were in covenant with the Lord.
01:15:24 And the Lord will take care of his own.
01:15:28 I thank you, Lord, that these are a people
01:15:33 who are committing to your agenda.
01:15:39 They will not recognize themselves.
01:15:41 You're going to pull out of them
01:15:44 what you have always known about them.
01:15:47 In Jesus' mighty name, amen.
01:15:52 Family, just say this with me.
01:15:54 For those who gave their lives to Jesus,
01:15:56 let's be a family and do this.
01:15:58 Lord Jesus, come into my heart and make my heart your home.
01:16:06 I accept you as my Lord and Savior.
01:16:09 Holy Spirit, fill me up to the overflow.
01:16:17 In Jesus' name, amen.
01:16:20 I want to speak a blessing over you.
01:16:22 May the Lord God bless and keep you.
01:16:25 May he cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
01:16:28 May he lift up his countenance over you all and grant you shalom, shalom.
01:16:34 And that is perfect peace.
01:16:36 We love you, family. God bless you.
01:16:38 God bless you, family.
01:16:42 Well, I just believe and know that that word ministered to you
01:16:45 as they often always do.
01:16:46 Remember to subscribe so that you can continue to experience this ritual.
01:16:50 Send you a reminder.
01:16:51 If you want to sow into this ministry,
01:16:53 we are reaching people as you know all around the world.
01:16:56 And we need your help and your support to not just bless people spiritually,
01:16:59 but practically in all the ways that we do.
01:17:01 The giving instructions are on the screen.
01:17:03 Sow into this and may the Lord bless you.
01:17:05 abundantly in every way.
01:17:07 God bless you.
01:17:08 We'll see you next week.
