God Loves Dallas -- Robert Madu

  • l’année dernière
00:00 Jeremiah. Jeremiah chapter number
00:06 29 starting at verse number one
00:08 and then we'll jump to verse
00:09 four and go down to verse
00:11 eleven. When you're ready to
00:12 read it, say yeah. Yeah. You
00:13 need a little time to find it.
00:15 Say, I need some time.
00:18 This is the text of the letter
00:23 that the prophet Jeremiah sent
00:24 from Jerusalem to the surviving
00:26 Israelites and to the priest,
00:32 the prophets, and all the other
00:33 people Nebuchadnezzar had
00:34 carried into exile from
00:36 Jerusalem to Babylon. This is
00:40 what the lord almighty, the god
00:41 of Israel says to all those I
00:44 carried into exile from
00:46 Jerusalem into Babylon. Build
00:49 houses and settle down. Plant
00:52 gardens and eat what they
00:53 produce. Marry and have sons
00:56 and daughters. Arrange wives
00:58 for your sons and give your
00:59 daughters in marriage so that
01:01 they too may have sons and
01:03 daughters. Increase in number
01:06 there. Do not decrease. Also,
01:10 seek the peace and prosperity
01:12 of the city to which I have
01:13 carried you into exile. Pray to
01:16 the lord for it. Because if it
01:19 prospers, you too will prosper.
01:22 Yes, this is what the lord
01:24 says. Do not let the prophets
01:26 and the diviners among you
01:28 deceive you. Do not listen to
01:30 the dreams you encourage them
01:31 to have. They are prophelying.
01:36 No, I'm in the text. Says they
01:37 prophesying lies. That's
01:38 prophelying. They're prophelying
01:41 to you in my name. I have not
01:43 sent them declares the lord.
01:46 This is what the lord says.
01:48 When 70 years are completed for
01:50 Babylon, I will come to you and
01:52 fulfill my good promise to
01:54 bring you back to this place.
01:56 Now, let's go to the one that's
01:57 on your graduation card that
01:59 y'all know.
02:02 For I know the plans I have for
02:07 you declares the lord. Plans to
02:09 prosper you and to not harm you.
02:13 Plans to give you a hope and a
02:16 future. Can you say amen? It's
02:20 all good. I don't even know
02:21 where I'm going to pick from.
02:23 But let's hone in on verse number
02:25 seven. Also seek the peace and
02:28 the prosperity of the of the
02:33 seek the peace and the
02:35 prosperity of the to which I
02:38 have carried you into exile.
02:39 Pray to the lord for it. It being
02:41 the because if it prospers, it
02:46 will prosper. You too will
02:51 prosper. I want you to pray for
02:55 the peace and prosperity of you.
02:58 Pray for the peace and
02:59 prosperity of the city. If the
03:04 city prospers, then you will
03:08 prosper. I can't wait to fill in
03:10 this blank today. Some of y'all
03:12 going to be mad about it but I'm
03:14 going to fill in the blank today
03:16 on vision Sunday. I'll let you
03:18 know God loves Dallas.
03:24 Period. God loves, I'm from
03:30 Atlanta, I don't care. God loves
03:35 I'm from Detroit, okay. God
03:39 loves Dallas period. And let's
03:46 put a comma. Let's take away the
03:48 comma. God loves Dallas. Cowboys,
03:50 come on. God loves that. Look at
03:56 your neighbor whichever one you
03:57 like the best and say, oh
03:58 neighbor, I'm ready for this
04:00 word. Look at your other
04:02 neighbor, the one you ignore.
04:03 Say other neighbor, I hope you
04:05 know God loves Dallas. Now give
04:09 him some praise like we're going
04:10 to win the Super Bowl this year.
04:16 Father have your way. Speak today.
04:19 Amen. You may be seated in the
04:20 presence of the Lord. Can we make
04:22 some noise for all the inmates
04:23 who are watching this message on
04:24 Pando right now? We love you.
04:29 God loves Dallas. Today is a
04:35 first for our church community
04:38 because we are calling today
04:40 Vision Sunday. This is our very
04:43 first Vision Sunday but hear me
04:45 very clearly, this will not be
04:46 our last Vision Sunday. You need
04:49 to understand that the church
04:50 you are sitting in today was
04:53 officially launched in 2021,
04:56 on Easter 2021, about 300 people
05:00 in the service. Here we are in
05:03 2023 at Fair Park Coliseum with
05:07 over 3000 people in church. Now
05:13 I'm not good at math. I excelled
05:15 in lunch at school but I don't
05:18 know what percentage increase
05:19 that is but that's that's that's
05:21 a lot. Hence the reason for
05:24 Vision Sunday because at the
05:26 pace and the speed in which our
05:28 church is growing, I felt it was
05:30 incumbent upon us to pause for a
05:32 moment and first of all just
05:34 thank the Lord for all that he
05:36 has done. This is the Lord's
05:39 doing and it is marvelous in our
05:41 eyes. We also need to pause and
05:44 bring some clarity as to what we
05:48 are doing here and why we gather
05:51 and what we are all about. Like
05:53 for real, what are we about here
05:55 today? I hope you did not come
05:57 in here today because you think
05:59 this church is about you singing
06:00 a bunch of songs off the screen
06:02 while you watch a worship leader
06:03 and get the lyrics on the side
06:04 like it's Christian karaoke and
06:06 then just sit down on your
06:07 blessing assurance and hear me
06:09 give a nice little 35-minute TED
06:11 talk so you can walk out of here
06:12 and go, I'm inspired. Let's do
06:14 it again next week. I hope you
06:15 don't think that's what this
06:16 church is about. We have to
06:19 clarify the why behind the what
06:22 and not only that, we have to
06:24 cast vision for what is to come
06:27 next year. That's why we're
06:29 having Vision Sunday. I know
06:32 some of you might be mad about
06:33 it, maybe you're disappointed.
06:34 You're like, oh, come on, Pastor
06:35 Robert. I didn't come here for
06:36 all that. What, this is going to
06:38 be a church business meeting?
06:39 Come on, man. I came to get a
06:40 word. I'm going through. To you,
06:43 I would say, maybe you don't
06:46 need another word. Maybe you
06:49 don't need another sermon.
06:50 Maybe you don't need another
06:51 song. Maybe you don't need
06:52 another podcast. Maybe you need
06:55 a vision. A vision for your
06:59 life. A vision that is bigger
07:02 than you. Maybe what you really
07:04 need is a vision of your
07:06 preferred future. I know it's
07:08 our Vision Sunday, but I'm
07:09 wondering, have you had a vision
07:10 Sunday? Because maybe the reason
07:13 you are where you are is because
07:14 you have never gotten a vision
07:17 for your future. Ladies and
07:19 gentlemen, few things are more
07:20 powerful and critical than having
07:23 a vision. Vision is the ability
07:26 to see farther than your eyes.
07:29 Vision is not about sight. As a
07:32 matter of fact, vision is what
07:34 you see when your eyes are
07:36 closed. It is the thing that
07:38 will keep you up at night. It is
07:40 the thing that you don't have
07:42 yet, but there's something on
07:43 the inside of you that has the
07:45 strange suspicion that you're
07:46 about to step into it. It's a
07:49 preview of a coming attraction.
07:53 One writer said that vision is
07:55 when frustration with what is
07:57 creates passion for what could
07:59 be. That was so good. I'm going
08:02 to give it to you again.
08:05 Vision is when frustration with
08:07 what is creates passion for what
08:10 could be. Hear me, every single
08:13 person sitting in the State Fair
08:15 arena watching this message
08:16 online, you need a vision. You
08:20 need a vision for your life. You
08:21 need a vision for the marriage
08:23 that you want to have. You need
08:25 a vision for the children that
08:26 you want to raise. You need a
08:28 vision for the business that you
08:30 want to have. You need a vision
08:31 for what you want to do with the
08:33 resources and the gifts and the
08:35 talents God has given you. You
08:37 need a vision for your life. You
08:40 need a vision for who you want
08:42 to be in your physicality. You
08:44 need a vision for your health.
08:46 You need a vision for your
08:47 future. You need a vision. Some
08:50 of you are like, "Hold on, I
08:52 didn't know I needed a vision
08:53 for all that." You do. You need
08:55 a vision for all of that because
08:57 hear me, vision will determine
09:00 your decisions. Your vision will
09:04 determine your decisions. A
09:07 vision lets you know what to say
09:09 yes to and what to say no to.
09:12 There's some of you who have so
09:14 many decisions in front of you
09:15 and the reason you're struggling
09:17 to make a decision is because
09:18 you have not brought clarity to
09:20 the vision for your life. And I'm
09:22 trying to tell you the moment
09:23 you get clarity on vision, you'll
09:25 know what decision to make.
09:26 You'll know what door to walk
09:28 through. You'll know what
09:29 opportunity to say, "Thank you,
09:30 but I can't do that right there.
09:31 That's not in alignment with my
09:33 vision." You'll know who you're
09:34 supposed to date and what text
09:36 to respond to. When you get the
09:38 clarity of a vision, vision
09:40 determines your decision. Hear
09:43 me, there are few things more
09:45 beautiful than being restricted
09:47 by a vision. Have you ever been
09:51 restricted by a vision? It's
09:54 like I wanted to do it, but I
09:56 can't. I'm restricted by a
09:59 vision. It's like, "Hey, can you
10:01 stay in late at the office
10:02 today? Come on, can you stay in
10:03 late at the office today? We
10:04 got to get this work done. Can
10:05 you stay in a little late?" And
10:06 you have to look at that person
10:07 and say, "No, I'm sorry. I got
10:08 date night tonight with my
10:09 spouse." You got date night?
10:10 "Yeah, we do date night every
10:11 week." Every week? You do date
10:13 night? You ain't trying to get
10:14 this paper? You ain't trying to
10:15 get this raise? "No, I would
10:17 love the raise. I would love
10:18 the paper, but I just got a
10:19 vision for the type of marriage
10:20 that I want, and we do date
10:22 night every week. I got a
10:23 vision. I refuse to give my job
10:26 and my career the best of me and
10:28 then give my family the rest of
10:29 me. So you stay late if you
10:31 want to. I got a vision." You
10:32 know how a vision will restrict
10:34 you? When your child comes up
10:36 to you and they're eight years
10:37 old and they say, "Can I have a
10:38 cell phone and be on TikTok?"
10:39 "No, I'm so sorry. You can't be
10:41 on TikTok." "No, not at eight
10:42 years old." "Why?" "Because I got
10:44 a vision for the type of child I
10:46 want to raise, and I'm trying to
10:47 raise somebody that's going to
10:48 be a world changer. I'm trying
10:49 to raise somebody that'll turn
10:51 the world upside down. I'm
10:52 trying to raise a child that
10:53 doesn't have to deal with the
10:55 drama and the trauma of
10:56 navigating social media at a
10:58 young age. I'm trying to raise
10:59 a child that will not think that
11:01 your value is in how many views
11:03 and that just because you got a
11:04 bunch of likes that you are
11:05 like, 'I've got a vision.'" Have
11:07 you ever been restricted by a
11:09 vision? I feel like preaching.
11:10 Now, I know when you get that
11:12 call and they're like, "Turn up.
11:13 We're going to the Bahamas.
11:14 Ball out. Can we go?" "No, we
11:16 can't ball out this time. I
11:17 might have to catch you at the
11:18 Bahamas next year." "Why?"
11:20 "Because I got a vision for my
11:21 finances. I got a vision. I
11:23 got to be a good steward for
11:25 what God has put in my hand. I
11:26 refuse to die in debt and be a
11:29 slave to MasterCard and not
11:31 give the next generation
11:32 something to hold on to. I got
11:35 a vision." "Well, hold on. They
11:37 just got some donuts in the
11:38 break room. Don't you want to
11:39 get a couple dozen?" "No, I
11:41 can't get them donuts. I'm going
11:42 to chill with this kale smoothie."
11:44 "Why are you going to drink
11:45 that kale smoothie?" "Because I
11:46 got a vision for my health. I
11:48 want to be here. If this is the
11:49 only body I got and God's going
11:51 to do something through this
11:52 body, I got to steward it. I
11:54 got to take care of it. Eat the
11:55 donuts if you want, but I'm
11:56 trying to do so. I got a
11:58 vision." "Well, you ain't even
11:59 got the six-pack yet." "You got
12:00 a one-pack, I know, but that's
12:02 the power of a vision. It ain't
12:03 here yet, but if I keep working
12:05 my vision and I got some
12:07 discipline and focus, you won't
12:08 recognize me this time next
12:10 year. Is there anybody in here
12:12 that's ever been restricted by
12:17 a vision?" No wonder you have no
12:19 direction for your life. You
12:20 ain't got no vision. If you got
12:23 a vision, you'll start getting
12:24 clarity on what to say yes to,
12:26 on what to say no to. The power
12:29 of a vision. Look at what the
12:30 Bible says in Proverbs 29, verse
12:31 18. It says, "Where there is no
12:33 prophetic vision, the people
12:35 cast off restraint, but blessed
12:38 is he who keeps the law." Look
12:40 at that. Where there is no
12:41 vision, the people cast off
12:43 restraint. So think of it in
12:45 reverse. When there is a vision,
12:48 I have restraint. When I have no
12:52 vision, whatever I want to do,
12:54 that's cool. But when you have
12:57 a clear vision, you're going to
12:59 be restricted. You ain't going
13:01 to come to the club tonight, I'm
13:02 telling you it's going to be
13:03 popping day in there. "Oh, I got
13:04 a vision for the spouse I want."
13:05 They ain't going to be in the
13:06 club. You got to have a vision.
13:10 Your vision will bring
13:12 restriction in your life because
13:14 my vision determines my
13:16 decisions. Is this helping
13:18 anybody in here today? Not only
13:20 does my vision determine my
13:21 decisions, but hear me, vision
13:24 gives mission distinction. My
13:28 vision will bring a distinction
13:32 to the mission God has on my
13:35 life. You do know there's a
13:36 difference between a vision and
13:38 a mission. And when you get a
13:41 clear vision, it'll bring
13:42 distinction to the overall
13:44 mission that God has given us as
13:46 the body of Christ. Let me see
13:48 if I can break it down like
13:50 this. Real quick, I'm going to
13:52 count to three. And when I
13:54 count to three, I want you to
13:55 tell me your favorite place to
13:59 get chicken. Your favorite fast
14:01 food place to get chicken. I'm
14:03 going to count to three. You say
14:05 whatever you want now. I'm going
14:07 to count to three and I want you
14:09 from the bottom to the top to
14:10 all line in your bathrobe. When
14:12 I count to three, I want you to
14:14 tell me your favorite fast food
14:16 place to get chicken. When I
14:17 count to three, you ready? When
14:18 I count to three, here we go.
14:20 I ain't count to three yet.
14:22 Your favorite place to get
14:23 chicken. One, two, three.
14:26 [Cheering]
14:30 I heard a whole lot of tongues.
14:34 I tell you what I heard the
14:35 strongest. Chick-fil-A!
14:40 That's what I heard the
14:41 strongest. Few Popeyes in there,
14:43 but I heard Chick-fil-A strongest.
14:47 And because Chick-fil-A is the
14:48 strongest and we're a generous
14:49 church, I'm going to do this.
14:50 Yeah, this is crazy, but it's
14:51 Thanksgiving, 'tis the season.
14:53 I'm going to bless everybody in
14:54 here today with Chick-fil-A.
14:55 Everybody going to get Chick-fil-A.
14:56 Today only. Go Chick-fil-A today,
15:01 bring us the receipt. We got you.
15:07 Chicken. Chicken. Chicken.
15:09 Stay with me. Chick-fil-A is a
15:13 chicken place. Raising canes,
15:17 Popeyes, babes. Let me see what
15:22 I heard people at. Williams.
15:28 Rudy's. Hall's. We be here all day.
15:34 Some of y'all like, "You know
15:35 what? I got to go." Okay.
15:40 A multiplicity of places and yet
15:43 they all have the same mission.
15:47 Their mission is clear. Get the
15:50 people the chicken. They dying
15:53 because they don't have chicken.
15:55 They are in one accord on the
15:57 mission. The mission is to get
16:00 chicken out as fast as possible.
16:02 This ain't a gourmet meal. As
16:03 quick as possible, get the people
16:06 the chicken. They're in one
16:07 accord on their mission, but
16:09 their vision is distinctly
16:12 different. How crazy would you
16:14 look pulling up at Popeyes and
16:16 they give you your chicken
16:17 sandwich and you stay in the
16:18 parking lot? And they're like,
16:20 "What you doing? You holding up
16:21 the line?" "Uh, excuse me? Ain't
16:23 you supposed to say my pleasure?"
16:26 They go look at you and say,
16:27 "You don't get out this parking
16:28 lot." That is not our vision for
16:32 how we deliver chicken. We don't
16:34 say my pleasure. We say next.
16:38 Do you see the power of a
16:41 vision? I'm saying that on
16:43 Vision Sunday to let you know
16:45 that the Capital C Church has
16:47 been given a mission. The mission
16:50 has not changed. It's right here
16:51 in Matthew chapter 28. These are
16:53 the last words of Jesus. This is
16:55 the mission. Therefore, go!
16:57 Somebody say go. Say it with your
16:59 chest. Say go. I wish somebody
17:01 would just take that word right
17:02 there. Go! Do something. God did
17:05 not save you for you to just come
17:06 to church and sit on your
17:08 blessed assurance and do nothing.
17:10 How many of you know God is a
17:11 God of action? He's a God of
17:13 moving. Two-thirds of his name
17:15 is go. He called you to do
17:17 something. He didn't call you to
17:18 be stuck in cycles and be
17:20 stagnant. You were created on
17:21 purpose for a purpose, and
17:23 somebody needs to not wait till
17:24 2024 to say, "This is my year to
17:27 go. I'm tired of thinking about
17:30 it. I'm tired of just writing
17:31 about it. I need to go." If you
17:33 gonna go, go. If you gonna go
17:36 back to school, go. If you're
17:37 gonna start the business, go.
17:39 If you're gonna minister to that
17:40 loved one, go. Somebody with
17:42 faith, would you just shout go?
17:47 Stop walking in circles doing
17:49 the same thing every day. Go!
17:52 I'm sorry. Therefore, go and
17:55 make disciples of all nations,
17:57 baptizing them in the name of
17:58 the Father, Son, and of the Holy
18:00 Spirit and teaching them to obey
18:01 the commandments of the Father
18:03 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:04 to the commandments of the Father
18:06 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:07 to the commandments of the Father
18:08 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:09 to the commandments of the Father
18:10 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:11 to the commandments of the Father
18:12 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:13 to the commandments of the Father
18:14 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:15 to the commandments of the Father
18:16 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:17 to the commandments of the Father
18:18 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:19 to the commandments of the Father
18:20 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:21 to the commandments of the Father
18:22 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:23 to the commandments of the Father
18:24 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:25 to the commandments of the Father
18:26 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:27 to the commandments of the Father
18:28 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:29 to the commandments of the Father
18:30 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:31 to the commandments of the Father
18:32 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:33 to the commandments of the Father
18:34 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:35 to the commandments of the Father
18:36 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:37 to the commandments of the Father
18:38 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:39 to the commandments of the Father
18:40 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:41 to the commandments of the Father
18:42 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:43 to the commandments of the Father
18:44 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:45 to the commandments of the Father
18:46 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:47 to the commandments of the Father
18:48 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:49 to the commandments of the Father
18:50 and the Son, and to be faithful
18:52 to all creation.
18:53 to all creation.
18:54 That's the who.
18:55 That's the who.
18:56 But notice we don't get the how.
18:57 But notice we don't get the how.
18:58 But notice we don't get the how.
18:59 The reason he doesn't give us
19:00 The reason he doesn't give us
19:01 The reason he doesn't give us
19:02 the how in scripture
19:03 the how in scripture
19:04 is because I am going to give you
19:05 is because I am going to give you
19:06 a unique creative vision
19:07 a unique creative vision
19:08 to accomplish my overall mission
19:09 to accomplish my overall mission
19:10 in the earth.
19:11 in the earth.
19:12 in the earth.
19:13 And that vision will be as unique
19:14 And that vision will be as unique
19:15 as the giftings and the callings
19:16 as the giftings and the callings
19:17 that God has given us.
19:18 that God has given us.
19:19 That vision will be as unique
19:20 as the giftings and the callings
19:21 as the giftings and the callings
19:22 that are on the inside of you.
19:23 that are on the inside of you.
19:24 This isn't in my notes
19:25 but I feel like telling somebody
19:26 but I feel like telling somebody
19:27 don't ever say you're just anything.
19:28 don't ever say you're just anything.
19:29 You are not just anything.
19:30 Whatever your sphere of influence is
19:31 Whatever your sphere of influence is
19:32 God wants to use that
19:33 to make disciples
19:34 to make disciples
19:35 to bring people into the kingdom.
19:36 to bring people into the kingdom.
19:37 Don't ever say I'm just a teacher.
19:38 Don't ever say I'm just a teacher.
19:39 You are not just a teacher.
19:40 You are God's representative
19:41 in that classroom
19:42 so the classroom can see
19:43 what does Jesus look like
19:44 when Jesus teaches a class.
19:45 when Jesus teaches a class.
19:46 Don't ever say I'm just a doctor.
19:47 Don't ever say I'm just a doctor.
19:48 You are not just a doctor.
19:49 You are God's representative
19:50 in the medical field
19:51 so the medical field can see
19:52 what does Jesus look like
19:53 when Jesus checks you in.
19:54 when Jesus checks you in.
19:55 Don't ever say I'm just a lawyer.
19:56 Don't ever say I'm just a lawyer.
19:57 You are not just a lawyer.
19:58 You are God's representative
19:59 in the law field
20:00 so the law field can see
20:01 what does Jesus look like
20:02 when Jesus takes your case.
20:03 when Jesus takes your case.
20:04 Don't ever say
20:05 you're just a stay-at-home mom.
20:06 you're just a stay-at-home mom.
20:07 You are not just a stay-at-home mom.
20:08 You are God's representative in that house
20:10 raising a warrior,
20:11 raising a world changer,
20:13 raising somebody
20:14 that God's Spirit is going to put it on
20:16 in the last days
20:18 and that child will represent Jesus
20:20 and that's cool.
20:21 Don't ever say I'm just a barista.
20:23 You are not just a barista.
20:25 You are God's representative in the coffee world
20:27 so the coffee world can see
20:28 what does Jesus look like
20:29 when he pours a triple grande mocha frappuccino
20:31 with extra whipped cream.
20:32 You have been given a unique vision
20:36 for your mission.
20:39 I feel like I'm preaching better than y'all are talking in here today.
20:41 He doesn't give the how
20:45 because he wants all of us
20:47 to flow in the unique vision
20:51 that God has given us.
20:53 This is the beauty of the church.
20:55 I'm glad there's so many churches.
20:56 We need more healthy gospel preaching,
20:59 Bible believing,
21:01 strong doctrine,
21:03 Spirit filled,
21:04 hand clapping, devil stomping churches
21:07 because every church
21:11 will have a unique vision
21:13 and expression of the overall mission
21:15 and by the way, since I used the metaphor,
21:17 I have never seen the owner of Chick-fil-A
21:19 in the parking lot of Popeyes
21:21 talking about I wouldn't go in there.
21:23 You know we do chicken better over here.
21:26 I've never seen the manager of Raising Cane's
21:30 writing a blog
21:32 about how to fight with somebody else
21:38 that has a different vision.
21:40 They just want to...
21:42 I'm trying to help some of y'all not be petty in 2024.
21:45 I don't got time to hate on you.
21:47 I don't got time to critique you.
21:49 I'm trying to focus on the vision God has given me
21:52 and do what he put me on this earth to do.
21:55 I ain't got time to hate on your vision.
21:57 I'm too busy frying my chicken.
22:02 So sick.
22:05 We got people got whole careers.
22:07 I don't like the way they do chicken.
22:09 So let me do a YouTube channel
22:11 and why their chicken is messed up.
22:13 I just know there's hungry people
22:15 who will wait in line
22:20 and do whatever is needed
22:22 to get the gospel of Jesus Christ.
22:26 All right.
22:28 This brings me to my text, my text today.
22:32 Time will not really give me the opportunity
22:34 to excavate all the treasures
22:36 that are in Jeremiah chapter 29.
22:38 I wish I had the time.
22:40 But you have to understand
22:42 that in Jeremiah chapter 29,
22:44 let's specifically deal with verse number 11.
22:48 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
22:52 plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
22:55 plans to give you a hope in the future.
22:57 I love it because the first time I read it,
22:59 I heard all the "Mm, yeah."
23:01 That's right.
23:03 That verse of all the scripture
23:05 might be one of the most out of context used scriptures
23:10 in the entire Bible.
23:12 Maybe second to "I can do all things."
23:17 Through Christ who strengthens me, that's you
23:19 with that credit card form, "I can do all things."
23:22 Let me get it, Lord. Let me get approved.
23:24 I can do all things.
23:27 That ain't what Paul was talking about.
23:30 Paul was in a prison.
23:33 Paul was in a prison for preaching the gospel.
23:36 That's where he wrote, "I can do all things."
23:39 He wasn't in the palace.
23:41 When he said, "I can do all things," he was saying,
23:43 "If I could preach this gospel unchained,
23:47 I can do all things and preach it chained.
23:49 If I could preach this gospel with no whips on my back,
23:52 I can preach it even with whips in my back."
23:55 He's talking about trial, tribulation, suffering.
23:58 That's what he said, "I can do all things."
24:00 He ain't talking about doing bench press.
24:04 So that's one we use out of context,
24:06 and this is the one we use out of context too.
24:08 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.
24:12 First of all, before I even give you the context,
24:14 let's really, let's really analytically, critically
24:18 think about that verse right there.
24:20 "For I know the plans."
24:22 Who is the I?
24:24 God.
24:26 God is the I.
24:28 Who knows the plan?
24:30 Why are we shouting about this verse?
24:33 He said he know the plan.
24:36 Nowhere in this verse did he say he going to disclose that plan
24:41 or let you know when it's going to come to pass.
24:44 All he's going to guarantee is going to be good.
24:48 It's like the gift you get from your grandma
24:50 that's rap nice, you're like, "Oh, God.
24:52 I don't know what's in it."
24:54 He does not tell you what the plan is.
24:57 He just lets you know that he knows it.
24:58 Come on, I'm going to make a real plan for some of y'all.
25:00 Come on, some of y'all, imagine, imagine if you're a single lady
25:02 and you're trying to get married, and somebody comes up to you
25:04 and says, "I know the man."
25:09 God has for you.
25:11 He has plans not to harm you, lives and prosper.
25:16 He's going to give you a home and a Ferrari.
25:17 If somebody came to you and said, "Okay, who is he?"
25:23 I can't tell you, but I know the man.
25:27 You know how annoyed you would be?
25:29 Like, "Yo, if you know, say something."
25:34 God never guarantees that he's going to tell you the plan,
25:39 how it's going to unfold, and that is critical in this verse of Scripture
25:43 because you have to understand, Jeremiah is writing to a people
25:46 who have been taken from their home.
25:49 The children of Israel in 586 BC have been taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar.
25:55 They have been dragged from their home and forced to live in another city.
26:00 Imagine somebody coming into your house on Thanksgiving Day
26:04 and taking you captive and forcing you to live in another city.
26:10 This is the context of this verse.
26:13 They have been held hostage.
26:15 They're in a foreign land.
26:17 Now, what is critical to understand is when they are in this foreign land,
26:21 a prophet, chapter 28, read it when you get to the crib,
26:24 named Hananiah, says the word that everybody wants to hear.
26:28 "Don't worry. God will deliver us.
26:32 We're only going to be in Babylon for two years.
26:34 Everybody relax. You're going to get out of here."
26:38 "Thus saith the Lord."
26:40 And he was prophelying.
26:43 God didn't say that.
26:45 Matter of fact, he said it, and God killed him for lying on his name.
26:50 Don't you just wish God would bring that back?
26:52 I'm playing, I'm playing, I'm playing. I'm kidding.
26:58 He declares, "We're only going to be here two years.
27:01 Thus saith the Lord."
27:04 And then God speaks to Jeremiah, and he says,
27:07 "Tell my people this will not be two years.
27:11 You're going to be there 70 years."
27:16 He says, "Tell my people that although King Nebuchadnezzar
27:20 is the one that took them captive,
27:23 it was not the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.
27:25 It was actually my sovereign hand."
27:29 This is frustrating because it is the tension
27:32 between God's permissive will and God's divine will.
27:38 That God says, "Nebuchadnezzar thinks he's the one taking you captive,
27:43 but it's not really Nebuchadnezzar.
27:46 I am using Nebuchadnezzar to get your attention.
27:52 I've been trying to get you to pay attention."
27:55 And I know you don't like this because this doesn't shout well,
27:58 but I'm telling you, God will take you through whatever he needs to take you through
28:02 to get your attention.
28:05 He said, "Yes, you're going to be in captivity, and yes, it's going to be rough,
28:09 but guess what? I'm still going to have my hand on you even while you're in the captivity,
28:13 but there's something I'm trying to get out of you that you couldn't get if you weren't in captivity."
28:18 And somebody in here can testify to the fact that sometimes God will take you through some stuff
28:22 to get your attention.
28:24 He'll let them walk away.
28:26 He'll let them break your heart.
28:27 He'll let you have to file for bankruptcy because he's trying to get your attention.
28:34 And here they are in captivity, and God says, "Guess what?
28:41 I know you're in a bad situation, and you want to get out, but my hand is still on you."
28:48 He said, "You're going to be here a long time, so here's what I need you to do.
28:51 Get comfortable."
28:53 He says, "Build houses."
28:56 He says, "Plant gardens."
28:58 He says, "Get married. Have community. Have a family."
29:03 He said, "I want you in the city."
29:05 Why?
29:06 Because you don't understand this.
29:11 God loves Babylon.
29:15 God loves Atlanta.
29:17 God loves Dallas.
29:19 God loves Detroit.
29:22 God loves whatever city because those cities are filled with people.
29:29 God loves cities more than he loves country
29:32 because in the country is more animals than people.
29:35 And God loves people more than he loves animals.
29:38 Don't kill me, Peter.
29:40 He does.
29:42 And so he says, "I know the prophets are telling you to run away.
29:45 I'm saying no.
29:47 Since you're in the city, build a house.
29:51 Maybe build a house of presence, a house of prayer, a house for people."
29:58 Since you're in the city anyway.
30:02 He says, "Don't decrease in number. Increase in number and go from venue to venue,
30:09 from Straus to Gillies to Winspear Opera House to Fairfax."
30:14 He says, "I want you to increase in number since you're in the city anyway.
30:20 Build a house."
30:23 Then he says, "Because I love the city."
30:26 Don't conform to the ideology of that city.
30:31 I want you to be in it, but not of it.
30:36 I want you to operate in the city like an ambassador.
30:43 An ambassador goes from country A into country B to represent the value systems of country A.
30:49 And they love the city that they're in, but they're fully aware that that city is not their home.
30:54 They're an ambassador in that city, and it is their job to infiltrate that city and to change the culture
31:00 and to show a different value system of the city.
31:04 So when everybody else in the city is being unfaithful and their marriages are falling apart,
31:09 I want you to be in the city and show them how a marriage can come together.
31:13 When everybody else's kids don't want to worship God in that city,
31:16 I want you to infiltrate the city and show how a generation, no matter what age,
31:20 can lift up holy hands to God and serve Him in righteousness.
31:24 When everybody else in that city is stingy with their money because they think it's theirs,
31:29 I want you to be in that city and understand that everything you have is a gift from me.
31:34 So let your life be an open channel and a conduit of my goodness.
31:38 When everybody else in that city says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
31:42 and they've got bitterness and unforgiveness, I want you to be nice to nasty people
31:46 and forgive them anyway and say, "Father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing."
31:50 When everybody else in that city has no integrity, I want you to stand and have character and have integrity.
31:56 I'm looking for you to be a light in the midst of the darkness.
32:00 I know you don't want to be in the city, but I called you to the city for such a time as this.
32:06 This is why God loves Dallas.
32:10 This is why we need Social Dallas.
32:13 Because God has put us in this city to represent our true home, which is heaven,
32:21 and to shift and change the culture and the values of the city in which we live.
32:27 This is our challenge and this is our charge as a church, to be light in the midst of darkness.
32:35 Do y'all know how Social Dallas, at least the name, do you know where it was really birthed?
32:40 Do you know how it got started? Social girls? Eh, that's what some people think.
32:47 Do you know where Social really got started? Social, at least the name.
32:52 If you go on my phone and you search Social Church, the first thing that's going to come up is something that happened in 2018.
33:00 I don't know that I've ever told this story, but you're welcome. It's Vision Sunday.
33:05 And my wife and I, we were in a hotel. Babe, come up here. Let's reenact it.
33:13 We were in a hotel in 2018. You remember that?
33:18 And we were serving at the church that launched us, Trinity Church, and you were part of the coffee team.
33:25 And we're laying in bed and our little Remy was in between us and we had to talk.
33:30 And so we're communicating through text. Parents know what I'm talking about.
33:34 We got a newborn in between us and here we are texting to each other while we're in the bed.
33:42 I still got the text messages. I want to show you how Vision starts.
33:46 Can y'all put those text messages on the screen?
33:49 This is July 6, 2018. We're serving at the church that launched us, Trinity Church.
33:54 She's on the coffee team and she's thinking of a name for the coffee team to change it.
33:59 And let's look at what it says. Babe, let's reenact it. Come.
34:02 Can you read it? Yeah, come close by me.
34:04 Okay. What do you think about this name for coffee shop? Social Coffee House.
34:11 Love it. It's unique, yeah? It makes sense?
34:16 Sure. That's a good church name. Social Church.
34:21 It just came to me, but I can't tell if it's dumb or if it's really good.
34:26 Yes. Wow, nothing's changed since 2018.
34:31 I think so too, because you will hear people say, "Yeah, he/she is super social."
34:36 Common word that's used to create community.
34:39 My Lord, I love it. Shoot. I really do love it.
34:48 Just search. There's no church with that name. There's a book with that title.
34:52 Really? Yep. They have the website handle too.
34:55 I love the name too. It's so cool. Makes sense. Doesn't seem to try too hard,
35:01 but gets the point across in one word. Socialchurch.com.
35:07 Oh, crickets. What if we did socialchurch.org?
35:12 Yeah, that would work. Start in Dallas, then launch Social SoCal in Orange County.
35:21 Mama, you just came up with our church name. Hey-o. I don't want no one to get it.
35:30 Social Church. How can we go ahead and reserve it?
35:34 Y'all, that's how our church name came about.
35:42 Here's the question.
35:45 How does a text message conversation with my little one in between us in 2018 turn into this right here vision?
36:01 God will give you a vision.
36:05 Sometimes when you don't even have the full picture of the words to articulate what it is,
36:10 he'll birth a vision in your heart or through a text thread,
36:15 and you'll step into it years later and say, "I didn't know this was in that."
36:22 And how many of you know we still don't know all that God has in store for social?
36:27 Watch this.
36:36 June 2, 2019 was the first time we gathered.
36:40 We officially launched as a church on Easter Sunday, 2021.
36:46 God's been writing the story. I'm just getting started.
36:50 [Music]
37:17 [Music]
37:24 [Music]
37:34 [Music]
37:44 [Music]
38:04 Somebody give God some praise.
38:08 If you're thankful God is still writing the story.
38:11 If you're thankful that God loves Dallas and he's expanding our reach.
38:20 On Vision Sunday, I'm so happy to announce to you that next year,
38:27 we won't just be at Gillies.
38:29 We will have services happening simultaneously at Echo Lounge.
38:38 It's going to be incredible.
38:41 We're making more room at the table.
38:45 But can I keep it 100 with you?
38:48 Can I be honest?
38:50 It's the only way I know how to be.
38:53 That's not what I wanted to announce.
38:57 You know what I wanted to announce?
38:59 We got a building!
39:05 I'm not saying we do, that's what I want.
39:13 See how you're cheering louder?
39:19 I wish that was an announcement.
39:25 Hear my heart.
39:28 Behind the scenes, so many different meetings.
39:33 So many different places that look, oh this could work.
39:36 And it falls through, oh this could work.
39:39 And to be honest, I said, Lord this is horrible.
39:44 We're going to go back to Gillies and just have another location?
39:46 That's not epic.
39:49 I don't want to stay.
39:51 This is Babylon.
39:55 But he knows the plans that he has for us.
40:00 Plans to give us a hope and a future.
40:04 Do you know when we were at Granada Theater that holds a good 500 people?
40:08 We were looking at it saying, dang, wouldn't it be cool to buy this one day?
40:13 A building that would only fit this little section right here.
40:18 I say to somebody that what you really wanted hasn't come to pass yet.
40:23 And you're wondering, God, why?
40:26 You don't have a clue what he's going to do in the future.
40:29 It's going to be good.
40:31 Some of you, the problem is your dream is actually too small for what he's about to do.
40:36 And it's like, stop tripping.
40:38 I've got something bigger.
40:42 God has something so much bigger.
40:45 But it's our job to trust in the waiting that he's got a hope and he's got a future.
40:54 Here's what I'm asking in this season of our church.
40:59 Because of what God is doing.
41:01 There's got to be a shift from you being a consumer of social to being connected to social.
41:12 There's a difference between being a consumer and just coming and saying, yeah, that's great.
41:15 The sermon was about a five today.
41:17 I love the worship.
41:19 Consumer, me, to actually being connected.
41:23 Do you know the power of something that's connected?
41:28 Let me show you the power of something connected.
41:32 Josh, can you just play anything on that guitar?
41:37 Anything.
41:46 They're pretty good.
41:47 Give it up for Pastor Josh.
41:48 He's so talented.
41:52 I bet you don't know no Brian McKnight.
41:59 Do I ever cross your mind?
42:04 Anytime.
42:07 Do you ever wake up preaching now for me?
42:14 Do I ever cross your mind?
42:18 Anytime.
42:21 I miss you.
42:24 Let's redeem it.
42:25 Let your glory fill the room.
42:32 That's powerful.
42:35 But Josh, that's great.
42:40 But Josh, can you play that?
42:43 Play that with this.
42:46 It's six strings on that guitar.
42:47 I got six guitar strings right here.
42:51 Play it.
42:56 That's all you got.
42:59 Not as good.
43:01 Cause not connected.
43:06 What makes the sound powerful?
43:09 What makes us hear the melody in the city?
43:12 It's strings who will be connected.
43:15 And not loosely connected.
43:17 But to be so tightly connected that they live in the tension of being connected to a body.
43:27 Six strings, unconnected, give you a "ding".
43:31 Six strings, tightly connected, can play whatever song you want to hear.
43:36 Six strings.
43:37 I wish our church name had like six letters in it.
43:45 I wish it had like, six letters that were six values that defined us as a church.
43:54 That we're gonna stay connected to.
43:55 I wish we had a church that would serve with passion.
43:58 Because we understand that God has been so good to us and we serve with passion.
44:03 I wish I had a church in Dallas that would operate in generosity.
44:07 I wish there was a church in Dallas that would create with excellence.
44:10 I wish there was a church in Dallas that would set the temperature when they walk in a room and influence with hope.
44:16 I wish there was a church in Dallas that people had an attitude of joy.
44:20 I wish there was a church in Dallas that would lead with love.
44:24 And that we would be known in this city as a church that loves people like Jesus loves people.
44:30 Those are the strings I want to be connected to.
44:38 I wish we could live in the tension of those strings right there.
44:43 What does it mean to serve with passion?
44:45 I'm so glad you asked.
44:47 We are servants first.
44:50 Ain't no celebrities at Social Dallas, just some servants who say we want to serve Jesus and serve people.
44:55 We are servants first.
44:56 From the parking lot to the stage, everything we do, we do it with passion.
45:00 Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we have passion for Jesus, passion for people, and passion for His church.
45:07 What does it mean to operate in generosity?
45:09 I'll tell you, we are generous with our time, our talents, and our treasure.
45:13 We are constantly looking for opportunities to go first in our giving.
45:17 God has abundantly given to us.
45:20 It is our honor to give back to Him.
45:22 What does it mean to create with excellence?
45:25 We are creators who believe excellence is always worth the extra effort.
45:30 We show up on time, fully engaged and prepared.
45:34 We can't be careless.
45:35 We do this in Jesus' name, so we do it with excellence.
45:39 What does it mean to influence with hope?
45:41 We understand we are the influencers we've been waiting for.
45:45 With Jesus as our hope and heaven as our home, we are always asking, not what's the worst that could happen, what's the best that could happen?
45:54 What does it mean to have an attitude of joy?
45:59 We are aware that our attitudes set the atmosphere.
46:03 Regardless of how we feel, joy is our choice.
46:08 What does it mean to lead with love?
46:10 I'll tell you, we are leaders committed to loving all people because God loves—watch this, you fill in the blank.
46:18 Fill in the blank for whoever you want to put in that blank because guess what?
46:21 Whatever name you put in the blank, that is somebody that is made in the image of God and is loved by God,
46:26 so we're going to spend the rest of our lives making more room at the table.
46:30 Why? Because God loves balance.
46:36 I want to be a church that's defined by those values.
46:42 I don't want to be a church where I just come in as a consumer.
46:47 Say, "What can they do for me?"
46:50 I want to put my hand to the plow.
46:53 Say, "What can I do?"
46:55 Have you noticed that Jesus never said to pray for the harvest?
47:00 Read it when you get to the crib.
47:02 He didn't say, "Pray for the harvest." No, no, no, no.
47:05 He said, "Pray for the laborers."
47:08 He said, "The harvest is plentiful.
47:11 It's just hard to find people who will get connected."
47:16 Everybody wants to be their own loose string and do you,
47:20 and then you wonder why it's not popping because you're not connected.
47:26 When the strings get connected, our city will hear a sound and will turn the world upside down.
47:33 Want some more good news?
47:36 We've always ended our year, every single year, by truly operating in generosity,
47:43 and we're going to do the same this year.
47:46 Again, the church you're sitting in started in 2021,
47:53 and I just want to show you how we live out the core value of operating in generosity.
47:58 We're committed to reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ,
48:03 and I want you to see it. We don't just talk about it. We do it.
48:05 In 2021, total given away from a young church.
48:10 Just started, $192,600.
48:15 Okay, keep it paused. Don't show that.
48:18 We launched Easter of 2021, and that's how much a baby church gave away.
48:26 Last year, 2022, we gave $355,360 to outreach missions.
48:39 And this year, because God always knows how to take you to a whole 'nother level,
48:45 we are projected this year, watch this, to give $835,246.
48:55 I'm wondering what next year and next year and next year is going to look like
49:00 because God is just looking for somebody to fill in the blanks.
49:06 I said it, year 2021, I said this church will give away millions of dollars.
49:13 I want to show you just some of the organizations that we've been able to partner with
49:16 because of your generosity.
49:18 A21, that's abolishing human trafficking.
49:21 Acts 2, that's restoring churches all over the globe.
49:25 Convoy of Hope, we don't wait when a disaster comes to take up an offering.
49:29 How many know 10% of every dollar we have put aside ready to give,
49:32 so we gave to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
49:34 We gave to the fires in Maui.
49:36 We gave in the war in Israel and Gaza.
49:38 We've given to Dream Center Dallas, to the Father's House Church, to Forgiven Felons.
49:43 So when you watch the sermon on Pando, you can come out of the prison system
49:47 and get a job and get training and get discipleship.
49:50 We gave to the Hennessy Foundation that's helping people get their first home.
49:54 We gave to Lonesome Dove Ranch that helped children in the foster care system find a place.
49:59 We've given to place after place.
50:00 Next week, I'm going to show you the church that your generosity helped build in Nigeria.
50:05 Okay?
50:06 It's going to be...
50:07 It cost us to be on Pando, but it's worth every single penny
50:15 because of the salvations we've seen and the fruit we gave to Radiant Church Tampa.
50:20 We gave to RIP Medical Debt and abolished over $2 million worth of debt for individuals.
50:26 We've given to Rock City Church and Southwestern Assemblies of God University.
50:30 And there's so much more we have yet to do.
50:33 God is just looking for somebody to say, "You know what? I see the vision.
50:39 I'm going to stay connected.
50:42 I'm not going to be a consumer.
50:44 How can I be a consumer?
50:47 Look at what God has done in just this short amount of time.
50:50 I wonder what he has in store for us in the future."
50:54 So on this Vision Sunday, we're going to end this year the way we've always ended the year.
51:01 First of all, we're going to take up our general offering,
51:03 but this year, we're going to end with what we're calling the God Loves Dallas offering
51:12 because we have to expand.
51:13 How many of you know for us to go to another venue, there's cost associated to that,
51:16 but because God loves this city.
51:18 Hear me, I'm not waiting for a building to pop up and then start a campaign.
51:22 How awesome would it be if we were just generous and so on and say,
51:25 "Hey, when the building is here, we already prepared because we believe in what God's doing
51:29 and we're sowing into good ground."
51:32 So this is our moment.
51:33 We specifically put this at the end for a reason, to take up our general offering.
51:37 There's ways to give on the screen, and there's a QR code on the front,
51:41 but I want you to see something that's on every seat.
51:44 On every seat, you'll see a God Loves Dallas offering envelope,
51:48 and you're also going to see this card,
51:54 and at the top of it, it says, "God Loves blank,"
51:59 and you can tear that part off.
52:01 And here's what I'm going to ask you to do.
52:05 I'm never going to tell you what to give, but I will ask you to pray
52:09 as to what God would have you to give.
52:12 I'm so thankful for all of you who faithfully sow and you faithfully tie,
52:16 and this is just a way at the end of the year for us to say,
52:19 "We're going to go above and beyond the tithe because we believe in the vision of this house."
52:26 Some of you might say, "Hey, I already know what I want to do, and I want to do it today,"
52:29 and you can give to the God Loves Dallas campaign on the drop-down,
52:34 but I want you to take it home and pray about it,
52:38 and just say, "Hey, Lord, because of what you're doing in this city, through this church,
52:45 I'm going to do what I do."
52:47 I'm just asking you to pray.
52:51 People who operate in the kingdom understand that everything that they have belongs to God.
52:57 So on December 17th, we are going to receive this offering.
53:02 Our family is praying about what we're going to give.
53:04 I want you to pray about it.
53:05 On December 17th, we're actually hoping to be right back here.
53:08 It's going to be a massive Christmas service.
53:11 Get ready. It's going to be incredible.
53:14 We're going to receive this specific God Loves Dallas offering.
53:18 But here's probably my favorite part on this.
53:22 This part you can fill out now, or if you want to do it later, that's fine.
53:26 On this top part that says God Loves blank, I want you to put a name of somebody that you are believing
53:32 to have a radical encounter with Jesus, whoever that name is.
53:38 I want you to put it in the offering buckets when they pass them in a moment
53:42 because we want to start covering these names with prayer.
53:46 We are going to stand in awe and watch that a name that you put in the blank
53:52 is going to respond to the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
53:58 We want to be praying with whoever you want to put in the blank.
54:03 The second half of it is a face pledge or say, "Hey, I pledge to give this by December 17th,"
54:10 if you want to put that in there as well, or if you just want to wait and say, "I'm going to pray
54:14 as to what the Lord would have me give on December 17th."
54:18 Here's what I'm dreaming of, that everybody that calls Social Dallas home would participate
54:24 in this God Loves Dallas offer, that you would see God and say, "God, what is it that you want me to do?"
54:30 And that everybody would participate because we believe that God loves this city
54:37 and there's so much more he wants to do.
54:40 Anybody believe that, would you give God some praise in this place today?
54:47 The worship team is going to come back out as you take a moment.
54:50 The buckets will be passing.
54:52 Like I said, if you want to pause and say, "I want to pray about this and bring it back on the 17th,"
54:58 but I'm going to ask that nobody leave until the offering is completely done.
55:02 The worship team is going to lead us in a song that I believe is a prophetic declaration.
55:07 The God of this city has greater things for us.
