00:00:00Titus chapter two, we're on the age of grace.
00:00:05We should, I'm pretty sure we'll be able to finish this up in two weeks.
00:00:12So we'll conclude it next week, but we're getting close to the end of this, the age
00:00:17of grace.
00:00:18Titus chapter two, verse 11, and it reads, for the grace of God.
00:00:26Now remember, we talked about this last week as we took our time with Paul's thorn.
00:00:34And we learned about the grace that we are, that we're standing in.
00:00:41Why then would we need access to grace if we're already in it?
00:00:45But of course we understand that the grace of God is manifold, it's multi-layered, and
00:00:51so there are other aspects of God's grace that we need to access in time of need.
00:00:56And as a matter of fact, Paul said, there's grace for needs, so there's grace for tribulations,
00:01:01grace for distresses, grace for persecutions.
00:01:04So there is, there is grace for whatever, whatever we need in this life.
00:01:11But this beginning part of this verse lets us know exactly how we entered into this grace
00:01:15or how it was made available to us.
00:01:19And again, verse 11, Titus two, for the grace of God that brings what?
00:01:27The grace of God that brings salvation.
00:01:29So salvation has been brought, it has been made available to us as a result of the grace
00:01:36of God, not of anything you and I have done.
00:01:39There's nothing man could do.
00:01:41There are no number of works, quality or quantity that we could do, engage in, participate in
00:01:49that would bring about salvation.
00:01:51It is solely by the grace of God that salvation has appeared to all men.
00:01:58It has appeared.
00:02:00When something has appeared, it doesn't mean you have it.
00:02:05In some cases, there's something you have to do to receive that which has appeared.
00:02:11And so the grace of God has appeared to all men, but by an act of faith, you and I have
00:02:16to make a decision to accept that salvation that has appeared to all men.
00:02:22But it's by God's grace that salvation has appeared to all men.
00:02:29It goes beyond that here in verse 12, it says, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly
00:02:34lusts, that's the way of the world, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.
00:02:41Denying these things, we should live how?
00:02:43We should live soberly.
00:02:45In other words, we should live disciplined lives, sober lives.
00:02:51We should live watchful lives or lives of prayer, righteously, meaning because we're
00:02:59righteous, we engage in righteous acts and righteous deeds and godly in the present age,
00:03:08seeking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus
00:03:17Remember, the appearing of the Lord is different than the coming of the Lord.
00:03:20The appearing of the Lord signifies that the church is going to be caught up, raptured.
00:03:29And Paul here writing to Titus is specifically talking about the appearing of the Lord.
00:03:36It says, who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and
00:03:41purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works.
00:03:48Speak these things, exhort and rebuke with all authority, let no one despise you.
00:03:52Again, this is Paul writing to Titus, who was a pastor at Crete.
00:03:57And Titus along with Timothy are epistles for the pastors.
00:04:02And so, Paul is telling Titus and therefore he's telling men like me to do what?
00:04:07Speak these things.
00:04:09And I'm not to speak these things solely because they're popular, but even speak them if they're
00:04:17Speak these things, I'm to exhort, I'm to rebuke with all authority, it's his authority
00:04:23and I'm not to let anyone despise me.
00:04:27Are you here this morning?
00:04:30Let's take a look now.
00:04:32One verse here in 2 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 8, we're talking about now different
00:04:39aspects of the grace of God, which by way of the grace of God, salvation has appeared
00:04:44to all men.
00:04:47We have chosen to receive that salvation.
00:04:51And now there is a life we are to live in this world.
00:04:56A life to live in this world because we are no longer of this world.
00:05:03Second Corinthians 9 shows us the fullness of the manifold grace of God.
00:05:12And what we're reading here in this eighth verse, you need to know, is contingent on
00:05:17your sowing.
00:05:20And when I say sowing, I'm not only talking about finances.
00:05:26I'm talking about a lifestyle of sowing in which whatever it is you sow, that's what
00:05:31you're going to reap.
00:05:33What you give out, that's what's coming back.
00:05:37If you sow disdain, guess what you're getting?
00:05:41If you sow love, guess what you're getting?
00:05:44Whatever one sow, and if you sow sparingly, how will you reap?
00:05:48If you sow bountifully, how will you reap?
00:05:51So if you sow nothing, how will you reap?
00:05:55What will you reap?
00:05:59This is contingent on your sowing.
00:06:00Now the context here was finances for the poor saints, right?
00:06:07But the principle remains and goes beyond, again, even finances.
00:06:13But this has to do with the grace of God.
00:06:14Watch this.
00:06:15Verse 8 says, and God is able to make.
00:06:17Well, if God is able to make, it must be contingent on what we read before this verse.
00:06:23And again, it has to do with your giving and what it is you give and how it is you
00:06:29give and where it is you give.
00:06:32And when we do that, look at verse 8, what's God able to do?
00:06:35He's able to make all grace, all grace.
00:06:40All grace sounds better than some grace.
00:06:42Okay, so all grace must be referring to the whole of the grace of God.
00:06:48Every color and every shade and every texture of his grace.
00:06:50This is the fullness of his grace.
00:06:52His manifold grace.
00:06:53What's God able to do?
00:06:55Contingent on what?
00:06:56This life of sowing that I live.
00:06:59God is able to make all grace abound toward you.
00:07:03Oh, I like how this verse reads, says that you always having all sufficiency in all things
00:07:10may have an abundance for every good work.
00:07:15Let's look at this.
00:07:16God is over the top in this verse.
00:07:20All grace abound, always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every
00:07:27good work.
00:07:29That's a lot of all.
00:07:30That's a lot of every.
00:07:31That's a lot of abounding.
00:07:33But I like how it sounds.
00:07:35God's able to make all grace abound toward you that you, listen to this.
00:07:42Do you receive these words?
00:07:46Always having all sufficiency, always having all sufficiency in all things.
00:07:52There is no lack in God.
00:07:57I rebuke the spirit of lack over this place right now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
00:08:02It has no legal authority to be here.
00:08:05It has no legal authority to Lord over this ministry or over your lives individually.
00:08:12No, our God is able to make all grace abound that we always having all sufficiency in all
00:08:21things may have an abundance, not just barely getting by, not, not just enough.
00:08:28I mean, thank God for just enough, you know, just enough.
00:08:31Listen, I don't, have you ever had to search for change to reach just enough?
00:08:39Listen, when I, when I, when I was, when I was growing up, I had a car, my, my, my,
00:08:47thank God I was blessed to have a vehicle.
00:08:49My father bought me a vehicle when I was 16 years old.
00:08:52Now, here's the thing about my daddy, my daddy was rich and he was rich, but his children
00:08:59didn't just get stuff because he was rich.
00:09:01It just didn't work like that.
00:09:03And we knew other rich kids that got stuff that they wanted, but our father wasn't particularly
00:09:10always about what we wanted.
00:09:12Sometimes it was just what you needed.
00:09:15And so I had a nice, it was a Honda Accord.
00:09:17It wasn't the best model.
00:09:18It wasn't fully loaded, but it was good.
00:09:21It got me from point A to point B. I could work with it.
00:09:24It was dependable.
00:09:28And I recall times, listen, maybe you didn't experience this when you were 16 years old
00:09:32or 17 years old or 18 years old.
00:09:34How many of you remember value meals from fast food restaurants, especially when it
00:09:39was up to you to pay for your eating?
00:09:42You ever gone through a drive-thru and you didn't have enough, so you went into the ashtray
00:09:46to get the rest of the change.
00:09:49Thank God we made it, right?
00:09:52Thank God we had just enough, but God is not a just enough God.
00:09:55He's an abundance God.
00:09:56He goes beyond just enough.
00:10:02Thank God we made it.
00:10:03Nope, not our God.
00:10:04That you may have an abundance for every good work.
00:10:09That's our God of grace.
00:10:15Look here now at Hebrews 10.
00:10:19Hebrews 10, we see the grace of God that has brought us salvation or the grace of God that
00:10:27has caused salvation to appear before all men.
00:10:29It appeared before us and we said, yes.
00:10:34And the grace of God that is able to be made by him to abound in our lives for every good
00:10:46Now we see something here in Hebrews 10.
00:10:48We want to identify a group here and I submit to you this group.
00:10:54This isn't us who we're about to read about.
00:10:57This ain't us.
00:11:00Hebrews 10, 26, we'll read through verse 39.
00:11:05Listen how it says, for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the
00:11:09truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
00:11:12Now, if we're not careful, we'll read this verse and we'll think it's just talking about
00:11:15any kind of sin.
00:11:19We'll think, oh, I need to be careful.
00:11:21Now, you want to live a life according to holiness.
00:11:27You should endeavor to crucify your flesh daily, to put to death the deeds of the body,
00:11:33to put off the old man.
00:11:35We endeavor to live that out daily, but that's not what this is talking about because you
00:11:40may say, oh, you mean if I hear about a sin knowing I'm not supposed to do that and then
00:11:45I go willfully do it, is that what this verse is talking about?
00:11:49No, that's not what this verse is talking about.
00:11:51This is talking about something very specific and I know none of you have done this nor
00:11:56will you do this.
00:11:57It's talking about a specific group of people.
00:11:59Matter of fact, the qualifications are met in Hebrews chapter six, verses four through
00:12:04six more specifically.
00:12:07It says if we sin willfully, what sin is that?
00:12:09I'll tell you in just a second.
00:12:11After we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice
00:12:16for sins.
00:12:17Now, let me ask you this question because there is a lot of, you know, we live in an
00:12:21hour right now where everyone wants to define truth.
00:12:28I hear entirely too much about your truth and my truth.
00:12:32What about the truth?
00:12:34See, that's the thing.
00:12:37Your truth or my truth isn't truth.
00:12:40Your truth and my truth may just happen to be something that is true, but it ain't truth
00:12:47unless it's the truth.
00:12:53And the word of God is truth.
00:12:56Word of God is not true.
00:12:57The word of God is absolute truth.
00:13:02So if I were to ask you this question, what would be the most important aspect of the
00:13:10truth of God's word?
00:13:14Something that you might call the truth or you might call the message.
00:13:18What would you say that is?
00:13:20Here's what I would say that it is.
00:13:22The knowledge of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
00:13:26Because nothing else matters if that first act of faith isn't taken.
00:13:34The word of God is irrelevant to the unbeliever.
00:13:37It's relevant to the believer.
00:13:38So the majority of it, that is.
00:13:42The evangelistic scriptures, like John 3.16 and Romans 10.9, if I do those with sincerity
00:13:50of heart, well, then the rest is applicable to me.
00:13:55So I would think, that's why the Bible says, God desires that all men be saved and come
00:14:01to the knowledge of the truth.
00:14:04Salvation's first, though.
00:14:05That's the, that's, if I were to say, based on this scripture, after having received the
00:14:10knowledge of the truth, this is the knowledge of salvation, the knowledge of the Savior.
00:14:16And so here's what the scripture is saying.
00:14:17If we sin willfully after we've received that, well, there no longer remains a sacrifice
00:14:22for sins.
00:14:23Who was the ultimate sacrifice for sin?
00:14:27Well, if I sin willfully, what would that willful sin be?
00:14:30We're about to read it.
00:14:31Verse 27, if there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, here's what remains.
00:14:37Verse 27, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation, which will
00:14:43devour the adversaries.
00:14:45That's not like hell to me.
00:14:49And here's what I've read in scripture.
00:14:51If you want to go to hell, you must reject the Savior.
00:14:57And in order to reject the Savior, you have to hear about the Savior in order to reject
00:15:04Paul frequently would preach Jesus to unbelievers and many would reject the message.
00:15:10There were those who received it, but there were many who rejected it.
00:15:15And from what I see in scripture, those who will spend an eternity, an ultimate eternity
00:15:21in torment and flame along with the devil and his kingdom are those who have done what?
00:15:29Rejected the Savior, rejected.
00:15:34Those that I didn't say, not those who have never heard.
00:15:37Those who have never heard, we're going to have to lead them in the care of a just God.
00:15:44He'll handle them.
00:15:46I can't say for sure what will happen if they're in or if they're out.
00:15:51I do know this.
00:15:52The Bible says God will judge them based on the revelation of them that they have.
00:15:58But for those of us who have heard the gospel, and I mean the quality gospel preached properly,
00:16:05if you have rejected it, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins because you have rejected
00:16:11the only sacrifice.
00:16:13The only thing that is left is a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation,
00:16:20which will devour the adversaries.
00:16:23One who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses
00:16:29of how much worse punishment do you suppose will he be thought worthy who has trampled
00:16:38the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he would sacrifice
00:16:43a common thing.
00:16:44Now, let's stop right there.
00:16:46This lets us know.
00:16:47This is talking about the Savior.
00:16:48This is talking about…
00:16:49And watch this.
00:16:50This is not just talking about rejecting Jesus.
00:16:52We have to remember, this is the book of Hebrews.
00:16:54So I want you…
00:16:55Now, this is going to be a tough question.
00:16:56This is the book of Hebrews we're reading.
00:16:57It's going to be a tough question, but I have faith in you.
00:17:00I believe you'll be able to answer it.
00:17:02Who do you believe the book of Hebrews was written to?
00:17:07That's right.
00:17:08It was written to Hebrews.
00:17:10More specifically though, the book of Hebrews was written to Hebrews who became believers.
00:17:15Now these Hebrews that became believers, what did they come out of?
00:17:18They came out of the law of Moses.
00:17:21And coming out of the law of Moses, they entered into the law of grace.
00:17:25They entered into the Savior.
00:17:26But guess what some of them were starting to do?
00:17:30That's right.
00:17:31They're starting…
00:17:32They were beginning to revert back to the law of Moses.
00:17:34Well, the writer of Hebrews is saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
00:17:37You came out of Moses who brought us the law, you entered into Jesus who brought us grace
00:17:42and truth, and now you're trying to go back to the law.
00:17:46You're trying to leave the only one who can save you from sin.
00:17:51So if you depart, if you sin willfully, well, there no longer remains a sacrifice because
00:17:56you've left the only sacrifice.
00:17:59So the only thing that remains is what?
00:18:01A certain expectation of fiery judgment and indignation.
00:18:06So look at this 29th verse again.
00:18:08If one would do that, well, of how much worse punishment do you suppose he will be thought
00:18:13unworthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant
00:18:18by which he was sacrificed a common thing.
00:18:20In other words, one would be saying that the blood of Jesus is just as common as any other
00:18:26man's blood.
00:18:29And then it ends with this.
00:18:30This verse ends with this.
00:18:31And done what?
00:18:32And insulted the spirit of grace.
00:18:37You've insulted grace by going, trying to go back to the law for your salvation, for
00:18:44your righteousness that can only come by way of grace and the spirit of grace.
00:18:48That'd be the Holy Spirit.
00:18:49So you've insulted the Holy Spirit.
00:18:53This is for, we know him who said, vengeance is mine.
00:18:56I will repay.
00:18:57Please believers, please remember vengeance doesn't belong to us and you can't borrow
00:19:03It belongs to the Lord.
00:19:05It belongs to him.
00:19:08I know sometimes that's what we want to do.
00:19:12On loan father.
00:19:13I'll give it right back.
00:19:15No, vengeance is his.
00:19:17He will repay, says the Lord.
00:19:19And again, the Lord will judge his people and stop.
00:19:22I'm just going to have to always reiterate, stop wanting God to get revenge on your brother
00:19:27in the Lord.
00:19:30No, you should want your brother in the Lord to be lovingly admonished or chastised.
00:19:37Not God get them.
00:19:41Now, now, now those on the outside of the flock, God get them.
00:19:52For we know him who said vengeance is mine.
00:19:53I will repay, says the Lord.
00:19:54And again, the Lord will judge his people.
00:19:56It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
00:20:01I guess every other God is dead.
00:20:06But recall the former days in which after you were illuminated, this is how you know
00:20:09he's writing the Hebrews.
00:20:10See the former days.
00:20:11So he's talking to a specific group, but there's much we can gain from here.
00:20:17Recall the former days in which after you were illuminated, you endured a great struggle
00:20:22with the sufferings partly while you were made a spectacle.
00:20:26And Israel was made a spectacle, a byword, an astonishment.
00:20:32We can read all about that in the old covenant.
00:20:35It says you were made a spectacle both by reproaches and tribulations, right?
00:20:43There were, there were reproaches against your name, Israel, and many tribulations you
00:20:48went through.
00:20:49And Israel, it says in partly while you became companions of those who were so treated.
00:20:55For you had compassion on me in my chains.
00:20:58This is why some believe Paul wrote this and joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods,
00:21:03knowing that you have a better and enduring possession for yourselves in heaven.
00:21:07Verse 35.
00:21:08Now again, this is, this is written to written to the Hebrews who got saved and we're trying
00:21:13to go backwards, but there is much that can apply to all of us as believers.
00:21:19This last portion here, this is for all of us, not just them, but for all of us.
00:21:24Look at verse 35.
00:21:25Therefore, do not cast away your confidence.
00:21:30Do you hear me?
00:21:31Don't cast away your boldness because remember that comes with access.
00:21:35If you cast away your confidence, you're casting away your access.
00:21:41And it's not that, that you yourself can have access removed from you.
00:21:48It's just you, you won't experience the benefits of it.
00:21:52You have access, but you won't access because you've cast away your confidence.
00:21:57Notice it says it has great reward for you have need of endurance.
00:22:02Anyone have need of endurance?
00:22:05Yeah, fortitude, forbearance, long suffering, that's long patience.
00:22:15So that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.
00:22:20Forget a little while and he who is coming will come and will not tarry.
00:22:23Now how did they just live?
00:22:26We live by faith.
00:22:27The declared righteous live by faith, but if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure
00:22:32in him.
00:22:33If you're, if you're a believer in the Lord, you live a life of faith.
00:22:38You start trying to go backwards, you draw them back.
00:22:41Verse 39, but we are not of those.
00:22:45Say this with me.
00:22:46We are not of those who draw back.
00:22:50Say it with me again.
00:22:51We are not of those who draw back.
00:22:54That ain't us.
00:22:56It says who draw back to perdition.
00:23:02I am not where perdition is.
00:23:03And trust me, you don't want to be where perdition is.
00:23:07If you don't even know what the word means, you know, it sounds a bit creepy perdition.
00:23:10It did something about perdition.
00:23:12Don't even sound right.
00:23:15I'll give you an idea of what it means if you don't know what it means.
00:23:18The antichrist is called the son of perdition.
00:23:21That should give you an idea.
00:23:22What did the writer say?
00:23:23We are not of those who draw back to perdition.
00:23:26What's the antichrist in hellfire and torment?
00:23:29We are not of those drawn back to that.
00:23:33We got it.
00:23:34We got away from that.
00:23:35Or we got away from being exposed to that when we believed in the Messiah.
00:23:39And we are those who truly believe in him.
00:23:41We are going to be those who overcome, not those who stray away or depart from.
00:23:48We're remaining with Christ.
00:23:49We are not of those who draw back to perdition, but we are of those who what?
00:23:55Believe to the saving of the soul.
00:23:56See, that's the part of us that's being saved right now.
00:23:59That's, that's, oh goodness.
00:24:01That's the longest and probably most difficult part of the salvation process is the salvation
00:24:06of the soul.
00:24:08Because you and I, it's our responsibility to renew our minds daily.
00:24:12We have to do that.
00:24:13And if you don't renew that mind daily, according to the word of God, your mind will be renewed
00:24:18according to the world.
00:24:22It's word or world.
00:24:24Which one is it?
00:24:26Which one are you, which one are you going to allow your mind to be daily renewed according
00:24:33to the word or the world?
00:24:36I'm telling you right now more than ever, you better renew your mind according to the
00:24:41word of God.
00:24:43Because we are living in, we are living in the signs before the signs.
00:24:48We are, we are, we are, I mean the appearing of the Lord.
00:24:54It could, any, any second.
00:24:59And we have to preach that.
00:25:00We have to preach it like that because our any second, I mean all of us in here could
00:25:04pass away before the Lord appears.
00:25:07But we have to be like John who 2000 years ago said, hey y'all, we in the last hour.
00:25:15If John then said we in the last hour, we definitely like in the last 10 to like eight
00:25:21Because 2000 years ago was the last hour.
00:25:23We're 2000 years removed from the last hour.
00:25:28We got to be in the final 10 minutes easily.
00:25:31What's time to God?
00:25:36We believe to the saving of the soul.
00:25:40Examine yourself as to whether you're in the faith.
00:25:44The salvation of the soul is the renewing of the mind.
00:25:47The mind has to be renewed according to the word of God.
00:25:51You got to talk to yourself.
00:25:54You got to say to yourself what the word of God says.
00:25:58Okay, let's keep going.
00:26:03Let's look here in Romans 11.
00:26:06Oh, God's grace is, his grace is amazing.
00:26:15That's why somebody wrote a song called Amazing Grace because it really is amazing.
00:26:24It's because of the grace of God that we can say, but, but God, where'd I tell you to go?
00:26:33Romans 11.
00:26:34Look at Romans 11 verse one, look how powerful this grace is.
00:26:40Okay, here's Paul, right?
00:26:44Paul who was the apostle to the Gentiles, but look at what he writes here because he
00:26:47was of Israel.
00:26:52He was of Israel.
00:26:53And he says this, verse, verse one of Romans 11, he says, I say then, has God cast away
00:26:58his people?
00:26:59Certainly not, no, not at all.
00:27:04He says, for I also am an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, more specifically of the
00:27:12tribe of Benjamin.
00:27:16I'm a Benjamite.
00:27:17And he says, God has not cast away his people whom he foreknew.
00:27:22Or do you not know what the scripture says of Elijah?
00:27:25How he pleads with God against Israel saying, Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn
00:27:30down your altars and I alone am left and they seek my life.
00:27:36But what does the divine response say to him?
00:27:39I have reserved for myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the need to bail.
00:27:46Even so then at this time, presently, there is a remnant according to the election of
00:27:54In other words, Paul is saying, I'm not the only one who will be saved.
00:28:00There is a remnant.
00:28:04When it's all said and done, there will be those of Israel who remain in a place of rejection,
00:28:10but there will be many.
00:28:11It's going to be many on both sides, but there will be many who have an awakening like Paul
00:28:16and Peter and all of the Jews that began the church.
00:28:22According to the election of what?
00:28:23Of grace.
00:28:26And if by grace, if by grace, then it is no longer of what works, otherwise grace is no
00:28:34longer grace.
00:28:35We're saved by grace or we're saved by works.
00:28:39It's one of the two.
00:28:42Now if you're saved by works, then that means you saved yourself and you can boast about
00:28:50That's why Paul writes, it's not of works lest we should boast.
00:28:54If I'm saved because of all the good deeds I've done, all of that, when I get to heaven,
00:28:58I should get in because I'm a good person.
00:29:02I did a whole lot of good stuff.
00:29:04Do you know how many rejecters of Jesus have done good things?
00:29:09No, it's not works that save us.
00:29:15Now we should do works because of the grace of God, but we're not saved according to works.
00:29:22We're saved according to grace.
00:29:24And like Paul says here, he says, well, if it's grace, it's no longer works because if
00:29:30it's works, then grace is in grace.
00:29:34He says, but if it is of works, it is no longer grace.
00:29:38Otherwise work is no longer work.
00:29:40In other words, works for righteousness.
00:29:42No, no, no.
00:29:43I don't work to get righteous.
00:29:45I work because I am righteous and I'm righteous because of his grace.
00:29:51It says, what then Israel has not obtained what it seeks, but the elect have obtained
00:29:55it and the rest were blinded.
00:29:57Just as it is written, God has given them or allowed them to have a spirit of stupor.
00:30:03Eyes that should not see and ears that should not hear to this very day.
00:30:07And David says, let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a recompense
00:30:13to them.
00:30:14Let their eyes be darkened so that they do not see and bow down their back always.
00:30:20Okay, look at Romans 12 now, Romans 12, we're going to, we're going to spend the remainder
00:30:27of this, of this particular lesson, we're going to talk about, about gifts and grace
00:30:32and measure.
00:30:33Now, over in first Peter four 10, we read it earlier in this lesson, we found out that
00:30:38we are, that we are stewards or caretakers of the, the manifold grace of God and, and,
00:30:45and the manifold grace of God is the multi-layered grace of God and, and, and Peter is referring
00:30:51to gifts.
00:30:52Now, the gifts Peter's referring to literally are the, the gifts and talents that the Lord
00:30:57has given us.
00:30:59How many of you know, God has, has given you specific gifts and talents and watch this,
00:31:05your, your, your gifts and talents may be similar to someone else's gifts and talents,
00:31:12but your assignment is different.
00:31:15There is a, there is a high probability that your gifts and talents have to do with, with
00:31:20your purpose.
00:31:21Again, if you don't know what your purpose is, tell me what you're passionate about and
00:31:27I can tell you what your purpose is and what you're passionate about.
00:31:31I'm not talking about what you, what you're good at because a whole lot of folk are good
00:31:34at stuff they don't like and they're real good at it.
00:31:40It wasn't what they, it wasn't what they intended to get in, but as a result of being in it,
00:31:44they acquired a particular set of skills.
00:31:48And as a result of that, they are good at what they do.
00:31:52They may not necessarily be excited about going to work every day, but they work better
00:31:55than everyone else.
00:31:58So I'm not talking about what you're good at.
00:31:59Watch this.
00:32:00I'm not even talking about your many other talents.
00:32:03Those other talents will help you, but I'm talking about what you're passionate about.
00:32:07This is the thing that will not go away.
00:32:10It won't leave your mind.
00:32:11It won't leave your heart.
00:32:12It won't get out of your spirit.
00:32:14It just stays.
00:32:15And even, even if it disappears for a while, it comes to visit you again, repeatedly.
00:32:22That right there, that's your purpose.
00:32:24That's your, that's your specific assignment.
00:32:27Because see, as believers, we all have a general purpose.
00:32:29For example, we've all been given the ministry of reconciliation, which means every believer
00:32:34in the Lord has been purposed to preach the gospel.
00:32:38That's a part of all of us.
00:32:39I'm not, watch this.
00:32:40I'm not talking about being an evangelist.
00:32:41I'm talking about doing the work of an evangelist.
00:32:45And there's a difference between the two.
00:32:46That is the ministry of reconciliation.
00:32:49We've all been purposed to do that.
00:32:50We've all been called to walk in love, right?
00:32:52But I'm talking about specific assignments.
00:32:55Those gifts that Peter talks about in 1 Peter 4.10, those are like gifts and talents.
00:33:02But now we're going to look at some things that are a little more specific.
00:33:07And these things cause the edifying of the body.
00:33:11It causes growth of the body.
00:33:15We're going to look at the gifts of the Father, the gifts of the Son, and the gifts of the
00:33:19We're going to start with the Father.
00:33:21Look here in verse 3.
00:33:23Now remember, the scriptures are layered, multi-layered.
00:33:29Romans 12.3, are you there?
00:33:32They're multi-layered.
00:33:35And so, God is always saying a whole lot, always.
00:33:41Okay, look at this.
00:33:43Verse 3, it says, for I say to the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to
00:33:48think of himself more highly than he ought to think.
00:33:55You can think highly of yourself.
00:33:58Just don't think more highly than you ought to think.
00:34:03Because you will be humbled.
00:34:05You will be reminded.
00:34:10I don't want to be humbled in the manner in which Job was humbled.
00:34:16I don't want God to sit me in a corner and say, okay, you're a man and I'm God, now I'm
00:34:23going to ask you questions and you're going to answer like a man because you ain't me.
00:34:30So I'm going to think highly of myself.
00:34:31Why am I going to think highly of myself?
00:34:33Well, my goodness, the Lord sent his Son for me.
00:34:40So that I could be declared righteous.
00:34:41Yeah, I'm going to think highly of myself.
00:34:45I'm just not going to think more highly than I ought to because I didn't deserve it.
00:34:51So, I say through the what?
00:34:57By the way, the Greek word for grace is charis.
00:34:59That's where we get like charisma, charismatic, or the word gifts, charismatic.
00:35:08Grace and gifts give us those English words, those Greek words.
00:35:14I say to the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself
00:35:19more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly.
00:35:23Watch this.
00:35:24I can think highly of myself and be thinking soberly, but I'm going beyond soberly when
00:35:30I began to think more highly than I ought to think.
00:35:37We must remain in a place of humility, especially when it just seems like, because see, the
00:35:44Lord's hand is on all of us, but when it really seems like the Lord's hand is on that
00:35:47one over there and everything they touch just seems to flourish, they need to be very careful
00:35:52that they remain in a place of humility.
00:35:57He says, but to think soberly as God has done what?
00:36:00He has dealt to each one or every man a measure of faith.
00:36:05Now, the traditional, I used to believe that the traditional reads better than the new,
00:36:15but now I believe they both read most excellently because two things are being addressed here.
00:36:26And the traditional uses the word, the measure of faith, and here's why I really like that.
00:36:32God has dealt to every man the measure of faith, which means what?
00:36:35Well, we all start in the same place.
00:36:41We all start at the finish line with the same measure.
00:36:44And the measure of faith that we're dealt at salvation, in other words, this is the
00:36:51measure of faith for us to live the kingdom life, and it then is my responsibility or
00:36:57becomes my responsibility to get my faith to a place that I'm not just barely making
00:37:06it, but I'm overcoming.
00:37:09That's, I mean, the best word I can use is develop.
00:37:15I'm using that word because I see faith quantities in scripture, and again, I know God's not
00:37:20a, he's not a respecter of persons, but if I see one over here had little faith, but
00:37:26one over here had great faith, is that because God gave this one little faith and gave this
00:37:29one great faith?
00:37:30That doesn't seem to be fair.
00:37:32So how does one get their faith to great?
00:37:35How does one, instead of having poor faith, have rich faith?
00:37:39Instead of having small faith, how does one have big faith?
00:37:44I'm interested in the big faith and the great faith and the rich faith and the, that's what
00:37:49I'm aiming for.
00:37:52So I know I'll start off with all the, God's not going to give me more faith.
00:37:56I don't need to ask God to increase my faith.
00:37:59I need to take his word and strengthen that faith.
00:38:05But then the New Kings uses the word a, and here's where a measure is applicable because
00:38:10if I take this measure of faith as it relates to the gifts that are about to be mentioned,
00:38:17then I understand that a particular measure may be needed for a particular gift.
00:38:24So let's keep reading now.
00:38:25Look at verse four.
00:38:26It says, for as we have many members in one body, see, for salvation, it's the measure,
00:38:32but for the gifts we're about to read, it's a measure.
00:38:36Same time, because God is layered.
00:38:41For as we have many members in one body, but all the members, guess what y'all, don't have
00:38:47the same function.
00:38:49They don't.
00:38:50And because they don't have the same function, different measures of faith as it relates
00:38:57to grace are required for different functions.
00:39:04Do you, do you, does the same amount of power, power everything?
00:39:14Watch this.
00:39:17Verse five.
00:39:18So we being many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.
00:39:25See here's where, here's where a measure comes.
00:39:27The measure, that's salvation.
00:39:30We all start off with the same measure of faith to live this life.
00:39:35But then when we start getting into our, our specific giftings, now I'm not talking about
00:39:40just talents and stuff.
00:39:42Now I'm talking about the specific, right now we're reading about the gifts of the father.
00:39:47These are the father's gifts.
00:39:49We serve, we serve a triune God, uh, three, three persons make up our one God and each
00:39:56of the persons have gifts available to the body of Christ.
00:40:01These are the gifts of the father.
00:40:03They number in seven.
00:40:05Look at verse six, having been gifts differing according to the what?
00:40:11See the gifts are differing according to the what?
00:40:15Grace that is given to us.
00:40:17See we see we have the same grace and, and, and we have the same faith, but when it comes
00:40:24to these differing gifts, there may be a specific measure that is needed for that gift.
00:40:31Are you with me?
00:40:32I'm not talking about faith for living the kingdom life.
00:40:36We all start with the same measure and we all have the ability to develop that measure
00:40:42to strengthen that faith.
00:40:43We begin with, but for these gifts specifically notice the mention of measure and grace.
00:40:51Having been gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.
00:40:57What's the first gift listed here?
00:41:01Now this is interesting because I'm going to see this gift show up two more times, but
00:41:06I want to make sure that I don't get them confused.
00:41:11We want to make sure that we don't get the three different kinds of prophecy we're going
00:41:17to read about.
00:41:18We don't want to get them mixed up.
00:41:21It says if prophecy, let us do what?
00:41:25Let us prophesy in proportion to our faith.
00:41:32In other words, we can read it like this.
00:41:34Let us prophesy according to our faith.
00:41:38Let us prophesy in proportion to our faith.
00:41:43Hold on to that because we're going to have to bring it back up when we see prophecy again
00:41:47later and when we see the office of the prophet.
00:41:52Then it says gift number two or ministry.
00:41:57These are the gifts of the father or ministry.
00:41:59Let us use it in our ministering.
00:42:01That measure of grace for the ministering.
00:42:04He who teaches in teaching.
00:42:07See there's a difference between someone who has the gift of teaching and someone who is
00:42:14a teacher just because you know how to teach, it doesn't mean you're a teacher.
00:42:20Let me just go down the list.
00:42:23Just because you evangelize doesn't mean you're an evangelist.
00:42:27Just because you prophesied doesn't mean you're a prophet.
00:42:30Just because you have a message doesn't mean you're a messenger, but to see it all in just
00:42:38a second, all right, watch this.
00:42:45He who teaches in teaching.
00:42:46So what do we have so far?
00:42:47We have the gift of prophecy.
00:42:48We have the gift of ministry.
00:42:50We have the gift of teaching.
00:42:52He who exhorts in exhortation, the gift of exhorting.
00:42:58Just because you, just because you exhorted someone and that doesn't mean the spirit of
00:43:03God used you in prophecy, nor does it mean you're a prophet.
00:43:09He who gives.
00:43:10Now watch this.
00:43:11We're not talking about our regular giving.
00:43:13We're talking about some folk have the gift of giving.
00:43:17Some folk have the gift of giving.
00:43:19They're just gifted.
00:43:21They're just gifted to give.
00:43:23Some folk are just gifted to give, just got the gift.
00:43:29Giving is something we're all supposed to be doing.
00:43:33But then there's the gift that says he who gives with liberality.
00:43:38He who leads with diligence, the gift of leading, which doesn't automatically mean you're a
00:43:45leader, but you may have the gift of leading.
00:43:49You may be the one leaders need to call on.
00:43:53He who shows mercy with cheerfulness.
00:43:54I love that.
00:43:56Showing mercy is a gift.
00:43:59I've seen that operate in my life, showing mercy.
00:44:04Dual with cheerfulness, seven gifts listed, the gifts of the father.
00:44:11Notice that for these gifts to manifest, it is reliant upon the measure of faith per
00:44:21the grace of God for them to be in manifestation.
00:44:26Okay, look at this now.
00:44:28Look at this.
00:44:29Look at Ephesians four.
00:44:32You're going to notice that grace and measure are present here as well.
00:44:37Ephesians four.
00:44:38Look at verse seven.
00:44:46Look, first verse, but to each one of us, what was given grace according to the what?
00:44:54We read about grace and measure in Romans 12 as it related to the gifts of the father.
00:44:58Now we're about to read about the gifts of the son contingent on grace and measure, right?
00:45:05According to the measure of Christ's gift, it says, therefore, he says, when he ascended
00:45:09on high, what did he do?
00:45:10He led captivity captive.
00:45:12That means he emptied the bosom of Abraham.
00:45:16The Old Testament saints, the Old Testament righteous that were resting in the bosom of
00:45:21Abraham in the heart of the earth.
00:45:23They were across from those tormented in Hades.
00:45:27Jesus set him free.
00:45:28He let him free when he descended into the heart of the earth.
00:45:32It says, and then what did he do?
00:45:33It says he gave what gifts to men.
00:45:36These are specific gifts.
00:45:38Five in number.
00:45:40Five in number.
00:45:41It says, now this, he ascended, but what does it mean that he also, what first, first descended
00:45:47before he ascended into where the lower parts of the earth, this is not talking about the
00:45:54This is not talking about the grave.
00:45:55It's about the core of the earth, the heart of the earth.
00:45:58Greek word for, for lower means locally of Hades, right?
00:46:03It says lower parts of the earth.
00:46:04He who descended is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill
00:46:12all things.
00:46:14And what did he do?
00:46:15Verse 11, he himself, he gave, these are the gifts that he gave.
00:46:18What did he give?
00:46:19These are the Ascension gifts, the gifts of the son.
00:46:22He gave some key word here is some.
00:46:25Everyone say some.
00:46:27Everyone say this.
00:46:28Some is not all.
00:46:33He didn't give all to be.
00:46:36He gave some to be.
00:46:37He gave some to be what?
00:46:39So not everybody's an apostle.
00:46:40Watch this.
00:46:41Not everybody is an apostle and not everybody who says they're an apostle is an apostle.
00:46:51Some of these apostles, they, it's like they missed, they missed something here.
00:46:57Get to apostilling in the pulpit.
00:46:59That's what the pastor is supposed to be doing.
00:47:01If you're an apostle, all these lead pastors calling themselves apostles, get to apostilling.
00:47:09You supposed to be on the move, right?
00:47:15Reverend apostle, bishop, pastor, just trying to rack up titles in front of your name so
00:47:22it could be on that billboard.
00:47:24That, that, that, okay, all right.
00:47:30He gave some to be apostles, apostolos also means messenger.
00:47:36Gave some to be prophetess, prophetess.
00:47:40These are the, these are, watch this.
00:47:42This is, let me tell you what a prophet is and let me tell you how a prophet works.
00:47:47Prophets is prophets like, they prophesy like, it's just second nature.
00:47:51I've seen how prophets work.
00:47:53Their body could be in that seat, but spiritually they're in another dimension.
00:47:59Prophets are foretellers, right?
00:48:01But not foretelling like Isaiah did, not like Ezekiel did, but foretelling.
00:48:05In other words, the word of wisdom, which has to do with the future should be frequent
00:48:11in their office.
00:48:12Sadly, there's a whole lot of folk going around calling themselves prophets and they're impressing
00:48:18you because they're telling you about your present and about your past when that wasn't
00:48:22even the role of a prophet.
00:48:24But oh my gosh, he said my address, my goodness, he told me how much money's in my account.
00:48:31That's a word of knowledge and that's only if they're listening to the Holy Spirit.
00:48:35Most of these dudes calling themselves prophets or prophetesses, a good portion of them are
00:48:39warlocks and witches.
00:48:44I can tell you one right now, she prophesies all over social media with her head covered
00:48:48according to first Corinthians 11 one so that you could be seduced by something that
00:48:52sounds godly.
00:48:53She a witch.
00:48:54She's a witch.
00:48:55I'm not going to call names.
00:48:57I'm not going to do that.
00:48:59Not unless I have to.
00:49:02They're not prop, they're P-R-O-F-I-T-S prophets.
00:49:07That's what they are.
00:49:12Because they garner all this attention and they get big crowds and they can raise a whole
00:49:16lot of money and take a good portion of it and start selling prophecies.
00:49:20You ain't selling no prophecy, you're telling me about my past and my present.
00:49:25So on the Holy Spirit side, that's a word of knowledge.
00:49:28On the other side, that's familiar spirits.
00:49:30Because familiar spirits can't tell you the future, but they know about you now and they
00:49:33know about you then.
00:49:35That's why the Bible says testing the spirits as to whether they are of God.
00:49:43Some are calling themselves a prophet, they should be on autopilot.
00:49:46That information comes, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up now, is this the Holy Spirit or is
00:49:50this a demon?
00:49:51What's going on here?
00:49:52Start testing that spirit.
00:49:54Any spirit that calls Jesus Lord or does not, does not, that's not the Holy Spirit.
00:50:04Some are prophets.
00:50:07Some are evangelists.
00:50:11Iaga or evangelistis, these are the ones who, who, who, they are the preachers of the gospel,
00:50:18the bringers of the good tidings.
00:50:22And then you have prophets, poymen, the shepherds.
00:50:27Submitted to the chief shepherd, the arch, there's only one arch.
00:50:34Possibly you came out of denominations, maybe you came out of Catholicism and you heard
00:50:38the word arch in front of some of these titles.
00:50:42Now we got arch apostles.
00:50:46Read my lips.
00:50:47There ain't no archbishops, there ain't no arch, ain't no arch nothing.
00:50:52The only arch is Jesus.
00:50:54Arch means chief.
00:50:55There's only one chief.
00:50:56The rest of us are a part of the tribe.
00:51:02Every archbishop right now, they're probably going to, if they're listening, they're gonna
00:51:06either turn me off or if by the spirit, get the arch off of your title.
00:51:10It's not a title in the first place.
00:51:11Get rid of the arch.
00:51:12You ain't no arch.
00:51:13There's only one chief.
00:51:15Just one.
00:51:16That's Jesus.
00:51:17When Peter talks about when the chief shepherd appears, arch your poymen.
00:51:22The chief.
00:51:23There's only one chief.
00:51:24He's a chief apostle.
00:51:25He's our chief bishop.
00:51:27He's our chief prophet.
00:51:28He's our chief evangelist.
00:51:29He's our chief teacher.
00:51:31That's Jesus.
00:51:32That's it.
00:51:33Nobody else.
00:51:35It doesn't take away from your authority, but you ain't no arch.
00:51:41And then teachers, didaskalists, the church doctors, again, not everybody's a teacher.
00:51:47Some may have the gift of teaching, but only some are teachers.
00:51:51What do we see here?
00:51:54Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers.
00:51:57Five gifts of the son.
00:51:58We read about the seven gifts of the father, and now I got to rush through these gifts
00:52:01of the spirit.
00:52:04Look at 2 Corinthians chapter 12.
00:52:07Begin with verse one.
00:52:08Now, I'm going to tell you right now.
00:52:10Did I say second?
00:52:11I meant first.
00:52:121 Corinthians chapter 12, verse one.
00:52:18Now I'm going to tell you right now.
00:52:20What is conspicuous in his absence in these verses we are about to read is no mention
00:52:25of grace and no mention of measure.
00:52:29These gifts right here, no one has.
00:52:36Sometimes I—this must have been how my father felt.
00:52:39He had to feel like an alien sometimes because he was so specific with words and meticulous,
00:52:48and so I've inherited the same thing.
00:52:49So whenever I hear people talk about they have, I have a word of knowledge.
00:52:53No, you don't.
00:52:57You don't have it.
00:52:59I have the gift of healing.
00:53:00No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you don't.
00:53:03You don't have it.
00:53:05You might be used in it.
00:53:07You don't have it.
00:53:08Nobody has it because if we had it, we would wield it all the time.
00:53:11If I had any of these gifts, I wouldn't be here right now.
00:53:13I'd be putting hospitals out of business, just walking through the hospital.
00:53:19Rise in the name of Jesus.
00:53:20You two over there, rise in the name of Jesus.
00:53:22You don't have that.
00:53:24If you had it, you could use it whenever you wanted to.
00:53:29Put all the mortuaries out of business.
00:53:32All y'all, get up.
00:53:35No, we don't have it.
00:53:43First Corinthians 12.
00:53:44Y'all don't let me finish.
00:53:47First Corinthians 12, verse 1, now, regarding, concerning, spirituals, it didn't even read
00:53:58Gifts was added.
00:53:59That's why it's in italics.
00:54:01Concerning spirituals, spiritual gifts, pneumaticus in the Greek, brethren, I don't want you to
00:54:12be ignorant.
00:54:13I want you to know.
00:54:14That's what I love about.
00:54:15I love Paul.
00:54:16How many times would Paul say, I don't want you to be ignorant.
00:54:19Listen to what I'm saying.
00:54:21Paul was the master, master teacher.
00:54:24I don't want you to be ignorant.
00:54:25I want you to know.
00:54:26He says, but I love how aggressive he is too.
00:54:29You know, you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led,
00:54:35this dumb, stupid idols.
00:54:39No life having, no life giving idols.
00:54:43He probably wrote all of that and the spirit of God was like, take that out.
00:54:46I didn't tell you to write that.
00:54:47Get all of that out of there.
00:54:52You can see he was getting carried away, just going in on the idols.
00:54:57He says, therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God calls
00:55:02Jesus a curse.
00:55:03So if one calls Jesus a curse, that's the spirit of Satan.
00:55:08It says what?
00:55:09It says that no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
00:55:12That's the only way you can say it for there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit.
00:55:22There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.
00:55:25We just read about those differences of ministries in Ephesians four and there are diversities
00:55:31of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.
00:55:34We just read about those diversities of activities in Romans 12.
00:55:41Is the traditional read operations?
00:55:45Yes, the, the, the, the verse five, the differences of ministries can also read, uh, differences
00:55:53of governments.
00:55:55So there are differences of ministries, same Jesus differences of operations, same ABBA
00:56:03differences of act of gifts, but the same Holy Spirit.
00:56:09Verse seven, but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the profit
00:56:14of all for to one is given what word of wisdom that deals with future things to another,
00:56:23the word of knowledge through the same spirit, not a different one, the same spirit dealing
00:56:29with past or present things.
00:56:31It's word of knowledge.
00:56:33Anyone operating in the word of knowledge should be able to operate in, in, in, in word
00:56:37of wisdom.
00:56:38Any profit, anyone called to the office of profit, these discernment gifts and these
00:56:42vocal gifts should be frequent in their ministry.
00:56:45Power gifts should be frequent in the ministries of the apostle and the, and the evangelist.
00:56:50It says, it says, uh, to another faith by the same spirit.
00:56:54Now this right here should tell you this is a different faith.
00:56:57This is not the faith that the just live by.
00:57:00This is not the faith that we walk by.
00:57:02And I'll show you why in just a second.
00:57:04It says to another, what gifts of healing, we're not, we're not talking about laying
00:57:09hands on the sick or praying the prayer of faith.
00:57:12That's not what we're talking about here.
00:57:13These are the gifts of the spirit.
00:57:15It says to another, what, uh, the working of miracles, the temporary suspension of the
00:57:22laws of nature temporary to another prophecy, another discerning of spirits.
00:57:28I'm not talking about discernment.
00:57:29A lot of us have discernment, right?
00:57:32You pick up stuff on your radar, no discerning of spirits.
00:57:35Watch this.
00:57:36When you have discernment, you can sense the spirit.
00:57:39When you operate in discerning of spirits, you can see the spirit.
00:57:43I'm not talking about sensing demons or sensing angels.
00:57:47We're talking about seeing them.
00:57:48And some of you probably see stuff all the time.
00:57:53Part of me is jealous, but I got to get over my life.
00:57:56I got to get over myself when I know, when I know one of the main reasons that discerning
00:58:01of spirits doesn't work in my life is because I keep forgetting that the gifts are for the
00:58:05profit of all.
00:58:06See, I'm all selfish.
00:58:07I just want to see the stuff for myself.
00:58:09The gifts of the spirit are not for the profit of Fred, but for the profit of all.
00:58:13Watch this to another, what different kinds of tongues into another, the interpretation
00:58:20of tongues, right?
00:58:21There's not talking about praying in the spirit.
00:58:23This is not your heavenly language.
00:58:25This is the gift of tongues that should be done publicly with the companion gift interpretation
00:58:30of tongues so that we can be edified.
00:58:34These are nine gifts, nine in total, pay attention to verse 11, but one and the same spirit works
00:58:40these things, meaning who's the one working the nine gifts, the Holy Spirit.
00:58:46And what does he do distributing to each one individually as he wills.
00:58:54No one has any of these gifts, but you do have the Holy Spirit.
00:59:00And if the Holy Spirit sees fit, he will manifest one of these gifts through you.
00:59:06There's only one thing we can do as it relates to the gifts and don't pray about the gifts.
00:59:12You can't wield them whenever you want.
00:59:14You are to covet them and desire them.
00:59:19We want to covet earnestly or desires earnestly the best gifts of the spirit to be an operation
00:59:24for whatever situation.
00:59:27And I'm saying, Holy Spirit, use me in any one of these gifts as you see fit.
00:59:31I desire them all to manifest.
00:59:34Are you here with me?
00:59:35Okay, so let's, let's end with this.
00:59:39Notice no grace, notice no measure, because it's not something that you're carrying all
00:59:42the time.
00:59:43See, I carry, I carry the pastor at all the time.
00:59:47I function as one in the Lord's church.
00:59:49I need grace and measure.
00:59:51Maybe you prophesy in proportion to your faith.
00:59:53You need grace and measure, but this gift of prophecy, this is as the spirit wills.
00:59:57And so we'll just use the prophecy for, as an example, and then you can see how it relates
01:00:01to all the other ones.
01:00:03I read about prophecy in Romans, I read about the prophet in Ephesians, I read about prophecy
01:00:08in first Corinthians 12.
01:00:10What's the difference?
01:00:11Here's the difference.
01:00:12In Ephesians four, it's the gift of the prophet.
01:00:15If you're called to the office of prophet, you are called to function as a prophet in
01:00:20the Lord's church, which means you function as a prophet as long as the church remains.
01:00:27And how do you function?
01:00:29You may, you may be used in a number of these gifts of the spirit frequently, frequently.
01:00:36You're an inspired speaker.
01:00:38You give inspired words, exhortations are second nature for you.
01:00:45There is a bit of foretelling.
01:00:47That's the prophet.
01:00:49And it can happen at any time because that anointing is on you at all times.
01:00:55First Corinthians 12, that's the gift of prophecy and it only manifests as the spirit wills.
01:01:01Which means what?
01:01:02You better not ever say the spirit of God is saying if the spirit of God isn't saying.
01:01:10Don't roll up on me talking about the Holy Spirit said, you want to know why?
01:01:13Because you might be getting that mixed up with your own spirit.
01:01:17Because that's Romans 12 prophecy.
01:01:20That's you prophesying out of your spirit.
01:01:22That's you prophesying in proportion to your faith.
01:01:25Now we've all been called.
01:01:26I mean, in other words, we can all do it, right?
01:01:29We can all give someone an inspired word.
01:01:32We can give someone an edifying word.
01:01:35We can give someone an exhortation.
01:01:37We can do that, but it doesn't mean it's the spirit of God speaking through you.
01:01:43That might just be you.
01:01:44And there's nothing wrong with it being you.
01:01:46The problem is when it's you and you say it's the Holy Spirit.
01:01:52Got to stop all of that.
01:01:54That's the difference between the three prophesying according to your faith, prophesying as the
01:01:59spirit wills you to prophesy or being called to the office of profit in which prophesying
01:02:05is like breathing air.
01:02:07Are you with me?
01:02:09Father, we thank you for your word.
01:02:10It's life.
01:02:11It's truth.
01:02:12It cannot return to you void or empty, vain, useless, but it will produce.
01:02:18That's what your word does.
01:02:19Your word is seed.
01:02:21It has gone forth and has been planted into the good ground.
01:02:24The hearts of all those present watching, listening.
01:02:29Father, we thank you that your word accomplishes and your word prospers in the name of the
01:02:34Lord Jesus.
01:02:35Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making the invitations I'll mention in just a moment available to
01:02:40all and to everyone.