Why Depending On God Changes Everything -- Derek Grier

  • avant-hier
00:00Every good thing in the Christian life grows in the soil of humility.
00:07And just as most of us would not leave our house without first putting on our clothes,
00:13God is saying, don't come to church, don't go to work, don't go anywhere without first
00:20putting on just a little bit of humility.
00:24He's saying, just because you know a little bit of the Bible, stop acting like everybody's
00:28judging jury.
00:29You see, everybody's on different stages in their journey, and again, all I can do is
00:34lovingly speak the truth and give folks space to grow.
00:38I can say it.
00:40Your choice is what to do with it, but here's the reason why.
00:45For God resists the proud.
00:49You think it's bad when the devil's fighting you.
00:51There's nothing compared to when God's fighting you.
01:04Peter is finishing up 1 Peter.
01:07He's rounding the bases, and these are now his closing remarks.
01:13And he says, to the elders who are among you.
01:20Now the concept of eldership existed long before the Bible was written.
01:25In fact, in Genesis chapter 50, we find that the Egyptians had a group called elders.
01:33And this term is really an ancient term that was used for people that possessed the wisdom
01:40and maturity that typically only comes with age.
01:46But over time in the Jewish culture, it also came to represent leadership offices.
01:53There's an old African proverb, youth walk faster, but the elders know the road.
02:04But I don't want you to mishear me.
02:08Age does not automatically make you wise.
02:13Your choices, your decisions do.
02:18Walt Disney famously commented, he said that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is
02:31Peter said, the elders who are among you, I exhort you.
02:37Now a little bit is lost in the English here.
02:41In the Greek, that language exhort means to come alongside and encourage.
02:50And this term was used amongst the Greeks for that moment when the general would come
02:57out of his tent, get up front and personal with his men, and give them a rousing pre-battle
03:08And the Holy Spirit, I believe, selected this term because it was to be a reminder that
03:15we are actually in the most important battle that any person could be involved in.
03:22It's the battle over the heart and the souls of those we love, our families and our communities.
03:32But then he goes on to say, I who am a fellow elder.
03:36How many of you know everyone has an opinion?
03:40Yeah, yeah.
03:42But advice is taken differently when you know it comes from someone who's been there, got
03:46the T-shirt, the bumper sticker and everything.
03:53He calls himself a fellow elder.
03:56You see, Peter's life, you read the Bible, was not untouched by hardship.
04:04He knew the pressure of being public.
04:06He knew the pressure of leadership.
04:09He knew the problems and the pain that comes with personal hardship.
04:14The Bible says he took beatings and he was left bloody along with the other 12.
04:20He faced prolonged persecution.
04:23In fact, historians say that Peter was eventually crucified upside down because he told the
04:30soldiers he was unworthy of being crucified like his master Jesus.
04:40Peter had some toughness about him.
04:46Peter had some strength about him.
04:52And Peter was an example that he wanted others to follow.
04:57He said, I who am a what?
04:59Fellow elder.
05:00You know, it's important to make sure that you're taking advice from people who have
05:07in some way kind of been where you are and have made progress where you're going.
05:14I think in these last days we need to be just a little bit less naive.
05:19Because just because you're smart enough to get a degree doesn't mean you're smart enough
05:27to have successful relationships in your own life.
05:36I say that to say is, you know, Dr. Such-and-such says X, Y, and Z, and we run and we do it
05:43because we think, you know, they're so wise.
05:48But my Bible calls Jesus wonderful counselor.
05:57And you could settle for some of these educated counselors.
06:02But if you want a wonderful, if you want a matchless, a supreme, if you want ultimate
06:12counsel, the best advice always aligns with the Scriptures.
06:22He says, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ.
06:31It's said that thousands watched Jesus be crucified.
06:36He was on the cross for some hours and people from all over the city would come and watch
06:41for a moment and some would leave, others would stay.
06:47But out of the thousands that saw Him on the cross, the cross did not affect them the
06:55way it affect those who really loved Him.
07:00What would you have done if one day you had to watch your Savior get beaten and bloodied
07:11and then hung on a cross?
07:13But we know Jesus told them that it would happen, but they were having a hard time even
07:19hearing that.
07:20How's the guy that walks on water going to let some guy beat him up?
07:26How is a guy that God speaks to him from heaven, literally, they thought it thundered, how
07:35is — I mean, what army is going to defeat such a man?
07:40I mean, a man that casts out demons went into a herd of pigs, they run off the hill, thousands
07:44of pigs drown.
07:48In his mind, how, God, could this happen to my Savior?
07:57What do you do when the worst happens to the one you love the most?
08:08What do you do when you experience what you thought God would never let happen and it
08:22In the next verse, Peter's about to tell us what he did.
08:27He got up and he kept going.
08:31Because even our worst days only last 24 hours.
08:36He said, I'm a fellow elder, witness of the suffering — but watch this, he didn't stop
08:45And also a partaker of the glory.
08:49He watched the suffering, but he also experienced the glory that will be revealed to all of
08:57He witnessed the suffering and even did some of his own, but he realized and experienced
09:04for himself if you just hang on with God.
09:08No matter how long the night, joy comes in the morning.
09:16Second Corinthians, I believe, says it best, 4 and 17, for our light affliction — watch
09:22this — which is but for what?
09:24Yeah, the devil's a liar.
09:26He gets here, this is going to last forever, it ain't never going to change.
09:32How many of y'all remember the old whining songs, it'll be all over in the morning?
09:38Pain may last for a night, but it will be all over in the morning.
09:43The earth will keep spinning.
09:46God is faithful, and if you hold on, you will get to the other side.
09:54But watch what happens for our light affliction — but for a moment, but watch what it does
10:01when we hang on.
10:04For it is working for us a far more exceeding — he's piling up words to try to communicate
10:12to us how much us hanging in there in the midst of trial accomplishes in our life.
10:19It's working for us a far more exceeding — and watch this — eternal weight of glory.
10:28So your pain may last for a moment, a day, an hour, a week, but if you keep your eye
10:35on the prize, the glory that God has stored up for you will last forever.
10:44Back to 1 Peter 5 and 2, he continues — how many of y'all learning from the Scriptures?
10:52He says, shepherd the flock of God which is among you.
10:56A shepherd does two things, his first job is to feed the flock, but the second job is
11:01to tend the sheep.
11:03So my first job is to make sure that you have an appropriate meal from Scripture each Sunday.
11:11But the second is to make sure that the sheep are cared for and protected from wolves.
11:19So even in the instruction, you should every now and then hear some warning.
11:24Every now and then I should be pointing out stuff you need to stay away from and it ain't
11:28good for you, you hear what I'm saying?
11:30So he says shepherd the flock of God, and then he says serving as overseers.
11:37Now in these verses, in verses you see elders, you see shepherds, and you see the term overseers
11:44which is frequently translated bishop, it's the same term here, and all of them are used
11:52And what he was doing here, he was speaking to anyone — this is a general epistle written
11:58to people everywhere — and he was speaking to anyone who had any leadership role in the
12:07So his focus was not so much on a particular office, but watch this, his focus was on the
12:13hearts of the leaders.
12:16Because he understood when the heart is right, the head and the body will eventually follow.
12:25So he begins to deal with attitude.
12:30He says listen, if you're going to serve and if you're going to lead, here's the first
12:35thing you need to not do.
12:39Don't do it by compulsion.
12:43And he was saying to the leaders if you're truly grateful, really happy about leading
12:48and the fact that God chose to use you, would you please inform your face sometimes?
12:56He said if you want to do it in a way that you're going to get a reward, God loves a
13:02cheerful giver.
13:05And you need to reach down and bring it from a happy place in your heart.
13:11Not by compulsion, but watch this, but willingly.
13:16Do what you do from a heart that loves God and loves His people.
13:22Yes, we will sacrifice at times.
13:25Yes, it will hurt at times, but we're also confident that God is a rewarder of them,
13:32but diligently seek Him.
13:34That's what the Scripture says.
13:37Now we can call it sacrifice, but in some ways it's not really sacrifice because the
13:42sacrifice we do from God is always temporary, because you cannot beat God-giving.
13:49So yeah, for the moment it might feel like a setback.
13:53For a moment it might seem inconvenient, but God knows how to turn that around and give
13:58you back some 30, 60, 100-fold press downs, shaking together, running over.
14:04Does God know how to return a thing?
14:06And then He says not for, and He's being clear, He said check your attitudes, folks.
14:13Not for dishonest gain, but eagerly.
14:18Investing is not about trying to get paid for.
14:28This life is filled with hidden opportunities that can help us store up for the next.
14:37And the way we store up treasure in Heaven is by freely investing and getting other people
14:44to go there.
14:47Or as being, watch this, all about attitude, as lords.
14:54And what He's saying to the churches and their leaders, stop being so bossy.
14:59He's saying the sheep don't belong to you.
15:06They belong to God.
15:08And as a leader, as a father, as a mother, anyone in authority, all you can really do
15:14in life is rightly influence another person.
15:18I mean unless they're little bitty babies and you can make them do X, Y, and Z, but
15:21even that, you don't really know what's going on in the heart.
15:27So we can never, God never really assigns us to control people, but to influence them.
15:36Frankly, I have enough of a job, it's full-time, trying to control me.
15:47Much less 8,000 other people.
15:51So I'm not peeping in the corners of your house, I'm not meddling in your — I got
15:54my own business to tend to.
15:58Now my job is to speak the truth in love, to try to positively influence you, but then
16:05it's your choice what you do with what you hear.
16:15Nor as being lords is over those who are what entrusted to you.
16:21Leadership is a trust, it is not your right.
16:26But watch how they were to lead.
16:29They weren't just to lead with words.
16:33But being examples to the flock.
16:39A good example is as much or twice as much the value of good advice.
16:47How many of y'all know some folks that can talk the talk?
16:50But isn't it better when you know some folks that can walk the walk?
16:53Yeah, yeah.
16:54Yeah, y'all going to get quiet in a minute, it's OK, it's OK, it's — no, no, it's OK.
17:00You're going to get quiet because you're thinking, all right, it's all right.
17:06And when the chief priest or chief shepherd, forgive me, appears, now here is our problem.
17:15Most of us are just living for the moment.
17:19Most of us are just living for the here and now.
17:24Most of us have not yet realized we're going to be dead longer than we're alive.
17:31You see, I'm not just living for the next 10, 20, 40, 50 years if God gives me that
17:36type of mercy.
17:38I'm living my now for my eternity later.
17:49And what I've learned over the years, and it takes real faith to say this because folks
17:57have hurt me bad just like they hurt you bad.
18:01No one can ever hurt me more than God can reward me if I would just continue to trust
18:11So no matter how bad it feels at the moment, as great as that pain is, let's just say it's
18:18a level 16 pain.
18:22God knows how to reward with 32-level blessing.
18:27God will never let the devil, the world, or the flesh outdo Him.
18:32There's no pain in this life that Jesus can't remedy and fix.
18:40So I've learned to run into the battle, run into my trouble, deal with my pain knowing
18:45it's working in me a greater way to glory if I just hold on.
18:54And when He appears, you will receive the crown, the crown of glory, the crown of glory.
19:02Watch this, that doesn't fade away.
19:05You know some of those trophies you got at home and they're all changing colors and tarnishing
19:10and yeah.
19:11When you were little, little ribbons you got all tattered at the end and changing color.
19:23But you have a crown of glory that will never fade or lose its value.
19:32In the Bible, there are five crowns promised to believers that get serious.
19:43Number one, the crown of life.
19:46And the scriptures on the board, I can't cover them all because we just don't have time to
19:50do that.
19:51You can do that at home.
19:53But the crown of life is for those who persevere through trials.
19:59It is not for those who go through trials, but those who persevere through trials.
20:06Meaning people that keep doing the right thing, keeping their head up, hang in there, don't
20:10quit in the midst of pressure and difficulty.
20:15All of us are facing on some place dealing with some difficulty.
20:21And sometimes we look at the difficulty, we say why?
20:23Well God's looking at the crown He got for you if you just persevere in the midst of
20:30Number two, the Bible also speaks of the incorruptible crown.
20:36This incorruptible crown is really for those who have made sacrifices for God in this life.
20:44Number three, the crown of righteousness.
20:47The crown of righteousness is for those who look forward to Christ's return.
20:51They believe that Jesus is coming back and they live likewise.
20:56They recognize we're just passing through here, I'm a pilgrim down here, I'm not gonna
21:00be here forever, you know what?
21:02I thought I was eternal until I started getting a few wrinkles and my hair started changing
21:07colors and I started to realize, oh man, you know what, I'm here for a moment.
21:14Number four is the crown of rejoicing.
21:19The crown of rejoicing is for those who win souls.
21:24And if there's anything about this church, we are passionate about winning souls.
21:32Number five is the crown of glory that Peter just mentioned.
21:40And the crown of glory for those who have been faithful with whatever God called them
21:48to do.
21:50Now he's talking about elders, bishops, et cetera, but that crown is not just for elders
21:55and bishops.
21:56See, our titles do not make us great, it's our faithfulness to whatever God asks us that
22:03determines our greatness.
22:06So if your assignment is just greeting people when they come in with a smile on Sundays,
22:13God will reward you just like He did the bishop.
22:16If your assignment is serving with the children, if it's working in the parking lot, if it's
22:21picking up papers, if it's cleaning the bathroom, if it's working with some, some, some administrative
22:26stuff, whatever your assignment is, if it's worshiping up on this stage, whatever your
22:33assignment, if you're faithful — let me just add, and also if it's loving that man
22:37and woman, or woman.
22:41That cantankerous man and woman you might be married to, there might be a reward if
22:48you learn to hang on.
22:51Now every now and then in some situations you need to walk away.
22:54That joker will kill you if you don't.
23:00God will reward some woman that was just faithful to raise her five kids and love them and go
23:10to the school meetings and do their homework with them and wipe their snotty noses and
23:16all the rest.
23:17She'll be standing up there, she might even be ahead, you know, of the line that I'm in.
23:24Because it's not about what people think of you or how visible you are, it's about how
23:29faithful you are to your assignment.
23:34Are you faithful to your assignment, or are you a quitter?
23:40Jesus did not get on the cross and say, oh, that hurt too much, I'm done.
23:45He hung on until He said in the end, it is finished.
23:50So as far as I'm concerned with that woman I married, it's not finished, and I'm going
23:56to love you until I'm done.
24:04Then it says, likewise, you younger people, submit yourself to your elders.
24:11And this word submission, whenever you use it people start getting defensive and all
24:15the rest start fidgeting in their seat, but here's the deal.
24:20The word submission means just as it sounds.
24:25It's making your mission sub to God's.
24:32All submission is is coming under authority.
24:38Submission is our willingness to cheerfully put aside our agenda for God's agenda.
24:46Meaning when someone gets on my last nerve and I feel like saying what I feel, I learn
24:55that's the moment for me to submit and say what my King would want me to say.
25:09Just while I'm at it, word of caution, God never intended submission to mean mindlessly
25:17focusing on some truth, you know, because some new leader out there got some strange
25:25Here's what I know, what's clear in the Bible is hard enough.
25:28I'm not going to start messing with stuff that we're not even sure about.
25:34Be very cautious about people who make minor points major.
25:42That was a little shepherding, a little coarsening, you can't get — all right, all right, all
25:47But watch this next verse.
25:48Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, meaning your submission is not just between,
25:56you know, you and your pastor.
26:00It's about putting — or cheerfully, better — see, a lot of folks, you're not submitted
26:05because you got an attitude.
26:06If you do it, but you got an attitude, you lose points.
26:18Submission is cheerfully putting away your agenda for God's agenda — watch this — in
26:25every relationship.
26:31Like I always say, you know, he who puts God first, lasts.
26:38But watch this next one.
26:40Now he's talking to the hearts of the leaders because they didn't need a list of 10 things
26:44to do.
26:46Most of our problems are heart issues.
26:49And be clothed with humility.
26:54Every good thing in the Christian life grows in the soil of humility.
27:02And just as most of us — there are a few of y'all — but most of us would not leave
27:09our house without first putting on our clothes.
27:16God is saying don't come to church, don't go to work, don't go anywhere without first
27:23putting on just a little bit of humility.
27:28He's saying just because you know a little bit of the Bible, stop acting like everybody's
27:31judging jury.
27:32You see, everybody's on different stages in their journey.
27:40And again, all I can do is lovingly speak the truth and give folks space to grow.
27:47I can say it, your choice is what to do with it.
27:52But here's the reason why, and here's why I gotta check my attitude, you need to check
27:56your attitude.
27:57Watch this.
27:59For God resists the proud.
28:06You think it's bad when the devil's fighting you?
28:09It's nothing compared to when God's fighting you.
28:14I can tell you from experience, man I put up a fight about a lot of things in my life
28:21and it was exhausting, tired all the time, frustrated all the time.
28:28You see, the Bible says, you know this verse, I love it, if God be for you, who can be what?
28:37But the opposite is also true, right?
28:39If God is against you, who can be for you?
28:42I don't care who you get to agree with you on, who you get on your team.
28:48If God is against the behavior, the choice in your life, the only way to win in a wrestling
29:07match with Jesus is to lose.
29:13And I've had to lose myself in Him to find myself in Him.
29:26God resists the proud, that's the bad news, but here's the good news.
29:31But God gives grace to the smart.
29:36God gives grace to those who have resources and money and friends.
29:42But God gives grace to the humble.
29:49And what He's saying to these leaders and to the churches at that time and to churches
29:55today, you don't always have to win the argument.
29:59You don't always have to win the fight.
30:03You don't always have to get even.
30:07Vengeance is mine, the Lord said, I will repay.
30:09Let God handle the getting even.
30:13You see, ultimate strength is not proving that you're superior to your neighbor.
30:21Real strength is you letting God make you superior to your former self.
30:34He said, therefore, watch this, humble yourselves, meaning no one can make you do it but you.
30:45This is something you control.
30:49And your stubbornness or lack of it will determine how these truths work for you or against you.
31:00Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty — what, what did he say, mighty?
31:05Now what do you think he's implying in using this word mighty here?
31:09Meaning God, you can't be God.
31:13You need to — it's only after we realize our weakness in God's strength that we can
31:19truly find a life of peace.
31:22Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of who?
31:27Isaiah 9, 3 and 17 tells us God is mighty to save.
31:30I already said in Isaiah 9 that Scripture says He's a wonderful counselor, mighty God,
31:37everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
31:40The psalmist says He's a present help when in trouble.
31:44Paul tells us be strong in the Lord, watch this, and in the power of His might.
31:50I would rather fail in the center of God's will if that were possible than to have to
31:56look back over my life and wonder what the Almighty could have done if I would have just
32:03trusted Him and obeyed Him.
32:06I'm almost there.
32:09Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, watch this, that He — nobody can do you
32:16like Jesus.
32:20That He may exalt you, but here's the issue, when?
32:27In due time.
32:29Not my time, not your time, but the time that God knows is best.
32:38A lot of folks in this room, you're dealing with heat in different areas of your life.
32:44They're like, Lord, how could you let this happen?
32:48But you know when my mother would cook turkeys — my wife cooks chicken, so I gotta go back
32:56to mother to talk about the turkeys.
33:01She put the turkey in the oven for about three hours.
33:06And depending on the size of the turkey, determined the length of time it would be in the heat.
33:14And the reason why, though, the turkey had to stay in the heat was because there's bacteria
33:27or poison in the meat that dies only at a certain temperature.
33:41And the problem with the turkey is the outside meat gets heated faster than the inside meat.
33:52And a lot of us want God to do an outside job instead of an inside job on the poisons
34:01and the bacteria we got lurking way deep down in the gut, in the center of who we are.
34:14So God in His mercy keeps us in the heat because He's trying to kill something, destroy something
34:24that if left to cooler temperatures would kill you, poison you, and wipe out your family.
34:41And we say, God, why all this pressure?
34:45And God, why have I been here so long?
34:51God's answer is because you're a bigger turkey than most.
35:00The bigger the turkey, the longer to cook.
35:16Verse seven.
35:18But He's talking about humility, and then He starts talking about casting your care.
35:26Because one of the greatest forms of humility is not to care and to let God care for you.
35:37And we all have this struggle with caring, and I'll find myself starting to care about
35:42stuff I shouldn't care about, and I catch myself, OK, I got to give that back to God.
35:46That's why we got to pray always, because it's sneaky, it's sneaky.
35:52We talk about humility, but then He says, casting all — man, I fail on this at times.
36:00Casting all your care upon Him, why?
36:07Let God do the caring.
36:08Matter of fact, I spent — sometimes, it was a few years ago, I felt the Lord telling
36:13me to start saying I don't care.
36:14I said, that's not pastoral.
36:18The thing is, it was very religious, but it was very destructive.
36:22I cannot care for 8,000 people all day, every day.
36:27It will kill me.
36:30What I had to learn to do is cast the care on Him.
36:33So yeah, I feel the care, but when I feel the — God, I got to give that to You.
36:41How many of y'all are raising children?
36:44Particularly when they go off somewhere.
36:45Man, you can stay up every night thinking about what your kid might be doing.
36:49That's what happened with Job.
36:50He's like, I don't know if they sacrificed, I don't know what they're doing.
36:53And all the rest of — so he was getting nervous and afraid that they were in trouble
36:56and all that.
36:57You can, man, just live this life of anxiety.
37:00But when my kids were in school, He'll come on me, and you know, what are you doing?
37:07And I was like, yeah, He's probably doing that too, you know?
37:13I wouldn't lie to myself, yeah, yeah, I bet He is.
37:23But I have to say to myself, I don't care.
37:27That child's your responsibility, God.
37:30I raised him in the way they ought to go.
37:35The rest between you and Him, I committed those children at the altar, I give them to
37:40Lord, if You want me to do something, I'll do it.
37:43If You want me to say something, I'll say something.
37:45But Lord, I am not their God, and if they don't find their God, I failed at my job.
37:54So God, I don't care, I give it to You.
37:56Some of y'all need some well-placed, I don't care.
37:59I do not care anymore.
38:01God, I give it to You.
38:03I give the care, Lord, to You.
38:05I'm not worried about my spouse no more.
38:07I'm not worried about that child.
38:09I'm not worried about those bills.
38:10God, I did the right thing.
38:12Now all I can do is trust You, I don't care.
38:21Casting all your care upon Him, not because you know how God's going to fix it, but because
38:29you know His heart.
38:30You see, we've got to learn to trust His character.
38:35If God got us in this heated situation, He must be trying to work something out.
38:40Even though I don't get it or know how it's going to work, I've got to trust Him.
38:48When you really trust Him, you're not so anxious.
38:53You're not as worried, and I'm not saying that to browbeat you.
38:58What I'm saying is what I realize with myself is when I'm anxious, I'm like, Lord, I'm not
39:03trusting You the way I should, huh?
39:06Could You help me trust, to help me with this anxiety and this stuff that's creeping
39:11up on me?
39:12Casting all, meaning nothing too big, nothing's too small, all your care.
39:22Reason many of us are so tired is because we're so full of care, and we've not yet cast
39:29our care on Him.
39:35All pride really is, is independence from God.
39:41It's not always a high look and all the rest.
39:43Remember the Garden of Eden?
39:45They didn't do anything profound.
39:46They just said, I'm going to move independently of God's Word.
39:50God said, don't eat from the tree.
39:51I'm going to eat from it.
39:52It's independence.
39:55All pride is, is independence from God, and all humility is, is dependence on God.
40:04And there are going to be things that happen this year and next year, man, they are scared
40:08the bejesus out of you, but if you're humble enough to depend on God, it don't matter what
40:16happens later this year and next year, because you know the one that got you, that's holding
40:22you in the palm of His hand.
40:27Today my simple message, and I've got to close this so I'll stop, is a call to depend on
40:33Him again.
40:35If I can only depend on myself, I've got a lot to worry about.
40:41Because I can't control a lot of things, I can't even control who stops at a stoplight
40:45when I go through an intersection.
40:50Imagine if I worried about every detail of life, my brain would just blow up.
40:55At some point you just got to let go and say, God got it.
41:02What God, I believe, is trying to encourage you to do is just let go, say, Lord, I trust
41:08You got to give God a hallelujah and a hand clap.
41:11Thank you so much for visiting our YouTube channel.
41:14My hope is that you found something in today's message that has blessed you.
41:18If you've been touched, if you've been inspired by what you've heard, and you want to help
41:22us reach others, I encourage you to like this video, subscribe, comment, and share this
41:27message with someone else.
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41:37I hope to see you back here again.
41:39God bless you.
