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00:00Here's what I've learned when I put the little I have into his hands
00:05He takes the little and turns it into much
00:09But I have to learn to let go of my excuses
00:13And I'm sitting there saying Lord. I don't have much and and then look at you know relationship
00:19We don't have much and and that sometimes you don't feel like you have much in common with people and but but God said
00:25Work with what you got
00:27Lord, I only have
00:29Five loaves and two fish and God is saying it's not about what you got
00:35But what I got, you know, you've heard it said before give me what you got in the natural
00:41I put my super on it and it will become super natural, but you gotta give me what you got
00:48Work with what you have to get to where you want to go
01:00John chapter 6 and
01:03verse 1 after these things
01:07Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, which is also called the Sea of Tiberias
01:15Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life preparing for only three and a half
01:22Someone said if my life depended on cutting down a tree in five minutes
01:27I would spend the first three minutes sharpening my axe
01:32The higher a building rises into the sky the deeper the foundation that's required
01:41You know, even if starting right means starting over do it
01:48Because you'll keep going around in circles until you stop cutting corners
01:52Then a great multitude followed the master
02:01after 30 years of preparation and waiting and
02:07Thousands of years of prophecy
02:10You would think that Jesus would show up and just instantly take off
02:15But surprisingly
02:17Scholars referred to Jesus's first year in
02:21Ministry as his year of obscurity
02:25meaning a whole lot of folk didn't know about him yet and
02:28It was his second year that became what was called or is called the year of popularity
02:34but watch this after that the third year is called his year of opposition and
02:41The opposition grew so great that it culminated in crucifixion
02:47then finally resurrection
02:50It's vital that we prioritize being effective not popular
02:57No one gets to the highest without first going to the lowest pay attention to what I'm saying here this morning
03:04And this multitude followed him
03:07Because they saw his signs which he had performed on those who were deceased
03:14Jesus is the same yesterday today and
03:17Forever if he healed then he heals now I
03:23Hear a lot of people preaching a different Jesus in a different gospel
03:28but the Jesus of this book is
03:31Redeemer he's a healer. He will keep you if you let him
03:38But here's the deal long life has its value
03:43As far as I'm concerned
03:45Once my purpose is finished, I'm not gonna be asking for healing any longer
03:51I'm gonna be waiting for that angelic uber ride to to come and carry me home
03:57My pastor used to say the greatest tragedy in life is not death. It's living life without purpose and
04:08went up on a mountain and
04:10The other Gospels give us a little bit more more more details about the background here and
04:16They went into the hill country
04:19because the disciples were facing the recent beheading of John the Baptist and
04:27Probably some of Christ's disciples were a little bit
04:32how could God let such evil happen to such a
04:37great man
04:39but watch the next clause and
04:42There he sat
04:45with his disciples
04:48Jesus didn't abandon them just because they had some questions
04:52I've learned to bring my struggles to Jesus all my problems to Jesus all my pains to Jesus
05:01God can still handle honest questions and
05:05honest challenges and
05:08In this moment, he took the disciples away to spend some time with them and he sat with the disciples
05:17It's amazing how a little bit of good company can give us courage to carry on
05:24We need Jesus, but we also need one another they were all sitting there and
05:32After the situation
05:35First for now the Passover a feast of the Jews was near
05:43John is writing primarily to
05:50Gentiles and
05:54You know that he didn't even call it what it was it was Passover and
05:59And what he wanted to explain to us is the reason why the crowd would grow to 5,000 men and get so large
06:06Was because people were on their annual pilgrimage
06:11to worship in Jerusalem
06:14Verse 5 it says
06:17Then Jesus lifted up his eyes
06:20He was obviously having a very focused
06:23conversation with his
06:26Disciples and God loves to talk with his kids
06:31Now I've learned in my life to talk to him when I feel good
06:36Talk to him when I feel bad
06:38talk to him will feel happy talk to him when I feel sad and
06:43This is what was what was was going on and and someone once said he said if we prayed half as much as we worried
06:50We wouldn't need
06:53To worry about half as much and seeing a great multitude
07:01Coming toward him
07:05Mark 6 and 35 tells us that they had been listening to Jesus all day and
07:12Jesus was about to demonstrate to them what happens when we put the kingdom first in our lives
07:22Had neighbors they could have visited and places they could have gone on the way up to Jerusalem
07:27but they decided to be with the master and
07:31It's amazing how when we put God first everything else just kind of falls into place
07:44So he said to Philip
07:47Some say that
07:50Jesus asked Philip because he was from Bethesda which happened to be in the neighborhood and he knew the area. I'm not quite sure
07:57But what I do know is God doesn't ask us questions because he don't know the answer
08:03In the Bible God asks people questions for three reasons
08:10Number one to help us realize our condition
08:14in the state of our heart
08:17Genesis 3 and 9 God said hey Adam, where are you? Did he ask that because he didn't know
08:24He said Adam who told you you were naked
08:27He said Adam. Have you eaten from the tree? I commanded you not to eat of
08:32The Bible begins with these three questions
08:36number two
08:37God asked questions to give us revelation of himself in
08:42Job chapter 38 in verse 4
08:45Job was trying to figure out why God was doing things the way he was doing. He was grappling with his circumstances and God
08:52Responded he said where were you Oh Job?
08:55When I laid the foundations of the earth
08:58He says only one of us is uncreated and eternal and it's not you
09:05You need to remember Job who you talking to I alone am God
09:10Then in three
09:13God asked questions often to call us into action
09:17Isaiah 6 and 8
09:20God said to the prophet whom shall I send in who will go for us?
09:25in all three of these questions are
09:29involved in the question that
09:32Jesus asked
09:36He said Philip
09:38Where shall we buy bread that these may eat but watch this
09:47But he said this to test him because Jesus already knew what he was going to do
09:55So the question was designed to help Philip locate
10:00The lid he put on God
10:05Response was, you know go down to bodegas, you know over there and over there, but he put a lid on
10:12What he could imagine
10:15God might do
10:18Number two he wanted to reveal himself as Jehovah Jireh
10:26He wanted the disciples to have a revelation of a God that provides
10:33And number three he would use this question to call his disciples into action
10:42Now not often does the Bible explain why Jesus said or says what he says
10:50But the next clause says but he said this what to test him for he himself knew what he would do
10:59Your crisis has not taken God by surprise
11:04God already has a plan and he knows exactly what he's gonna do
11:12Let's pick up this narrative in Mark chapter 6 he said send them away this is Philip's answer
11:18That they may go to the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves some bread for watch this
11:23All I could do is focus on the problem for they had nothing to eat
11:28Some of us want to get rid of the need
11:31By getting rid of the needy
11:34But Jesus had a different plan
11:38But Jesus answered and said to them
11:42Stop expecting
11:45current systems
11:47Stop expecting the people around you to solve all your problems
11:54Your future is not limited to what the people that surround you might have
12:01Feel like the Lord is saying
12:04That he wants us to stop limiting him
12:09Stop telling him what he can't do what it's too late for him to do
12:15What it don't look like he's doing
12:20Last I check God is God and
12:23There's no other beside him
12:26He led you into the situation you're in because he wants to show you something
12:32There's more to that, but let's get back to the text
12:37he looked at
12:40Philip and the disciples
12:43So y'all always dependent on Washington
12:51Always looking for humans to have answers
12:58Always look at somebody else
13:01But guess what Apostle Paul ain't here no more
13:05Peter's not here any
13:09St. Augustine is not here
13:13Martin Luther is not here
13:16Martin Luther King is not here
13:20Billy Graham is not we are the only ones here
13:28It's up to us in our generation to reach our generation
13:37He said stop calling on everybody else
13:40Stop passing the buck. I
13:44Put something in you you don't realize you have yet
13:49He looked him in the face he said you give them something to eat
13:56If you walk with God long enough at some point if you're really walking with him
14:01He's gonna ask you to do something. You can't do
14:05Matter of fact if if God only asked us to do things we can already do why we need him
14:14If your vision in life is so small you can do it all by yourself. It's not God
14:22Average is easy
14:24But extraordinary takes extra and
14:30They said to him
14:34Talking to Jesus
14:37Basically shall we leave you Jesus and go somewhere else to get my answer
14:46How many in this room
14:49Leaving Jesus
14:51Going to dr. So-and-so
14:55Ring so-and-so
14:57Instead of going to the master for the end. Shall we go and
15:03Buy 200 denarii worth of bread which was a year's wage and
15:09Give them something to eat now. Here's here's the problem
15:12now if that's a
15:13year's wage for one man that would have meant all 12 disciples would have had to have left the ministry for a month and
15:21Worked another job
15:24But even with that they still wouldn't have had enough money
15:28For their problem
15:32The Egyptians are never behind you
15:35If the Red Sea is never in front of you
15:38I'm not sure God is really leading you
15:41The biggest risk you take in life is not taking any risk at all
15:48But he said to them why she he's calm and cool and he's dealing with the thinking of
15:54Apostles here
15:56He said how many loaves
15:59Do you have in other words stop talking about what you don't have and
16:06Give to Jesus what you do have I?
16:10Have never been able to afford anything big God asked me to do
16:20Sometimes in life you got to decide whether or not you're gonna depend on your circumstances depend on your checkbook or
16:26You're gonna depend on the God that promised
16:31But but watch what Jesus doing Jesus is doing some coaching here. He's trying to change their mentality
16:41He said how many loads you have and you know the answers probably you know, they just answered there would be none
16:46But he's like no, I'm not selling go and see
16:49What'd he do? He told Philip to take inventory of what they had and not get stuck by what they didn't have
16:57You say I may not have shoes
17:00But I still got feet
17:03You may not have a husband or a wife but thank God for family and friends
17:09You may not have all the money you want
17:12But I still have enough to give
17:15How they used to say I may not be where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I yeah
17:23and when they
17:27Found out
17:29We will seldom have everything we want to do all the things that God asks
17:35But that doesn't matter because all God requires that we work with whatever we have
17:40Matter of fact just to make sure you're awake. Tell your neighbor you better work that thing
17:45Tell that other neighbor you better work that thing
17:56And when they found out
17:59Meaning they had to do some some searching
18:03And we need to sometimes do some soul-searching about what we got
18:07About the resources we have
18:11Be thankful then watch how God use it. Watch this
18:15They said master
18:17We have five
18:20Loaves and two fish
18:25That's not a whole lot
18:29But it only took
18:32William Wrigley
18:35$32 to create Juicy Fruit
18:39And start the largest chewing gum company in history
18:45Dell computer was started by a 19 year old in a dorm room with only
18:51$1,000 it is worth
18:5473 billion dollars
18:58The owners the two brothers that own Pizza Hut borrowed $600 from their mama
19:05It's worth 33 billion today
19:11started with only
19:18Subway a $1,000 loan
19:21Damon John started in his garage using his mother's sewing machine in Queens, New York
19:29Selling hats at $10 a pop FUBU today is worth six billion dollars
19:38Grace Church started in a high school
19:41with 12 people
19:44I was so broke. I had to use my credit card to pray for the classrooms in the auditorium at the end of the year
19:52I racked up over
19:54$30,000 in debt, but today Grace Church is one of the fastest growing churches in the United States of America
20:00Don't tell me what God can't do
20:03Don't tell me what God is too late. Don't tell me
20:09what God
20:11Can't do
20:13You're too late
20:16Too late
20:20Then he commanded them Jesus gets bossy don't he I
20:25Like that about Jesus. I need someone with some confidence telling me what to do because I'm not always so confident
20:34He said had him sit down in groups on the green grass ever have somebody you know what tell you you know what before I
20:40Show you this. I need you to sit down
20:44Jesus was about to blow their minds
20:47So they sat down in ranks in hundreds and fifties
20:51None of the Apostles were arguing over who had the largest group
20:56Each leader served their group with the gift that Jesus gave them
21:02Some were given enough for larger groups
21:05Some were given enough just for the smaller groups
21:09The issue was not whose group was the biggest but that everyone ate
21:17The minute you spend wishing you had someone else's life is a minute you spent wasting your own a
21:28Does it sit there thinking you know what I'm gonna compete with that the flower next but no it just blossoms and it just blooms
21:39And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fish
21:45When we put our little
21:48into Jesus's hands
21:51He takes the little and turns it into much
21:56But the way that works is we first got to learn to let it go
22:01we got to get it out of our hand into his hand and
22:06That's when the blessing
22:12And John says and he looked up to heaven what he do he what blessed it
22:17You see if God's blessing is on it. No matter how little you think it is
22:23God will make it enough
22:27And we're constantly
22:28Comparing ourselves and saying we don't have this. I don't have that. I can't do what that's a waste
22:35That's a waste of time
22:37Take what you do have
22:39Get it into submitted at the altar give it to Jesus and watch what he'll make of it
22:48He looked up to heaven what he to do he he blessed it, you know
22:52in my older age, I'm not so sure that God is so much preparing a
22:58blessing for our lives as
23:00He is preparing us for the blessing
23:05And these leaders had to change their their mind take the limits off
23:11Before they could be released into the world after his resurrection
23:14And watch what Jesus did and he broke the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them
23:20And the two fish he divided among them what all
23:24Jesus same yesterday today and forever
23:29He uses broken things beautifully
23:32Let's go back to John 12 and wrap up with two verses. So when they were filled
23:40Remember Philip wanted to send everybody away
23:43But what Jesus did is he turned that field into JC's all-you-can-eat catfish buffet
23:55Don't send me emails. I know that catfish is not kosher
24:02But I need to say it in a way that everybody understands
24:07What I need you to see about Jesus who said if you've seen me you've seen the father
24:16He did not stop until everyone was full
24:21See many of us a little dab will do
24:26I'll take a little bit of God a little bit. It is a little bit
24:30But God intends to feed us until we're full
24:39So when they were filled he said to the type pay attention
24:43Gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost. I don't want to waste a thing
24:48God wants to turn your leftover pieces into his masterpieces if you let him
24:54God wastes nothing
24:56When you put your life into God's hands, you're no longer defined by the broken pieces
25:02Instead your future is prepared by them
25:05Because my Bible said he works all things together for the good. You hear what I'm saying? He'll take those he'll work it for
25:13Those moments of brokenness
25:16God can use
25:19For your future if you just put it in the hands of the master
25:27Therefore they gathered them up and
25:30Filled 12 baskets with
25:33Fragments of the five barely barley loaves which were left over by those who had eaten
25:39what I want you to notice is
25:41God made sure the disciples had more left over than what they started with
25:49We serve a God of the overflow
25:53We serve a big God
25:58Some of our prayer requests are literally insulting
26:03God is like dude, you can do that by yourself. What what?
26:07Ask me something worthy of my greatness. Ask me something worthy of my power
26:18When God was through
26:22They had more left over again than they started with
26:28And I guess what's in my heart today is don't buy the lie
26:36Don't settle for where you are
26:41Take the lid off your expectations of what God can do
26:48This miracle
26:51Was a miracle that yes resolved practical need needs but was also designed to change the thinking of the disciples I
27:03Feel in my heart that God wants to release abundance
27:21My Bible says he wants to do abundantly above
27:28All as you can ask or think according to
27:36His power working
27:40Abundantly above
27:42What you can even ask
27:45The disciples could even ask for this miracle
27:49It was beyond their minds ability to comprehend what God might do
27:55But God is saying to us in this if we would lean in
28:00Do what he says with what we have
28:05God will bless us in ways. We're gonna have to sit down and
28:09Collect ourselves to take a good look and what God has done
28:17It was over he gave each disciple a basket and
28:24That basket was mocking them
28:29Jesus probably had a little bit of a smile on his face
28:33saying you talk about sent him over there and
28:37Look what God could do with a little and
28:40they carried away
28:42Baskets and the baskets preached to them for weeks
28:49God wants to give you
28:53That will begin to preach to you speak to you and talk to you about what God can do
29:06God's Word to us is if you trust me
29:09Jesus Peter did not walk on water. He walked on God's Word
29:18And if Christ says come
29:20Come if he says go go
29:25Do what he says and
29:28when the disciples did
29:31What Jesus said with what they had?
29:34What Jesus said with what they had
29:38One of the greatest miracles in the New Testament came to pass
29:45But we got to do better than just go to church we got to do what he says with what we have
29:52In order to step into the miracle that he desires
29:59For each of us
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