Master Money -- Bishop Dale C. Bronner

  • avant-hier
00:00This is Bishop Dale Broder. Thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today.
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00:29Sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. This is Jesus talking.
00:34An extension of the Sermon on the Mount.
00:37In verse 19 through verse 24, notice here,
00:40don't store up treasures here on earth where moths eat.
00:46Eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and steal.
00:52Store your treasure in heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy
00:58and thieves do not break in and steal.
01:01Wherever your treasure is, wherever your treasure is,
01:07there the desires of your heart will also be.
01:11Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body.
01:17And when your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.
01:21But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness.
01:26And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is.
01:33No one can serve two masters.
01:37For you will hate one and love the other.
01:41You will be devoted to one and despise the other.
01:45You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.
01:51I'm talking today from the subject simply master money.
01:55Master money.
01:57Now I know you could read that two ways as an exhortation for you to master your money.
02:03Or it could be a call out as a saying that money is a master,
02:08so you're calling him master, master money.
02:12But here Mammon refers to the treasure that a person trusts in.
02:23The treasure, whatever it is of worth or value that the person trusts in, that becomes Mammon.
02:33And for Jesus, to serve God and money simultaneously is an impossibility.
02:43And this is why Jesus is telling us you cannot serve both God and Mammon.
02:51I love what John Wesley said.
02:53He said you cannot serve both God and Mammon comfortably, consistently, and without being contrary.
03:04Sometimes you don't get answers unless you ask questions.
03:09Never be afraid to ask questions.
03:12Even of God if you don't understand, God is never put off or intimidated by your questions.
03:19Do you know that curiosity is a gift?
03:22And that God blesses people that have curious minds?
03:28Because that's how you are led into the deeper knowledge of the things of God.
03:34It's a blessing to actually hunger to know something that you don't know.
03:40To just be curious about it so that God can then feed your curiosity.
03:46It bores me when people don't have any curiosity.
03:50To want to know anything about anything.
03:53But when we have a curiosity on the inside of us, something is crying out to say I wonder why.
04:00Or what if.
04:02And I sometimes just have questions that just come to my mind.
04:07I thought about this.
04:10What if more money doesn't make you happy?
04:15But better still, what if more money equals more stress?
04:25What happens if money becomes your master?
04:31I love something that Rich Viota said.
04:34He said money is not a passive tool.
04:37It is a rival God drawing us into its temple.
04:43And you think more about money the less of it you have.
04:49Isn't that interesting?
04:53Whenever there is a threat of inflation, recession, depression.
05:00The less that we have the more we think about it.
05:04About how we're going to get it, how we're going to hold on to it.
05:08Master money.
05:10Take a look at this little meme and look at that.
05:14Be your money's master not its slave.
05:18It is designed to be a tool.
05:20But it's manipulative and it can be a slippery slope for some people.
05:24But you ought to be your money's master and not its slave.
05:30And let me give you some indicators here.
05:33Because you may be enslaved to money if you sacrifice the well-being of your family for it.
05:42You may be enslaved to money if you lose your health in pursuit of it.
05:47You may be enslaved to money if you compromise your integrity to get it.
05:54You may be enslaved to money if you choose money over people.
06:00You may be enslaved to money if you would trade your soul to get the money.
06:08Jesus reminded us in Mark 8 36.
06:12And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?
06:20What will a man give in exchange for his soul?
06:24What will a woman give in exchange for her soul?
06:28That's why you don't want money to be your master.
06:32And I would say this to you.
06:34Don't let greed dominate you and don't let fear hinder you.
06:40Don't let greed dominate you.
06:42Some folks are dominated by greed and other people are hindered by fear.
06:48And sometimes scarcity creates fear in the minds of people.
06:55Most people know about the man that founded Apple, Steve Jobs.
07:02But he also had a co-founder by the name of Ron Wayne.
07:08And Ron Wayne had a unique opportunity because in 1976 out of fear
07:15it is interesting that he owned $800 worth of Apple stock.
07:22And he sold it in 1976 because he was scared it wasn't going to do well.
07:29Had he held on to his $800 worth of stock which was 10% of the company at that time
07:36today he would have been worth $340 billion.
07:41And he lost $340 billion trying to get $800.
07:50Fear distorts your judgment.
07:54And this is one of the reasons that when God calls you to do something
07:59it scares the daylights out of you.
08:02And in that moment when you are intimidated about something that God calls you to do
08:07because you don't have any experience in the future.
08:10All of experience is based on what has already happened in the past.
08:13But you don't have experience in the future.
08:16And it is interesting to note that every time that God told a person
08:21that I am with you and I will never leave you and I will never forsake you.
08:26Whenever God told somebody that it was because they were facing something
08:31they had never done before and it was intimidating to them.
08:34And it was a big daunting task that looked hairy and scary.
08:39And God was reassuring them.
08:42I'm with you, I'll never leave you, I will never ever forsake you.
08:49He was giving them a challenge for which they had no reference of experience.
08:55And all God was saying is that I'm guaranteeing you that I will be with you.
09:02I'm omniscient, I am omnipotent, I'm ubiquitous.
09:07You can never get away from me and I will be with you.
09:12I'm calling you to do something that is intimidating to you.
09:16But God says you go and I'll go with you.
09:19Because I'm sending you into something that you've never done.
09:22And we are on the precipice of something that we have never experienced before.
09:28These are some crazy times.
09:31And crazy ideas in our world.
09:34And God needs people to be able to plant their feet and have sobriety of mind.
09:40And that's why you need older folks that can help ground younger folks.
09:44And younger folks that can help give older folks an idea of how to navigate in this new world of technology and all of that.
09:51And to understand the handwriting on the wall.
09:54We need each other.
09:56It is amazing because like never before,
09:59like never before have we needed the Eli's and the Samuel's at the same time.
10:06And while Samuel is too old, he's too young to understand what he hears.
10:13Eli is seasoned and he knows everything that Samuel is hearing.
10:19But he can't hear it, but he can understand it when he hears it.
10:25And here Samuel is a young child and he can hear something that he can't understand.
10:31And so he goes to the wisdom that is in Eli.
10:35Who can't hear it, but he can understand it and interpret it.
10:39And tell him what his next move ought to be.
10:41And that's why we can't be at variance with each other.
10:44Because sometimes the younger generation actually helps the older generation to be able to hear something.
10:50That we can't hear on our own and see on our own.
10:54And we who have the strength, when you get a certain age, we become like the Samson.
11:00After Samson had grown old, Samson had to get a young lad to place his hands.
11:05He says, I need your eyes because I can't see.
11:08And you're young and you can see opportunities that I cannot see.
11:12And I just need you to place my hands on the central pillars.
11:17I got the power.
11:20I know what to do once my hands are there, but I'm blind, my eyes have been gouged out.
11:25So I can't really see clearly, but young man come here, place my hands.
11:30And Samson had a strength that little, that the little boy didn't have.
11:36But the little boy had a sight that Samson didn't have.
11:40And so they work together and I'm just telling you that God is bringing us into something right now.
11:46That we're going to need each other.
11:49And somebody is going to need your wisdom and you're going to need their strength.
11:53And you're going to need their ability to hear and you're going to need their sight.
11:57But you might have the interpretation and be able to understand the handwriting on the wall.
12:01But they got to read it to you and tell you what it's saying.
12:05We need each other.
12:07Touch somebody and say, we need each other.
12:09We need each other.
12:11You're not my enemy, I'm not your enemy.
12:13We need each other.
12:14God made us for each other.
12:16God made something in young people to be able to inspire older people.
12:20You know, the last thing that you want to do when you get old is to be around a whole bunch of other old folks.
12:30So the older we become, the more we inspire it by youth.
12:34And the more that youth is inspired by the wisdom of eldership.
12:39And the guidance of eldership.
12:41And if they give anything to know what you know.
12:44And to be able to have your perspective and your understanding and be able to connect the dots.
12:50God made us to be able to come together.
12:54You don't let fear just lock you down the way that Ron Wayne got locked down with $800 worth of stock.
13:02That later turned into $340 billion because he didn't have the foresight to be able to see it.
13:09Had he had an older person in his life, they could have told him, son, hold on to that.
13:12You don't know what it's going to do.
13:14Don't sail too quick.
13:16God's a God of timing and sometimes prophetic people, if they don't know anything else, they know the timing of the Lord.
13:22Sometimes if God just says, let it go right now.
13:25Let it go right now.
13:27There's sometimes you've got to just be able to obey God.
13:30You just obey God in your simplicity and God will provide.
13:35I'm just telling you, God will provide, but you can't let fear dominate you because fear will paralyze you.
13:42Fear will keep you from opportunities that God has planted for you.
13:46So you've got to be able to hold, hold your, your, your hope.
13:50So he'll bloom said that the worst prison in the world is having the talent and intelligence to achieve something great, but lacking the courage to go out and do it.
14:02You know, anybody like that?
14:04I mean, they got the talent, they got the intelligence, but they scared to go.
14:08They lack the.
14:13All you need is an older voice or seasoned voices.
14:15Just say, go with God, because God will give you something that will scare the daylights out of you.
14:21But you need somebody who has already walked in a scary situation and they found the strength and the help of God to come in and to help them right at that moment.
14:30And may I just tell you that there are some times that God will bring you into situations that you don't know what to do.
14:36I don't know who I'm getting ready to prophesy to right now, but God will tell you sometimes one of three things.
14:42He'll tell you to let go of something, let go, let go, let go the stress, let go the anxiety, let go the unforgiveness.
14:50Let it go. What do you need to let go?
14:53What is God calling you to let go, let go, to let go of folks that a situation that you cannot control?
15:00Let it go, let it go.
15:02If something swells up on you, you can't do anything about it.
15:04Let it go. Just, just let it go.
15:07Let it go. Just let that thing go.
15:10Let go and let God just let it go.
15:12What do you need to let go?
15:14Then I heard the Holy Ghost say this.
15:16What do you need to grab hold of?
15:19What do you need to lay hold of?
15:22You need to lay hold of a promise in God's Word.
15:25You need to lay hold of a truth.
15:27You need to lay hold of a testimony.
15:29You need to lay hold of something in your remembrance that God has already done to remember now
15:35and that will empower you and give you the courage to go to where you're getting ready to go.
15:40What do you need to let go of and what do you need to lay hold of?
15:47Certain things you need to let go of.
15:50Other things you need to grab hold of.
15:54And I need to grab hold of the faith.
15:56I need to grab hold of the promise.
15:58I need to grab hold of the covenant.
16:01I need to grab hold of the vision and run with it.
16:04So what do you need to grab hold of and hold firmly?
16:08And then the third thing, what do you need to give away?
16:12Jesus said, my peace I give to you.
16:15My joy I give to you.
16:17My love I give to you.
16:19There's something that you need to let go of, something you need to lay hold of
16:24and there's something else that you need to give away to others
16:29and that's the way that it multiplies.
16:31He's not talking about to decrease you.
16:33He's talking about to multiply it in the earth.
16:35When you give away your knowledge, you don't lose it, it multiplies.
16:39Your knowledge is one of those unique things.
16:41Your wisdom is one of those unique things that you can give to another
16:45and it never diminishes you.
16:47But what do you need to give away?
16:49Who needs your peace?
16:52Because other folks are in an uproar and anxiety has them all jacked up
16:59and they just need somebody to say, baby, it's going to be alright.
17:03You're going to make it through that.
17:05Sometimes you just need to hear the voice
17:07of an older person who has survived a storm.
17:11It's not about what's said, it's about who's saying it.
17:16And when you see somebody, and you don't have to wonder,
17:20you can look at them and tell,
17:22through many dangers, toils and snares,
17:25I have already come.
17:28You need to have this, there's something comforting about the voice
17:32of somebody that you know that has been through something
17:36or they got some story, they got some stuff that'll make you blush.
17:40They got some stuff that'll say, oh, I'm not, this stuff I'm dealing with.
17:44You're dealing with popcorn kind of stuff.
17:47And they got some real stuff that will really have a burden
17:51and it puts things in perspective to you.
17:54Sometimes you just need to break off some of what you have
17:57and give your peace away.
17:59It's like, babang, don't worry about that.
18:02And since some people are ready to walk off and leave a relationship,
18:05you talk to somebody old that's been through hell and high water,
18:08you stay right there, baby.
18:11Stay right there, baby.
18:13They'll tell you stuff like this, you know,
18:15the fool you know is better than the fool you don't.
18:24But what do you have to give away?
18:26What is God calling you?
18:28I want you to think about that.
18:30What is God calling you to let go of?
18:33What is God calling you to grab hold of?
18:36And what is God calling you to give away
18:39that can bless somebody else without it ever diminishing you?
18:43Because sometimes you're through with it.
18:46And it is a sign that I'm passing the baton.
18:50You know, God won't give you what you can't give away.
18:56And if you need more time, but you won't give anybody else any time,
19:01you've got to give the very thing you need.
19:07And if you've got a peace and a blessed assurance down in your soul
19:12in a time when people are so shaken
19:16and they are mastered by things that are stressing them out
19:20and they believe that money will solve everything,
19:23but sometimes it's not even money, it's just a peace.
19:26Sometimes you think that if you had enough money
19:29that you won't worry about it,
19:31but I know people that have money and they still worry.
19:34They worry about somebody taking it away from them.
19:36They worry about them losing it.
19:38They worry about getting sued.
19:40And so you can have money and it'll create a whole other level of stress.
19:44Money is not designed to just take your stress away.
19:47That's the dependence of God.
19:50And when you depend on money to do what only God can do for you,
19:54that's when you've made a mistake.
19:56And so that's why God was...
19:58Give your peace away to somebody else.
20:00You're not going to lose yours.
20:02When you give peace to someone else, you never lose yours.
20:04You multiply it.
20:06Grace and peace be multiplied to you.
20:10It's because you give it away to others
20:13that when somebody grabs your hand
20:16and anxiety is filling them
20:18and the peace of God that passes all understanding
20:23begins to guard your heart and minds by Christ Jesus.
20:27And sometimes God will just send me into a place
20:30and the moment they hear my voice,
20:32the peace that is in my soul oozes out
20:36like warm honey flowing over their bodies.
20:39You'd be surprised what God can do
20:42just when you share,
20:45break somebody off what's in you.
20:49What's in you.
20:51People need more of what's in you.
20:54But when you have poverty of spirit,
20:57you are afraid that if I break somebody else off something,
21:01I'm going to diminish myself.
21:03No, no, no, you'll multiply.
21:05Grace and peace be multiplied.
21:08The knowledge of Jesus was multiplied in the earth
21:11as they began to share the gospel.
21:14But I will say this,
21:16don't make everything that happens in your life about money.
21:20We don't want money to master us.
21:22Don't make everything about money.
21:24Don't make everything about money.
21:26I love something I recently read in the Harvard Business Review.
21:29It says too many managers make the mistake
21:31of assuming that motivation is all about money.
21:34But it's really about helping your team
21:36to feel great about what they do.
21:39When you're motivating people,
21:41you want to feel good about what you do.
21:44That you're contributing to something
21:46and participating in something that has meaning in it
21:48and life in it.
21:50It is not about our trying to make another buck.
21:53You want to have fun doing what you are called to do.
21:57I don't know about you, but if you got to do something,
21:59you may as well make it fun.
22:01If you got to be there,
22:03you may as well enjoy the journey.
22:09We're designed to be able to make a difference
22:11in the lives of other people.
22:13I want you to notice the admonition of the Scriptures
22:15in 1 Timothy chapter 6.
22:17The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy
22:19and he's letting him know because, you know,
22:21they needed their ministry seeded.
22:23And notice what he's telling him here in verse 17.
22:26Teach those who are rich in this world
22:29not to be proud
22:31and not to trust in their money
22:33which is so unreliable.
22:36And anybody who has money know how unreliable.
22:39You know how unreliable money is.
22:41Anything could happen.
22:43Anything could happen.
22:45And the value of your money could be rapidly decreased.
22:49Anything could happen.
22:50The unreliability of that.
22:53So he says teach those who are rich in this world
22:56not to be proud and not to trust in their money
23:00which is so unreliable.
23:02Their trust should be in God.
23:06Their trust should be in God.
23:08My trust should be in God.
23:10Your trust should be in God.
23:12Who richly gives us all we need
23:15for our enjoyment.
23:17God is not against your enjoyment.
23:19He richly gives us all that we need
23:22for our enjoyment.
23:24For our enjoyment.
23:25And notice what he said.
23:26Tell them to use their money to do good.
23:29They should be rich in good works
23:32and generous to those in need
23:35always being ready to share with others.
23:37By doing this they will be storing up their treasure
23:41as a good foundation for the future
23:44so that they may experience true life.
23:47That's why what do you need to give away?
23:50And it's not always money.
23:52Sometimes it's just your time.
23:54It's just your time.
23:58I recently saw a little clip of where
24:01Patti LaBelle was being interviewed by Oprah.
24:05And you know her sisters all died of cancer
24:09and she was the only one that survived.
24:13She said one thing that she regretted
24:16was when one of her sisters was dying of cancer.
24:22She said she would always send money to help out.
24:26And she said her sister called her one day and said
24:30Patti just come over and just make me an egg sandwich.
24:36She said she knew and she regretted that
24:40it wasn't the money that she wanted.
24:43She just wanted her to be there.
24:47She just wanted her presence there.
24:50And she said can you come over and make me an egg sandwich.
24:55And tears began to flow down her face
24:59because she lived with the regret that I was sending money
25:02thinking that that's what they really wanted
25:06when her sister wanted her presence.
25:10Presence is a gift.
25:12And you don't know how meaningful
25:15the gift of presence is
25:18until it is not there.
25:25It's interesting.
25:28God gives us something to be able to press toward.
25:32The Apostle Paul said I press toward the mark
25:34of the call of God in Christ Jesus.
25:37There's a mark that he sets for us.
25:40And most people will grab hold of a goal
25:46or some desire that they have.
25:50But what they fail to develop
25:54is a system to be able to get it.
25:57Amateurs have a goal.
25:59Professionals have a process.
26:01They have a system.
26:03Success is in the system.
26:07Success is in the systems.
26:12Notice this.
26:13Systems enable consistency.
26:17You know once you figure out how to do something
26:19you create a system.
26:21Systems enable consistency.
26:24And if you're going to have quality control
26:26in whatever it is that you do
26:27you've got to develop a system.
26:29Systems enable consistency.
26:32Consistency leads to growth.
26:35Consistency leads to growth.
26:38If you're consistent in the gym
26:40your body will grow.
26:41If you're consistent with reading and studying
26:44and keeping your mind engaged
26:46your mind will continue to grow.
26:48Consistency leads to growth
26:50and growth empowers success.
26:53Growth empowers success.
26:57I would say this you know
26:59people have said for so long
27:03fake it till you make it.
27:06It's really not just because it rhymes.
27:12You can't fight the devil with poetry.
27:20He's a poet himself.
27:23Don't fake it till you make it
27:26face it till you make it.
27:31If you face it God will help you fix it.
27:34Face it till you make it.
27:36Fail and then stand back up.
27:39Face it again.
27:40Do a little better.
27:42Fail again.
27:43Face it.
27:44Get back up.
27:45Isn't it interesting how the Bible says
27:47that a righteous man, not a demon
27:50a righteous man falls seven times
27:53seven times and rises back up.
27:59You got to face it
28:02until you make it.
28:03Not fake it.
28:04Face it.
28:05Try it.
28:08You'll learn from that
28:09but fail forward
28:11and you grow through that
28:13and in that process
28:15you have to learn
28:16that I'm going to
28:18I'm going to stick to my plan
28:20and not to my mood.
28:22Because when you stick to your mood
28:24and it's time to get up and go to the gym
28:26you don't want to go
28:27because you don't feel like going.
28:29Stick to the plan
28:30not to your mood.
28:32Stick to the plan.
28:34And just remember that discipline
28:36is about remembering
28:38what you want most
28:39over what you want now.
28:41When you talk about now
28:43shout now.
28:45It's an acronym really
28:46just for needs over wants.
28:50Needs over wants.
28:53And transformation is the revelation
28:55of how far we can go
28:57when we actually combine
28:59persistence and dedication.
29:04And we're in
29:05what I would almost call
29:08asymmetrical times now.
29:12Something that is asymmetrical
29:14means that it is without
29:16predictable order.
29:20We know what predictable order is.
29:24But when something skips a beat
29:27it's an unsyncopated rhythm.
29:31And so it's unpredictable.
29:35Because it doesn't just follow
29:37the standard kind of beat.
29:40Because when you add a dot
29:43to a quarter note
29:46it makes it a little longer
29:47so it's dot, dot, dot.
29:49So you have to be able to adjust
29:52because it's now
29:53not necessarily predictable
29:56and there are some rhythms of life
29:59like storms when they come
30:01that do not follow predictable order.
30:05Weather patterns normally move
30:07from west to east.
30:09But storms
30:11like the hurricanes
30:13Africa is coming
30:14from east to west.
30:17It's coming west
30:18it's totally unpredictable.
30:20And they don't exactly know
30:21whether it's going to come up
30:22the Gulf of Mexico
30:23or whether it's going to come up
30:24the east coast.
30:26Because storms are unpredictable
30:28and sometimes
30:29in asymmetric times
30:31God will throw the rhythm off.
30:35As soon as you thought
30:36you had figured His pattern out
30:39God will step in a different rhythm.
30:44That is asymmetrical.
30:46It is an unpredictable order.
30:49And it seems, of course
30:53that sometimes
30:55I believe that God does that
30:57to disrupt our order
30:59to turn us from our way
31:01and to arrest our attention
31:03and to bring us back to a focus
31:04that He has for our life.
31:06So He will disrupt
31:09where we are in order to bring us
31:11to where we need to be.
31:14But there is a difference
31:16between the world's view
31:18of riches
31:19because we don't want money
31:20to master us.
31:21We need to master it.
31:23There's a difference
31:24between the world's view
31:26of riches
31:27and the word's view
31:29of riches.
31:30And I just want to distinguish
31:31a few things for you
31:33with that.
31:34Notice the world's view of riches
31:36and the word's view of riches.
31:38The world's view
31:39says money brings freedom.
31:41Money brings freedom
31:42but the word's view
31:43says money can enslave.
31:45Christ brings freedom.
31:47The world's view says
31:49money brings security.
31:51But the word's view says
31:53worldly wealth is insecure.
31:55Real security is found
31:57in trusting God.
31:59The world says money
32:01is what matters.
32:02The word says Jesus
32:04and His kingdom
32:05are what matter.
32:07The world says money is power.
32:10The word says power
32:12comes from God's spirit.
32:14The world says money
32:16establishes your worth
32:18as a person
32:19but the word says
32:20your worth is based on
32:21what God says
32:22and not what the bank says.
32:24The world says money
32:26makes you successful
32:27but the word says
32:28success comes from knowing
32:29and doing what God says.
32:32The world says
32:34money gives you option.
32:36The word says
32:38God ultimately
32:40gives you options.
32:42The world says
32:44money brings happiness.
32:45The word says happiness
32:47that money brings
32:48is short-lived.
32:50The world says
32:52money is your possession.
32:53Spend it on whatever you want.
32:55And the word says
32:56all you have is God's.
32:58You are a steward
32:59of God's resources.
33:01So there's a disparity
33:03between what the world says
33:05and what the word says.
33:07That's why you have to know the word.
33:10You do err not knowing
33:12the scriptures.
33:14The word.
33:18And one of the greatest ways
33:20to make sure
33:22that you can have money
33:24without money having you
33:26is to be generous.
33:30breaks the spirit of greed
33:32because greedy people
33:34are not generous people.
33:37Greedy people are not.
33:39But generosity breaks
33:41the spirit of greed in your life.
33:43And sometimes
33:45if your life gets
33:48in an unhealthy rhythm
33:52God will send a storm
33:54that makes something
33:58An unpredictable order
34:00in your life
34:02just to bring you back
34:04to a place
34:06of quiet.
34:08Because hurry, hurry
34:10whenever people are rushing
34:12hurry is violence
34:14on the soul.
34:16And that's why
34:18when you get in God's presence
34:20you cannot be in a hurry.
34:22And when you pray
34:24you cannot be in a hurry.
34:26Because hurry is violence
34:30on the soul.
34:32When your cortisol levels
34:34happen, how they change
34:36in your body when you are just in a hurry
34:38hurrying, hurrying
34:40He's calling us to slow down.
34:42He's calling us to just
34:46I want you to remember the words
34:48of Matthew chapter 11
34:50in verse 28 through 30 in the Message Bible.
34:52Are you tired?
34:54Worn out? Burned out
34:56on religion?
34:58Come to me.
35:00Get away with me
35:02and you'll recover your life.
35:04And I'll show you how to take a real rest.
35:06Walk with me
35:08and work with me.
35:10Watch how I do it.
35:12Learn the unforced
35:14rhythms of grace.
35:16I won't lay anything heavy
35:18or ill-fitting on you.
35:20Keep company with me
35:22and you'll learn to live
35:24freely and lightly.
35:30We need
35:32to learn the rhythms of His
35:36To walk with Him and work with Him
35:38and watch
35:40how He does it.
35:42And stress will just
35:44start draining out of our
35:46bodies. And the
35:48peace of God, my
35:50you don't know how valuable peace is
35:52until you no longer have it.
36:00The Russian novelist
36:02Leo Tolstoy
36:06wrote a short story entitled
36:08How Much Land Does A Man
36:12And in the short story
36:16he talks about a poor farmer
36:18who is desperate
36:20to improve his conditions
36:22and he is made
36:24he's given a once
36:26in a lifetime opportunity
36:28an offer
36:30for about
36:3211 American dollars
36:34to be able to have all of
36:36the land that
36:38he wants.
36:40It seemed too good to
36:42be true to this farmer
36:44but it came with stipulations
36:46and these were the
36:48stipulations. That
36:50he had to start out
36:52on the given day and he
36:54said as far as you can
36:56walk and
36:58make it back before the sun
37:00goes down
37:02he says that land will be
37:04yours for 11 dollars.
37:06What an opportunity.
37:08So he set
37:10out walking as rapidly as
37:12he could to cover as much
37:14territory as he could.
37:16And he had gone
37:18so far and he saw that
37:20the sun was beginning to go down
37:22and now he's trying to calculate
37:24how he can get back
37:26to the original spot
37:28before the sun goes down
37:30or the deal is off.
37:32And so he
37:34starts running with all of
37:36his might because he had gotten so
37:38far away trying to cover
37:40as much ground as he
37:42possibly could and running
37:44and running and running and running
37:46and he finally made it
37:48there right as the
37:50sun was going down
37:52and he beat it
37:54but he was so
37:58that he
38:00had a heart attack and died.
38:04And his servants
38:06dug a hole six feet deep
38:08and three feet wide.
38:12How much land does a man
38:23And it was six
38:25by three. It was six by three
38:27and the moral of the whole story
38:29was that if we
38:31spend all of the best of our energy
38:33and our passion to gain wealth
38:35it ends up owning us.
38:39And he lost himself
38:41trying to get more.
38:43And he wound up
38:45he had run and covered all of that
38:47territory and he wound
38:49up with six
38:51by three.
38:53How much
38:55do you need?
38:59I hope you got something out of the word of the Lord.
39:11Bow your head.
39:15I just want this to be a time of
39:17introspection for you
39:22just to make
39:24sure that you're in right
39:26standing with Jesus.
39:31And may I remind you that
39:33one of God's greatest gifts
39:35to you
39:39is that if you are out of
39:41his will
39:45God's greatest
39:47gifts to you is to make your
39:49plans fail.
39:53Is to create such a disruption in your
39:57that it
39:59jars you back to your
40:01position of righteousness with him.
40:05God has to use
40:07to bring you back into right standing
40:09with him
40:11whatever he has to use
40:13it is worth it.
40:15And you ought to thank him even if you have to
40:17lose something but if it brings you back
40:19to where you need to be with God you ought to thank him.
40:23And when your
40:25rhythm has gotten off
40:27and sometimes
40:29if you have been angry with God because
40:31you couldn't see the bigger
40:33plan that God could see
40:35because he knows details
40:37that you don't know
40:39and he knows seasons and he knows
40:41timing that we don't understand.
40:47And he's just calling us
40:49to say come back.
40:55And I just pray that
40:57you'll take inventory of yourself today
41:01and just ask the question
41:03once again
41:05what do I need to let go of?
41:07Is it anger?
41:11Is it jealousy? Envy?
41:13Is it unforgiveness?
41:15Is it my tendency
41:17to compare?
41:19What do you need to let
41:21go of?
41:23Ask the Holy Spirit to search you
41:27and to expose it to you so you can let
41:29it go.
41:31Because if you're holding on to something
41:33that you need to let go it becomes destructive
41:35to you.
41:37And then what do you need to grab hold
41:41To take hold of
41:43by faith.
41:47Whether it is healing.
41:49Whether it is
41:51a promise of the word.
41:55it is understanding.
41:57What do you need to take hold of?
41:59And then
42:01what is it that you need to give away?
42:03Something that has
42:05blessed your life and you
42:07share it. My peace I give.
42:09My love I give.
42:11My joy I give.
42:13My wisdom I give.
42:15My knowledge I give.
42:17My counsel I give.
42:19My encouragement I give.
42:21What do you need to give?
42:23What is needed
42:25in the atmosphere where God has
42:27planted you that you have a
42:31to be able to give? God has
42:33made you a distribution center
42:35in the
42:37midst of something that you
42:39have abundantly in you.
42:41And there's a desperate
42:43need and God's trying
42:45to marry those two.
42:47What do you have to give
42:49away that will
42:51bless somebody else's life and not
42:53diminish you at all?
42:55Think about that.
42:59Father I pray in the name of Jesus
43:01that you will so open
43:03the eyes of your precious people today.
43:05Show us
43:07the truth.
43:09God help us to see ourselves
43:11in the light of your word.
43:13Give us an understanding
43:15of your incredible amazing grace.
43:17Father I pray
43:19that our priorities
43:21will be
43:23adjusted to where
43:25you are
43:29the position of preeminence
43:31in our life.
43:33There's none before
43:35you. You are
43:37God alone.
43:41We trust you.
43:45We depend upon you.
43:47We need you.
43:51Father I thank you in the name of Jesus
43:55that you said that whosoever shall call upon
43:57the name of the Lord shall be saved.
44:01That when Daniel called upon you,
44:03you unlocked the jaws of the lions.
44:05That when
44:07Hannah called upon you, you opened her
44:09womb and a prophet was born.
44:13we pray in the name of Jesus
44:17to just call upon your name.
44:19Help us in our world today.
44:21In the craziness
44:23where we have lost our sobriety.
44:25Our understanding
44:29of your will and your way.
44:31The orthodoxy
44:33and the orthopraxy
44:35that you've called us to.
44:37Father turn us
44:39back to you. Oh Lord and we
44:41will be restored.
44:43Renew us as of the days of old.
44:45Father I pray in the
44:47name of Jesus that as
44:49we stand before you Lord
44:51that you will use us
44:53for your glory.
44:55We pray that thy kingdom come.
44:57Thy will be done
44:59on the earth
45:01as it is in heaven.
45:03In Jesus wonderful name.
45:09Thank you Jesus.
45:13Well stand at your feet everybody.
45:21I'm so glad to be home.
45:23Last week I think I was in India
45:25in New Delhi and I
45:27visited a
45:29temple, a Sikh temple.
45:31A different kind of religion.
45:35And it was
45:37a really busy place.
45:41They fed 80,000
45:43people a day there.
45:49Some kind of
45:51Hindu religion but they fed
45:5380,000 people regardless of their
45:55religion. The religion of the
45:57people coming and so when I
45:59was there and I went all
46:01into the kitchen and the people were just all
46:03over the place. And they informed
46:05me while I was there in India that now they have
46:07the largest population in the world.
46:09They have surpassed China.
46:11It's amazing.
46:13And God
46:15is up to something.
46:19well while I was there some
46:21pastor noticed
46:23after I posted they noticed that I was
46:25in their country and this
46:27man was four or five hours away from me.
46:29He said, Bishop, I've never
46:31been able to meet anybody of your status.
46:33He says, can I come to see you?
46:35I said, if you want to make the
46:39That's on you.
46:41And he got in
46:43his car and brought his wife and his two children.
46:49And he came and got down on his knees
46:51and he says,
46:53I have a ministry here.
46:55God has put so much in me to be able to plant
46:57some other things.
46:59And I just
47:01prayed the glory of God down on him.
47:03And the next thing I know here
47:05comes another Indian pastor. I said,
47:07listen, I'm not here for all of this.
47:11And then they reached
47:13out to me from Pakistan. They said, you promised that you
47:15were coming. I said, you know, I'm not here for that.
47:17But I'm
47:19glad that, you know, we serve a big
47:21God. God is
47:23doing great things in various
47:25places around the world.
47:27And I love Him and I honor
47:29Him and I'm so incredibly
47:31thankful to God
47:33for the grace that He has given to me
47:35in my life and
47:37the difference that is being made
47:39in the lives of other people.
47:41It just blows me away that
47:43somebody walked up to me in
47:45India and they said, I watch it on YouTube.
47:53you never do know how far
47:55our voice reaches
47:57and the lives of people that
47:59are being touched and impacted
48:01for the glory of God.
48:03But God is on the rise.
48:05God is on
48:07the rise. The earth
48:09is the Lord's and the fullness
48:11thereof. And
48:13He's moving. He is moving.
48:15He's moving. And I'm just telling you,
48:17this is a time where the glory
48:19of God, whenever
48:21you have gross darkness, the only
48:23thing that penetrates gross darkness
48:25is great glory.
48:27And as
48:29God's people worship,
48:33is released.
48:35It's stirred up. It
48:37bubbles up out of us. Glory. We give
48:39glory to God. And glory
48:41penetrates gross darkness.
48:43Gross darkness is the kind
48:45of darkness that you can feel.
48:47It is a darkness of
48:49depression that comes over
48:51that is perceptible. You can
48:53look at people who are under gross darkness
48:55and tell that this is gross
48:57darkness and you just can't get rid of
48:59that just with a simple prayer.
49:01It takes great glory to break
49:03the power of gross darkness.
49:05And as
49:07darkness fills the earth, may
49:09the glory of God so fill
49:11the earth. And the glory
49:13of the Lord shall be revealed
49:15and all flesh shall see it together
49:17for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken
49:19it. And I'm just here to declare to you
49:21that God's glory is
49:23moving in the earth.
49:25I declare His glory in India.
49:27I declare His glory in China.
49:29Moving in various parts of
49:31Africa. God is moving by
49:33His Spirit in Europe. I
49:35am excited about what Jesus
49:37is doing in the world.
49:39I'm excited about
49:41what Jesus is doing in
49:43the world in South America.
49:45Jesus is alive and well.
49:47And He's just looking at people that
49:49will say, Lord, if there's anything that you can
49:51use in me, you know, use
49:53me, Lord, for your glory. Use me for
49:55your glory. Use me
49:57for your glory.
49:59Use your timeline for Him.
50:01Use your social media
50:03to tell some good news.
50:05I'm sick of this P. Diddy mess.
50:07We need the good news of the
50:09gospel of Jesus Christ.
50:11Run and tell
50:13that. I'm sick of
50:15the elephant and the donkey,
50:17but I'm excited about the
50:19Lamb of God that takes away
50:21the sin of the world.
50:27Run and tell that.
50:29Post some good news this week.
50:31Post good news this
50:33week. Run and tell that
50:35that Jesus is Lord.
50:37He's saving people. He's delivering
50:39people. He's healing people.
50:41He's bringing people
50:43out of darkness. The glory
50:45and the light of Jesus
50:47is filling and shining
50:49in the world.
50:51So let it
50:53rain. Let it rain. Let it rain.
50:55You just go there and give it away
50:57and let it spread on you.
50:59May the anointing rise up on the inside of
51:01you. May it bubble out of you.
51:03May the wisdom of God, may
51:05prophecy flow out of your lips.
51:07May anointing, may your hands
51:09shake with the power of God
51:11when you get around sick
51:13people and may Jesus give you
51:15a wisdom to be able
51:17to grab somebody's hand until
51:19demons begin to come out.
51:21Until the spirits of darkness
51:23will flee in the name
51:25of Jesus. May he
51:27snap our sons and daughters
51:29back into their rightful minds
51:31to the degree that they will see
51:33Jesus for who he is
51:35and may the prayers of
51:37mothers and fathers
51:39chase them until they are
51:41arrested and brought back.
51:43God says, I have heard your prayer
51:45and the words that have
51:47gone forth out of your mouth
51:49will not return void.
51:51They are still
51:53pursuing them and he's in
51:55hot pursuit
51:57of what he loves.
51:59He came to seek
52:01and save that
52:03which was lost.
52:05That and who
52:07is lost
52:09and he's going after it.
52:11The glory of God
52:13shall be revealed
52:15in the earth
52:17and all flesh
52:19shall see
52:23together. Father, we give you glory
52:25today. We give
52:27you glory, we give you glory, we give you
52:29glory, we give you glory.
52:31We declare that thine is the glory,
52:33thine is the kingdom. The glory
52:35belongs to you, Jesus.
52:37The glory belongs to you, Jesus.
52:39The glory belongs
52:41to you. It belongs to
52:43you. Money is a very
52:45weak God, but you're
52:47the awesome God.
52:49The only wise God.
52:51You're the God who lifts up.
52:53You're the God who gives
52:55life. You're the God who
52:57forgives sin.
52:59God, we love you today. We love you and we
53:01exalt you today. We exalt you, we
53:03exalt you, we exalt you, we exalt
53:05your name. We declare
53:07Father, your majesty, your dominion,
53:09your power, your truth,
53:11O Lord God.
53:13That none compare with you.
53:15Not one, not one compares
53:17with you.
53:19Father, we pray
53:21that you'll show us exactly
53:23what to do and when to do it.
53:25We pray,
53:27Father, that
53:29you will accomplish everything
53:31that you've assigned for us to do.
53:33May the destiny
53:35that you've
53:37locked in our bosom
53:39be released,
53:41God, to a starving world
53:43that's waiting
53:45to be fed with what you have
53:47placed on the inside of us.
53:49Father, I pray that as we bring
53:51glory to your name,
53:53that redemption will come to
53:55your people.
53:57That you will redeem, Father, those
53:59things that were formed for you
54:01in the earth to serve
54:03you, to worship you, to honor you.
54:05That they'll be restored, restored,
54:07restored. Father,
54:09may the great restoration and
54:11reformation happen.
54:13May there come a reframing
54:15in our laws and our understanding
54:17and even in our definitions.
54:19Father, restore us, reform
54:21us, restore us, reform
54:23us, restore us,
54:25reform us. May we return to your
54:27apostolic law
54:29and see, Father,
54:31your hand moving in
54:33ways that we covenant in advance
54:35that we'll give you
54:37the honor for it and the glory,
54:39majesty, and dominion
54:41both now and forevermore
54:43in Jesus' name.
54:47We hope that you enjoyed that message.
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