• l’année dernière


00:00Oh, bless me now, my savior, I come to the Lord to be.
00:26Oh, let's have church, somebody say yeah.
00:30Everybody, yeah.
00:42Oh, I feel God.
00:47You better hug your spouse. You better hug your spouse.
00:54Have you been through anything?
00:56Look at your neighbor and say, he made a way.
01:01He made a way.
01:06Didn't he do it?
01:07He made a way.
01:11Oh, he made a way.
01:18He made a way.
01:23Made a way.
01:26Turn the lights up a little bit.
01:28Hug somebody and say, he brought me up.
01:32Everybody, he brought me up.
01:39He brought me up.
01:43Oh, he brought me up.
01:47Yes, he did.
01:49Could have been me.
01:50He brought me up.
01:55He brought me up.
01:59If your child didn't die this week, if your spouse still alive, then throw your hands up and say, thank you, Lord.
02:14Thank you, Lord.
02:19Thank you, Lord.
02:25Thank you, Lord.
02:30Thank you, Lord.
02:37Let's get it.
02:38We still got to do God's work.
02:39Here it is.
02:41Grab Joshua 8.
02:42While you're standing on your feet, grab Joshua 8.
02:44Grab Joshua 8.
02:45Grab Joshua 8 right quick.
02:47And I want you to look with me at verse 1 from the New Living Translation.
02:53Joshua 8, verse 1.
02:54Then the Lord said to Joshua, do not be afraid or discouraged.
02:58Take all your fighting men and attack Ai.
03:02For I have given you the king of Ai.
03:07His people, his town, and his land.
03:10Then the Lord said to Joshua, do not be afraid or discouraged.
03:12Take all your fighting men and attack Ai.
03:16For I have given you the king of Ai.
03:20His people, his town, and his land.
03:23I want to continue my teaching.
03:25Strike while it's hot.
03:26On the way to your seat, point at six people and tell them, Ai must die.
03:30Go ahead and tell them.
03:33I said point at five people.
03:34Ai must die.
03:38All right.
03:39Let's see if I can date you right quick.
03:42When you first heard Ai, those of us that have balled, shot hoop for a long time,
03:48and like watching NBA, we thought about Allen Iverson.
03:52Allen Iverson, famous for bringing sort of black culture to the NBA.
03:57First dude that had braids in his hair and tattoos on his arm.
04:02And young black men start thinking they could look like him and still be accepted by larger culture.
04:08He broke down that barrier of how you had to look to play in the NBA.
04:13Then he crossed over Jordan, which is not done too much.
04:17Crossed over Jordan, not Jordan River, Michael Jordan.
04:20Praise God.
04:21I know we a church.
04:23And then, of course, he lost the finals to the Lakers in 2000,
04:27carrying a squad that did not have a lot of gifted players and taking them all the way to the ship,
04:32which, of course, they lost to the Lakers in five.
04:35So some of you thought about Ai, the basketball player.
04:38Some of you younger people thought about Ai, artificial intelligence.
04:42Yeah, it stands for artificial intelligence.
04:45It is a simulation of human intelligence processed by machines such as computer systems.
04:50Ai is used in many technology-driven industries such as health care, finance, transportation, and much more.
04:56Some of you use Ai now to write your papers and to write your e-mails and to make you sound smart when you feel kind of dumb.
05:02Praise God.
05:04Or when you're a little bit lazy, it's like Ai, help a sister out.
05:08Need this e-mail to sound smart to my boss.
05:11So that's Ai.
05:12But what if I suggested to you that before there was the NBA player Ai and before there was this new artificial intelligence Ai,
05:20that Ai is this city in the Old Testament, this small city.
05:25Hebraically, Ai means heap of ruins.
05:29Heap of ruins.
05:30You'll understand better by and by.
05:32Just keep listening.
05:33This little city, this little city in northern Canaan called Ai.
05:38It's in the Bible.
05:39I just read it to you.
05:42I want to suggest to you that in your life, you may have some small AIs or large AIs that must die.
05:49Let me tell you what's going on here because I told the first service, this text absolutely craves context.
05:56I don't care how tired you get of hearing this.
05:58I am not going to a movie in the middle.
06:01I got to go at the beginning because I cannot stand to miss the first scene because the first scene tells me everything about what I need to know about the last scene.
06:08I'd rather miss a movie than go in the middle.
06:10So I want you to catch this.
06:11Ai, you really can't start in Chapter 8.
06:14You really have to back up to Chapter 6.
06:16Some of you remember Chapter 6.
06:17You've been walking with me.
06:18I told you that I was going to use this teaching on Strike While It's Hot in concert as a kind of parallel to the life of Joshua and the militaristic victories, ups and downs, and trials of the children of Israel, Joshua and his army.
06:33So we've walked through the fact when they first walked up to the Jordan and how Jordan stood up on liquid legs and they walked across on a sovereign cement just because the Ark of the Covenant went first.
06:42And then I told you that Jericho came crashing down.
06:45They never swung a punch, never fired a gun, never swung a machete.
06:48All they did was march around seven times.
06:51Take a mental note.
06:52All they did was march around.
06:54Y'all missed y'all mental note last week.
06:56Are y'all listening?
06:57Take a mental note.
06:58All they did was march around seven times and the walls came tumbling down.
07:03They never fought.
07:04They never shot a gun.
07:05Just march around seven times and the walls came tumbling down.
07:10When they got through marching around Jericho and the walls came tumbling down, there was a small caveat they forgot or either they ignored.
07:20God said, I'm going to give you the city.
07:22Jericho is going to fall.
07:24But when you win, don't take nothing.
07:27Don't take a thing out of there because it's one of those cursed cities and we don't want you to have nothing to do with anything in it because all money ain't good money.
07:39Yeah, all money ain't good money.
07:41And so don't you touch nothing there.
07:43Don't take any of the plunder.
07:45Take another mental note.
07:46Take another mental note.
07:48In the military now, persons in the military get a check on the 1st and the 15th.
07:52But back in the day in this culture and context, the persons in the army didn't get paid.
07:59So the only money you got was the plunder or whatever you got once you beat another army.
08:05That's how you got paid because you beat them and take their stuff.
08:09So what happens when God tells you, you're going to win, but don't take nothing.
08:13I'm going someplace.
08:15I'm going someplace.
08:16Oh, you don't put your thinking cap on this summer.
08:19Don't come because you will be lost if you don't stick with me.
08:22Take a mental note.
08:23They did not get paid.
08:24Persons in the military did not get paid.
08:27He says when the walls of Jericho come tumbling down, don't take nothing.
08:31I know you'll be tempted.
08:33Bling sitting there, jewelry, clothes, goods.
08:37Don't take a thing.
08:38Just walk up out of there because it's one of those cursed cities and I will have nothing to do with the cursed thing.
08:44But this cat named Aiken in chapter 7 and chapter 7 is sandwiched right between the falling of Jericho's walls and the victory of A.R. in chapter 8.
08:57Sandwiched in between that is chapter 7, which most people in church have never read.
09:02In chapter 7, Sunday school teachers don't know this.
09:05Some pastors don't touch this.
09:07People been in church all their life.
09:08Many don't know about chapter 7 because it is in chapter 7 of the book of Joshua that we see the sin of Aiken.
09:15What is the sin of Aiken?
09:17This cat named Aiken.
09:19Everybody else left.
09:21Didn't touch nothing.
09:22But Aiken saw this polo robe.
09:26It could have been polo.
09:27I don't know.
09:29Aiken sees this jewelry like, oh man, man.
09:34Come on, bro.
09:35Hungry, bro.
09:36Need some money.
09:37And we just gonna leave this stuff here.
09:40So he grabs the robe.
09:42He grabs the bling.
09:44But God seen him.
09:46Pastor, how did God see him?
09:48Where can I go from your presence?
09:50If I make my bed in hell, God is if I take the wings of the earth and fly to the most parts of the earth, you are there.
09:56You can't really run from God's presence.
09:58So sometime when you think you got away with something, God saw you.
10:02And so the sin of Aiken is that Aiken, you'll love this, Aiken takes that which he's not supposed to take.
10:10And because of that, we now call it the sin of Aiken.
10:14God finds out and says, take that brother out and take his family out.
10:22Another mental note.
10:23Take him out and destroy everything connected to him.
10:28Somebody pointed me and said, take your time and teach pastor.
10:31Go ahead.
10:32All right.
10:33It's about to get gooder and gooder.
10:35So what had happened is now in chapter seven, they go into this battle with a little small city, with a little small army, no more than 12, 13,000 people, maybe 15 at the most, including the military in the whole city.
10:50And Aiken, because of what he did, AI whooped Israel's behind.
10:59Now they just coming off a major victory where all they had to do was march.
11:04They just shouted and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
11:08Be careful when you on top because you'll bust a move that takes you back down.
11:14Watch this.
11:15They at the top of things.
11:16They just won.
11:17Walls of Jericho came tumbling down.
11:19They think AI is gravy.
11:21We need to got to send everybody.
11:22Just send a few troops and knock them out right quick.
11:25AI got out on them.
11:28Boop, boop, boop, dropped them.
11:29About three dozen men got killed and lost their lives in the battle of AI.
11:35And I'm tripping because how in the world could Israel lose to something so small?
11:41Aren't you mad about losing to little things?
11:45Some of you just too big for the little stuff you lose into.
11:49Have you ever looked back over your life and said that was too little to lose to?
11:53He was too little to lay with.
11:54Can I get six people?
11:56Can I get some real people that can look back over your life and say, I know I got to lose some battles, but that was too little for me to succumb to.
12:04Have you ever looked back over your life and said I was too big to lose to something that small.
12:09If you're not careful, it's the little foxes.
12:11The Bible says you will look up and something little got you and him about to get divorced.
12:17Some little argument led to him pushing you.
12:20You didn't hit your head, not here in prison over something little.
12:23Some of you are too big for little porn sites and little websites and little social media sites.
12:28Stuff that's messing up who you are.
12:30I'm sorry.
12:31Lean on somebody and say I'm too big for that.
12:32Go ahead.
12:34Oh, some of y'all looking at me crazy, but the Lord sent me to tell you, you are too big to lose to little stuff.
12:41You are too big to hang with little people.
12:44You are too big to come down to the level of small thinking people.
12:48You too big for that.
12:50Israel should have never lost that battle, but because one man did one thing, it impacted everyone.
13:02And in this culture of individualism, I think it's critical that I pause and tell you.
13:08Because now in this individualistic thought, in this ethos of selfishness and everybody get yours.
13:15And look, I go to that big church.
13:16Reason why I like a big church?
13:18Because nobody in your business.
13:19Them small churches, too many people want to know too much stuff.
13:22I love the word church.
13:23I get in.
13:24I get out.
13:25Yeah, I got to touch a few people and say high five.
13:28Wish you stopped that.
13:29Other than that, I don't touch nobody.
13:30I don't talk to nobody.
13:31I get in my car and I'm out.
13:33But can I tell you, the Lord told me to tell thousands of people, including the 30, 40,000 that watch on social media outlets who are connected to us.
13:42That it is not about codependence, but it's also not about independence.
13:47The kingdom is interdependence, which means we do need each other.
13:52And one man, what he did impacted the whole nation and the whole army.
14:00Oh, there's an elephant in the room.
14:02You can't turn on YouTube right now without some pastor falling into something or something he did 10, 20 years ago, grabbing him by the heel and pulling him back.
14:14And now men of God who we look at as wonderful men, one thing they may have done is now pulling the whole kingdom and pulling their whole church.
14:23And God told me, be careful how you walk, R.A.
14:26But don't just look at me.
14:28I come to talk to you and tell you that you matter to us.
14:32And one move you make could impact a lot of people who look to you more than they look to me.
14:37So, Lord, keep me.
14:39Can I get five people that say, God, let me walk right?
14:42Because if you ask Pastor Vernon, in my 25th year next year, what is my greatest prayer?
14:50Jesus as my witness.
14:51It's not money, and I need that.
14:53It's not popularity.
14:54I know enough people.
14:55Enough people know me.
14:56My greatest prayer in the world is that I finish without falling.
15:04You don't know how much stuff I would give up before I dropped all of you.
15:11Before I had you tripping about something I did that you had to apologize for or something I did on Lady Vernon or something.
15:18I'm not human. Pray for me because I'm subject to fall like anybody.
15:21I'm begging God, keep me, because sometimes one little thing can throw your whole family off.
15:27One little thing.
15:28So, God, keep me as a member of the world church.
15:30Okay, now, that was the hard part.
15:32And now we can just have straight church because this is going to bless your life.
15:36Now, here it is.
15:37It's about to get gooder and gooder right quick because now, you see why you appreciate context?
15:42What if I hadn't told you all that?
15:43How would verse 2 of chapter 8 make sense if you didn't see the beginning of the movie?
15:47You saw the beginning of the movie.
15:48Now, verse 2 says, here it is.
15:50You would do the same thing to A.I. and his king that you did to Jericho and his king.
15:55Y'all didn't shout.
15:56You may take its loot.
15:59You may take its loot.
16:00Give me the loot.
16:01Give me the loot.
16:02Give me the loot.
16:03Nineties, I'm sorry, y'all.
16:04And livestock for yourselves set an ambush behind the city.
16:07Wait a minute.
16:08Wait a minute.
16:09He says, I'm giving you A.I.
16:10Somebody missed it.
16:11I'm giving you A.I.
16:13Wait a minute.
16:14I'm giving you A.I.
16:15You're going to beat A.I. up.
16:17Well, God, how come we ain't win the last time?
16:20Because you ain't take me with you.
16:23Some of y'all looking at me with a strange look on your face like you can't remember
16:28a season of your life where you didn't take God with you, where you bust a move without
16:32praying, when you dated somebody without intercession, when you jumped too fast.
16:35And once you get your behind whooped in life, once you lose four or five years, can I get
16:40some real people who've made some real mistakes to be a witness that when you don't take God
16:47with you, when you bust a move that you didn't consult him about, what seems insignificant,
16:54you can lose nine years.
16:57Yeah, one wrong house messed up your credit.
17:00Helping somebody get a car you didn't pray for has messed up who you are and your name
17:04and your credit report.
17:05You'd be surprised how many people made one mistake they didn't consult God about.
17:09And I'll keep saying, the reason why I put all these young adults on the front row every
17:14week is because I'm trying to save you time, child support payments, therapy.
17:20I wish I had somebody my age or older that would say, listen to your pastor, young people,
17:25praise God.
17:26Because when you don't take God with you, I share it with the 9 o'clock service.
17:32I got friends in all denominations.
17:34I got Word of Faith friends.
17:35They got two, three jets.
17:36I got Pentecostal friends.
17:38They help me pray in tongues better.
17:40I got Baptist friends.
17:41I grew up Baptist.
17:42Pastor, how come you just don't stay with one group?
17:45Denomination means separation.
17:47Yeah, yeah.
17:49$5, $10, $20 bill, that's denominations of money.
17:54Five or 10 or 20, God has called us to come together.
17:57So I keep Word of Faith friends around me.
18:00But one of the things I teach them is that, well, I say to them, Dr. Vernon, R.A., just
18:05believe God.
18:06Just believe.
18:07I said, no, 1 John 5, 14 says, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
18:14So just because I asked for it, it's not automatic.
18:17I have to be in his will or he has a right to say no.
18:22Can y'all handle something parenthetically?
18:24So let me tell you why prayer is critical.
18:26Because I can't get my prayers answered unless I pray God's will.
18:31But I can't find God's will unless I pray.
18:36Let me try this one more time.
18:37I can't get my prayers answered correctly unless I pray in God's will.
18:42But I can't discover God's will.
18:44Come here, couples, unless we pray for God's will.
18:47So you praying for the man, you ought to be praying for the will.
18:51You praying for the car.
18:53And all married couples come here, you got to ask yourself, baby, did you hear something?
18:57Because until we hear something, we not making this move.
19:00Baby, but the deal is right there, right now.
19:02Did you hear something?
19:03So what?
19:04How much it cost?
19:05Did you hear something?
19:06Are we sure this the will of God for us?
19:08Because here it is, we too old to say oops.
19:11Y'all just missed that.
19:12Everybody under 25, you got four oopses left in your life.
19:16Everybody my age, you are out of oopses.
19:18Touch your neighbor and say, I can't say oops no more.
19:20Go ahead.
19:21No, I can't say oops no more.
19:22Every move I make, got to win.
19:24Everything I invest in, I got to have it work now.
19:26I ain't got time to buy the wrong house again, meet the wrong man.
19:29I can do bad.
19:31I'm sorry, look down your row, say no more oops to me.
19:37Go ahead.
19:38I'm too old for oops.
19:39YF got four oopses left before they're 30.
19:42I have no more oopses left.
19:43Are y'all enjoying this?
19:51Can I teach?
19:53This gon' bless y'all.
19:55He says, okay, this time, watch this.
19:57This time, you gon' win.
19:59win. You missed your shout. He said this time you're gonna win. He says the same
20:03thing that happened in Jericho. God I think I'll turn up for a minute. The same
20:08thing that happened in Jericho. Watch this. It's gonna happen in A. I know you
20:12just lost. I know you're feeling down and defeated but trust me now you got a word
20:17and once you get a word you can operate on that word with boldness. You went
20:23without me the first time that's why you got your behind whooped because you didn't
20:26pray, you didn't wait, you didn't trust, you just acted in the flesh. But this
20:31time I'm telling you, can I tell you what makes me know I'm gonna win? Look at your
20:34neighbor say all I need is a flashback. Go ahead. Come here Todd Trippett if he
20:38did it before he can do it. Y'all just missed that. Can I get 50 people that say
20:43if God did it for me before he can do it again. I need some people that the reason
20:48why you trust God is because if he brought you out of that I know he can
20:53bring me out of this. Can I get 50 people that God has been so good to you
20:58and brought you out of so many dilemmas that now you can tell anybody I know
21:02what God can do. Why don't y'all sit down or stand up. I told you guys to take a
21:14mental note, a second mental note. You know what, either bring your brain or
21:18stay home because I'm not playing with y'all this summer. No this is not gonna
21:22be easy preaching. I've been preaching too long for easy preaching. I'm gonna
21:25push you. I'm gonna push you cognitively to think with me not just be entertained
21:29but to think with me while I'm preaching so you can't daydream because you're
21:32gonna miss something that I said. I said take a mental note and the mental note
21:35also I told you to take. I told you. I remember how come you don't. I said take
21:39a mental note that people in the military did not what? People in the
21:44military now get paid on the 1st and the 15th. Good money, great money. Depending
21:47on how long you've been in, very good money. But now back then it was only what
21:52you got. It was only whose camp you took and you lived off the plunder so they
21:58live to win. Talk about incentive. Talk about incentive to win and can I pause
22:04here parenthetically and tell you something? He says I'm gonna give you
22:08incentive to win. I'm gonna give you incentive to obey me because it's not
22:13even intelligent to ask young people to trust God and don't tell them what they
22:19gonna get out of it. I hope rain permitting. You're pastor crazy. I got to
22:25permit for Wednesday and Thursday because we thought rain might come. We
22:28were going downtown on the pier this Wednesday. Now we're going Thursday as
22:32they told you because they call it for rain Wednesday. No choir rehearsal on
22:35that. I want the whole church to come down on the pier because we gonna strike
22:38while it's hot and I'm believing God. They say the pier be jumping and that's
22:43okay. You know they got like restaurants right there. Just bring a little money,
22:46food, whatever you want. Volleyball, we preaching, stage, music, band. I'm
22:50believing God for hundreds, at least tens and tens of young people, old people to
22:55give their life to Jesus. The issue is, and by the way another parenthetical,
22:59that's why I fell in love with Lady Bernadette on the pier. Our first date
23:03was on the pier. How old are you? They called it Captain Frank's back then. Raise
23:06your hand. Praise God. Thank you. Y'all wouldn't know nothing about that. There
23:10was no restaurants down there, nothing. Just one chain in front of the river.
23:13That was it. That's where we fell in love. Praise God. And so to go back to where I
23:17fell in love is gonna be something and the tag team preached with my son all
23:20that. I'm saying all that to say when young people come to Jesus Thursday,
23:24they got a question. Watch this. What I'm gonna get out of this? And you gotta sell
23:30more than fire insurance. You won't go to hell, fire insurance. Oh y'all not here.
23:38Praise God. You gotta sell them more than fire insurance. They're like, no, I grew up
23:42on MTV. I grew up on YouTube. I grew up on NBA players, 19 years old, making 250
23:47million and can't even make a free throw. I grew up watching success. So you can't
23:51tell young people today that they don't get nothing out of it except they get to
23:55go to heaven one day. So the scripture, whether you know it or not, gives
24:00incentives. I know many of you think it's just about going to heaven, but the old
24:04folk used to say living right will pay off. And the scripture, let me help
24:09somebody, is filled with incentives. It's just not live right and give up stuff
24:15and one day you'll see Jesus. That's enough and that's true, but that's not
24:19all that's in the Bible. No, the Bible says, you'll love this. Malachi 3, give
24:2210% of everything comes to you to God. Here's the incentive. I'll open up the
24:27windows of heaven, pour you out a blessing. You won't even have room to
24:32receive. Galatians 6 says, whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Well, I'm
24:38the one that decides what I plant. So if I plant good stuff, good stuff gonna come
24:42back in my life. I plant terrible stuff, terrible stuff gonna pop up in my life.
24:46But I get a chance to write my own check and cast my own vision based on God's
24:52will for my life. Proverbs 22, parents, train up a child. I get so tired of
24:57raising these children, pastor. They grown, still getting on my nerves. Train up a
25:01child in the way they should go. When they get old, they won't depart from it.
25:04They may do something stupid, but they'll return back to the teacher you put in
25:08them. Pastor, I don't feel like doing what my mom and daddy say. I'm 12, 13. Ephesians 6,
25:13honor your mother and father and you'll live a long time instead of dying
25:18prematurely from stupidity. That's incentive.
25:26Pastor, this chick is getting on my nerves. I can get me another one tomorrow.
25:29I'm sick of her. First Peter 3 says, if you don't treat her right, I'm not gonna
25:33even answer your prayers. That's enough to say, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Why? Because
25:40God says, you don't treat your wife right, I won't even hear your prayers. Which is
25:46why I honor your first lady more than anybody else in this world and honor her
25:49with ma'am and yes and can I serve you. Yes, I love her, but the incentive is, God
25:54says, I'll bless you. But you think that's good? I know I'm on a rabbit trail. Look
25:58at somebody and say, where's Joshua? How did we get over here? Praise God. Where
26:01were we? It was something about Joshua when he started and now we're talking about, okay
26:05praise God. Here's the one that's boss though. Mark 10. Mark 10 28. Peter says
26:10this. Peter says, it's on the screen. He says, then Peter began to speak up. We've
26:15given up everything to follow you. What we gonna get out of this?
26:22Those of you who read the New Testament, you know Peter had a tendency to place
26:28his feet geographically in his mouth. Yeah, Peter was crazy. Peter cussed and
26:33fought. Peter cut a brother ear off. Jesus said, Peter, don't be cutting people's
26:36ear off. Jesus Christ, just come here, Marcus. Come here, Marcus. Put your ear back on. Be
26:40healed in Jesus. I'm sorry, my disciple got some temporal issues. Had to put the
26:45man ear back on, all that. Peter cut the man whole ear off. So Peter was the truth
26:48and Peter said to Jesus, we've given up everything. And don't you be hating on
26:54Peter because all Peter was doing was saying what the other 11 was thinking.
26:58You don't think they was landing the cut like, man, we out here with this guy. Man,
27:02he talking about foxes have holes and birds have nests. But the Son of Man have
27:08no place to lay his head. I miss my woman and my babies and his brother then pulled
27:11us off our boats and got us out here. I was tax collecting, getting paid. Now we
27:14walking with this guy, eating out of cornfields. I don't know what's going on.
27:17And Peter said, I'm axing tomorrow. That's what I think he said. And so Peter
27:24like, hey, look, look, Miss J. I'm just gonna keep it real because I'm your dude. I just
27:28cut a brother ear off for you because I love you. But I'm gonna tell you the
27:30truth. I'm trying to figure out what we gonna get out of this. Yeah, we gave up a
27:34lot to follow you. We gave up a lot. Some of y'all looking at me, strange. And the
27:38next verse, somebody should shout. It's on the screen. Jesus replied, I assure you
27:42that everyone who has given up a house or brothers or a sister or mother or
27:47father or children or property for my sake and for the good news, here's your
27:51shout, we'll receive now. Come here, young people. We'll receive now. We'll receive
27:58now. A hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children,
28:07property, along with persecution in the world to come, the person will have
28:14eternal life. You missed it. He said in the world to come, which means and you
28:18get to go to heaven. But he's not talking about the world to come. You get eternal
28:22life when you die. But in this life, if you, I wish I had some single people who
28:28are not celibate, you just abstinent. Cuz celibate means you have the gift of no
28:35sex. Abstinent mean I want it real bad, but I love Jesus. Please look down your
28:41row and say, I'm definitely abstinent. Praise God. Go ahead. Yeah, I must have
28:45missed that gift. I must have been in the bathroom. I got the gift of tongues to
28:49get the faith, but the one. And I'm talking to some old people here too, with
28:55snow on the roof and fire in the chimney. I'm talking to all of you, praise God.
28:59You know what, some of y'all looking at me funny, so let's tear the church up. Is
29:03there anybody who's not a loose Christian? You a straight-up Christian,
29:07and you don't cuss as much as you used to because you love Jesus. There's a lot
29:12of people want to go to bed with you that you saying no to because you love
29:15Jesus. Your wife is not the only cute woman you know, but you're honoring her
29:19because you love Jesus, and you believe in your heart that if I give up some
29:23stuff now, God will give it back to me. Not just when I get to heaven, but right
29:28now. I wished I had a hundred people watching me all across the world that
29:32would say, I want Jesus and I want to be blessed right now.
29:36Slap five people, say right now, right now, right now.
29:43Pastor, pastor, pastor, I just caught you in a lie because my sisters and some of
29:50my brothers and cousins are a trip, and I gave them up because of the toxicity. And
29:55the scripture says, I'll get a hundred times where they at. I'm sorry, church
30:00never said, look around the church. God gave you spiritual brothers and sisters,
30:07Sister Benny, that would pray for you when don't nobody pray for you. God has
30:12given you people on this role that are good to you more than some of your
30:15cousins. God replaced some of your family with a church family that will have your
30:20back if somebody died. What if Beatrice wouldn't have been coming to church?
30:29Because she came to church, her mama got killed in a drunk driving incident, and
30:35her brothers and sisters threw enough money on the stage to fly mama home and
30:39daddy home. Don't tell me. Y'all ready? I'll give you a hundred times. Baby, baby, I
30:47saw this in the office. What you do between services? I hug as many people as
30:51I can, and then I go right back to the office and study some more and watch the
30:56film from nine o'clock like Peyton Manning, try to make sure I can play
30:58better at 11. So I go back and I thought about something I didn't say. He said, I'll
31:02give you a hundred times. Bishop Jakes told me something I shall never forget.
31:05He said, God ain't making no more land. He said, you can always build a house, but
31:12God ain't making no more land. So we saw a piece of land in foreclosure years ago,
31:16house wasn't all that, but I kept thinking about what he said. In foreclosure,
31:19little bit of nothing, all these acres, and I got the land. Didn't catch this. I
31:24said, wait a minute, I grew up in the projects with no property. But God says,
31:30if you chase me, I'll give you a hundred times. Some of y'all didn't say nothing.
31:38Can I just speak over some young people and some of their parents and tell you
31:43good things are about to come your way. Can I get 50 people to say 100 fold,
31:47100 fold over my life, over my children, over my grandchildren. And because pastor
31:57is not sloppy theologically, I'm going to touch what most pastors won't.
32:03Because the very end of the B clause says, I'll give you a hundred fold,
32:07more brothers and sisters, property, resources, but everybody misses this
32:12with persecution. Oh, thank you that I go to a real church. He says,
32:18now I'm not going to lie to you. You still may go through some hell.
32:22While I'm opening doors, your mama might play you. While I'm opening doors,
32:26your best friend may talk about you. While I'm opening doors,
32:28your supposed boyfriend may bust a creep move on you. So I'm not telling you that
32:32life don't give you some funky stuff. I'm just telling you I'll never leave you.
32:38No one forsake you. I need some real people that sometimes life get funky.
32:42But don't you know he's building your testimony. He's making you stronger.
32:47And I'm not going to teach you that life don't get funky sometimes.
32:53That's for people in pain who got plenty of money and a whole lot of other problems.
32:58And so I'll never teach you that plastic theology that life don't present you
33:02with funky stuff. Okay, let's get back. Let's get back to Joshua because this
33:06going to bless your life. So I thought I was done, but I want you to catch this
33:09because verse 3 says, and Joshua and all the fighting men set out to attack Ai.
33:15Ai, Joshua chose 3,000 of his best warriors and sent them out at night.
33:20Wait a minute. He sent them out at night. Wait a minute. God says, are y'all bored?
33:25Somebody say, teach, pastor. So God says, I'm going to give you Ai,
33:32but the difference is, unlike Jericho, I told y'all to take another mental note.
33:37Where is the class at? What was the second mental note?
33:41I told you that all they did was march around. Come on. I need you to take your
33:46phones out when I'm preaching and write these mental notes down because I feel
33:49like I'm losing my class. Where are my teachers and principals at?
33:52Y'all not even helping me. I need the class to pay attention because I need y'all
33:54to understand. I said, march around seven times. And all you got to do on the seventh
34:00time, on the seventh day is shout. And when they shouted, the walls what?
34:07Came tumbling down. God says, that's the way you won that battle.
34:12That's not the way you're going to win this one. Because sometimes you need
34:16spirituality. Other times, you also need strategy. The problem is,
34:22many of you have spirituality but no strategy. You love to pray but you hate
34:28to plan. And you hide your planning behind your praying. When God says,
34:35you're still intelligent. And if you want to win, don't just pray to me.
34:39Sit down at your computer and have a strategy for victory. He says,
34:44this time, it's going to be more than just praying. It's going to be more
34:48than just shouting, I got a plan. And some of you are frustrated because you
34:53marry somebody who's decent with no strategy. Some of you get mad because we
35:00need a plan. And when you bring up the deficit, oh, we're going to be all right.
35:06And you look back and say, no, we ain't. The bill is right here.
35:10When are we going to be all right? We need a plan, player.
35:14It's going to be all right. No, it's not. Some of your marriages are struggling.
35:23Marriages are struggling because there's no plan. There's no date night.
35:26There's no time. We discuss real issues. We walk through our plan financially.
35:31You need a plan. I'm not going to bore you with the strategy.
35:34You read it when you get home, about 10 verses of strategy.
35:37I'm going to burn a nice, modernize and contemporize it in like a minute,
35:4030 seconds, so you can go home with, here's the plan. He says,
35:43here's what we're going to do. Pick your best 30,000. There's a sermon in that.
35:48Don't just get the raggedy brothers, get the brothers who are ready to fight.
35:51I know you got millions but pick your best 30,000. I wish I could find my 30,000
35:56up in here that say, pastor, let's turn Cleveland out.
35:59Let's do damage to the kingdom of darkness. Just because people go here,
36:03don't mean they fight material. Just because people show up,
36:06don't mean they got enough God, enough Holy Spirit,
36:08enough word in them to help you tear down dominions and kingdoms.
36:16He says, pick your best 30. Here's what you're going to do.
36:18I want you to run up on A.I.'s army. Run up on them like you're going to swing on them.
36:22Have your knives, everything ready, run up on them.
36:25When they see you running up on them, since they just beat y'all bad,
36:29they're going to be arrogant. So when they see you running up on them,
36:32they're going to think, oh, they want some more. We just tore that butt up.
36:35Y'all want some more. So A.I., you've empowered them. Somebody beneath you,
36:43now feel like they got power over you. How somebody that small think they can have me?
36:49Y'all got to... What did I do to make somebody so small think they had that much
36:55power? Y'all not... A.I. is now arrogant because you've empowered somebody that
37:04should have never been in your space. Should have never had a chance with you.
37:07You got them thinking they somebody. So here's what's going to happen.
37:10When y'all start running up on them, they're going to be like, oh, what's up?
37:14So when y'all start running at them, they're going to start running at y'all.
37:18When this little army start running at y'all, fake like y'all scared and run away
37:23from them. While y'all run away from them, they're going to chase y'all.
37:27But they don't know I'm going to leave a bunch of troops next to their city hiding
37:34in the cut. So while they're chasing y'all, I'm going to have the rest of the soldiers
37:39bum-rush their families because they're so busy chasing, they left their house
37:43uncovered. Thank you, Lady Verna. Thank you, Lady Verna. She told me that
37:49between service. You're so busy chasing that you have no idea your daughter at home
37:53kissing another woman. You have no idea your son is at home.
37:56Didn't change his whole mind about who he is. You have no idea what's happening in
38:00your house because you're so busy chasing in your arrogance that you left your house
38:04uncovered. You didn't come. That's a whole nother teaching. I got to go.
38:08So what's going to happen is when they start chasing y'all, you guys act like you're
38:13scared and start running. The whole army going to chase you guys because they don't
38:18have a strategy. They're going to start chasing y'all. When they start chasing you
38:22guys, then I want the guys next to the camp to take the camp and set the camp on
38:28fire. Now they're going to be in the middle of chasing y'all and look back and see
38:34their city on fire. Now they're going to choose between fighting y'all and going
38:38home. Y'all not talking to me. Y'all not talking to me. Y'all not talking to me
38:45because I want you to catch this because Joshua, Joshua, the Bible says, the Bible
38:51says that Joshua and all the Israel pretended to be defeated. They ran away
38:56toward the desert. Not one man was left in Eil, Bethel. They all went after Israel so
39:01the city was left unprotected. Then God said to Joshua, oh my goodness, my time is
39:07gone. You've been reading your Bible all your life. Joshua, all I want you to do
39:12during the battle, don't swing no punches. Stretch out your javelin toward the city
39:18of Eil. Somebody should take off running. Somebody who believes in prayer should
39:23already be taken off. Here's what I want you to do. While they're fighting, you
39:26stretch out your javelin. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Joshua like, God, I fight.
39:32I fight. Almost swung on you. Did you forget? When you ran up on me, I know who
39:37you were. Almost swung on you. I don't just lay back in the cut. I fight. He said,
39:42no, no, no, no. I'm not shifting you to another level of intercession. I'm
39:46shifting you to another level of responsibility. Some of your ancillary
39:50duties somebody else can do because now I got you in another place where some of
39:54the stuff you used to get involved in, you no longer can get involved in because
39:58I've called you to stretch out your rod. And some of you are so busy fighting
40:02battles that you're not supposed to fight when God says all you gotta do is
40:05stretch your hand towards your child's bedroom in prayer and say, in the name of
40:09Jesus. Some of you God has called you to another level when the battle is not
40:15yours. It's Dolores. And God says all I want you to do is stretch out. Y'all
40:20don't know y'all pastor. Some of y'all are post-pandemic members. All my
40:26post-pandemic members watching all across the world, post-pandemic members.
40:29You joined after the pandemic so you don't know pre-pandemic Pastor Vernon.
40:33Pre-pandemic Pastor Vernon, if a roach walked across this stage, I knew what
40:38kind of tennis shoes he had on. Y'all just missed that. It was my job to know
40:43everything. My church was young. I had to watch stuff, new church, all that stuff. So
40:47I had to have my hand in everything because it was my job. Four or five
40:51campuses, ten services, six on the weekend, young people, me preaching most of them
40:56every Sunday, Wednesday, four times preaching, over men's Monday, Tuesday
41:00staff meeting, three Bible studies, all kind of stuff. And I was in everything.
41:04But pre-pandemic, that was me. But post-pandemic, God says, no more that. Now,
41:10let somebody else do that. You stretch out your rod. You didn't just hear what I
41:16said. Because I got some Bible readers that remember Exodus 17, that as long as
41:22they held up the arms of Moses, Israel won the battle. But whenever Moses' arms
41:28came down, they start losing the battle. And God says, I don't need you to fight. I
41:33need you to pray. Because if you pray, I got men that'll fight for you. I no
41:37longer have to do everything. I got my son running the staff, my wife killing
41:41the game, Elder Reno ministry. I got good people that can handle the stuff. My job
41:45is to war and say, Jesus, touch every younger dog. Touch every married woman.
41:50Touch all the sandwich I had somebody. Slap three people, say, somebody pray for
41:54me. He says, stretch out your rod. All they had to do, imagine Joshua, he wanted
42:05to get in the battle. But God says, don't do that. Just stretch out your rod. Just
42:08stretch out your rod. I'm at another place in ministry. Next year, we'll be a
42:11quarter-century old. I'm no longer in every detail. I don't come to every
42:15meeting. I meet with people I need to meet with. I spend my time in prayer. This
42:18Tuesday, I got 40 or 50 of my closest male leaders coming out to the house to
42:24stand on the deck. I told Elder Howard, find me 50 men that we trust to be in my
42:28home, all that. We're gonna pray at 530 in the morning on my deck. We're gonna
42:33strike while it's hot. Before the weather shifts, I was up praying the other
42:37morning, and God said, bring 50 brothers to pray with you. Women, how come we can't
42:41come? Because whenever Lady Vernon's not there, I don't bring women like that. So,
42:44I want to honor my wife, whatever she's doing with the kids. So, this is men only
42:48just for that reason. I know most of my intercessors are women, but this is men
42:51because I'll be out there with 50 men, and we're gonna stretch out our rod. And
42:55while you're driving to work, you have no idea that some car was supposed to hit
42:59you. Some gun was supposed to shoot your child. Come here. But you have no idea
43:05what prayer can do. Do I have anybody that believes in the power of prayer? And
43:10many of you, some stuff you don't have is because you didn't ask for it. He said
43:15you have not become. Look at me, man. And so, when Brother Kitchens, president of
43:24Tri-C East, lost his wife with plenty of good money, traveling the world, every
43:29time they hugged me, every time they hugged me, pastor, we headed to Dubai.
43:32Pastor, we headed to Paris. I said, y'all just do what y'all want to do. Past the
43:3534 years of marriage, we raised our kids, we educated ourselves, we did right by
43:40our money, and so now we enjoying one another, and then boom. Sickness happened.
43:45So every morning, hear me, before I pray anything, Jesus know I'm telling the
43:49truth. Lord, watch over Victory Rose Vernon. Lord, let her live to be at least
43:53100. If one of us have to die first, let it be me. My children and grandchildren
43:58need their grandmother more than they need their grandfather. I put enough in
44:01my sons to carry on. I put policies in place. But Lord, I pray that you keep her,
44:05and if not, let us both go together in our ripe late 90s in Jesus' name. Pastor,
44:10who you think you are? I'm a man of God with a Bible, and the Bible says you have
44:14not. Some of the stuff you want, you haven't prayed for. You so busy trying to
44:19do it in the flesh when you can call on the name that's above every name. Can I
44:23get 50 people to start calling out some stuff right quick that you want God to
44:27do in your life? Do me a favor, call your kids name out right quick. Call your
44:32brothers and sisters name out. Call yourself debt-free in Jesus' name.
44:36Whatever you ask according to my will. And so I cover my wife, and I pray for all
44:45of my children, starting with Dominique from oldest to youngest, and English did
44:49in tongues. I call out what I believe is on their life from the oldest to the
44:52youngest. I call it out in tongues every morning. I don't manipulate God's will,
44:56and just because I ask for it does not mean I'm going to automatically get it.
44:59But it will not be because I didn't ask. Yeah, it will not be. I'll have no guilt
45:05if something happens because I prayed. I won't have to ask. Maybe I could have
45:09stopped that. No, if it happens, God is God. He does what he wants to do, so I
45:13can't manipulate his will, but it will not happen because I didn't ask. I'll be
45:18able to say at the funeral I prayed. I'll be able to say whatever happens, I prayed.
45:21Prayer is power. All my time is gone. I ain't got no shout at me today. I come to
45:28minister to somebody because your Bible says, your Bible says that when they left,
45:32your Bible says Israel's army circled back to Ai and killed everything in the
45:38house. The Bible says killed the women and the children. The Bible says 12,000
45:44people massacred. That's cute on Sunday, but what if you was watching that as a
45:48movie on Monday? You say, that's horrific, them innocent babies and them innocent
45:53women. Theodicy, how God involves himself in evil. How do you see God when
45:57something evil happens? How do you reconcile a good God allowing evil
46:00things to happen? That's theodicy. I don't have time for that. Let me bless your life
46:05as you go because I got to answer this question. Pastor, why they got to kill
46:07everybody? Y'all ready for this? Because the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the
46:11Jezebites had one goal. Let's turn the church up. They had one goal. That is to
46:15kill Israel, to wipe out Israel. If you kill Israel, watch this, there is no
46:19David. If there is no David, there is no Jesse. Come on, talk to me, somebody. If
46:23there is no Jesse, there is no David. If there's no David, there is no Joseph. Come
46:26on, man. If there is no Joseph, there is no Jesus. So Jesus says, as much as I love
46:31you, before I let you, God says, before I let you kill my son, before I let you
46:36kill the seed. Now, all you women looking at me crazy, if there was a baby and a
46:40woman trying to kill your baby, let me try this again. If there was a baby and a
46:46child trying to kill your baby, then A, I must die. Y'all just missed your shot. And
46:52God says, I can't let them live because their kids may raise up and kill the
46:58seed. And if you kill the seed, I don't have my son. And if my son doesn't come,
47:02then my other children can never get eternal life because unless the seed
47:06falls to the ground and dies, it cannot live again. Come on, y'all. Come on. You don't know how much God
47:14killed to protect you. You don't know how much God went through so you can be here
47:20today. You don't know, I'm talking to somebody, how much God sacrificed so
47:25your behind could be sitting here.
47:33I love you, Pastor, but what this got to do with me, I said all that to make one
47:39point. In your life, what are your personal AIs? Because God says, your AI
47:46must die. And at this point, it's literally kill or be killed. Because if
47:52you don't kill it, it's gonna kill you. You think it's small, but something's
47:55growing in you. Your perversion is getting deeper. You were watching one
47:59page, now you're watching 12. Next thing you know, you're gonna be looking at kids and
48:02all kind of crazy stuff because you keep wanting more perversion and keep
48:05searching for stuff. Your attitude and your pride, if you don't kill it now, it's
48:09gonna kill you. You thought you came to church to live, God sent you to die. God
48:15says he came to crucify your flesh today, you gotta kill some stuff so your
48:20future can live. Your AI must die. Maybe it's social media, maybe it's a website,
48:30maybe it's a family member that you hooked on. And God says because you kin
48:36to them, you won't drop them. And you have no idea, they are slowly killing you
48:40literally. You cry every time you're in their presence and just because she gave
48:44you life don't mean she may not have to die. Just because he gave you life does
48:48not mean he may not have to die. I'm not talking about a physical death, I'm
48:51talking about an emotional, a separation where you have to say for me to live,
48:55then some stuff gotta die. Because my future, I can't play with this girl, I
49:00quit my job before I let this girl keep prancing around me in this cubicle
49:05because she's trying to kill me. And I gotta kill this job so my marriage can
49:10live. I gotta kill this Facebook because he can still find me. I gotta kill stuff
49:15that gives the enemy access and portals to me. In the name of Jesus, AI must die.
49:21And you came to church because your life is so big, you can't risk your life on
49:26no small AI. Don't empower AI. Maybe you got to do a social media fast for four
49:38or five weeks, I'm finished because AI must die. My maintenance guys, I love them.
49:45There was a, there was this grass in front of my house and they were just, got
49:51all this grass but this one little piece of grass right in front of the door. It's
49:55hard to cut and it just in the way. And one of them said, pastor, we think we got
50:01a better idea. It's such a small patch, let's get rid of it. And we'll just put
50:06like some mulch here on both sides and you never have to worry about grass
50:10growing again. I said, but no matter what you do, isn't grass inevitably gonna pop
50:16up? They said, oh no, no, no, no. So they took the shovel and they start turning it
50:22over. I mean digging. Then, then they sprayed some stuff to kill it. Then they
50:29put a piece of plastic over it. Then they put some mulch on top of it. I said, why
50:34y'all doing all that? They said, oh no, pastor, we got to uproot it because if we
50:39don't uproot it, it'll stick up again. We got to kill it, put some on top of it
50:45and cover it again because when David knocked Goliath down, the Bible says he
50:51didn't just knock him down. He walked over to the giant and cut his head off
50:55because rumor has it that he had some brothers and David said, I'm gonna kill
50:59you so they know if they come, they can get some too. I got to kill this thing.
51:03Y'all not talking to me, somebody. Some of you came to church today because
51:12there's an AI that got to die. If you don't kill it, it's gonna kill you. That's
51:18enough reason to kill it. If you don't kill it, it's gonna kill your son. You get
51:22off the phone with this person, you're depressed. Now your children got to feel
51:25your depression. You get off the phone with this person, your whole spirit is
51:28off. So all your friends got to always pick you up because of something your
51:31mother said. Got to pick you up because of this God. The same God playing the
51:35same games and you won't kill it. But today AI's gonna die. I don't know who
51:43this word is for today, but if I'm preaching to you in this crowded church,
51:47maybe there's 50 of you that need to alter real bad because I'm finna pray
51:51all AIs have a permanent death in the name of Jesus. Everything that's been
51:56holding you hostage. God's taking your family to another level. You're gonna be
52:00blessed and highly favored and everything the enemy has plotted against
52:05you shall not win. In the name of Jesus, I feel it now, I curse your past. I curse
52:11every negative force. Who am I talking to? Somebody ought to be running to me
52:16saying this AI got to die. I kill AI. That side chick got to die. That influence got
52:22to die. That cousin got to die. Whatever it is that's keeping you out of purpose,
52:27I break it in the name of Jesus. I got people at the altar right now. You
52:33ought to run down here right quick and say I need somebody to pray for me. Get
52:37your pride out of you. Get your pride out the way and bum rush somebody at this
52:41altar and say would you agree with me, touch and agree with me that my AI must
52:44die. If there's something you sick of dealing with, if there's something in
52:47your life, if there's some family mess, if there's some daddy pain, if there's
52:51some mommy mess, if there's ex-husband, ex-girlfriend stuff, baby's daddy stuff,
52:56stuff you're struggling with, pornography, depression, in the name of
53:00Jesus, it dies today. Somebody ought to be standing up in your house saying I
53:04received this Dr. Vernon. I need you standing in your house saying my AI must
53:08die. I got to strike while it's hot. I can't miss my moment. Come on, lift it up, lift it up, lift it up.
53:14A wonderful change, everybody.
53:17Come on, come on to the altar, come on, come on, come on, come on.
53:26Come on, come on.
53:33In the name of Jesus.
53:39In the name of Jesus.
53:41In the name of Jesus. In the
54:11name of Jesus.
54:42That's not him. Where you at?
54:46Evelyn brother, where you at?
54:48Run up here brother. Run up here.
54:5030 years in prison.
54:53Just got out yesterday
54:56and came to church.
54:58Come up here and give me a hug right quick.
55:01Somebody ought to sing a wonderful change.
55:03A wonderful change.
55:11I'm so glad.
55:14He changed me.
55:18I'm so glad about it, glad about it.
55:22Everybody glad.
55:25I'm so glad.
55:27I'm so glad he changed me.
55:32Changed me.
55:33Changed me.
55:36Changed me.
55:37Changed me.
55:38Changed me.
55:39Changed me.
55:40Changed me.
55:41Changed me.
55:42Changed me.
55:43Changed me.
55:44Changed me.
55:45Changed me.
55:46Changed me.
55:47Changed me.
55:48Changed me.
55:49Changed me.
55:50Changed me.
55:51Changed me.
55:52Changed me.
55:53Changed me.
55:54Changed me.
55:55Changed me.
55:56Changed me.
55:57Changed me.
55:58Changed me.
55:59Changed me.
56:00Changed me.
56:01Changed me.
56:02Changed me.
56:03Changed me.
56:04Changed me.
56:05Changed me.
56:06Changed me.
56:07Changed me.
56:08Changed me.
56:09Changed me.
56:10Changed me.
56:11Changed me.
56:12Changed me.
56:13Changed me.
56:14Changed me.
56:15Changed me.
56:16Changed me.
56:17Changed me.
56:18Changed me.
56:19Changed me.
56:20Changed me.
56:21Changed me.
56:22Changed me.
56:23Changed me.
56:24Changed me.
56:25Changed me.
56:26Changed me.
56:27Changed me.
56:28Changed me.
56:29Changed me.
56:30Changed me.
56:31Changed me.
56:32Changed me.
56:33Changed me.
56:34Changed me.
56:35Changed me.
56:36Changed me.
56:37Changed me.
56:38Changed me.
56:39Changed me.
56:40Changed me.
56:41Changed me.
56:42Changed me.
56:43Changed me.
56:44Changed me.
56:45Changed me.
56:46Changed me.
56:47Changed me.
56:48Changed me.
56:49Changed me.
56:50Changed me.
56:51Changed me.
56:52Changed me.
56:53Changed me.
56:54Changed me.
56:55Changed me.
56:56Changed me.
56:57Changed me.
56:58Changed me.
56:59Changed me.
57:00Changed me.
57:01Changed me.
57:02Changed me.
57:03Changed me.
57:04Changed me.
57:05Changed me.
57:06Changed me.
57:07Changed me.
57:08Changed me.
57:09Changed me.
57:10Changed me.
57:11Changed me.
57:12Changed me.
57:13Changed me.
57:14Changed me.
57:15Changed me.
57:16Changed me.
57:17Changed me.
57:18Changed me.
57:19Changed me.
57:20Changed me.
57:21Changed me.
57:22Changed me.
57:23Changed me.
57:24Changed me.
57:25Changed me.
57:26Changed me.
57:27Changed me.
57:28Changed me.
57:29Changed me.
57:30Changed me.
57:31Changed me.
57:32Changed me.
