• last year


00:00 because they don't pay the parking fee
00:02 this is the person
00:06 this is the person
00:08 this is the person
00:10 the person is silent, he was kicked out of his place
00:14 it is suspected that because the driver did not want to pay the parking fee
00:18 the parking officer was angry while pointing a hammer at the victim
00:22 from this incident, the Polsec Medan Kota ice cream unit finally moved quickly to catch the parking officer
00:28 if this is the case, the parking officer will be blamed
00:32 hopefully, the incident will not happen again tomorrow
00:36 friends, what do you think when you open the door of a house that looks like a cemetery?
00:49 it will be scary, right?
00:53 but this view is a common view for a number of residents living in Katiasa Village, Harjamukti, Cirebon City
01:02 yes, the houses are built as one with the complex of the general cemetery in Melaten
01:08 many residents in the village accompany the cemetery
01:12 even some cemeteries are located right in front of the house door
01:17 speaking about the general cemetery, it turns out that Katiasa Village has existed since the colonial period of the Dutch
01:25 and this cemetery has existed since 1925
01:29 based on the information, the area of Melaten City has a area of 2.6 hectares
01:34 this is a cemetery managed by the government of Cirebon City
01:38 and it is not allowed to be sold or bought
01:40 the residents are only allowed to live in the cemetery
01:43 the number of cemeteries is more than 4,300
01:47 even though there are thousands of cemeteries in this village complex
01:50 it turns out that Melaten City is an alternative access road for the residents and their surroundings
01:56 so it is not surprising if this city is always visited by many people
02:00 and makes the impression of horror in this village less
02:03 even so, the people who have lived in Katiasa Village for decades have experienced a mystical event
02:12 as stated by Mr. Salmat, a resident who has lived in Katiasa Village for 24 years
02:18 he admitted that there are several cemeteries that are known to be haunted and often disturb the locals
02:23 sometimes it is disturbing
02:27 there are cemeteries near the terminal, like Mahil
02:33 there are also cemeteries here that throw stones
02:39 have you ever heard of it?
02:42 never
02:43 never heard of it?
02:44 never
02:45 if you call my name
02:47 not only that, the sound of a drum that rings in the night is often heard from this cemetery complex
02:54 in the direction of the mosque, there is a drum
02:58 the mosque is here, right?
02:59 yes, the bridge
03:00 the bridge is like a playground
03:03 a drum?
03:04 yes
03:05 oh, there is a drum playing there?
03:07 yes
03:08 related to the existence of this cemetery, it turns out to have a history related to the figure spreading the religion of Islam during the time of Wali Songo, Sheikh Siti Jena
03:17 even some say that the grave of Sheikh Siti Jena was buried in this Komlaten cemetery
03:22 how about friends in the world who are interested in visiting and experiencing the alien in this village?
03:27 it's better to prepare your mind first so that you don't give up when you are there
03:32 [music]
03:41 after successfully passing the covid-19 pandemic
03:44 this time there is another virus that is no less terrifying and we should be careful in its presence
03:49 yup, the recent case of monkey larvae has been found in Indonesia
03:55 according to the latest data from the Jakarta Department of Health
03:59 there have been 13 cases of monkey larvae found in Jakarta per 25 October 2023
04:05 the Ministry of Health also acted quickly by starting to spread the monkey vaccination since October 24, 2023
04:12 but what is monkey larvae?
04:16 monkeypox is actually a virus infection that comes from monkeys
04:21 we say it as zoonosis
04:24 it means a virus that transforms from an animal virus to a human
04:30 unfortunately, this happened in the early 1970s in West Africa
04:37 that this virus was brought by monkeys
04:40 so what is monkeypox and what makes it different from monkeypox?
04:47 the main difference is that monkeypox can cause a more swollen stiffness
04:54 while monkeypox does not
04:56 not only that, even though it has been transmitted, usually monkeypox can recover in 4-7 days
05:03 but unlike monkeypox which needs more time, about 2-4 weeks
05:09 even monkeypox has caused death in 1 out of 10 people infected with the virus
05:14 it's scary, right?
05:17 then how can this monkey virus infect others?
05:21 the transmission of monkeypox is through contact
05:25 so if we are exposed to contact directly from lesions or open wounds
05:30 to the monkeypox patient, we will be more likely to get infected
05:36 as for the transmission from the air, it can happen
05:39 if we are exposed to contact from the monkeypox patient in a closed room
05:45 it's scary, right?
05:47 is there any treatment to cure this monkey virus?
05:52 how to cure monkeypox?
05:54 monkeypox is a virus
05:56 virus is a group of self-limited disease
05:59 what we do is rest, eat a lot, and prevent secondary infection
06:06 which means don't let bacteria get into our body
06:09 because the wounds in our body can be protected by hygiene and sanitation
06:13 that's what we do
06:15 for the prevention, are there any tips to prevent this monkey virus?
06:22 first, if we meet someone who has monkeypox
06:28 avoid contact, avoid contact, and must do self-isolation
06:33 and we who are healthy, we must maintain our immune system optimistically
06:38 eat well, exercise, and sleep well
06:42 that's enough
06:44 I hope this information can help the world's friends who are avoiding monkeypox
06:49 keep safe, Indonesian family
06:59 if you have this kind of event, you won't lose anything
07:04 it's exciting, right?
07:19 it's to make the atmosphere in the plane not lonely
07:23 and to make the passengers feel happy
07:26 a pilot invited the passengers of the karaoke with the song sang dewi
07:31 when the plane just landed
07:34 I love to call you, listen to this
07:42 even if the sky is clouded
07:49 I will believe
07:54 you can fly
07:57 without fear and hesitation
08:06 Mr. Pramugara, you can enjoy this
08:10 it's fun, right?
08:12 this Pramugara's life
08:13 it's like having a concert in the plane
08:16 talking about the concert
08:20 maybe this singer will be successful when he holds a concert in Indonesia
08:25 I cry
08:29 how not?
08:30 a musician and a music engineer from the United States
08:33 Fares Kalimah successfully stole the attention of Indonesian netizens
08:36 because he sang one of the songs of Roma Irama called Gelandangan
08:41 I cry as if my house is on fire
08:49 not only singing
08:51 Fares made a music video that describes the life of Tuna Wisman in the United States
08:56 what does it look like?
08:59 I cry as if my house is on fire
09:10 I cry as if my house is on fire
09:17 I cry as if my house is on fire
09:25 how about it, friends?
09:26 the song is really fun when sung by Mr. Fares
09:30 Mr. Fares also brought the song so falsely
09:33 and it doesn't look a little difficult
09:35 it's really cool
09:37 not only the song Gelandangan that he sang
09:40 Fares also sang a number of other Roma Irama songs like Kerama
09:45 I cry as if my house is on fire
09:55 and also Kehilangan
09:58 I cry as if my house is on fire
10:07 wow, it's really fun, friends
10:09 Mr. Fares next has to duet with Mr. Haji Roma in Indonesia
10:14 it will be really fun
10:18 you're really proud, right?
10:21 Indonesian songs are famous all over the country
10:25 not only Indonesian songs
10:36 but also Indonesian traditional dances
10:38 make anyone who sees it open with the beauty of the movement
10:43 as was done by one of the members of the Indonesian K-pop Secret Number group
10:47 Dita Karang when she appeared on one of the South Korean TV programs
10:51 on that occasion, Dita showed her ability
10:54 by dancing one of the traditional dances of Bali
10:57 called Legong Keraton in front of them
10:59 what do you think their reaction when they saw Dita's action?
11:04 (Dita's action)
11:17 even the audience was hypnotized to see every detail of her action
11:23 until someone tried to move her hand
11:26 (Dita's action)
11:37 (Dita's action)
11:43 what do you think, friends?
11:45 Dita's performance is really cool, right?
11:47 how can Dita show her dance so well?
11:52 it seems that her artistic ability has been established before she became a Secret Number idol
11:57 for those who don't know, Dita was a graduate of the famous art school in the United States in 2017
12:03 and she often participated in various auditions
12:06 so it's not surprising that she can dance so energetically and has a lot of fans, right?
12:12 how about you, friends?
12:14 you're really proud of Dita's performance of this traditional Indonesian dance, right?
12:18 I hope you can spread the beauty of Indonesian culture like Dita
12:24 (Dita's dance)
12:26 well, being a Santri is a human, right?
12:29 not only we need entertainment, but also Santri need entertainment
12:33 (Dita's dance)
12:38 just like what they did when they celebrated Santri Day
12:42 (Dita's dance)
13:02 after this event, Santri will pray
13:07 (Dita's dance)
13:16 sometimes, we can't guess how much Bocah's performance is
13:20 it's ridiculous
13:22 and there are some Bocah's moves that make us crazy
13:26 like this Bocah
13:28 (Dita's dance)
13:53 (Dita's dance)
14:16 Ade is really good at guessing, guys
14:19 luckily, his mom found him, or else he will be a mess until night time
14:24 (Dita's laugh)
14:25 don't cry anymore, instead of playing with the cat in the cage
14:29 it's better to ask for ice cream from your mom
14:32 it's more delicious, right?
14:33 plus, eating ice cream with crispy topping like this
14:38 (Dita's dance)
14:40 not biscuits or waffles that are usually used as ice cream topping
14:44 Bocah even eats ice cream with crispy topping
14:48 (Dita's dance)
15:01 duh, it's really delicious, right?
15:03 it's also delicious to eat with rice and fried egg
15:06 (Dita's laugh)
15:08 look, Ade is really crazy to eat ice cream with crispy topping
15:11 it's so delicious, right?
15:13 even he's dancing
15:15 (Dita's dance)
15:20 but it's okay, Ade, dancing is more fun
15:22 instead of being crazy like Bocah
15:26 (Dita's dance)
15:27 for moms, please don't fall asleep if Bocah is not sleeping
15:32 instead of making him dizzy like this
15:34 (Dita's cry)
15:43 (Dita's cry)
15:48 (Dita's cry)
15:58 oh my god, how can he open the cat cage?
16:01 (Dita's laugh)
16:02 be patient, Bun
16:03 just woke up and see Ade like this
16:06 it's a little bit shocked
16:08 Ade is really crazy to play with the cat
16:10 his face is so funny
16:12 (Dita's laugh)
16:13 maybe Ade's dream is to be a painter
16:16 he's brave enough to play with the cat since he was a baby
16:18 (Dita's laugh)
16:19 (Dita's cry)
16:21 (Dita's dance)
16:24 living far from parents makes us sad
16:27 we must feel sad if we don't have their presence
16:30 but when we meet again, we will be happy like Bocah
16:35 while not seeing his father, he was surprised when he realized his father was outside
16:44 (music)
16:47 assalamualaikum, jay
16:48 daddy
16:49 come here, jay
16:50 he hasn't seen his father for 4 months because he has to work in another city
16:54 he was touched when his father came back
16:57 (music)
17:09 he missed his father so much that he cried because he was happy that his father came back
17:15 (music)
17:39 he was touched
17:41 (music)
17:57 not only touched, he also surprised his mother
18:02 he didn't tell his mother when he came back home
18:07 at first, his mother asked him to take a picture with other family members
18:12 but without his mother's knowledge, his son came down from the second floor and took a picture with him
18:18 (music)
18:29 when his mother saw the picture, she was surprised to realize that his son was behind him
18:35 suddenly, they cried and let go of their longing
18:40 are you happy to meet your parents?
18:43 for you guys in Perantawan, don't forget to visit your parents at home
18:50 (music)
19:00 (music)
19:21 I always choose Sgamexplore because only with Iron Sea, my son's support grows maximally
19:28 (music)
19:53 stop being afraid, spray Salonpas Jet Spray
19:57 with Japan Cooling Technology, the cold helps to reduce the taste of the sting
20:03 Salonpas Jet Spray, let's move
20:05 (music)
20:22 (advertisement)
20:36 (advertisement)
20:52 (music)
21:06 (advertisement)
21:34 Bebelan, the beginning of all greatness
21:37 (advertisement)
21:51 (advertisement)
22:06 (advertisement)
22:21 (music)
22:34 buy 2 get 1 free
22:35 Pikopi, the master of coffee
22:36 (advertisement)
22:51 (music)
23:06 (advertisement)
23:21 (music)
23:29 Live your best in every moment
23:32 (music)
23:36 Prepare yourself for extraordinary achievements and cross the limit
23:42 (music)
23:46 Star Geyser X, Unleash the X in You
23:49 (music)
23:51 Coffee ABC Clefon, new sensational that you can't miss
23:55 Coffee mixed with coconut, sweet, sweet and fragrant pandan
23:58 Practical, use it immediately when it's cold
24:00 Coffee ABC Clefon, the taste of the century
24:06 (advertisement)
24:34 Aqua 100% pure
24:36 (advertisement)
24:52 (music)
25:22 (advertisement)
25:36 (music)
25:58 Pan 12 Pan
26:00 Pan 12 Pan
26:02 (music)
26:06 Rainer's support for fast, focus, flexible
26:10 So you can create various great ideas now and later
26:13 Provided by S26 Prokel Gold
26:15 Formulated by Wyatt's Nutrition Expert
26:18 Be a great kid now and later
26:20 (music)
26:22 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles
26:25 Aqua comes from the chosen mountains
26:28 Not a place that is easily crowded
26:30 Aqua is sucked by layers of rock protection
26:33 Without the recycling process
26:35 Aqua contains natural minerals without the addition of hazardous substances
26:40 So that the aqua feels cold without being cooled
26:45 Explain if not all water is aqua
26:49 Aqua 100% pure
26:51 (music)
27:00 No wind, no rain
27:02 How can there be a car in the middle of the road that is already surrounded by this crust?
27:07 Can a friend in the world guess?
27:11 (music)
27:18 It turns out that the owner of this car is suspected of parking randomly
27:22 When there is a construction project and does not want to move his car
27:26 As a result, the project workers harass the car owner
27:29 By leaving the car in the middle of the road
27:32 While the roadside is already surrounded by excavators
27:36 This is bad
27:39 (laugh)
27:43 What kind of car is this?
27:46 Probably the owner of this car is the mother of the strongest race on earth, Shay
27:51 Come on, guess if any friends in the world know how to move it?
27:56 (music)
28:01 Friends in the world, what do you do when you meet a bear?
28:04 Panic? Yes, panic!
28:07 Well, it seems we have to learn from this one boy
28:11 While enjoying playing on a scooter, this 7-year-old boy even met a bear that wandered around his neighborhood
28:17 The black bear looks like a boy who lives in Canada in the west
28:22 But not panic or run in fear
28:25 The boy named Huxley chose to stay silent and stay calm
28:28 (music)
28:36 Not long after a man appeared who tried to drive the bear away
28:39 Seeing an adult coming, the bear finally ran away and went away
28:44 Fearlessly approaches the animal, engaging the bear in a heart-stopping game of hide and seek
28:49 Well, there are some tips to avoid a bear attack
28:53 (music)
28:55 Some ways are not to be afraid to run away
28:59 Stay calm and lie on the ground and don't move or pretend to be dead
29:04 So now you don't have to be afraid to meet a black bear, friends in the world
29:09 Just like this one girl, friends in the world
29:12 There is no fear when it comes to evacuating a large-sized snake from the ceiling of her house
29:17 (music)
29:25 By climbing the table, this black-clothed woman slowly takes the snake out of the ceiling of her house
29:31 Helped with a long iron pole that pulls the black snake
29:35 (music)
29:43 Various comments were given on the action of the woman who has no fear
29:48 Brave woman, taking the snake like taking a pot in the cupboard
29:52 Maybe that's the pet snake
29:55 (music)
30:03 Friends in the world, if a sedan car is usually modified with a fierce and cool style
30:08 This car is modified to be cute
30:11 (music)
30:14 This black sedan car is modified very similar to a cat
30:18 The roof is also given accessories similar to cat ears
30:23 While on the roof of the back of the car there is a pole that is made similar to a cat tail
30:28 (music)
30:39 The unique thing is that the sound of the car horn is made very similar to the sound of a cat
30:43 (music)
30:48 Hahaha cat is so cute
30:51 My cat is so cute
30:55 (music)
30:59 But if this cat makes it annoying
31:02 Because the cat was fighting, playing chasing
31:05 This man failed to make content
31:07 Oh my God
31:09 While preparing a mobile phone for recording content
31:12 This man was surprised because his mobile phone was blown into a bucket of water
31:17 Because of the cat's horn
31:19 (music)
31:22 Oh my God, I will commit myself completely at this time
31:26 To the ruler of the sky and earth
31:28 (music)
31:30 (screaming)
31:33 (music)
31:43 Seeing the mobile phone fall into the bucket, the man immediately tried to save it
31:47 But failed
31:49 Be patient, you are going home, the content is so failed
31:54 The proof is that this is a viral content
31:57 Hahaha
31:58 (music)
32:05 How does it happen if there is an animal that is good at acting as a playmate
32:10 Hmm, if this goat seems to be suitable as a playmate
32:14 Hahaha
32:15 When all the goats are talking and gathering together
32:18 This one goat is full of drama
32:21 (music)
32:28 Hahaha
32:29 (music)
32:31 (laughing)
32:36 (music)
32:38 Hahaha
32:39 (music)
32:44 (laughing)
32:49 (laughing)
32:56 The acting looks very convincing because his head really looks colorful
33:01 But after the goat's story, the goat continued to run and continued to act faint
33:06 (music)
33:09 Oh my God, I'm going to join the casting tomorrow, roll camera, action
33:15 Hahaha
33:16 (screaming)
33:19 (music)
33:25 Well, this one turtle doesn't need to act as a playmate
33:29 Because this monster turtle named Bonchan really has a human best
33:34 Is a Japanese grandfather named Mitani Hisao who became a friend of this 26-year-old monster turtle
33:42 Both of them even seem to be walking together along the Sukishima-Tokyo-Japan highway
33:47 (Japanese)
33:50 They usually walk to wash their eyes, if they are tired Bonchan and grandfather Mitani stop
33:55 They rest while Bonchan eats snacks
33:59 Although the turtle walks very slowly, grandfather Mitani patiently matches the rhythm of the road like his best friend
34:07 When they walk, many people smile to see the sweet friendship between the turtle and the grandfather
34:13 Even sometimes people hold and take pictures of Bonchan
34:17 Especially if the turtle wears a hat like a human
34:22 More attractive, so cute
34:25 It's like walking with your girlfriend, right?
34:29 (Japanese)
34:31 Bonchan and grandfather Mitani's friendship has been long-standing
34:35 Because grandfather Mitani has raised Bonchan since he was a child
34:39 At that time, Bonchan was still growing after his hand was slapped
34:42 But over time, Bonchan grew bigger and could become a friend of grandfather Mitani
34:48 (Japanese)
34:50 I hope their friendship is everlasting, grandfather and Bonchan
34:54 (Music)
35:19 (Japanese)
35:23 (Japanese)
35:25 (Japanese)
35:54 (Japanese)
35:56 (Japanese)
36:09 Anti-slip shampoo can be applied to curly hair
36:11 We test new Duff Micellar with calcium that makes hair strong
36:15 With Duff, hair is not easily broken
36:18 Proven hair is stronger and without hair loss
36:21 Try Duff new micellar
36:24 Are you sure after washing your face you are clean?
36:26 Use Garnier's number one water micellar
36:29 With a missile like a magnet, 99% makeup, even dirt that is not visible is transparent
36:35 Still soft without feeling attracted
36:37 Use Garnier's water micellar
36:39 Galon Le Mineral 100% free BPA
36:42 Safe for children and family
36:44 The characteristic of Galon Bebas BPA is clear and transparent
36:47 Marked with a triangle icon number one
36:49 Galon Le Mineral for the health of the family
36:53 Anti-slip shampoo can be applied to curly hair
36:56 We test new Duff Micellar with calcium that makes hair strong
37:00 With Duff, hair is not easily broken
37:02 Proven hair is stronger and without hair loss
37:05 Try Duff new micellar
37:08 Buy 2 get 1 free
37:22 Piko Pee, the master of coffee
37:23 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature
37:26 So we don't use galon once used
37:29 Galon is sanitized together before refilling
37:34 Aqua 100% pure
37:38 Entering the age of 30, the condition of the bones, kidneys and muscles begin to improve
37:44 Drink Unlean now, high in calcium, high in protein and collagen
37:48 Unlean, the number one adult milk in Indonesia
37:51 Also available in sachet packaging
37:53 From Indonesia, the best spice selection combined with quality chicken extract
37:59 Present Sajiku Fried Rice
38:01 The delicious aroma of chicken, the taste of the spice
38:05 Sajiku Indonesian Sajian Delicacy
38:09 Love is very soft
38:12 Use love to imuan
38:14 Cooling detergent in hand, then soften
38:16 Make clothes easily ironed
38:18 Love detergent is imuan
38:19 Love is imu, test love
38:24 Where is the brain of the sun?
38:25 Eh, not there
38:27 Why not?
38:28 Nutrition plays an important role in helping growth
38:30 Give Pediature with triple protein, help real growth
38:34 Pediature Classic Milky available at Alfamart
38:38 All this time, only Gigabyte didn't want to know
38:44 Why there is a new way
38:49 First in Indonesia
38:53 Time, now can be purchased on Axis
38:56 Control all the internet with Play and Pause
39:01 Download Axis app, Axis, we are different
39:08 I always choose SGM Explore
39:10 Because only with Iron Sea, my child's support grows maximally
39:15 Hmm, let me be here, come on, come here
39:20 Wow, cool
39:21 SGM Explore
39:23 Coffee ABC Coffee
39:25 New sensational sensation
39:28 Coffee mixed with coconut, sweet and tangy
39:31 Practical, use it immediately
39:33 Coffee ABC Coffee
39:35 Luxurious taste, no waste
39:37 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles
39:43 Aqua originates from the chosen mountains
39:45 Not a place that is easily contaminated
39:47 Aqua is pulled by layers of protective rocks
39:51 Without the recycling process
39:53 Aqua contains natural minerals without any harmful additives
39:59 So Aqua feels cold without being cooled
40:03 Explain, if your cup of water is Aqua
40:07 Aqua 100% pure
40:09 New formula, no competition for dishwasher economy
40:12 Plastic food box, clean, shiny, crisp
40:14 Fat, muscle, immediately lifted
40:16 Many clean stethoscope
40:17 Active ingredients, anti-fat, 20% more
40:20 In hand
40:21 Dishwasher economy
40:22 Clean, no competition
40:24 Want a free vacation?
40:26 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break
40:28 Get the chance to win vacation and thousands of other prizes
40:31 Buy Fresh Tee with the various garland-covered
40:34 Scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap
40:37 Hurry to join before it runs out
40:39 New Pocky Almond
40:41 More happy with Next Level Pocky
40:44 New, the fiber stick is more crispy
40:47 Soft and thick chocolate is more delicious
40:50 More yummy, more happy with new Pocky
40:53 Girls, now you have to protect your body that is 35 cm high
40:57 Longer, wider back protection
41:00 Triple guard zone with 3 zones of absorption
41:02 Can absorb more
41:03 Extra duress, no leak
41:05 Want to sleep more comfortably?
41:08 The creamy, salty, sweet taste of takoyaki
41:14 Sprinkled with sobu shi
41:16 The pleasure is really great
41:19 Indomie Ramen Series
41:21 The authentic taste is really great
41:24 From Indonesia
41:26 The best spices are mixed with high quality chicken extract
41:29 Present to you, Sajiku Fried Rice
41:32 The delicious chicken aroma, the spices are well-flavored
41:35 Sajiku, Indonesian delicacy
41:38 Life is not necessarily like the weather
41:41 When it's sunny, it feels happy
41:45 The salty chocolate with the chocolate of Italy
41:48 Enjoy your heart, let go of your burden
41:51 Chocolate toast, Mamamiya Lezatos
41:53 Sister
41:56 Good, who is it for?
42:00 There is for Bu Uru
42:02 Drink milk first
42:03 Great, Baby Luck
42:04 Contains false ghosts that are clinical
42:06 And AAA with higher DHA
42:08 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart
42:11 Happy birthday
42:14 Hey, I don't have a birthday
42:16 Why do you have to wait for a birthday?
42:18 You can give a gift anytime
42:21 Baby Luck, the beginning of all wonders
42:24 Aqua believes in wisdom and natural miracles
42:28 Aqua originates from the chosen mountains
42:30 Not a place that is easily contaminated
42:33 Aqua is pulled by layers of protective rock
42:36 Without the recycling process
42:38 Aqua contains natural minerals
42:40 Without the addition of hazardous substances
42:43 So, Aqua feels cold without being cooled
42:47 It's clear, if the water is not pure
42:51 Aqua is 100% pure
42:53 It's just become a cup
42:59 It's delicious
43:00 Friends, who has watched the latest movie
43:04 Sherina's Adventure or Jungle Cruise?
43:07 Do you want to adventure to the wild?
43:10 Like in the movies, right?
43:12 Don't worry, friends, you don't have to go far
43:16 Just come to Tanjung Puting National Park
43:19 Located in Central Kalimantan
43:21 Tanjung Puting National Park
43:27 Has an area of about 415,000 hectares
43:30 And becomes a home for forest people
43:32 And the peasant who become one of the most endangered animals
43:35 Since the last 10 years
43:37 This national forest is open for tourists both domestic and foreign
43:41 Especially those who want to learn about the wildlife
43:44 And enjoy the adventure in the jungle
43:47 This is going to be my home for the next 4 days
43:50 As we look forward on the time
43:52 During the trip to Tanjung Puting National Park
43:57 World friends will pass the Sekonyar River
44:00 Using traditional boats
44:02 Here, world friends can feel the fun
44:04 And see the forest view on the right and left side of the river
44:07 It looks so cool, right?
44:14 In this Sekonyar River
44:16 World friends can find other animals
44:18 That are wandering there and see the forest people
44:21 World friends can call the forest people by following this
44:26 (Sekonyar River)
44:28 Besides exploring the Sekonyar River
44:36 You can also explore the beauty of the tropical forest by walking
44:40 Here, world friends can meet the forest people closer
44:45 (Sekonyar River)
44:47 (upbeat music)