• last year


00:00:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:52 super cool banget gitu ya yang belum tentu kita mau share semua kehidupan pribadi kita di media sosial. Lagi pula, kalau namanya orang yang berumah tangga, walaupun kami belum berumah tangga ya. Terkadang mereka juga punya satu komitmen, katanya ada yang bilang yang gak harus semuanya di posting di media sosial juga.
00:03:09 Biarkanlah urusan rumah tangga menjadi urusan rumah tangga bukan menjadi urusan rumah tetangga. Apapun rumah warga lainnya ya. Dan tadi juga ada sebuah statement yang cukup tajam gitu yang diungkapkan sama seorang putri Marina di mana dia bilang kalau kita terlalu mengumbar, yang melihat atau para tetangga itu seakan punya kuasa untuk mengatur segalanya.
00:03:31 Jadi, mungkin inilah alasan dari Kak Putri dan juga Kak Siko terakhir mengupdate di feed media sosial mereka berdua itu di awal tahun. Mungkin kita nantikan lagi, nanti tahun baru, tahun depan ada posting yang terbaru lagi dong.
00:03:44 Kita gak pernah tahu namanya, hidup pasti kan selalu berubah termasuk juga pola pikir dan juga pendirian. Tapi kita juga harus hargai keputusan dari mereka yang memang tidak mau mengumbar tentang kehidupan rumah tangga mereka. Termasuk barangkali juga anda pemirsa Insert kalau punya Instagram, boro-boro posting isinya cuma buat stalking sama komentar di follow-commentar celebrity tanah air.
00:04:06 Asal jangan di-ghosting ya. Tapi pastinya kami tidak akan meng-ghosting anda karena kami sudah siap menemani anda selama 1,5 jam ke depan. Pemirsa di Insert bersama dengan kami, saya Maria Christy.
00:04:15 Saya Ren Ibram, kami berdua live dari studio 12 Insert RASIVI sudah siap untuk memberikan informasi celebrity dari dalam negeri dan juga manca negara. Dan berikutnya pemirsa, kali ini kita mau ajakin anda untuk pergi ke kota tua di Jakarta Utara, lebih tepatnya. Ini dulu dikenal sebagai Batavia.
00:04:31 Kita tahu kalau di sana ada musim Fathullah dan memang banyak sekali tempat-tempat yang bisa dikunjungi, foto bersama, makan-makan. Termasuk juga banyak seniman di sana yang bisa anda ajak untuk berfoto bersama.
00:04:42 Itu sih biasa ya, tapi kali ini kalau Jon Pantau yang ngajak dan Jon Pantau yang menagih uang fotonya, kebayang tidak akan seusil apa. Jon, kamu tuh hati-hati ya, kalau misalnya keseringan kamu bisa digebukin warga. Coba kita lihat ya asal usil berikut ini.
00:04:57 [Music]
00:05:08 Ikutan dong foto.
00:05:10 [Music]
00:05:14 Kok gak dipoto?
00:05:16 [Music]
00:05:24 Oke sini, gue aja yang fotoin. Kamu gak aja foto. Lu yang foto dong. Sana, sana, sana.
00:05:29 [Music]
00:05:32 Mana sih ini?
00:05:33 [Music]
00:05:35 Dua, eh agak rapat, agak rapat.
00:05:39 Satu, dua.
00:05:41 [Music]
00:05:43 Satu, dua.
00:05:45 [Music]
00:05:47 Ini, satu, dua.
00:05:50 [Music]
00:05:52 Kita cek dulu hasilnya. Kasih lihat dulu hasilnya. Kasih lihat, kasih lihat hasilnya. Kasih lihat, bagus gak? Kasih lihat dulu, kasih lihat. Kasih lihat dulu hasilnya tadi, bagus gak?
00:06:01 [Music]
00:06:06 Handphone lu kuotanya abis ya. Gimana sih?
00:06:10 [Music]
00:06:13 Gimana sih? Lagian layar kamera kayak masa depan hubungan lu gelap amat sih. Bingung.
00:06:19 Aduh gimana ya.
00:06:23 [Music]
00:06:25 Eh kalian dari mana sih?
00:06:27 Dari Bekasi.
00:06:28 Dari Bekasi ya ampun. Di Bekasi gak ada hiburan.
00:06:31 Ngerjain tugas apa?
00:06:35 Ngerjain tugas apa?
00:06:36 Ngerjain tugas apa?
00:06:37 Ngerjain tugas apa?
00:06:38 Ngerjain tugas apa?
00:06:39 Apa disuruh ngapain? Sejarah.
00:06:41 Jadi mencari apa? Peneliti apa?
00:06:43 Meneliti.
00:06:45 Meneliti.
00:06:46 Terus udah dapet?
00:06:47 Terus udah dapet?
00:06:48 Apa hasilnya?
00:06:49 Banyak.
00:06:50 Coba contoh. Contohnya apa?
00:06:53 Contoh.
00:06:54 Mau ancara siapa?
00:06:56 Orang-orang buatnya.
00:06:58 Orang-orang buatnya.
00:06:59 Orang-orang buatnya.
00:07:00 Coba, coba. Apa? Mau nanya apa? Cepat.
00:07:02 Oke tadi kalian berapa?
00:07:04 Kan aku pengunjung juga.
00:07:06 Kamu masih di kota ini di bawah.
00:07:09 Siapa pendiri kota tua?
00:07:12 Siapa pendiri kota tua?
00:07:14 Pendahulu kita.
00:07:18 Jakarta dulu pertama kali namanya apa?
00:07:24 Jakarta.
00:07:26 Salah.
00:07:28 Yang betul adalah Jayakarta.
00:07:31 Selain museum Patah Hilah dan museum Wandiri,
00:07:38 ada museum wayang,
00:07:40 ada museum...
00:07:42 Bukan itu pertanyaannya.
00:07:44 Siapakah gubernur pertama Jakarta?
00:07:47 Bukan itu kan?
00:07:48 Gue gak bilang itu pertanyaannya.
00:07:50 Lima.
00:07:52 Empat.
00:07:55 Tiga.
00:07:56 Dua.
00:07:57 Satu.
00:07:58 Habis waktu.
00:08:00 Ali.
00:08:04 Ali.
00:08:05 Oh iya betul Pak.
00:08:08 Joget bareng.
00:08:10 Tiktokan bareng.
00:08:11 Ya iyalah.
00:08:12 Namanya juga hukuman.
00:08:13 Kalau enak kan hadiah.
00:08:15 Satu.
00:08:16 Dua.
00:08:17 Tiga.
00:08:18 Tepuk tangan dulu.
00:08:22 Ye malu ye malu.
00:08:25 Ya udah.
00:08:26 Dada.
00:08:28 Satu.
00:08:30 Dua.
00:08:31 Cakep banget.
00:08:39 Jangan lupa like, share, dan subscribe.
00:08:41 Oke.
00:08:42 25.000 aja Pak.
00:08:46 25.000 aja.
00:08:49 Gak apa-apa.
00:08:52 Pake juris juga kita terima.
00:08:55 Berapa?
00:08:57 25.000.
00:08:59 Berapa?
00:09:00 25.000.
00:09:01 Berapa?
00:09:02 25.000.
00:09:03 Berapa?
00:09:04 25.000.
00:09:05 Berapa?
00:09:06 25.000.
00:09:07 Berapa?
00:09:08 25.000.
00:09:09 Berapa?
00:09:10 25.000.
00:09:11 Berapa?
00:09:12 25.000.
00:09:13 Berapa?
00:09:14 25.000.
00:09:15 Berapa?
00:09:16 25.000.
00:09:17 Berapa?
00:09:18 25.000.
00:09:19 Berapa?
00:09:20 25.000.
00:09:21 Berapa?
00:09:22 25.000.
00:09:23 Berapa?
00:09:24 25.000.
00:09:25 Berapa?
00:09:26 25.000.
00:09:27 Berapa?
00:09:28 25.000.
00:09:29 Berapa?
00:09:30 25.000.
00:09:31 Berapa?
00:09:32 25.000.
00:09:33 Berapa?
00:09:34 25.000.
00:09:35 Berapa?
00:09:36 25.000.
00:09:37 Berapa?
00:09:38 25.000.
00:09:39 Berapa?
00:09:40 25.000.
00:09:41 Berapa?
00:09:42 25.000.
00:09:43 Berapa?
00:09:44 25.000.
00:09:45 Berapa?
00:09:46 25.000.
00:09:47 Berapa?
00:09:48 25.000.
00:09:49 Berapa?
00:09:50 25.000.
00:09:51 Berapa?
00:09:52 25.000.
00:09:53 Berapa?
00:09:54 25.000.
00:09:55 Berapa?
00:09:56 25.000.
00:09:57 Berapa?
00:09:58 25.000.
00:09:59 Berapa?
00:10:00 25.000.
00:10:01 Berapa?
00:10:02 25.000.
00:10:03 Berapa?
00:10:04 25.000.
00:10:05 Berapa?
00:10:06 25.000.
00:10:07 Berapa?
00:10:08 25.000.
00:10:09 Berapa?
00:10:10 25.000.
00:10:11 Berapa?
00:10:12 25.000.
00:10:13 Berapa?
00:10:14 25.000.
00:10:15 Berapa?
00:10:16 25.000.
00:10:17 Berapa?
00:10:18 25.000.
00:10:19 Berapa?
00:10:20 25.000.
00:10:21 Berapa?
00:10:22 25.000.
00:10:23 Berapa?
00:10:24 25.000.
00:10:25 Berapa?
00:10:26 25.000.
00:10:27 Berapa?
00:10:28 25.000.
00:10:29 Berapa?
00:10:30 25.000.
00:10:31 Berapa?
00:10:32 25.000.
00:10:33 Berapa?
00:10:34 25.000.
00:10:35 Berapa?
00:10:36 25.000.
00:10:37 Berapa?
00:10:38 25.000.
00:10:39 Berapa?
00:10:40 25.000.
00:10:41 Berapa?
00:10:42 25.000.
00:10:43 Berapa?
00:10:44 25.000.
00:10:45 Berapa?
00:10:46 25.000.
00:10:47 Berapa?
00:10:48 25.000.
00:10:49 Berapa?
00:10:50 25.000.
00:10:51 Berapa?
00:10:52 25.000.
00:10:53 Berapa?
00:10:54 25.000.
00:10:55 Berapa?
00:10:56 25.000.
00:10:57 Berapa?
00:10:58 25.000.
00:10:59 Berapa?
00:11:00 25.000.
00:11:01 Berapa?
00:11:02 25.000.
00:11:03 Berapa?
00:11:04 25.000.
00:11:05 Berapa?
00:11:06 25.000.
00:11:07 Berapa?
00:11:08 25.000.
00:11:09 Berapa?
00:11:10 25.000.
00:11:11 Berapa?
00:11:12 25.000.
00:11:13 Berapa?
00:11:14 25.000.
00:11:15 Berapa?
00:11:16 25.000.
00:11:17 Berapa?
00:11:18 25.000.
00:11:19 Berapa?
00:11:20 25.000.
00:11:21 Berapa?
00:11:22 25.000.
00:11:23 Berapa?
00:11:24 25.000.
00:11:25 Berapa?
00:11:26 25.000.
00:11:27 Berapa?
00:11:28 25.000.
00:11:29 Berapa?
00:11:30 25.000.
00:11:31 Berapa?
00:11:32 25.000.
00:11:33 Berapa?
00:11:34 25.000.
00:11:35 Berapa?
00:11:36 25.000.
00:11:37 Berapa?
00:11:38 25.000.
00:11:39 Berapa?
00:11:40 25.000.
00:11:41 Berapa?
00:11:42 25.000.
00:11:43 Berapa?
00:11:44 25.000.
00:11:45 Berapa?
00:11:46 25.000.
00:11:47 Berapa?
00:11:48 25.000.
00:11:49 Berapa?
00:11:50 25.000.
00:11:51 Berapa?
00:11:52 25.000.
00:11:53 Berapa?
00:11:54 25.000.
00:11:55 Berapa?
00:11:56 25.000.
00:11:57 Berapa?
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00:12:00 25.000.
00:12:01 Berapa?
00:12:02 25.000.
00:12:03 Berapa?
00:12:04 25.000.
00:12:05 Berapa?
00:12:06 25.000.
00:12:07 Berapa?
00:12:08 25.000.
00:12:09 Berapa?
00:12:10 25.000.
00:12:11 Berapa?
00:12:12 25.000.
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00:12:15 Berapa?
00:12:16 25.000.
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00:12:21 Berapa?
00:12:22 25.000.
00:12:23 Berapa?
00:12:24 25.000.
00:12:25 Berapa?
00:12:26 25.000.
00:12:27 Berapa?
00:12:28 25.000.
00:12:29 Berapa?
00:12:30 25.000.
00:12:31 Berapa?
00:12:32 25.000.
00:12:33 Berapa?
00:12:34 25.000.
00:12:35 Berapa?
00:12:36 25.000.
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00:12:38 25.000.
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00:12:40 25.000.
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00:12:42 25.000.
00:12:43 Berapa?
00:12:44 25.000.
00:12:45 Berapa?
00:12:46 25.000.
00:12:47 Berapa?
00:12:48 25.000.
00:12:49 Berapa?
00:12:50 25.000.
00:12:51 Berapa?
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00:12:55 Berapa?
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00:13:01 Berapa?
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00:13:10 25.000.
00:13:11 Berapa?
00:13:12 25.000.
00:13:13 Berapa?
00:13:14 25.000.
00:13:15 Berapa?
00:13:16 25.000.
00:13:17 Berapa?
00:13:18 25.000.
00:13:19 Berapa?
00:13:20 25.000.
00:13:21 Berapa?
00:13:22 25.000.
00:13:23 Berapa?
00:13:24 25.000.
00:13:25 Berapa?
00:13:26 25.000.
00:13:27 Berapa?
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00:13:29 Berapa?
00:13:30 25.000.
00:13:31 Berapa?
00:13:32 25.000.
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00:13:34 25.000.
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00:13:36 25.000.
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00:13:38 25.000.
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00:13:40 25.000.
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00:13:42 25.000.
00:13:43 Berapa?
00:13:44 25.000.
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00:13:48 25.000.
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00:13:50 25.000.
00:13:51 Berapa?
00:13:52 25.000.
00:13:53 Berapa?
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00:14:15 Berapa?
00:14:16 25.000.
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00:14:20 25.000.
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00:14:22 25.000.
00:14:23 Berapa?
00:14:24 25.000.
00:14:25 Berapa?
00:14:26 25.000.
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00:14:28 25.000.
00:14:29 Berapa?
00:14:30 25.000.
00:14:31 Berapa?
00:14:32 25.000.
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00:14:34 25.000.
00:14:35 Berapa?
00:14:36 25.000.
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00:14:38 25.000.
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00:14:40 25.000.
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00:14:42 25.000.
00:14:43 Berapa?
00:14:44 25.000.
00:14:45 Berapa?
00:14:46 25.000.
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00:14:48 25.000.
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00:14:50 25.000.
00:14:51 Berapa?
00:14:52 25.000.
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00:14:54 25.000.
00:14:55 Berapa?
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00:15:00 25.000.
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00:15:15 Berapa?
00:15:16 25.000.
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00:15:24 25.000.
00:15:25 Berapa?
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00:15:30 25.000.
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00:15:34 25.000.
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00:15:36 25.000.
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00:15:38 25.000.
00:15:39 Berapa?
00:15:40 25.000.
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00:15:42 25.000.
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00:15:44 25.000.
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00:15:46 25.000.
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00:15:48 25.000.
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00:15:50 25.000.
00:15:51 Berapa?
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00:15:54 25.000.
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00:16:00 25.000.
00:16:01 Berapa?
00:16:02 25.000.
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00:16:04 25.000.
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00:16:06 25.000.
00:16:07 Berapa?
00:16:08 25.000.
00:16:09 Berapa?
00:16:10 25.000.
00:16:11 Berapa?
00:16:12 25.000.
00:16:13 Berapa?
00:16:14 25.000.
00:16:15 Berapa?
00:16:16 25.000.
00:16:17 Berapa?
00:16:18 25.000.
00:16:19 Berapa?
00:16:20 25.000.
00:16:21 Berapa?
00:16:22 25.000.
00:16:23 Berapa?
00:16:24 25.000.
00:16:25 Berapa?
00:16:26 25.000.
00:16:27 Berapa?
00:16:28 25.000.
00:16:29 Berapa?
00:16:30 25.000.
00:16:31 Berapa?
00:16:32 25.000.
00:16:33 Berapa?
00:16:34 25.000.
00:16:35 Berapa?
00:16:36 25.000.
00:16:37 Berapa?
00:16:38 25.000.
00:16:39 Berapa?
00:16:40 25.000.
00:16:41 Berapa?
00:16:42 25.000.
00:16:43 Berapa?
00:16:44 25.000.
00:16:45 Berapa?
00:16:46 25.000.
00:16:47 Berapa?
00:16:48 25.000.
00:16:49 Berapa?
00:16:50 25.000.
00:16:51 Berapa?
00:16:52 25.000.
00:16:53 Berapa?
00:16:54 25.000.
00:16:55 Berapa?
00:16:56 25.000.
00:16:57 Berapa?
00:16:58 25.000.
00:16:59 Berapa?
00:17:00 25.000.
00:17:01 Berapa?
00:17:02 25.000.
00:17:03 Berapa?
00:17:04 25.000.
00:17:05 Berapa?
00:17:06 25.000.
00:17:07 Berapa?
00:17:08 25.000.
00:17:09 Berapa?
00:17:10 25.000.
00:17:11 Berapa?
00:17:12 25.000.
00:17:13 Berapa?
00:17:14 25.000.
00:17:15 Berapa?
00:17:16 25.000.
00:17:17 Berapa?
00:17:18 25.000.
00:17:19 Berapa?
00:17:20 25.000.
00:17:21 Berapa?
00:17:22 25.000.
00:17:23 Berapa?
00:17:24 25.000.
00:17:25 Berapa?
00:17:26 25.000.
00:17:27 Berapa?
00:17:28 25.000.
00:17:29 Berapa?
00:17:30 25.000.
00:17:31 Berapa?
00:17:32 25.000.
00:17:33 Berapa?
00:17:34 25.000.
00:17:35 Berapa?
00:17:36 25.000.
00:17:37 Berapa?
00:17:38 25.000.
00:17:39 Berapa?
00:17:40 25.000.
00:17:41 Okay.
00:17:42 25.000 only, sir.
00:17:45 Yes.
00:17:46 25.000 only.
00:17:48 I don't have cash.
00:17:50 It's okay.
00:17:51 We'll accept it with the curries.
00:17:53 That's it.
00:17:55 Go back.
00:17:56 How much cash do you have?
00:17:58 How much cash do you have?
00:17:59 It's okay.
00:18:05 It's okay.
00:18:06 You're not being held.
00:18:08 Oh, my God.
00:18:09 I'm not being held.
00:18:10 I'm not being held.
00:18:11 I'm just bringing 15.000.
00:18:12 It's okay.
00:18:13 It's a discount for you.
00:18:15 It's okay.
00:18:16 It's a special for you.
00:18:17 It's okay.
00:18:18 Don't be held again.
00:18:19 Thank you so much.
00:18:21 Hello, ladies.
00:18:27 Come here.
00:18:28 Do you want to take a picture?
00:18:29 Come here.
00:18:30 Take a picture first.
00:18:31 Come here.
00:18:32 Take a picture.
00:18:34 Come on.
00:18:35 Come on.
00:18:37 Take a picture with Titi DJ.
00:18:39 Come on.
00:18:40 Take a picture with Titi DJ.
00:18:41 Come on.
00:18:42 There.
00:18:44 Okay.
00:18:45 Calm down.
00:18:46 Take a picture with everyone.
00:18:48 Two.
00:18:50 Do you want one more?
00:18:55 It's the same.
00:18:56 It's the same?
00:18:57 With me?
00:18:58 With Wifi?
00:18:59 Come on.
00:19:00 Come here.
00:19:01 Come on.
00:19:03 Come here.
00:19:04 There.
00:19:05 There.
00:19:06 There.
00:19:07 Three.
00:19:08 One is 10.000.000.
00:19:09 The other is 30.000.
00:19:10 There.
00:19:15 Where?
00:19:16 You're already taken.
00:19:19 Where?
00:19:20 You're so mean.
00:19:21 You're so mean.
00:19:22 You're so mean.
00:19:24 Where's the camera?
00:19:26 Where's the camera?
00:19:27 Where's the camera?
00:19:28 Where's it?
00:19:29 It's green.
00:19:30 It's green.
00:19:31 It'll be 5.000.
00:19:33 It's green.
00:19:34 It's green.
00:19:35 Try it.
00:19:36 You're so mean.
00:19:37 Okay.
00:19:39 It's a bonus for you.
00:19:40 Thank you so much.
00:19:41 Okay.
00:19:43 We got this.
00:19:45 You're so mean.
00:19:46 Thank you so much.
00:19:50 Okay.
00:19:51 I'll come again.
00:19:52 I'll come again in the afternoon.
00:19:55 Ask me how much I got.
00:19:56 Thank you.
00:19:58 Bye.
00:19:59 Thank you.
00:20:00 Bye.
00:20:01 We're helping people.
00:20:03 So, they'll be more obedient.
00:20:05 (The next day)
00:20:07 Good afternoon.
00:20:13 How are you?
00:20:16 Hello.
00:20:17 Where are you going?
00:20:20 Where are you going?
00:20:22 Where are you from?
00:20:23 Where do you live?
00:20:24 Lampung.
00:20:25 What are you doing here?
00:20:27 We're going to...
00:20:29 Where are we going?
00:20:31 We're going to Ragunan.
00:20:32 We're going to Ragunan.
00:20:34 We're going to see you.
00:20:35 No.
00:20:36 We're going to see monkeys.
00:20:37 I'm going to see my parents.
00:20:43 So, we're going to give you a present.
00:20:46 We're going to use Eki's money.
00:20:49 Here.
00:20:50 Okay.
00:20:51 This is money for you who live far from here.
00:20:55 I'll give you a question.
00:20:56 Where are you going?
00:20:58 You're so brave to give money to us.
00:21:01 Even though it's just a little.
00:21:03 I'll give you a question.
00:21:08 If you can answer it, you'll get the money.
00:21:10 If you can't answer it, you'll pay me.
00:21:14 Okay?
00:21:16 The first one is...
00:21:18 Name...
00:21:20 the name of...
00:21:22 a former governor of Jakarta...
00:21:24 other than Anies Baswedan.
00:21:26 The last one.
00:21:27 Correct.
00:21:31 (I'm not sure about this)
00:21:33 The name is...
00:21:35 the area of Jakarta's old city.
00:21:37 Name...
00:21:39 the name of Jakarta before it became Jakarta.
00:21:42 What's the name?
00:21:43 Batavia.
00:21:44 Batavia.
00:21:46 (I'm not sure about this)
00:21:51 The next question.
00:21:53 It's a little hard for us.
00:21:54 It's Rp20.000.
00:21:55 It's a little hard.
00:21:56 Who is the official...
00:22:00 governor of Jakarta...
00:22:02 who is the official governor of Jakarta's old city?
00:22:04 (I'm not sure about this)
00:22:07 It's enough.
00:22:08 Alisa Dikin.
00:22:10 Alisa Dikin.
00:22:12 What if we run out of money?
00:22:18 (I'm not sure about this)
00:22:22 The name of one museum in Jakarta's old city.
00:22:26 The museum of interior tourism.
00:22:29 Let me check.
00:22:31 Wrong.
00:22:33 The museum of Patah Gila.
00:22:35 The museum of theater.
00:22:36 There's no museum of interior tourism.
00:22:37 Which one is it?
00:22:39 The museum of interior tourism.
00:22:41 Hello.
00:22:46 Come here.
00:22:48 Can I ask you something?
00:22:50 Come here.
00:22:51 The red group.
00:22:52 Come here.
00:22:53 Wait for 10 minutes.
00:22:55 What is this event for?
00:22:59 The students who are going to the old city.
00:23:01 Fun learning.
00:23:03 What is fun learning?
00:23:05 What have you learned here?
00:23:08 What did you see?
00:23:09 The museum.
00:23:11 Which museum?
00:23:12 Batik museum.
00:23:14 Batik museum.
00:23:15 And?
00:23:16 The old city museum.
00:23:18 Because this is fun learning,
00:23:20 I'm going to give you a present.
00:23:23 But it's not free.
00:23:28 You have to answer the question first.
00:23:32 Name other names of old city.
00:23:38 It's easy.
00:23:40 Raise your hand.
00:23:44 What is it?
00:23:45 The answer is...
00:23:47 It's easy.
00:23:49 Calm down.
00:23:52 The second question.
00:23:57 Other than Anis Baswedan, Jokowi Dodo, and Pak Ahok,
00:24:04 who is the former governor of Jakarta?
00:24:09 Other than those three.
00:24:11 The former governor.
00:24:13 Name the governor.
00:24:15 Raise your hand.
00:24:16 Alisa Dikin.
00:24:20 Alisa Dikin.
00:24:22 Another question.
00:24:29 It's easy.
00:24:31 Other than the old city,
00:24:38 what is the historical building in Jakarta?
00:24:42 Other than the old city,
00:24:45 what is the historical building in Jakarta?
00:24:47 Monas.
00:24:49 The question is...
00:24:51 Who is the wife of Anis Baswedan?
00:24:54 It's you.
00:24:55 It's you.
00:24:57 Who is it?
00:24:58 It's you.
00:24:59 Who is it?
00:25:00 Who is it?
00:25:01 Answer me.
00:25:02 It's you.
00:25:03 It's you.
00:25:06 Correct.
00:25:07 It's you, Mrs. Baswedan.
00:25:09 The answer is Meriam,
00:25:17 a historical building in Jakarta.
00:25:21 If you're curious, come here.
00:25:23 It's fun.
00:25:24 I'm Fahmi.
00:25:25 See you in the next episode.
00:25:26 Bye.
00:25:27 John, thank you for taking us to the old city.
00:25:34 Batavia.
00:25:35 Batavia has a high historical value
00:25:40 between Indonesia, Japan, and Netherlands.
00:25:44 That's why there was a woman
00:25:46 who was a photographer for the Netherlands.
00:25:51 There were many questions about the governor's name.
00:25:54 Even the wife's name.
00:25:56 The questions are cool.
00:25:57 I'm sorry.
00:25:59 I think it's more difficult for John to answer.
00:26:03 Like what?
00:26:04 It's about Jakarta.
00:26:05 Ask him how many turns in Jakarta.
00:26:07 It's easy to answer.
00:26:08 There are only two.
00:26:09 Right and left.
00:26:10 Your jokes are getting more and more like a father.
00:26:14 But it's okay.
00:26:15 But maybe,
00:26:16 the father has a 18-year-old son
00:26:20 who is more handsome.
00:26:22 We're talking about Charlie Van Houten.
00:26:24 He has a son.
00:26:26 His name is Restu.
00:26:30 He got an amazing blessing from his parents
00:26:33 to continue his dream.
00:26:35 He's not far from his dream.
00:26:37 He wants to continue his dream.
00:26:39 He's been performing from cafe to cafe.
00:26:42 He's ready to release a single.
00:26:44 He got a blessing to go to college abroad.
00:26:48 How is the story of the life of a Restu Van Houten?
00:26:52 Stay tuned.
00:26:53 We'll be back soon.
00:26:54 Only on Insert.
00:26:56 [Music]
00:27:05 [Music]
00:27:10 [Music]
00:27:22 X-Force
00:27:24 [Music]
00:27:47 Pan 12 Pan
00:27:49 Pan Pusat
00:27:51 [Music]
00:27:57 In the world of lies, you have to be careful.
00:28:00 [Music]
00:28:02 Just use BliBli for sure.
00:28:04 [Music]
00:28:10 It's not fit.
00:28:12 Just point it.
00:28:14 Only type of perfume from the type of choice.
00:28:17 [Music]
00:28:18 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge.
00:28:21 Make your day more exciting.
00:28:23 Pek Pucuk Harum
00:28:25 [Music]
00:28:26 Huh, it's broken.
00:28:28 Your video is not on.
00:28:29 My face is broken.
00:28:31 This calendar, Glorious Lovely Facial Foam with multi-vitamin,
00:28:34 Cleanses dirt and wrinkles, Glow-on-face for a moment.
00:28:37 [Music]
00:28:40 Bango Festival Festival is back.
00:28:43 Bango soy sauce with high quality natural ingredients.
00:28:46 Bring up a million flavors.
00:28:49 Through the aroma of the delicious roasted liver,
00:28:52 [Music]
00:28:55 The taste of the aceh noodles is amazing.
00:28:57 [Music]
00:28:58 And the pleasure of the lady Eddie's slurping,
00:29:01 Which is tempting.
00:29:03 Come to the Bango Festival Festival in Makassar and Jakarta.
00:29:08 Because the taste never lies.
00:29:10 World-class movies are on your screen.
00:29:13 [Music]
00:29:15 There is no darkness without light.
00:29:17 Indeed there is light without darkness.
00:29:20 The good that is done is bringing the good.
00:29:23 Now the mafia war must be faced.
00:29:26 [Music]
00:29:32 A Good Man
00:29:34 On October 17th at 11pm on Bioskop Trans TV.
00:29:40 [Music]
00:29:55 Hi, I'm real.
00:29:56 In the middle of my crazy activity, my body condition remains stable.
00:29:59 I always drink Indomil Steril.
00:30:01 The benefits are real.
00:30:02 Real.
00:30:03 Indomil Steril, the milk is real, the honey is real, the deliciousness is real.
00:30:06 Indomil Steril, the benefits are real.
00:30:08 [Music]
00:30:10 Arlo, what's wrong?
00:30:11 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk.
00:30:13 My child too.
00:30:14 Try it.
00:30:15 SGM Explore Isoprosoy.
00:30:17 New.
00:30:18 The right nutrition for cow milk.
00:30:20 Small dose of optimal body.
00:30:22 SGM Explore Isoprosoy.
00:30:25 Come on, energy cereal breakfast.
00:30:27 I made it, Mom.
00:30:28 I want vanilla.
00:30:29 I want the chocolate.
00:30:30 Energy, the number one cereal in Indonesia.
00:30:33 Made from Australian wheat.
00:30:35 Nutritious and nutritious.
00:30:37 I want vanilla.
00:30:39 Just filled my stomach, it's empty again.
00:30:42 A little bit hungry.
00:30:44 Just ate, but still hungry.
00:30:47 A little bit hungry.
00:30:48 Sari Gandum.
00:30:49 With white wheat and cream chocolate, make you full longer.
00:30:52 Sari Gandum.
00:30:53 As delicious as it is.
00:30:55 I love what I do.
00:30:56 Royal Perfume Series by Southlin.
00:30:58 Inspired by the world's celebrity perfumes.
00:31:01 Royal Active Touch, spread its fragrance on every touch.
00:31:05 With Royal Perfume Series by Southlin, I win my world.
00:31:09 Queen's Care.
00:31:10 Hey, guys.
00:31:12 What?
00:31:14 Wait.
00:31:18 Wait.
00:31:21 Uh.
00:31:22 I brought a glass of milk.
00:31:23 Show it to your neighbor.
00:31:26 Turn up the beat, sing a song.
00:31:28 All eyes are on you.
00:31:30 Hey, look at me.
00:31:32 Turn around, it's fun.
00:31:34 Hey, look at me.
00:31:36 Turn around, it's fun.
00:31:38 Wow, there's a new one.
00:31:41 Besides making your skin brighter,
00:31:44 Vise Lumina White Brightening Cream is new.
00:31:46 Eight times softer skin gets clear luminous glow.
00:31:50 SPF 36 PA++.
00:31:52 Love my voice, kid.
00:31:54 I'm tired.
00:31:55 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
00:31:57 So we don't use any gauze.
00:32:01 Our gauze is sanitized together before being re-filled.
00:32:05 Aqua 100% pure.
00:32:09 I have a muscle cramp.
00:32:12 I'll take a tablet.
00:32:13 The expert will reduce muscle cramp and dandruff.
00:32:15 Oh, I'm scared.
00:32:17 I'm dizzy.
00:32:18 Neo-Remasil Nuro.
00:32:19 Back to activity without fear and 3K.
00:32:22 Neo-Remasil, keep moving, keep going.
00:32:24 This kind of exercise is not afraid of sweat on clothes.
00:32:27 I don't care about sweat on clothes.
00:32:28 We use Soap Queen Fragrant Active Sport.
00:32:30 New, quick-absorb sweat, clothes stay dry.
00:32:33 Protect your clothes from bad smell.
00:32:35 Clothes stay fresh.
00:32:36 Soap Queen Fragrant Active Sport.
00:32:37 Free from smell, sweat on clothes.
00:32:38 No way.
00:32:39 Winske.
00:32:40 Superstar.
00:32:43 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:32:46 Full Chocolate.
00:32:47 Superstar.
00:32:48 Full Chocolate.
00:32:49 Left, right, up, down, inside, out.
00:32:51 Full Chocolate.
00:32:52 Superstar.
00:32:53 Full Chocolate.
00:32:54 Full Chocolate.
00:32:55 Two full-saving experts.
00:32:57 Enjoy two chickens, two warm rice, and two drinks.
00:33:01 Two full-saving experts.
00:33:06 Only Rp. 40,000.
00:33:08 KFC.
00:33:09 Chicken expert.
00:33:10 [Music]
00:33:17 Our guest is back on Insert.
00:33:20 If you don't know, his name is Muhammad Kasmarly Parly.
00:33:24 That's the real name of Charlie Van Houten.
00:33:28 Okay.
00:33:29 If we look at his life journey,
00:33:31 when he decided to go to entertainment world,
00:33:36 music industry,
00:33:37 he was 16 years old at that time.
00:33:39 And it seems like this is also what his son did.
00:33:43 His son, Rastu, also followed his father's footsteps.
00:33:46 At the age of 18, he tried his luck in the music world.
00:33:49 18 years is a very young age.
00:33:52 And if we look at Rastu's social media career,
00:33:56 it's all full of entertainment stages that have been promoted by Rastu.
00:34:02 So, it seems like the universe also assures that Rastu Van Houten will be a big star.
00:34:08 And not only that,
00:34:09 not only his work,
00:34:10 but also his independence of life also inspires many young people.
00:34:16 What do you think?
00:34:17 This is for you.
00:34:18 Bak Pinang in Bladua.
00:34:23 Charlie inherited his talent as a singer to his daughter, Rastu,
00:34:26 who is now growing up and charming through her looks.
00:34:30 He also amused Indonesian music lovers through his voice.
00:34:34 Looking at Rastu on stage, it's like seeing Charlie singing.
00:34:38 Charlie's unique Malay accent, bringing the song Isabella to the song Puspa.
00:34:43 Just break up with your girlfriend,
00:34:44 Rastu can perfectly cover it.
00:34:47 The way he sings, even the character of Rastu's voice,
00:34:50 can match his father's voice.
00:34:53 Following Charlie's footsteps in this country's music industry,
00:34:56 Rastu chose to live independently.
00:34:58 He lives alone,
00:34:59 Rastu has equipped himself like other singers.
00:35:02 In his private time, he has a collection.
00:35:05 One of the things that caught his attention is his shoe collection.
00:35:08 Although not many, because not all of them are brought to the capital,
00:35:11 this collection is said to be the most used,
00:35:14 because it's displayed on stage.
00:35:16 Oh, he's here.
00:35:20 Hello everyone.
00:35:22 Please insert.
00:35:24 So today,
00:35:26 we'll take a look while we're relaxing.
00:35:31 I just got back from an event.
00:35:34 Yeah, in my place.
00:35:37 Relaxing, my place.
00:35:40 Spending my time in Jakarta.
00:35:44 Come on, insert.
00:35:45 This is a plane.
00:35:52 Because since I was a kid,
00:35:54 I like to assemble,
00:35:58 I like to install.
00:36:00 So, there's a small shelf here.
00:36:05 Usually for shoes, sandals.
00:36:09 Here, I usually use it for concerts.
00:36:13 If there's a shooting, I'll use it too.
00:36:16 This is the most used.
00:36:18 One, two, three, four, five pairs.
00:36:22 The rest is definitely in Bandung, at home.
00:36:28 On the first floor, Restu's collection probably doesn't show the image of a musician.
00:36:33 But when you step to the second floor, there's a studio,
00:36:36 as a place to pour all the inspiration.
00:36:39 In the same room, Restu also keeps a lot of guitar collections,
00:36:43 which are certainly not for fun.
00:36:45 Not only acoustic guitars, but also electric guitars.
00:36:49 This is where I sleep, but besides that, this is also my studio,
00:36:53 where I work on music,
00:36:55 I work on music, I work on songs.
00:36:58 This is it.
00:37:00 It's not a serious studio,
00:37:04 more like a home studio.
00:37:06 The one I love the most is...
00:37:09 This is the one I love the most.
00:37:11 This is the one I love the most.
00:37:14 This is Tom Anderson.
00:37:17 It's hard to find.
00:37:19 It's a bit hard to get.
00:37:22 But I love it.
00:37:24 Guitars are not just for display.
00:37:28 Restu Piawai plays the drums,
00:37:30 and plays the guitar strings.
00:37:32 When we see Restu singing, we immediately think of Charlie.
00:37:35 Apparently, long before he went viral,
00:37:37 Restu has been following his father's footsteps since he was still in high school.
00:37:41 At that time, Restu started to appear in shopping malls,
00:37:44 and even performed from one cafe to another.
00:37:47 Although he was born as a child of a singer with a big name,
00:37:50 Restu admitted that his first honor was only tens of thousands of rupiah.
00:37:55 I paid for a box of rice,
00:38:00 and 25,000 rupiah.
00:38:02 There was a cafe,
00:38:05 and I was a girl.
00:38:07 They were also weird.
00:38:10 "How can I share it with Restu? He's Charlie's son."
00:38:14 I said, "Don't think of me as Charlie's son."
00:38:18 I thought I was just an ordinary Bandung guy who left the city.
00:38:24 I was in Ceamis at that time.
00:38:26 I sang in a cafe.
00:38:28 The cafe was in Ceamis.
00:38:30 Just think of me as an ordinary Bandung guy,
00:38:34 who was struggling.
00:38:39 "It's okay, even if you don't give me anything."
00:38:45 "It's okay, as long as I get experience."
00:38:48 His money was so bad that his talent for singing was praised.
00:38:52 So he was a valuable person in the music industry.
00:38:56 But is it true that Restu didn't want to be too arrogant,
00:38:59 ignoring other things by chasing his dream as a musician?
00:39:03 Is it true that Restu still prioritizes education?
00:39:06 Then, will Restu leave his career as a singer,
00:39:09 who started to step on his successors?
00:39:13 That's why I still choose to study.
00:39:17 I want to go to college.
00:39:19 I'm going to the Netherlands next year.
00:39:21 But I still want to be a musician.
00:39:23 For the future,
00:39:26 for now,
00:39:28 we're going to be rich.
00:39:30 I'm going to be rich.
00:39:32 But I still need to balance my academic.
00:39:35 Because my father and I often share the same income.
00:39:39 You can take whatever you want.
00:39:41 But you have to remember that
00:39:44 your struggle and my struggle are different.
00:39:50 Wow, Restu Van Houten is such a good inspiration.
00:39:58 He said that I can have a career,
00:40:01 I can be a musician,
00:40:02 as long as I don't forget my education.
00:40:04 He even said that he plans to continue his education next year.
00:40:08 And he will continue to work.
00:40:10 We're looking forward to his new songs,
00:40:12 his new romantic songs,
00:40:14 and his new career as a restu Van Houten.
00:40:17 Even though his parents gave him freedom,
00:40:19 he chose to continue his education.
00:40:22 And next, we're going to see Matthew Gilbert,
00:40:25 how he can take care of his health,
00:40:29 especially his lung health.
00:40:31 Nowadays, we know that
00:40:33 it's a little bit stressful.
00:40:34 Why?
00:40:35 Because it will affect his lung health.
00:40:38 Without our awareness.
00:40:40 We're going to see the tips and tricks
00:40:42 from Matthew Gilbert.
00:41:06 This is a perfect atmosphere.
00:41:08 Eating meatball hot and spicy like this.
00:41:10 Great!
00:41:12 Makes you want to eat it, right?
00:41:13 Follow us to explore the delicious culinary today.
00:41:17 Finally, today's shooting is over.
00:41:27 Hello, viewers.
00:41:29 I just finished shooting.
00:41:31 Usually, if we shoot culinary like this,
00:41:33 we can visit 2-3 culinary locations in a day.
00:41:37 And all of them are spicy and fatty food.
00:41:40 You want to know why I'm not afraid of pain and lumbar pain?
00:41:44 At first, it was a real threat.
00:41:49 Every time I see spicy, fatty food, and coffee.
00:41:53 I was worried about lumbar pain.
00:41:56 But don't worry.
00:41:58 Because I always drink Esema.
00:42:00 Esema is an effective herbal.
00:42:03 It can cure lumbar pain.
00:42:05 Like lumbar, lumbar, lumbar, and lumbar.
00:42:08 The ingredients are herbal.
00:42:10 Among others, turmeric,
00:42:12 cinnamon, licorice, and honey.
00:42:15 It's proven to be a patent and has benefits.
00:42:17 Esema works by covering the lumbar wall.
00:42:21 Drink Esema daily.
00:42:23 It makes your lumbar healthier.
00:42:25 And your lumbar doesn't get stiff easily.
00:42:28 (Esema)
00:42:30 It tastes good.
00:42:34 The sweetness and mint makes me feel relaxed.
00:42:36 Esema is produced by Sido Muncul.
00:42:38 He's a professional herbalist.
00:42:40 So it's definitely halal.
00:42:42 Now, Esema is available in Tablet Punya.
00:42:44 It tastes good.
00:42:45 It's not like eating Kapur.
00:42:54 So, for those who love spicy food,
00:42:57 fat, and coffee drinkers,
00:42:59 you don't have to worry.
00:43:01 Drink Esema daily to keep your lumbar healthy.
00:43:04 And your lumbar doesn't get stiff easily.
00:43:06 Esema. Effective. Cure your lumbar.
00:43:10 (Esema)
00:43:13 (Esema)
00:43:15 Antangin JRG.
00:43:28 With ginger, royal jelly, ginseng.
00:43:31 Helps to reduce the cold and warm Indonesian people.
00:43:36 Antangin JRG.
00:43:38 WSWS.
00:43:39 Fabless Angine.
00:43:41 This, that.
00:43:42 Shampoo that fights the itchiness of your lumbar.
00:43:44 Or shampoo that fights the stiff hair?
00:43:46 I want both.
00:43:47 Complete package.
00:43:48 New. Shampoo Pantene Anti-lumbar with Provitamin.
00:43:51 Fights the itchiness of your lumbar and stiff hair.
00:43:54 Complete.
00:43:56 Hi, Leodra.
00:43:57 Hi, Kalpa.
00:43:58 Your softness is so crispy.
00:44:00 The chocolate is thick.
00:44:02 The coconut is savory.
00:44:04 That's right.
00:44:06 Coconut and chocolate become one.
00:44:08 It's delicious.
00:44:09 Kalpa.
00:44:11 Hey, yo.
00:44:12 Hot.
00:44:13 Hot.
00:44:14 Becoming a honeydew.
00:44:15 The freshness of honey.
00:44:16 Just smooth.
00:44:18 Only in honeydew.
00:44:20 Honeydew.
00:44:22 The sweetness.
00:44:24 The sweetness.
00:44:26 Amazing.
00:44:28 He can do this because he likes to observe.
00:44:33 He likes to observe because he has a smart mind.
00:44:36 Smart mind because he sleeps well and has a good digestion.
00:44:40 This is because of optimal stimulation and nutrition.
00:44:43 LactoGrow.
00:44:44 The only milk with L-redupery enriched with omega 3 and 6.
00:44:48 Support good digestion, help smart mind and active body.
00:44:52 LactoGrow.
00:44:53 Amazing things start from the inside.
00:44:55 Glowing means...
00:45:00 ...point, point, light up.
00:45:04 Healthy skin all day.
00:45:07 Fragrant skin all the time.
00:45:09 Glowing means...
00:45:10 ...point, point, moisturize.
00:45:13 Done.
00:45:15 Just search, you'll get it.
00:45:17 Glowing means...
00:45:19 ...point, point, scarlet.
00:45:21 Always glow on the go.
00:45:22 Available at your favorite store.
00:45:25 Aqua believes in the miracle of nature.
00:45:28 Therefore, we don't use a single gallon.
00:45:31 We sanitize our gallons together before refilling.
00:45:36 Aqua 100% pure.
00:45:40 ABC Cofon coffee.
00:45:42 The new sensation that's...
00:45:44 ...perfect.
00:45:45 Coffee mixed with coconut, sweet, sweet and fragrant pandan.
00:45:48 Practical, use it right away.
00:45:50 Done.
00:45:51 ABC Cofon coffee.
00:45:52 The new sensation that's...
00:45:53 ...perfect.
00:45:54 Gentle Gen now has a sachet.
00:45:58 Buy 3 get 1 free.
00:45:59 Your hands are still soft.
00:46:01 Your clothes are also soft.
00:46:02 The fragrance also lasts long.
00:46:05 No need for a soft fragrance anymore.
00:46:07 Gentle Gen, growth-refreshing soap.
00:46:10 Soak clean floor.
00:46:12 Now with a new formula.
00:46:14 Optimal protection kills 99% of germs.
00:46:17 Dry quickly, shine clean, long-lasting fragrance.
00:46:21 Soak clean floor, protect clean, long-lasting fragrance.
00:46:25 Wingscare.
00:46:26 Adek.
00:46:28 Good, right?
00:46:30 For who?
00:46:32 For my mom.
00:46:33 Let's drink milk first.
00:46:34 Great, Baby Luck.
00:46:35 Contains phosgos that is highly clinical.
00:46:37 And triple A with higher DHA.
00:46:39 Support good ennui, creative mind and big heart.
00:46:43 Happy birthday.
00:46:45 Happy birthday.
00:46:46 I don't have a birthday.
00:46:48 Why do you have to wait for your birthday?
00:46:50 You can give a present anytime.
00:46:53 Baby Luck, the beginning of all wonders.
00:46:56 Coffee with coffee.
00:46:59 Anytime.
00:47:00 Anywhere.
00:47:03 Nescafe.
00:47:09 This is my cafe.
00:47:11 Take a bath with soap only.
00:47:12 The dirt is still there.
00:47:14 New ProGuard Daily Purifying.
00:47:16 Remove dirt and impurities.
00:47:18 Anti-bacterial plus 99.9% cuman.
00:47:21 Maximum clean skin with ProGuard Daily Purifying.
00:47:24 Wingscare.
00:47:25 This is a heavy exercise, don't worry about sweat on your clothes.
00:47:28 I'm not worried about sweat on my clothes.
00:47:29 We use Soap & Flow Active Sport.
00:47:31 New, quick absorb sweat, clothes still dry.
00:47:34 Protect clothes from bad smell.
00:47:36 Clothes still fresh, Soap & Flow Active Sport.
00:47:38 Free smell, sweat on clothes.
00:47:39 No way.
00:47:40 Wingscare.
00:47:41 Usually, toothpaste with brush is not good and make you sick.
00:47:44 Now, we use new toothpaste, Barakat.
00:47:47 The combination of brush and green tea, brush teeth more comfortable, clean and fresh.
00:47:51 Strong teeth, also clean since one brush.
00:47:54 New, Barakat.
00:47:55 Healthy teeth, sure Barakat.
00:47:56 There's a new one.
00:47:57 J Natural White Jeju Lemon.
00:47:59 My skin is so white.
00:48:00 With Korean Rice Milk and Jeju Lemon.
00:48:02 Fight against fire-resistant bacteria.
00:48:04 Wow, so pretty.
00:48:06 So pretty.
00:48:07 Bye, my skin is white.
00:48:08 J Natural White Jeju Lemon.
00:48:09 New.
00:48:10 Wingscare.
00:48:11 I want noodles.
00:48:12 Please.
00:48:13 Don't worry, there's Oven Noodles.
00:48:14 Healthier choice.
00:48:16 Oven Noodles, not fried.
00:48:18 Noodle is chewy.
00:48:19 Taste better.
00:48:22 Delicious.
00:48:24 Oven Noodles, healthy and delicious.
00:48:26 I don't want to eat outside.
00:48:28 Can't shop either.
00:48:30 Let's cook.
00:48:31 What do we cook?
00:48:34 Just wake up.
00:48:37 Only with new touch, made from natural ingredients and quality ingredients.
00:48:43 Make simple dishes, more special.
00:48:50 How?
00:48:53 It's so good.
00:48:54 Because taste never lies.
00:48:56 Aqua believes in your wisdom to the miracle of nature.
00:49:00 Aqua originates from the chosen mountains, not a place that is easily trapped.
00:49:05 Aqua is filtered by layers of rock without any artificial process.
00:49:10 Aqua contains natural minerals without any dangerous additives.
00:49:14 So, Aqua feels cold without being cooled.
00:49:20 Explain, if water is not pure, Aqua is 100% pure.
00:49:33 We're back on Insert.
00:49:35 We'll see some celebrity's dance moves in Kepo You.
00:49:40 First, we'll see Agnez Mo.
00:49:43 She loves to sing and dance.
00:49:47 But, she also loves leeks.
00:49:51 Leeks team must be excited.
00:49:54 What do we cook?
00:49:55 And how many leeks Agnez will put in?
00:49:59 Let's check it out.
00:50:02 Try this.
00:50:03 Put all the leeks.
00:50:05 Baby, you're repeating the leeks.
00:50:15 I relate.
00:50:19 Leeks are delicious and fragrant.
00:50:23 Agnez Mo's menu is leeks and vegetables.
00:50:29 That's right.
00:50:32 90% of the food is leeks.
00:50:36 Let's see the netizen's comment about the dish.
00:50:39 Many netizens are surprised when Agnez Mo can cook.
00:50:45 The dish is considered unique when there are so many leeks.
00:50:50 Although, leeks give flavor to every dish.
00:50:55 The couple must be prepared.
00:50:59 If the first couple is surprised, what will happen next?
00:51:04 Let's see if the netizen's comment is ready.
00:51:08 Not as many as the first couple.
00:51:10 The netizen's comment is so soft.
00:51:13 But, anyway, Agnez Mo, let's pray for her to improve her cooking.
00:51:21 We're curious, besides cooking leeks and vegetables, what else will Agnez Mo cook?
00:51:27 She can make birthday cake and give birthday cake to her loved ones.
00:51:32 Just like the Halilintarz family who gave birthday surprise to their 55-year-old grandson.
00:51:45 Let's see how popular and happy they are.
00:51:48 It must be so crowded.
00:51:51 11 children in Halilintarz for Abi.
00:51:54 Let's go inside.
00:51:56 Let's try.
00:51:58 The story is from Abi's house.
00:52:00 Then, we'll continue from here.
00:52:02 5 hours before the birthday dinner, someone suddenly came to the house.
00:52:07 He said he wanted to learn golf from Abi.
00:52:12 He's so cool.
00:52:16 It turned out that this is the reason why he came to the house.
00:52:20 Abi said that there's a golf course.
00:52:25 But, Abi said that's his fifth gen.
00:52:28 This is his newest one.
00:52:30 He said that this is his highest level.
00:52:35 Level 1.
00:52:39 He said that he can get it.
00:52:42 It's cool, right?
00:52:43 He said that he knows how to play golf.
00:52:45 He said that he can learn it from Abi.
00:52:47 He said that he can learn it from Abi.
00:52:49 He said that he can learn it from Abi.
00:52:51 Happy birthday.
00:52:53 This is a heartwarming event.
00:52:56 What do parents want when they have a first moment of their life?
00:53:00 It's the presence of their loved ones.
00:53:02 When your father or Halilintarz's father has a birthday,
00:53:07 we can make sure that he'll give you a lot of presents.
00:53:10 Because there are 11 children.
00:53:12 But, it's related to the gift.
00:53:14 It's a golf stick.
00:53:15 Because they're a family who play golf together.
00:53:18 I'm curious about what gift Torek will give.
00:53:21 But, you're the only one who's curious.
00:53:23 Because when there's a moment when Torek is with Alia,
00:53:29 I think someone knows the jacket.
00:53:31 Let's see.
00:53:33 It's so heartwarming when you see Alia and Syed with Aurel.
00:53:41 Because Aurel is so close to Alia.
00:53:43 And, if we see their closeness,
00:53:45 Aurel said that he introduced Alia to Torek Halilintarz.
00:53:50 But, it's the jacket that's wrong.
00:53:52 Did they buy twins?
00:53:54 Or, did they endorse the same jacket?
00:53:56 Or, is this Torek's jacket?
00:53:58 We never know.
00:53:59 But, I think the hint is getting more and more everyday.
00:54:03 Someone said that it's Torek's jacket.
00:54:05 And, it's said that Torek wore that jacket when he went to Fuji.
00:54:08 So, why is it Torek's jacket?
00:54:11 And, what's the problem?
00:54:13 Okay.
00:54:14 The next one is not a secret.
00:54:16 Because, a few months ago,
00:54:18 they had an official engagement.
00:54:21 But, again, at a moment when Mahalini was concerned,
00:54:26 Iki asked her to come back to get married.
00:54:29 But, that's not the focus.
00:54:31 When Mahalini told us how she got to this point,
00:54:35 and remembered the presence or struggle of her mother,
00:54:38 that's what made her cry so much.
00:54:41 What do you think?
00:54:45 I'm alone.
00:54:49 Everyone is together.
00:54:51 The only thing that I'm sad about is that I don't know where to go without her.
00:54:56 If I had Iki, I don't know where I should go.
00:55:02 I don't know who I should accompany.
00:55:04 I don't know who I should cry to.
00:55:06 I don't know who I should laugh to.
00:55:08 And, I'm sad about her.
00:55:12 I know that she...
00:55:15 Maybe, her family is also sad.
00:55:18 I'm also sad.
00:55:19 We know that Mahalini is a rising star.
00:55:22 Of course, her actions are being watched by netizens.
00:55:25 Especially, when she's on stage.
00:55:27 And, she also told us what's in her heart about Fabian's risk.
00:55:33 But, there are some negative comments.
00:55:35 I think it's normal.
00:55:37 It's also from netizens.
00:55:38 But, if we think positively,
00:55:40 do you still remember that Mahalini's beloved mother...
00:55:44 went home a few years ago during the COVID-19 pandemic?
00:55:48 And, don't forget that Mahalini is a singer...
00:55:51 who came from Bali and moved to Jakarta...
00:55:54 with her mother.
00:55:56 At that time, her mother always accompanied Mahalini...
00:55:58 to sing from one place to another.
00:56:01 It's obvious that her mother's loss...
00:56:03 is a very difficult moment for Mahalini.
00:56:06 Especially, now we can see...
00:56:08 how Mahalini has a great career...
00:56:12 and now, there's Iki beside her.
00:56:14 We're looking forward to their happy days.
00:56:16 And, next, we have a guest from Kepo You.
00:56:18 We'll invite you to see...
00:56:20 this is a brother of XNAF's vocalist...
00:56:24 who finally, after a decade,
00:56:26 is back to ask for his rights...
00:56:29 and also forbid, quote-unquote, this band...
00:56:32 to sing again.
00:56:34 The question is, why now?
00:56:36 Well, 26 years.
00:56:38 We know that XNAF's band is active in the Indonesian music industry.
00:56:41 And, we also know that Adi...
00:56:43 half of his journey with XNAF...
00:56:46 he has retired.
00:56:47 More precisely, 13 years with XNAF.
00:56:49 And, there are many songs that he created for XNAF's band.
00:56:53 Until now, he released an assomation...
00:56:55 so that XNAF won't sing the songs...
00:56:58 that were created by Adi.
00:57:00 The reason why, we'll see in the next segment.
00:57:03 Among many members of XNAF's band...
00:57:08 with their ex-personnel,
00:57:10 now, there's one more member...
00:57:12 who's been in XNAF's band.
00:57:14 It's Rushaidim Makmun or Adi.
00:57:16 The ex-vocalist who claimed to be the founder...
00:57:18 and founder of XNAF 26 years ago.
00:57:21 That was in 1997.
00:57:24 Then, he left XNAF in 2010.
00:57:27 But, the grudge of Adi from the band...
00:57:29 who has followed him...
00:57:30 turned out to be a disappointment.
00:57:32 Now, he admitted that after 13 years...
00:57:34 he tried to be patient and overcome.
00:57:36 Adi finally chose to be vocal...
00:57:38 and forbade his ex-band...
00:57:40 to bring more than 60 songs that he created.
00:57:44 From all the hit singles that I have...
00:57:47 from XNAF's album to...
00:57:49 from the first album to the sixth album...
00:57:51 after I retired...
00:57:52 there are more than 60 songs.
00:57:54 So, almost all of my hit singles are created.
00:57:57 Including "Akhirnya Kumenemukaanmu",
00:58:00 "Kau Masih Kekasihku",
00:58:02 "Terendah Pelaraku",
00:58:03 "Bila Nanti Kau Milikku",
00:58:04 "Tak Seindah Cinta Yang Semestinya",
00:58:06 "Kaulah Hidup Dan Matiku",
00:58:08 "A.N.G"
00:58:09 I want to mention 60.
00:58:10 It seems that Adi didn't just spit chili.
00:58:16 Before he forbade XNAF...
00:58:18 to bring his songs...
00:58:20 back in September...
00:58:22 he made a statement through social media.
00:58:26 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:58:30 For all Indonesian music lovers...
00:58:35 friends of EO, XNAF's management...
00:58:39 and especially XNAF's personnel...
00:58:42 this Friday, September 29, 2023...
00:58:46 and until when...
00:58:48 I state that...
00:58:50 I don't allow XNAF...
00:58:54 to bring all my songs...
00:58:58 my works of creation.
00:59:00 My goal in making this statement is...
00:59:04 so that we can all...
00:59:06 respect and be ethical...
00:59:09 towards the works of other people.
00:59:12 The letter was still released because they had performed.
00:59:15 After the statement was released...
00:59:18 they still showed...
00:59:20 that they brought my songs...
00:59:22 and we have the proof.
00:59:24 Under the XNAF's signature.
00:59:26 It's in Jakarta, so it's easy to access.
00:59:29 It's like a challenge.
00:59:33 "Okay, we'll do it."
00:59:35 After that, he was mad...
00:59:39 because he just released the statement.
00:59:41 But in his performance on stage...
00:59:43 it turned out that XNAF still brought...
00:59:45 my songs of creation.
00:59:47 This is what led him to take legal action...
00:59:50 to send a summary to XNAF and management.
00:59:53 Because for him...
00:59:55 this ban is not about money or royalty...
00:59:58 but about ethics and morals.
01:00:00 He then closed the rumor...
01:00:04 if he appears at this very moment...
01:00:06 to ban XNAF from bringing his songs of creation...
01:00:09 just because of following the trend.
01:00:11 Especially after the royalty problem...
01:00:13 was troubled by the musicians lately.
01:00:16 Like Ahmad Dhani who banned Once Mekel...
01:00:19 bringing the songs of Dewa 19.
01:00:21 Po San Tobing who troubled the songs of his creation...
01:00:24 in the band Kotak.
01:00:25 Even Momo with the band Geisha.
01:00:27 For Adi, long before this musician's history...
01:00:31 he even had been voicing for about two years...
01:00:35 after the ban from XNAF.
01:00:37 Just when he wanted to ban XNAF...
01:00:39 because of the law at that time...
01:00:41 Adi was banned by his father who was also a KIAI.
01:00:44 Oh, the one before.
01:00:47 If I'm not mistaken, it was a year or two...
01:00:51 after I withdrew from XNAF.
01:00:53 Because I thought I wasn't on the right track at that time.
01:00:56 But at that time, I was banned by my father.
01:01:00 My father was a KIAI in Slauci.
01:01:05 He asked me to withdraw to continue to share my fortune.
01:01:09 That's the point.
01:01:11 I thought 13 years was enough for me to share my fortune.
01:01:16 There's something I have to pay attention to in my life.
01:01:19 That's my children.
01:01:21 Now, Adi has opened again...
01:01:25 to wipe the scars that are still buried in his heart...
01:01:28 after the decision to ban XNAF 13 years ago.
01:01:32 Did Adi withdrew from XNAF because he felt...
01:01:35 he was not appreciated by XNAF and his own management?
01:01:38 I didn't create XNAF.
01:01:43 I made XNAF.
01:01:45 I started from scratch.
01:01:48 I named my XNAF.
01:01:52 I recruited the 3rd person one by one.
01:01:55 Then I withdrew.
01:01:57 According to you, is there a big problem?
01:02:01 Yes.
01:02:03 Why?
01:02:04 I was angry at that time.
01:02:06 I thought, "What's wrong?"
01:02:08 But even though he sent a donation to XNAF,
01:02:15 is there still a room in Adi's heart...
01:02:17 to return the love and friendship...
01:02:21 that they fought together from the beginning?
01:02:27 If we talk about it now, there's no communication.
01:02:32 It's not good.
01:02:34 Yes, it's not good.
01:02:36 I had a chance to call one of the staff.
01:02:39 I asked to meet and talk.
01:02:44 I thought, "The situation is getting better."
01:02:46 "What else do we have to talk about?"
01:02:48 [The winner of the first round is...]
01:02:51 [The winner of the second round is...]
01:02:54 [The winner of the third round is...]
01:02:57 [The winner of the fourth round is...]
01:03:00 [The winner of the fifth round is...]
01:03:03 [The winner of the sixth round is...]
01:03:06 [The winner of the seventh round is...]
01:03:09 [The winner of the eighth round is...]
01:03:12 [The winner of the ninth round is...]
01:03:15 [The winner of the tenth round is...]
01:03:18 [The winner of the eleventh round is...]
01:03:21 [The winner of the twelfth round is...]
01:03:24 [The winner of the thirteenth round is...]
01:03:27 [The winner of the fourteenth round is...]
01:03:30 [The winner of the fifteenth round is...]
01:03:33 [The winner of the sixteenth round is...]
01:03:36 [The winner of the seventeenth round is...]
01:03:39 [The winner of the eighteenth round is...]
01:03:42 [The winner of the nineteenth round is...]
01:03:45 [The winner of the twentieth round is...]
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