Vox Pop: Should free Covid testing be brought back to save another potential lockdown?

  • last year
A new strain of Covid has been detected and the NHS is encouraging those aged over 65 to get a new vaccine. Should free testing be brought back to avoid another lockdown? This is what a couple of people has to say on the matter.
00:00 With the NHS issuing out booster shots to care homes for people over the ages of 65
00:07 this week due to another variant of Covid that has been spreading throughout the UK,
00:13 I asked some people in Preston what their thoughts were on it. Should the age limit
00:17 be lowered for everyone to get their jobs? Are they sick of their jobs? Do they think
00:22 another lockdown is imminent? This is what a couple of them had to say.
00:28 So with a new strain of Covid arriving in parts of the UK, are you sort of worried,
00:34 do you think because it's coming into winter, is it going to be sort of more scary and not
00:39 be able to tackle it as well if it's cold maybe? Or do you think that they should have
00:45 free injections for everybody before it comes to winter?
00:48 Yeah, I think it's better to give injections to everybody before the winter.
00:56 So you would get an injection?
00:57 Yeah.
00:57 So are you worried going into winter yourself about Covid?
01:03 Yes.
01:04 And have you ever had Covid yourself?
01:07 I have, yes, twice.
01:09 And you've had your booster?
01:10 Yes.
01:11 So would you sort of think it would be better for people to be given free boosters before
01:17 coming into the winter months?
01:18 Yeah, I thought they weren't free anyway.
01:22 Would you, yeah, just for sort of the younger people, but I know over 65s is...
01:27 Yeah.
01:28 But just for everyone really?
01:29 Yeah.
01:30 Would you be worried sort of that people think it's mistaken for flu?
01:36 Yes, the new variant, yes.
01:40 So in regards going into lockdown, do you think there will be another lockdown? Do you
01:44 think...
01:45 I'm not sure about that, but as I say, a lot of people won't get the jabs again because
01:52 they were fed up of having the jabs before, so they won't get it again. Yeah.
01:58 And would you sort of be... what are your thoughts on lockdown? Would you be wanting one if this
02:03 was to go haywire again, so to speak?
02:07 Well, I don't think anyone wants lockdown, but, you know, if it's going to get... well,
02:12 it won't get rid of it, will it? It'll just keep going on and on. So I don't know.
