Proposing At Someone Else's Wedding (Free Swim)

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Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 All right, but make today's Wednesday. It's August 23rd. Welcome to the dog walk presented
00:03 by Barstool Sports free swim Wednesday. You're in the big studio. It's myself, Danny and chief.
00:08 How's everybody feeling today? Wonderful. Wonderful. Back at it. Back at it. Danny had
00:13 to say that was almost devious when I said, do you got something to say today? You got some,
00:17 he's up to no good. You got to pull one over on someone. No, I got some topics. I guess. All right.
00:22 I didn't know what's going on. I'm laughing from Francesca was in the office the other day. You're
00:27 not in on Mike Francesca, right? What do you mean? Like you don't, so you're, so you never heard of
00:32 the Jambi jokes. I'm in like most of my knowledge. So my, my mom is from like the Connecticut area
00:40 down kind of by New York. And my dad is too. So I like knew about him cause we do our summers out
00:44 there a lot of times as a kid, or at least been a few weeks. So I knew about Francesca, but,
00:48 and I, but most of it's from like Kevin clips. Yeah. Or he's just number one and he's spilling
00:53 the soda and all that kind of stuff. Well, that's like a big thing where people call in and ask
00:58 questions about Jason Jambi. Like, Hey, do you think the new Bronco starting quarterbacks
01:03 going to be Jambi this year? And I just prank call him, you know? And I just saw him say on
01:07 Barstow radio that it's, it's some unshaven dirty mattress somewhere in a basement. What a way to
01:14 put it. What a way to put it. That's what he's calling it. The prank callers. Yeah. Okay.
01:20 Unshaven like it is some unshaven.
01:23 That's the now. Yeah. He's an unshaven. Yeah. You know,
01:30 it's like, what do you think about chief? He's an unshaven. He's an unshaven.
01:34 Speaking of kind of sports and whatnot. I was, I asked, I asked a group of a group of people,
01:44 this question over the weekend, um, for five, a group of five girls. Uh, what, what does the
01:52 taking surveys over the weekend? I asked one person, she didn't know. And then it was open to
01:58 her friends. She texted her friends. She's like, it's not common knowledge.
02:02 What, why do they call it the United center? It's the United airlines. Yeah.
02:08 Four out of five did not know that. What did they think it was about? What else could it be?
02:14 They have the fucking logo on it. One says, because it is, uh, it's like the center of the
02:18 is like United people or something. I swear. I was like, are you guys nuts? Like, even if you
02:26 didn't know, once someone asked you that, I think you're like, I think you're realizing, Oh, like
02:30 it is United airlines. I never thought of it, but it makes sense. The only company I know named
02:34 the United, at least like Duggar heels. Oh, she was doubling down. Like, yeah, it's not that.
02:41 I mean, they probably pay tens of millions of dollars to have people know that it's like,
02:48 Hey, we're sponsoring this arena where you go to see fucking Beyonce bad investment. Apparently
02:53 it's too generic of a word for you to automatically assume United airlines.
02:57 When you say United, I guess that's kind of true because it could be, if you think of all the other
03:03 arenas, they are like more Tropicana or something, but even if like their competitors, it's American
03:10 airlines arena, you know, even Wrigley, I, you're not thinking of the gum first anymore, but it was,
03:16 yeah, it was like, we have Wrigleyville. Now we have a whole neighborhood named after the gum.
03:20 Yeah, true. Well, he owned it. He named it after himself. Now at one point, right? Yeah. Yeah. I
03:30 didn't realize that the staple center was the store staples. See shit like that. That makes
03:36 sense. What was it named after? And your head? It was just one of those things where like, I think
03:39 William H staple, those things where I knew about the center before the store, you know, like as a
03:44 kid growing up. Okay. But so like, I could say like, Hey, I'm trying to like, come back to ground
03:50 on these girls, on these morons, you know, but, but, but I was, uh, I was taking it back
03:56 and wondering like, oh shit. I Googled it. And literally on top of the stadium, there's a massive
04:01 giant. It's been there for, for 30 years. United logo. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one thing that'll
04:06 get you. Their logo is kind of plastered everywhere. Yeah, it is. It is. That's the big
04:11 sign when you're coming up Madison, you know, like that's on that. It's like, it's literally
04:15 everywhere. So it's like in the bears United club, people should think that's just a club that people
04:19 are United in. Just go bears. Yay team. Everyone's just United in the two singing songs together.
04:26 They're doing all this stuff at the same time. Yeah. It was, um, I was just funny. I don't,
04:31 I'm not, you know, I'm not, I'm not down talking here, but I was, I was taking it back.
04:36 That's like, it's, it's so obvious to you that maybe you're just like, you think, I don't know,
04:44 like you have to get inside someone else's head. Yeah. I guess. Maybe I'm coming around to that
04:47 right now. I'm coming around, but it does feel like that's something, if you live in Chicago,
04:52 you would know. And just because it's like, like, I know that United, like Chicago is a United hub.
04:58 Like this is like, this is their stronghold airport. Like, I feel like I know that too.
05:03 Like, it seems like you just see United stuff everywhere on the city. Yeah.
05:06 Uh, I tweeted this over the weekend, but I was waiting in line in a liquor store and this guy
05:13 went up to the counter and he had a 24 ounce tall boy ice house can, and he turned around and said,
05:21 I'm not homeless. I just like the taste. What do you think about that? If you're a regular Joe
05:26 Schmo who has a house, can you just be ordering 24 ounce cans of, you know, tall, um, ice house?
05:31 How old was this guy? Uh, he looked probably like in his early forties. Did he say it to you or did
05:36 he say it to the clerk? There was, he said it to me and another guy behind me. He did look homeless.
05:41 Yeah. I will say that. Okay. So he was lying. He was a front. Yes. But for the sake of the
05:47 hypothetical, can you be like drinking Natty light and be an upstanding citizen of society?
05:53 I would say if I were going to count the amount of beers that I've had in my life
05:58 by brand ice house is top five for sure. That was like my freshman, freshman and sophomore year
06:06 beer was ice house. Same. Like, yeah. Keystone. Sure. But I, we didn't have like, like we could
06:12 have had keystone, like it existed. Obviously we didn't have that. We were like, we are ice house
06:17 guys. And again, black rock dorm ice house. I'll be honest. That's, I mean, maybe it's an age thing,
06:24 but that's kind of weird. Why? What was yours? Cause I feel a keystone. I feel like he's on
06:28 a Bush lighter, more prevalent in college. I think I was probably earning a beer. Well,
06:33 point remains that you guys weren't getting ice house for the taste. You're getting in
06:38 cause it was cheap. Yeah. Cause you were borderline homeless. You can get a 12 pack. I
06:42 remember you can get 12 pack for a ice house for eight 50. So let's, let's say this. All right.
06:46 Today is the coming around show. We just came around and we gave those, those girls some,
06:52 you know, Eddie's survey groups. Yeah. Okay. Why is it now becoming okay for people to acknowledge
07:01 like, Hey, I know I live in a city like New York or Chicago that has tons of great pizza at your
07:06 fingertips, but sometimes you just want dominoes or Papa John's, you know, why is it okay for that?
07:13 But this guy can't drink his ice house. That's a good point, right? If he enjoys it,
07:18 is it a good point though? Well, I don't think you have to just have to hand them that that's
07:22 a good point. It's a good point, but I have counters the convenience number one, cause the
07:27 guy getting ice house has a whole other lineup of beer next to him at all times looking through
07:32 that convenience store cooler. And a lot of the times if you're getting little Caesars or dominoes,
07:36 it's cause maybe it's the closest place to your house. Maybe it's the only place openly as opposed
07:40 to like legitimate pizza places. And maybe sometimes late at night, it's an emergency
07:44 and your normal pizza delivery is going to take 45 and they can get it to you at 20. Right. And
07:49 that makes all the difference. Yes. If you just had like an ice house stand at the end of your
07:53 ice house, but you always have the option of other beers and, and we're, we're kind of
07:59 discounting the fact that it wasn't no six pack of ice house. It was a 24 ounce tall boy,
08:03 tall boy. Anything is homeless. I think I was just going to say, I thought I was going to get
08:08 shit after this. I'm anti tall boy. Of course you got to walk around with a Brown bag and it's just
08:13 like, I can never drink it fast enough. So the bottom won't, the last quarter of the beer won't
08:18 be one. You're drinking it with two hands for no reason. Everyone else has smaller hands. I'm just
08:23 saying that those things are massive. There's no reason to be drinking one that big. They're either
08:28 you're homeless or you're in the lawn at a Kenny Chesney concert at Tim Lee park.
08:32 The other place I used to see him all the time. Sad looking guys getting on the Metro on the way
08:37 home. Like if they were like riding out to Geneva and the union Pacific West, they would get
08:41 themselves a nice tall one. So I actually think that's great. But a lot of commute. Yeah, sure.
08:48 But like you need to go to the Foster's big can. You can't be good. And yeah, you can get a, you
08:54 can get a classy big can for like a train. Foster's classy. I had classier than like,
09:00 I don't know if I've ever even had a foster. I think they only sell it in the mega gallon.
09:05 Yeah. Oh, I've had the big boy just to like, just say like for the picture, my hands been around.
09:10 Yeah. It's like a thermos. It's like a mini keg. Yeah. It is big. Yeah. Remember that old,
09:15 the old mini keg Foster's behind? Oh, that was Heineken. Yeah. They don't make those anymore.
09:20 Ah, it's a good question. I don't know. I don't, I don't drink it. So I'd be willing to say no,
09:26 but yeah, probably a safe bet that they don't. No, they're probably kicking around. I'm sure
09:32 they are kind of revolutionary. People used to love like flexing that. Yeah. You know,
09:37 I think it was always kind of feel like on the forefront of like little tweaks and changes.
09:43 Just like a drastically different tasting beer though.
09:48 Never a big Heineken green bottle. Yeah. Me neither. Me neither. Millers. Um, yes. But
09:55 I don't know. I think sometimes you do want to, you do want to taste of nostalgia. Like,
10:01 do you have a place like that where you recognize, you know, when you go to a place,
10:06 you grew up loving it or like a food you could do loved. And then you go back and you're like,
10:10 you know what? This is not that good. You're talking shitty pizza back to shitty pizza.
10:14 Sure. Or anything. I've had like other like similar things, I guess. But it would be like,
10:20 you go back to a place where you used to like hang out. I was like a little kid where you would like
10:24 play like touch football and stuff. And just, you remember being like, yeah, that, that yard
10:28 or like that park, it was fucking huge. And now you go back there like, this is it. Yeah. Like
10:33 your, your proportions are off. But I will say back to like the beer thing for the nostalgia sake,
10:37 because we were an ice house dorm. When I say dorm, we had, we had five guys living in a quad.
10:44 It was like us five. We had one of them had a bachelor party. Like this is probably six years
10:48 ago, something like that. The guy just showed up with like cases and cases of ice house for like
10:54 all time for the old time. That's fucking awesome. Yeah. And so we just drank ice house all weekend
10:59 long. It was great. It was terrible, but it was great. Did you feel terrible? Oh yeah. It was
11:03 gross. Did it taste bad? The first one did. Okay. The first one did. And then as you kept going,
11:09 it's like, you know what? This tastes like home a little bit. Cause I told you I do that thing
11:13 every Christmas. I don't know if I talked about it in this show where we made my friends, like
11:16 been a tradition for like 10 years plus. And we, we drink like shitty beers. No, and it's, I don't
11:22 know. It's like a whole big thing. Yeah. And ice house is usually right in the mix of like, people
11:26 are drinking it and they're like barfing. I got it. I'm also going to come out and say something
11:31 here. I've decided I'm anti fancy beer. Every time I go and they're like, try this IPA, try this
11:38 thing, try that. Y'all let's have this flight. We're going to go to a, there's like a brewery
11:42 down the street from me on South port. They have really good food and they make their own and they
11:47 have all these beers. The only one that I ever like is the one that's closest to a Miller white.
11:53 Just give me a Pilsner. All the other, like every other, like all the fancy beers I've ever had,
11:58 I have to like pretend that I like it. I could not agree with you. Yeah. I know the brewery
12:02 you're talking about. That one's a little out there in terms of beer. I feel like the South
12:06 port corridor. Yeah. It's a, and it's a cool spot. Some of the best food, great food. So I'm not like
12:11 shit talking them. It's just like my, my palate is just, and I went, you know, and I feel like,
12:16 I'm not micro bruised. What's the word I'm looking for? Maybe it is microburst, but everybody was
12:21 just like doing all these fancy beers for a long time. It became like a, like an invoke thing to do.
12:27 And every time someone's like hands me like, Oh, like this is like some special beer. I'm like,
12:32 this is fucking gross. Miller light. You start throwing in like the milk stouts and stuff. Yeah.
12:37 And I like Guinness, but I don't like, I don't like any of the other ones. I don't want an IPA.
12:42 I don't want an Amber or whatever. Like these things fucking stink. And I do think if you gave
12:47 all those snobs a blind taste test and you're like, you can have this stinky one that you swear
12:52 is so good. Or you do a Miller light. I think that the Miller light would win all of the awards
12:57 for best beers. You need a little flavor, you know, change it up sometimes if you're just having
13:03 like two at dinner. So you are an IPA guy. Yeah. But I know what he's saying. There's some that
13:08 are just like, so like black beer and they're like, I'm not trying to do that. Like they over,
13:13 like, I don't want to have like an aftertaste. I want it to be like refreshing. You know,
13:16 like I could do an anti-hero. I can do a fifth city ones that are kind of calmer. Not, you know,
13:21 9%. If I get to the end of that fifth city, I'm like, I don't even want to finish this.
13:26 Like, that's kind of how I feel at the end. Not just one beer. Dude, you're going to have people
13:32 storming. I don't care. I don't care. I'm tired of letting this storm in your Capitol. I don't
13:39 care. I think I drafted the overrated drought. There might've, might've taken IPAs. I'm not
13:44 sure though, but I I'm right there with you, dude. Yeah. I just can't do it. And it's like,
13:48 I know a lot of people like it. I acknowledge that. Sure. And, uh, but I also think a lot of
13:52 people are pretending to like it. You think so? I do. Cause they want to feel in, they want to feel,
13:56 they want to feel in, they want to feel like they they're like a connoisseur of something.
14:00 Now does that place have regular beer too? Like, can you get like a bill late? I don't
14:05 think so. It's just all, it's like, that's their thing. Like they brew their own beer
14:08 and they make really good food and most breweries. Yeah. Yeah. Can't get like a domestic,
14:12 but you, they have like a Pilsner. That's very good. But if, if I stray from that, I regret it.
14:19 To answer your question, you were saying like things that don't hold up when you revisit them
14:25 later in life. For me, it happened like three different times. It was every time we went to
14:29 Eastern Illinois university for, I was like, I can't believe I went to school here. And then
14:34 there's just like tumbleweed going around, like a bars we used to go to just a parking lot now.
14:39 But hasn't it gotten a lot worse in the last 10 years though? I think that's probably,
14:43 it's probably not like, if it was the same as what it was when you were there, it would probably
14:47 still be fun. They did like some of the best places turn into like, like one was, is now a
14:52 family Mexican restaurant. But then we also went to like mostly all the other state schools. So I
14:56 got to actually compare for once. And I was like, wow, this is definitely the biggest dump of all
15:00 the state schools too. Yeah. Listen, Eastern's a good time. A lot of, uh, you know, I've had good
15:05 fun there, but good times unequivocally out of the six, the town is the worst. Yeah. Like
15:13 unequivocally. Yeah. That's bad. Shout out Charleston. I love a Bloomington normal.
15:19 Yeah. Champagne or brand is great. So grown up. Like it's so, uh, like,
15:25 but it's also, it's almost cheap dude. It's an hour and a half away. It's basically driving a
15:30 fucking Eastern three in a suburb. Yeah. You're out there. Yeah. You're out there. Yeah. Mill
15:36 and nowhere. That's like, those are the type of, those are the people that are like trying to get
15:41 Illinois to secede from Chicago. Like we don't, we don't claim. Oh yeah. That's where those people
15:46 spend a lot of time down there. So I know that, but yeah, I, there's a, there's a barbecue place
15:53 by me and like you grow up on it and like, I think everyone kind of acknowledged it's not
15:58 the best, but the sauce is really good. And like, you know what I mean? So everyone is in a
16:05 situation where you just like, yeah, we, we know it's not like the old discussion we used to have.
16:09 It's not the best, but it's my favorite. Yeah. Nostalgia fueled. Yes. It is very nostalgic.
16:14 Going back to the pizza argument. Like sometimes you just want dominoes over, you know,
16:18 paisanos, whatever. You could say the same about like why you get McDonald's over a legitimate
16:23 burger stand. It's convenience. Yeah. Yeah. But I do think people actually do prefer the taste
16:29 once in a while to the cheap pizzas. I do. Yeah. I do think people crave that to a degree.
16:35 You're saying they crave legitimate pizza over like a little Caesars?
16:39 No. Or vice versa. Vice versa. Sometimes. Also, I just realized I'm going to, I just texted Hannah
16:44 to come in to see if she knows if it's why it's called the United Center. Okay. Oh no. A girl not
16:49 from here. Absolutely. No way. You don't think so? No, she doesn't know shit about it. All right.
16:53 Let's see. She's going to say like, cause they're united in one. Let's take a seat. Well, or you
16:57 could go. Is that mic on Harry? All right. Go to that one then. Oh, can she go to that one or no?
17:03 She just, you, Oh, just pick up the, yeah. I didn't even see the hand. All right. Do you know
17:10 why it's called the United Center? Do you know what the United Center is? I just based it off
17:16 of the airline. There we go. Good job. All right. You're right. Eddie did a survey of a girl,
17:22 random girls this weekend asking if they knew what the United Center was. Oh no. Four out of
17:26 five did not know that it was. No. They thought it was because it's like after United States of
17:32 America. Oh, should I just start? Now I feel like we need a bigger sample size too. I just want to
17:37 start texting random girls. My phone. Like, do you know why it's called the United Center? I
17:42 wouldn't even put it past Hannah for not knowing though. She didn't go up here. Yeah, but like you,
17:45 it's AT&T park. You, you know, all these stadiums are named after like partnerships essentially.
17:54 Yeah. That's not exactly apples to apples, but you're right. Why wouldn't they, why wouldn't
17:58 United call it United airline center? I don't know. I know like the, I think it's Miami and
18:05 Dallas or the American airlines. Correct. They both are. Do you need me to get other girls to
18:10 come in real quick? We got Joe in here and then we got Maggie. Maggie's going to get better. No,
18:15 they work in. Yeah. No, you never know when you just put it to me just now. You have to
18:20 think about it. I didn't have to think about it, but I could see someone easily on the spot.
18:25 But like, I wouldn't blame Joe for not, not knowing it. Text your text, uh, text your friend,
18:29 Molly and ask her. Oh, I don't know. That's one of the only friends that I know that she lives here
18:35 and would possibly know. No, you're going to give her the option to Google. Come on. Yeah.
18:40 Say without looking it up without, cause that was part of the, yeah. The tax too. Yeah. Well,
18:46 anybody could Google anything. I know I'm a genius. This is like an honor system. Yeah.
18:50 Okay. So yeah. Ask her that. And I do kind of like, as we're going, I'm going through different
18:56 stadiums in my head. I do think it is the most ambiguously, uh, named corporate sponsor.
19:01 Wrigley's up there too, but Wrigley is no longer like, I don't think Wrigley gum sponsors anymore.
19:06 It's just like, this is, it's like Fenway. It's just like one of those names that
19:10 remember the outcry there was, but McDonald's was going to buy it. It was going to be called
19:13 Mick Wrigley. That's fake. You don't remember that? Was that an onion article? No, that was
19:18 Sam. So Sam's selling like the mid two thousands, late two thousands. Sometimes I swear to God,
19:26 they were going to call it McDonald's putting out their own gum. McWrigley.
19:30 Um, she said no ma'am. She doesn't know. I said, do you know why it's called the
19:35 United center without looking it up? She goes, no ma'am. Not even a guest.
19:38 Thanks for the great response. Nope. Unbelievable. All right. I'll scurry back out, but
19:46 wait, actually I have another hypothetical that you could sit in for. Okay. Okay. Um,
19:52 but what did you say? I don't remember. Oh, it's okay. I think I was just, I can't find him. I
19:59 can't find it. Anything on this. McWrigley. Like I think I'm telling you it was front page. Oh,
20:02 we're going to that. It was, yeah. I said, it sounds like McDonald's is putting out their own
20:06 gum. McWrigley. What was the hypothetical? Uh, one second. I'm trying to find the McWrigley.
20:12 They was on the sun time. Sam's El was going to, I don't believe he was going to sell the
20:16 naming rights. It was, we called McRick. All right. Eddie is currently on the third page of
20:19 results. I'm telling you, it was like, I feel like this is like your dad was like pulling your leg
20:26 because you were probably like a teenager when that was happening. You just took it hook, line
20:30 and sinker. Now it's suddenly going to be in the sometimes. I think so. I'm not. I saw it on bar
20:34 stool. Could you not find it? No, I can't find it. I can't motherfucker. I want Sam's El. Sam's
20:42 El was going to name it. He was going to sell the naming rights and name him at Wrigley.
20:45 All right. Whatever. Nope. This is wrong. You're wrong. I'm not. I remember saying I fucking hated
20:54 that guy. I didn't want him to quickly. All right. So this was from a listener. Okay. He goes, I need
20:59 you to get feedback from this, from the office. Is this a wild move? So he said, Mike, he said,
21:04 my cousin called off his wedding one year ago to someone he dated for seven years.
21:08 And he started dating a brand new girl in March. He didn't tell anyone and does a wild card move
21:15 and proposes the week of my wedding. Uh, after dating her for five months, his older brother
21:20 is also getting married two weeks later. That's a psycho move, right? He's a mom.
21:25 That's the most psycho move. That's a dick move. Why is that a dick move? Because you could propose
21:31 any other weekend and you choose the wedding that you clearly the week, the week of. Yeah.
21:39 Say he was getting married. Say he was getting married that Saturday and he did it the Monday
21:43 before. That's even worse. Wait till after. I don't even know if the week proposing this is
21:48 the same window. I think girls are crazy about this. You're like the kind of guy who would say,
21:53 Oh yeah, wear a white dress to the wedding. No, I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that.
21:57 I wouldn't do that. But it's like he probably is. Although that was Hannah, that was good. But
22:06 that's not like, I feel like, Oh, like you, you have to just change how you're going to live
22:12 your life because you're attending someone else's wedding. Like that's fucking crazy.
22:16 Well, hold on one. It's, it's the craziest part is that he proposed only after five.
22:22 That part is crazy. But then yes, I don't know if like the week, like you might as well wait
22:27 because you probably should wait longer than five months anyways. And not do it. What does
22:32 that take away from the wedding? It's like the lead up to it. I think I heard the lead ups done.
22:36 All the parties, all the shit is done. Everything's done. But the lead up to the wedding.
22:40 Yeah. He's going to get him. He's going to be stealing. Congratulations. Yes.
22:44 You think she's going to get less congratulations or, or he's like, Hey, I can only say
22:49 congratulations to one person at this wedding. So I got it. And I'm giving it to the, you shouldn't
22:53 have to share his congratulations with someone who got proposed to someone who for five months,
22:57 if you're, if you're the brother or the bride to be, you're being like, you couldn't have waited
23:00 another week. Maybe he wants to like introduce her as a member of family at a family event.
23:04 But you, you got to wait. That's not getting pregnant. And like, you can, you know, announce
23:12 that, but you chose, I think announcing that you're pregnant is way worse. That's way worse.
23:20 Proposing. That's how you upstage a wedding. Like, Oh, you're getting married. I'm getting,
23:25 I'm getting, I'm having a baby. We skipped the line. Does everyone know that they like
23:30 propose like the rock on the finger is that's the way it sounds. Yes. That sounds terrible.
23:35 What's wrong with that? Oh, let me ask this. Is it, there's not enough congratulations to go
23:40 around? Not when you plan a wedding. That's so fucking stupid. You shouldn't have to share
23:44 your congratulations. You're not sharing. Yes, you are. You each get your own. Like if he,
23:49 if the bride and the groom are in earshot of them getting a congratulations, they got a little,
23:54 they got a little bone to pick. I've seen the people who do the proposal at a ceremony. You've
23:59 actually seen that on the internet. Okay. Not in person. That to me is crazy. That's insane.
24:04 That's insane. That's like, you don't know how society works. Right? Yes. But like, if you're,
24:09 like you said, like, Hey, it's the Monday before the Sunday before, and you get engaged and you
24:14 have a wedding the next weekend, I'm supposed to just, I have a plan. I'm supposed to interrupt my
24:18 whole life because or delay my whole life because you are getting married next week. Somebody's
24:22 always getting married for three weeks. Let me, let me put it this way. Or is the brother and
24:27 bride to be maybe a little more triggered because they think he purposely did this.
24:32 Given the fact that he only proposed after five months when his previous relationship,
24:36 it took him seven years to propose. Maybe he was so inspired by their love that he was like,
24:41 I want some of that. It's also impossible to know without knowing the guy. Like,
24:45 it might just be a guy who's like, Oh, I need, I need to stay. It has to be undertones. Like,
24:49 Oh, what? He's jealous of us getting married. He's going to do it. Like, yeah. Like I need my,
24:52 I don't think it was just a coincidence that he did it. I know you get stuffed into the
24:56 press briefing somehow, you know? Yeah. Now that would be crazy if he's doing it for.
25:02 Yeah. We need to know motives here. Some other, you know, alternative motive.
25:06 What's the word I'm looking for? That's it. That is ulterior ulterior. Yeah. Ulterior. That was
25:11 the word. Thank you, Danny. But if he's doing it for some other reason, then like he's in love,
25:16 then yeah, that is fucking crazy. Okay. Yeah. All right. Now, yeah. Side question.
25:20 Are you a big man? Engagement ring guy? What's a man engagement ring? Like when you like,
25:29 wait, say it again. Are you like, like the guy should have a ring to you? Are you big?
25:35 I'm thinking of my, a big one of those. I didn't know. Am I a big one of those?
25:38 I would not wear a man engagement ring. No, no, no. What if she wanted you to,
25:46 then we probably wouldn't be getting engaged to begin with. It's a deal breaker. Not a deal
25:52 breaker, but I think you would, the type of girl that was like, I want you to wear a man
25:54 engagement ring. We wouldn't get to that point. What if she caught you one? What if, you know,
25:58 a week after you proposed, she, but like the girl that I would marry would know better than to do
26:05 that. She would know. But what if it was like a sweet surprise? No. Yeah. It wasn't like,
26:10 I want everyone to know he's off limits. It was like, oh, you got me something. I'll get you a
26:13 little something. Yeah. Like something sweet. She didn't know. She really didn't know better.
26:17 She did. She would have. Then I would, I would have broken up with her a long ago. Get this
26:20 man engagement ring out of my face. Like that's preposterous. I'm not wearing that. Do you think
26:26 maybe you're a man engagement guy, but you never thought about it? Well, I didn't know it existed
26:32 until this conversation. Yes, you did. No, I didn't. Really? I've never seen a guy wearing
26:37 engagement rings. Sorry. No, I have. You've never seen that. Have you? Yeah. You've known a guy
26:41 that's worn an engagement ring. How'd you know his engagement in that wedding? What's the
26:45 difference? There were pictures on Facebook of her proposing to him. That's a different thing.
26:50 If you were to propose to me now, but if you're just, that's different. I did see on, on Tik
26:56 Tok. I think it was on Tik Tok where they, you know how they like introduce a couple when they
27:02 walk into the reception, the groom took her name and I would have a very hard time with that. I
27:11 think, I think that they're probably on their way to getting divorced. Like that guy's going to
27:15 cheat on her. Eventually he's going to wake up and want to feel like a real man. He's like,
27:19 I just took my fucking wife's name and then he's going to cheat on her. You can't take the wife's
27:23 name. It's okay if she doesn't take yours, but you can't take her. Dude, I feel like that's
27:26 becoming more and more common. Like these wives just aren't changing their names. My mom didn't.
27:30 Really? My mom, let me clarify. She was quote too lazy to, you know, coming to America. It's a lot
27:37 of paperwork and all that jazz. But so I have like both of my parents. Oh, you're a hyphen.
27:42 So my middle name is hyphen. It's like my aunt. So it's Vietnamese. And then Ty, which is my mom's
27:47 last name. But my, and then Tran, which is my dad's. Okay. So you're, you have four names.
27:53 What's your birth certificate? Would you, you tell me your name is Hannah. That is not your full name.
28:00 Actually, Hannah, my aunt, Ty Tran. So I have both my parents. Yeah. Okay. But that it goes in the
28:05 middle name section, not the last name section. You also Vietnamese do it. You mean? No, no,
28:11 no. My mom was just lazy. That's not the norm. So I think both of my sisters ended up taking
28:17 their husband's name, but my, neither one of them did it right away. Cause it is like paperwork.
28:23 It's a lot of work. Yeah. So they're like, I got to change. And I knew another girl who was like
28:29 adamant. And she was like, like she had a career and she was like, I will never tell you. I'm going
28:35 to have to like change my emails and I'm going to have to like change my email signature. And
28:39 everyone's been calling me this in this industry for seven, eight years, 10 years, whatever.
28:44 And now I'm going to have to change it because for some man, and that was like her logic that she,
28:50 why she wouldn't do it. That kind of makes sense. Like think of like Kim Kardashian,
28:54 she did King Kim Kardashian. Yeah. But that's like, yeah, but she's also fucking
28:58 yeah. You're not Hannah T. Yeah. I didn't know. Tran was like Williams and Vietnamese. It's like
29:08 the Johnson. Yeah. So I asked her if she knew this, this guy was a student in my high school
29:14 named dang. And she looked at me like, well, fuck you. Like that's the most common name.
29:18 Dang Tran was this guy. Yeah. I went to high school with him for a Smith. Yeah. I had no
29:23 idea that it was so calm. I was like, I'm sorry. Didn't know. Yeah. Well, thank you for bringing
29:28 me in for these crazy scenarios. No one proposed week before your best friend's or do it and tell
29:37 them I want to get over it. Don't invite them in your own life. Get him a man engagement ring.
29:41 Man engagement. Yeah. I don't know. Wild stuff. And I like, I don't know the situation. I don't
29:52 want to make it seem a little. Can I say something? Yeah. I'm a little tired of being put in this
29:56 pumpkin patch man. Gage man. Flannel chestnuts box. Mostly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh,
30:03 none of those things are accurate except for maybe the apple picking. He's calling you a
30:07 care bear, bro. For real. For real. Wait. So you like apple picking? Oh yeah. I'll pick some
30:13 apples. But you don't like pumpkin patches. I think pumpkin patches are boring. She lets
30:18 homemade pies cool off on the window sill. I wish I could. I wish I could. I don't make pies. I
30:23 don't bake. Do you see you don't think I don't, I don't know how that you've been doing it for
30:29 years and I don't fully understand where it's coming from. You look at me and you're just like
30:36 this guy's an LL Bean ad. You know, serious question. Like build a boyfriend. Do you watch
30:41 Hallmark movies? I do not. Okay. If you did, then I'm like, you're yeah, you're a fancy boy.
30:47 Do you read poetry or do you just only write poems? I can't say that I've read poetry since
30:53 like high school or college. You write your own poems though, right? I can't say that I have.
30:57 Or raps, whatever you like calling them. Nope. None of that. No. You're anti poetry?
31:05 Mm. Like song lyrics. I like Shel Silverstein. Hey, he had some big time books. Yeah. Falling
31:13 up. I'm going to look up old shell. What else did he have falling up? And uh, well it was like,
31:20 it was short stories or short poems. I mean huge books with them. Oh, he's a guy where the sidewalk
31:25 guns. Yeah. Where the side, that was like third grade, right? That's some deep shit, dude. Yeah.
31:31 It was like shell Silverstein enrolled all who were like the authors of middle school
31:35 or elementary school. Dave didn't know who rolled all was. It was a answer that doesn't trivia.
31:40 Not too long ago. I didn't know that either. You didn't know rolled out James and the giant
31:45 peach Willy Wonka. Is he Willy Wonka? Yeah. No shit. I mean, I know I'm familiar with his work.
31:51 He might be Matilda too. I think he's Matilda. I associate him with James and the giant peach
31:56 for some reason. I'm not seeing Wonka. Oh yeah, you're right. Charlie, uh, and the chocolate
32:00 factory. Maybe not the exact same. Are you pissed? They're making a sequel on Willy Wonka.
32:06 Didn't know that there were. Yeah. Yeah. With Chalamet, right? Yeah. With who? It's a pre
32:11 minty Chalamet. I don't like that guy's face. It's a prequel girls do. Yeah. But he's so like,
32:18 he's like too scrawny and that makes me not like him because I know girls like him and he's like
32:24 the antithesis of me. So it's like, that's like, it makes me feel bad about myself. Like you should
32:28 like guys like me, not like him. You probably love him cause you're the twink. I'll take it.
32:34 Yeah. Little skinny guys are getting their time. Yeah. I think that's been a thing. Yeah. Yeah.
32:40 Like Timothy Davidson, Pete Davidson, look at his dad tall. And he's like, I don't know. I don't,
32:47 he's not like a pretty boy. No, but neither. I mean, Chalamet is a pretty boy, right? Yes.
32:52 But I think they like him more cause he looks like so gauntly and like half dead, you know?
32:56 Yeah. What's the appeal of that? What's the appeal? That's a meme. What is like girls
33:02 falling in love with like skinny white guys with tattoos and bags. Is Timothy Chalamet a tattoo guy?
33:09 I don't know. I couldn't tell you that much. He's got that. He's got that tick tock hair too.
33:13 A little bit. Yeah. He's got that. He's got that on him, you know? Yeah. But he has it on the sides
33:19 too. So you can't really call it tick tock. That's just old school. Like true. Yeah. I guess I'm
33:23 looking at a couple of different pictures of him and one of them, he's got the awning. Why don't
33:27 you try to go awning? Yeah. I can't. It's not going to curl up like that. You can get a perm.
33:33 That's one of my favorite things about Danny. He's got a permanent colic.
33:36 Where? Oh yeah. I suffer from that same affliction. Do you? Oh yeah. But he's like,
33:41 there ain't no fucking mower in the world that's taking this thing down.
33:45 No. Yeah. Yeah. Cause you have like the thicker hair. Yeah. I mean, I don't think you'll get it
33:50 now, but now why it's not matted. Yeah. Cause that's one of your favorite things about him.
33:55 I'm my hair permanently sticking up in front. I got alfalfa bangs, but I do have that same thing.
34:06 And it's like, I have to, that's why if I have to switch barbers, it's like a huge problem. Cause
34:11 it's like, you have to know how to navigate that collar. Well, that was a big thing about when I
34:15 put that video out after that terrible haircut, I got the guy kind of just shaved my whole colic
34:21 straight all the way to the back. And I was like, what are you doing? Yeah. Cause you have to let
34:25 it grow actually a little bit. It weighs it down a little bit. Yeah. You can't just straight up
34:29 shave it all off. And then, cause that means six months of the colic coming back. Right.
34:34 They were just untamed. Half bald. See, he doesn't know cause he's a poof hair guy.
34:40 You got a poof hair. You're a poof hair. What do you mean by that? You got like curly kind of wavy
34:44 poof hair. Ah, just when it's washed, it just fluffs up. Yeah. That's a poof. You should do
34:50 the tick tock cut. Yeah. You could probably do it better than Dan. Like the labradoodle. I would
34:56 look like the flock of seagulls guy. Oh, can you try that please? How come we can't do things that
35:01 embarrass you? What do you mean? Get Dave in here. Dave's barred. Yeah. He's not banned. He's barred.
35:12 I would love to see White Sox Dave have to do like the flock of seagulls. No, have him do that.
35:18 Tick tock. Dawning. Yeah. That'd be so funny. Why aren't toupees more acceptable? I think because
35:25 hair transplants became a better technology. But still like wigs are such a thing for women. And
35:30 I know this is not. Are they? Wigs are a thing for women? I don't think they're not acceptable.
35:35 It's just easy to spot. I think the extensions are a hair thing for women. Totally. But wigs.
35:41 Can I say something to the women? Stop doing that. Extensions? I don't like the extensions.
35:45 All right. What's wrong with extensions? You can't even tell that they're a thing.
35:48 If you touch it, you can. But you're pulling it out by accident? Yeah. Maybe. Sometimes. You could.
35:57 It's possible. Just have your own hair. Everyone just have their own hair. No. What? I can't agree
36:03 with that. Why? You like wigs? No. This guy's a fucking weirdo wig guy. I just think they want
36:09 to have full hair. I'm not a weirdo wig guy. Yes, you are. You're going home with a girl and then
36:15 at night she just takes her hair off. She's completely bald. He wants to have a different
36:18 looking girl every night of the week. So he makes them all of Ed's girls have to wear wigs.
36:22 Where are your extensions here, dumbasses? He's like, I want you to be a redhead tonight, babe.
36:26 We're talking extensions, not wigs. Why don't they just grow it out?
36:29 Because some can't. I know. Some just have like the, they got like broken. They got wispy.
36:35 Yeah. They're like, yeah. They're like, it's just not, they don't got the horsehair.
36:41 It's a bullshit. Girls can change their entire look. And like, would you want to trade places
36:48 with them? Cause you like, they're from the main, they do, but I would re up if they gave you the
36:55 option at the end of the year, I would re up as a guy every single time. Same. I'm just saying
36:58 it's socially acceptable for a girl to completely change how she looks like between the makeup,
37:03 hair extensions, whatever heels you could change, alter every part of your body.
37:08 Guys don't have that. It's becoming more and more of a thing. Botox like girls do Botox like every
37:14 once a week now, even if you can't tell, I feel like they're doing it. Yeah. But I think that's
37:19 just like a marketing ploy. They say it's preventative cause they ran out of old ladies
37:23 to give it to. So now they're trying to give it to younger girls. Yeah. It's like, they say they
37:26 use it for different things now. Like if you have like a jaw issue or something, it's not just purely
37:31 for looks. Buddy, it's been said time and time again, there is a direct correlation with being
37:36 attractive and what? I don't know. Having what? Money. Yes. So what's your point? That's all it
37:45 is. You're saying a bunch of, if you've got the capital, like you can make yourself look decent.
37:49 Yeah. But sometimes they go too far. Totally. Yeah. Totally. But I think that's like a thing
37:53 for men. I don't think that applies to women. I think it's like the men over six feet earn.
37:59 Oh, I agree. I disagree completely. It's not going to disagree with you. It's like a scientific fact.
38:04 You're saying it's not done for women. What are you saying? What's the argument? Money is
38:10 directly correlated to attractiveness. Sure. But like a middle-class woman is getting extensions
38:16 and Botox. I thought you meant like in terms of like a salary, like you earn more, like if you
38:21 invest in your looks as a woman, you'll make more money. Oh no, I don't think that's not what I was
38:26 saying. I was saying just men and women. It's both. What do we got going on here? Meeting is fine.
38:32 Both are directly correlated for men and women. Money is correlated to being more attractive.
38:39 I believe that. Yes. All right. Like you go somewhere, you go to a suburb that has money
38:43 and you go to that Costco versus like a different Costco. It is alarmingly different. But that's
38:49 because they're in those circles where it's like they're popping the orange theories in the morning
38:55 and they're fucking... I think you're wrong about this. Let's hear it. Okay. What? So
38:59 attractive women often try to mate with the top earning men. So when those young,
39:09 when those women, they're not necessarily from Lake Forest or these affluent areas with the Costco,
39:14 they breed themselves into it. So they're hot. They were born hot. Then they find that guy who's
39:20 making a ton of money and then they move to that area. It's not that they're from that area. It's
39:25 just like, "Hey, I'm hot and he's got money and now we move into that area." And that's why they
39:30 all look like that because the top earning guys pick the hot wives. I mean, this is like...
39:33 Didn't know Andrew Tate was on the podcast. That's not a Tate line. That's like a fucking
39:38 fact. And here's the thing that I... Cobra chief.
39:40 Here's the thing. A PhD from University of North Carolina found that every inch of height
39:49 amounts to a salary increase of about $789 per year. So someone who is six feet tall
39:57 earns $5,525 more than someone who's five foot six. That's interesting.
40:04 I think a lot of it is just confidence too. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're using
40:10 money to pay to look better. You just naturally have that rich, healthy person glow to you.
40:16 That rich glow?
40:17 Yeah. Maybe you take your vitamins more than the average poor person.
40:23 Yeah. You got better doctors.
40:25 Right.
40:25 Better diet probably.
40:27 Yeah.
40:27 Right.
40:27 Well, that's what I mean.
40:28 You have like... Poor people don't have skincare routines.
40:30 No. And if you wanted to order the top of the line... You know what I mean? Say if you're
40:35 like not cooking. If you want to order the top of the line healthy, you're doing it.
40:38 You have the means to do it.
40:39 Yeah.
40:40 Well...
40:41 Get your good healthy organic.
40:42 Yes.
40:42 Get it grass fed, whatever.
40:43 Exactly.
40:44 You're not going to the Ice House Tall Boys and the Little Caesars. You're always getting
40:49 the Coronas.
40:51 Correct.
40:51 Or what you have it.
40:52 Correct. Now...
40:54 What you have it?
40:55 I think there's something...
40:55 I don't know. Is that what have you?
40:57 I was...
40:59 Thought about letting it slide, but I...
41:00 I was applying it to the Corona. I don't think it works that way.
41:03 There's something in between there. I think with what you said and what I said.
41:06 What's that?
41:07 With what you said. That's where they get into that.
41:09 And he doesn't want to lose. He wants to compromise.
41:11 I think that's fair.
41:12 Okay.
41:13 Yeah.
41:13 No, I think that that is like...
41:15 I don't think it's controversial to say that attractive women end up with...
41:20 They go for the top of the heat.
41:22 Then vice versa.
41:25 Let the audience decide any complaints.
41:27 Send it to
41:29 That's fine.
41:29 And @CobraChief on Twitter.
41:31 This is the fucking slander.
41:34 He is top G.
41:34 Top G.
41:37 Wait. No, I thought I was a man engagement pumpkin patch.
41:40 Which one is it? You can't have it both ways.
41:42 You could be the opposite of Cobra Tate.
41:44 Yeah, that's true.
41:47 The women should propose.
41:48 I'll never give up you being pumpkin patch guy.
41:52 But I still don't know.
41:54 Because you've been saying that for probably four years now.
41:57 And I don't know what was the thing that sparked that.
42:01 Chief puts on two oven mitts when he's pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven.
42:04 Never pulled it.
42:06 I've never pulled out a tray of...
42:08 But I did have two oven mitts on as recently as last night.
42:12 What were you making?
42:13 I was roasting a cauliflower.
42:16 Farmer John Cross, baby.
42:19 It was nice. It was delicious.
42:22 Don't make it any easier for us.
42:23 I also had a tomahawk steak with that.
42:25 How about that?
42:26 Okay.
42:26 Is that all right?
42:27 I would have loved that.
42:27 Is that manly enough for you?
42:28 Probably not.
42:30 And a nice glass of wine.
42:33 Probably gave it away.
42:33 I did have a little bit of wine.
42:35 What's wrong with wine?
42:36 Nothing.
42:37 That's roasting.
42:38 But this is where it's like drink wine.
42:39 Oh, boy.
42:40 That's...
42:40 You might as well roast chestnuts too.
42:42 Everybody drinks wine.
42:43 That's what you do.
42:44 Oh, man.
42:44 Sure.
42:44 Sure getting hot in here.
42:46 You know?
42:47 Let me just...
42:48 Where are you going with that?
42:50 What do you mean sure getting?
42:51 What is this scenario you're playing out in your head?
42:53 When Chief is stressed out after a long day at work,
42:55 he goes and pours himself a glass of wine.
42:57 Yeah.
42:58 I'm not great at explaining my brain.
43:00 That's a fact.
43:02 So I can't even tell you where I was going with that one.
43:05 All right.
43:08 All right.
43:08 That's it.
43:09 Thanks, everybody, for listening.
43:10 Tomorrow, fun interview.
43:11 I'm having Mr. Skin on.
43:13 I didn't know he's from Chicago.
43:15 Ed's getting horny.
43:16 Yeah, it's probably very horny.
43:18 Yeah.
43:18 Yeah.
43:18 So tune in.
43:19 Do you have a favorite?
43:20 Like Mr. Skin?
43:22 A favorite nude scene in a movie.
43:23 There's a whipped cream bikini count from Varsity Blues.
43:29 Her nipples come out of that?
43:30 No.
43:31 All right.
43:31 That's not a classic.
43:32 What about Jason Segel and forgetting Sarah Marshall?
43:34 Oh, okay.
43:36 That's Mr. That's Mrs. Skin maybe, I think.
43:39 Ms.
43:39 Is there a Miss Skin?
43:43 Probably Nadia American Pies.
43:44 That's classic.
43:45 That's a top one.
43:46 Alexandra D'Addario.
43:48 From True Detective.
43:51 Yeah.
43:52 She didn't take them out in anything else.
43:53 I feel like that's a moneymaker.
43:55 She should.
43:56 I mean, everything's for talking this.
43:59 You can't not say Margot Robbie Wolf.
44:02 Yeah.
44:02 The first time seeing this girl, she's buttony.
44:04 Thank you, Danny.
44:05 I saw that that came out like Christmas time.
44:07 I want to say I saw that movie in the theater with my dad,
44:11 my brother and my new brother in law.
44:15 Wow.
44:15 You guys got up and started clapping.
44:17 Awkward.
44:18 Very awkward.
44:19 Anyways, that was that.
44:21 So tune into that.
44:22 That'll be fun.
44:23 And yeah, that's it for this week, everybody.
44:25 But tune in tomorrow.
44:27 See you tomorrow.
