Uncovering The CIA's Secret Project To Manipulate The Media

  • last year
Eddie | The Dog Walk
00:00 All right, today is Tuesday, August 22nd.
00:02 Welcome to the dog walk presented by Barstool Sports.
00:04 As always, on Tuesday, I'm joined by Chief.
00:06 We are here located in Chicago, Illinois, ready to do a podcast
00:10 for now, for now. We're on our way to Boston.
00:12 Oh, correct. Right. Tomorrow we will be. Yeah.
00:15 One day. OK. For the boss.
00:17 For the Barstool Awards.
00:18 To be cool. Yeah, should be good.
00:19 I think you get tickets and we're talking operation.
00:22 I know it's not Mongoose. Nope.
00:24 Operation Mockingbird Operation Maki.
00:27 I was close. Yeah.
00:29 I know what was my Mongoose was like the Bay of Pigs overthrow Castro thing
00:35 that kind of got Kennedy killed.
00:38 Maybe allegedly possibly.
00:41 Yeah, we'll never know.
00:42 Maybe unless they elect Kennedy.
00:44 Maybe one day.
00:45 I'll also know.
00:45 Oh, is our case saying they'll they'll declassify everything JFK?
00:49 You would think right?
00:50 I mean, he talks about it pretty openly.
00:52 He thinks it was a CIA and he like recommends some book and but yeah,
00:56 he's like, you know, they killed my uncle and possibly killed his father.
01:02 He's like less committal about them killing his father.
01:05 Gotcha.
01:05 Yeah, interesting.
01:06 But he did argue for Sir Hans for hand to be released.
01:11 Yeah, I remember we talked about that a little bit.
01:13 Yeah. So that was that was during covid.
01:16 Maybe when his sentence was up.
01:17 I think you're right.
01:18 Yeah. Before we really get into Operation Mockingbird, though,
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02:26 Operation Mockingbird Chief.
02:27 Yeah. So this is like something I feel like has been talked about
02:31 a little bit in some circles, like the Matt Taibbi's of the world references.
02:37 But Operation Mockingbird is basically the CIA
02:42 infiltrating news organizations around the world
02:47 to manipulate, coerce, buy off journalists to promote
02:53 whatever the CIA's particular agenda is at that time.
02:56 And started in 1950.
02:59 And that's like a big problem, right?
03:01 Like that means like and we've seen this with like the Twitter files, too,
03:05 where it's like you have the FBI and the CIA are and they're
03:09 and they're also contacting like the, you know,
03:11 all the they're managing different media outlets, allegedly.
03:16 And then there's documentation of meetings and stuff
03:19 with like the big four tech companies, Google, you know, Facebook, Meta, Twitter,
03:24 and Microsoft.
03:26 So that's like they're able to shape the government is shaping public opinion,
03:32 basically with domestic propaganda.
03:36 And there was a this was a thing that, you know, it was born in the CIA in 1951
03:43 and it was seen it was supposed to be just abroad.
03:47 Okay, and they were going to use it to kind of push back against the Soviet Union
03:54 because the Soviet Union was doing this the whole thing that they had basically
03:58 bought this thing that was run out of Europe,
04:00 I believe out of Switzerland, which was or Austria,
04:03 which was the organization of journalists and international organization of journalists
04:07 and they would use that across the world to promote like the communist propaganda
04:13 and he started seeing this was like, you know, right after World War Two.
04:17 It's like the peak of the Cold War.
04:18 It's like this race.
04:19 It's like these two clashing ideologies and it was a race and little by little
04:24 or a lot you start to see some of these countries fall where you saw China go communist.
04:30 You saw Cuba go communist.
04:32 Laos was going communist.
04:34 Vietnam was going communist.
04:35 You had all of Eastern Europe, which was like under the thumb of the Soviet Union,
04:38 but they were all communist.
04:40 So it was like a real growing existential threat to the United States.
04:44 So they're like well if they're doing propaganda abroad,
04:48 we're going to do propaganda abroad.
04:51 So they started bankrolling radio stations, newspapers, magazines,
04:58 all these different things trying to sway public opinion in,
05:02 you know, the Congo and all these other places where there was like this rising
05:08 tide of communism and socialism.
05:13 So that was the thing.
05:16 But they had a charter, you know, that said hey, like you are never to use
05:22 these tactics domestically.
05:26 You can only fuck up other places abroad and like, you know, Greece was almost
05:30 went communist and they had to kind of steal that election and they had all
05:34 sorts of propaganda against the communist to make sure that that didn't happen
05:38 in the 50s.
05:39 Like these are all like the CIA, like the plans division, the black ops, and
05:45 this was a big part of how they would get things done.
05:48 And then it came out, you know, you know, Watergate is.
05:53 Yeah.
05:54 Okay.
05:54 So when they were doing the Senate investigation, the Watergate committee
05:59 going into this, they stumbled across some documents that were revealing some
06:06 of these abuses by the CIA.
06:10 So that led to a New York Times reporter digging into this a little bit
06:14 more and he published this article that said, hey, like they were, the CIA
06:19 was involved in, they had referenced some of these media things, but the CIA
06:25 was involved in infiltrating civil rights movements, student movements,
06:31 anti-war movements, and all these different things.
06:35 And it was done and then in news organizations.
06:38 So that led to like a further investment, like, wait a second.
06:42 Now we're going to have the church committee and the church committee
06:45 unveiled, like the church committee was all about finding all these abuses that
06:49 were done by the CIA.
06:51 Okay, which they found a fucking lot.
06:53 You've heard of MK ultra.
06:54 I don't know if we've ever, right.
06:55 You know about that one?
06:56 Yeah.
06:57 Okay.
06:57 And we've talked about that.
06:58 That's where they had, they're you doing like psychedelics and using like
07:02 prostitutes and they're, you know, they're testing LSD and stuff and doing
07:08 all sorts of crazy shit on American citizens.
07:12 And who's, who's like Manson, like the man, Manson was supposedly the
07:17 Unabomber.
07:17 These guys are supposedly people that were in the MK ultra program.
07:21 They had this other one called co Intel pro, which was straight up just
07:25 domestic surveillance.
07:26 That's the ones where they were doing like the civil rights groups.
07:30 They had another one that they discovered through that was family jewels.
07:33 Okay, family jewels was the code name for all foreign assassinations of
07:40 which there were many like they killed the leader of Vietnam.
07:43 They killed the this guy in Africa who was a democratically elected leader
07:48 called Patrice Lumumba.
07:49 And these are things that CIA is doing on their own.
07:51 Like Kennedy was president when Patrice Lumumba got killed.
07:54 I'm almost positive might have been.
07:56 I'm pretty sure and he like he did not authorize it.
08:00 You know who Charles de Gaulle is?
08:01 He was a president of France and he was like when they went France like
08:06 he was in exile during World War two and they had the resistance and
08:10 when we landed he let he was like the number one French general.
08:15 So in World War two and then he became president and then the CIA tried
08:19 to have him killed.
08:20 Okay, so then obviously he's like like the plot got subverted somehow
08:25 they were going to do this coup with like these four French generals and
08:28 they're going to kill and it was all done by the CIA.
08:32 So Kennedy and this is when Kennedy was president.
08:36 He calls Charles de Gaulle and like the French ambassador.
08:39 He's like I got to let you know I had nothing to do with this.
08:42 Okay, but there's a segment of my government that I do not have control
08:46 over and he's talking about the CIA like they just did whatever the fuck
08:49 they wanted and there's no way to stop them.
08:52 So and then they also did uncover this thing called Project Shamrock,
08:55 which was when that started actually as early as 1948 like I think it's
09:01 like right around the same time as like the OSS and CIA were like kind
09:04 of the CIA was just becoming a thing and they were taking all like
09:08 telecommunications stuff from radio stations and TV stations and all
09:12 that data of what people were watching and when and sharing it directly
09:16 with the CIA.
09:17 So it's like all these things are supposedly illegal were found like
09:23 kind of by accident that the CIA was doing like it was like we're
09:26 looking into these different.
09:27 Hey, you should not be infiltrating these groups and it's like wait
09:30 a second.
09:30 You've infiltrated the media like you've broken your own charter.
09:35 So they were they were doing propaganda through the Washington
09:40 Post through ABC through NBC and they say like a great example of
09:44 that from back then.
09:46 So there's like the term conspiracy theory, right?
09:49 Well that term had been around for a long time because conspiracy
09:53 theories all that all that like the technical definition is just
09:56 like one or more or more than one person colluding to do something
10:03 like you and I could have a conspiracy conspiracy to I don't
10:07 know push Danny down, you know, like whatever like you as long as
10:10 two people are doing a plan that's like doesn't even necessarily
10:13 have to be devious, but they were the ones like in 1967 where through
10:18 through the use of the term in the media that they made the term
10:23 conspiracy theory have all these negative connotations because
10:26 they didn't want anybody poking around about the Warren Commission
10:29 and the Kennedy assassination.
10:30 So it's like you were just late and if you ask questions, you're
10:34 just labeled as a conspiracy theorist, which was ended up being
10:38 like code for your crazy person.
10:39 So then nobody wanted to be that so then no one really looked into
10:43 the Kennedy assassination in a serious way for another 15 years
10:46 until the you had another one of these committees that came out
10:50 of the Church committee was the the House Committee on assassinations
10:53 and they were the ones that uncovered that like media manipulation
10:57 and coercion and they end up finding out that they had the CIA
11:03 on their payroll listed as assets had 400 journalists and media
11:08 members across the world acting on their behalf like they were
11:13 either brought there either bribed they were blackmailed.
11:16 So it's like hey, like we know you're gay will out you.
11:20 We know you are having an affair, you know, like we will make sure
11:24 your wife finds out unless you know, or they would you know,
11:27 course these people these journalists and then it's like they
11:29 fucking got me.
11:30 So it's like hey like say this about anti-war people say this
11:34 about Martin Luther King, you know say and they would just plant
11:38 all things so you have like their narrative coming through what
11:41 are supposed to be independent journalists because the CIA had
11:46 them by the fucking balls and there's just like what are you
11:48 going to do?
11:48 So we want to go to Vietnam.
11:51 So you make it seem like it's a good idea until it became like
11:54 so obvious that like like the whole country still ended up being
11:58 against it.
11:58 But that was like a narrative for a long time and you were a
12:01 coward if you didn't go to Vietnam and you're you know, you're
12:03 a hippie.
12:04 You're all these terrible things.
12:06 If you were anti-war you're anti-war meant to anti-american
12:09 and like that narrative really was came out of the CIA and this
12:16 operation Mockingbird where they you know, we're we're threatening
12:22 physically threatening, you know trying to ruin people's journalists
12:24 lives in order to get them to act on their behalf which was
12:27 highly highly illegal and there was a report by this guy named
12:32 Karl Bernstein where it was like they were bankrolling and this
12:36 is still supposedly true to this day that the number one financier
12:40 of media companies around the world.
12:42 Is the CIA?
12:45 So if you have a newspaper and fucking Nigeria South Africa
12:49 Austria, you know Southeast Asia wherever there's a good chance
12:54 that a large portion of your financing is coming out of US
13:00 taxpayer dollars because they're trying to and through the CIA,
13:02 you don't know like no one knows exactly what the CIA budget is.
13:05 I like it's classified nefarious.
13:09 So it's classified doesn't surprise me.
13:11 It's fucking insane.
13:12 So, you know, I'm like papers in Ukraine paper wherever all of
13:16 that is funded or a lot, you know, there are places funded totally
13:21 by the CIA and then you had but again in 1976, you know who is
13:26 head of the CIA in 1976.
13:28 He's a former president.
13:31 Kennedy now while he was dead by that George HW Bush.
13:37 Okay, so you became president 1988.
13:40 He was vice president for Reagan, but before he was vice president
13:42 for Reagan, he was running the CIA.
13:44 So when they are having all these investigations into the malpractice
13:48 of the CIA George Bush comes out and says, hey, like we're going
13:52 to he said that effective immediately the CIA will not enter
13:58 into any paid contractual relationship with any news corresponded
14:03 corresponded accredited with any news organization United States.
14:06 So that was supposed to be the plan like immediately.
14:10 And but then it was they have, you know, in terms of like the
14:14 language for Operation Mockingbird.
14:16 There's no real like declassified documents about it.
14:19 It's mentioned in these other documents and supposedly what that
14:24 typically means if you can't have declassified about the actual
14:27 program itself.
14:28 It means it's still active.
14:30 It's still an active operation.
14:32 So even though George HW Bush like just declared this there's
14:36 nothing like necessarily legally binding about it.
14:39 He's just the head of the CIA like you have to we have laws on
14:42 the books preventing this it's called the Smith month act.
14:45 Okay, where it's like this is it then that happened like right
14:48 after World War two like you're not allowed to propagandize
14:51 United States citizens through manipulation of the media and
14:54 they just have been ignoring that for 50 years, but it was like
14:59 if you got caught doing it like supposedly there would be like
15:02 harsh punishments and jail time and all that.
15:06 You get up into 2012.
15:08 They have the Smith month Modernization Act, which is
15:13 HR 414310 and that was in 2012.
15:20 So Obama signed it into law and that made it legal for the
15:25 government like the State Department to produce materials
15:29 like they can just basically produce new segments and distribute
15:33 them to the New York Times MSNBC Fox News, whoever they wanted
15:38 and there was nothing that there wasn't illegal.
15:43 So they made the language very ambiguous.
15:46 So now it became a thing where it's like, hey, this was illegal
15:49 and they're like, you know, we should modernize that act that
15:52 that prevented the government from using propaganda against
15:57 its own people.
15:57 And then they just wrote it into a lot like yeah, we can just
16:01 do whatever we want now and like no one like.
16:03 Who the fuck knows what HR 4310 is nobody and what and they're
16:09 like and it sounds nice.
16:10 We're going to modernize this old thing.
16:12 No, you fucking didn't you just open the door.
16:15 So the CIA and NSA or FBI can do whatever the fuck they want
16:20 and they can put out whatever narrative they want and that's
16:24 how you end up with these institutions where you're getting
16:29 de-platformed and you're getting smeared and you're getting
16:33 all these things if you go against the narrative, which is
16:36 we've seen a lot of that the last three four years, but historically
16:41 you were not supposed to be able to have news material generated
16:44 by the State Department and put out as if it's like news from
16:49 those organizations like that's everything news is supposed
16:51 to be a free and independent press is what is written into
16:56 the Bill of Rights that we have the right, you know to a free
16:58 and independent press this this act really blurs that line.
17:03 So if you have people in your pocket one way or another and
17:06 then you're able to distribute the news that you want to distribute
17:09 it becomes like that.
17:11 You ever heard of that?
17:13 Do you ever study this in school the allegory of the cave?
17:17 Okay, so it's like I think it's like from like Greek or Roman
17:21 or whatever some kind of older philosophy thing, but it's basically
17:24 like you're a baby.
17:25 Okay, you're raised in this cave and they just shine a light
17:29 from the back and no one ever talks to you or anything like
17:32 that and the they just make like shadow puppets on the wall,
17:36 but that is the only thing you ever see.
17:39 So that is what you like your reality your that's your reality.
17:43 You don't know about the outside world everything that you know
17:46 as a human is just whatever you see a shadow puppets on the
17:50 wall and like the that analogy here.
17:53 It's analogous to this because it's like whatever your whatever
17:56 you think your reality is it's just because whatever the
17:59 government is showing you through their news agencies and
18:01 that's why you're supposed to have like that separation by
18:04 law.
18:04 Otherwise, you're just like you're just going to believe
18:08 whatever the government will tell you that's like that's not
18:12 typically good for a healthy democracy.
18:14 So it's like a very it's like a very serious thing and you
18:18 combine that with like like the Patriot Act, you know what
18:22 the Patriot Act is?
18:23 Yeah, so that after 9/11 is after 9/11 and you really had
18:27 like three senators.
18:28 Okay.
18:29 So it was written fast and passed almost unanimous unanimously.
18:33 Okay, and you have three senators you had Tom Daschle.
18:38 I think Leahy and Russ Feingold and they're like, well, wait
18:43 a second.
18:43 Like this is probably this might be unconstitutional.
18:46 Do you know what happened to them?
18:48 They were the victims of that anthrax attack.
18:51 Okay, so they were the ones who had the anthrax sent to them.
18:55 So it was like holy shit.
18:57 So then, you know, Russ Feingold was the only guy who ended
19:00 up voting against it.
19:01 He was a senator from Wisconsin and it passed in the Senate
19:05 like 98 to 1 or 96 to 1 or something like that and the other
19:08 two guys like didn't vote and it was this thick like dense
19:14 thing and it was basically allowed the government to access
19:17 everything.
19:17 They could access your bank accounts.
19:19 They were much easier to get wiretaps like it was all in the
19:21 name of like preventing terrorism.
19:23 But again, it was same thing was like they're just kind of
19:26 allowed to spy on American citizens, even though they never
19:29 like historically that's unconstitutional and they've traced
19:35 that anthrax.
19:36 Okay, that was used in those.
19:38 They've sent around that send them in the envelopes.
19:39 Yeah.
19:40 Yeah, that was fucking scary.
19:42 Very scary.
19:42 That was like a big like pull the fire alarm like this is
19:46 the next big thing moment in America.
19:48 Oh, I remember being like we're all we're all going to die.
19:51 I remember thinking after 9/11 that like they were going to
19:54 shoot up schools and malls and just like go down to Michigan
19:56 Avenue and just like with a K's and they're going to start
19:59 sending anthrax and dirty bombs.
20:01 It was like a very scary.
20:02 Yeah time but they guess where they trace that anthrax back
20:06 to where a US military weapons lab.
20:14 No, no shit.
20:14 Okay, so and so because it was like it's like highly illegal
20:19 to have that stuff and to use that stuff.
20:21 So there are very few places that are even able to produce
20:24 it. So it was like they're saying that that was really like
20:26 a false flag to scare people to get like, yeah fucking pass
20:30 this Patriot Act because we got to stop like the anthrax
20:33 attacks that are coming through on our government and it
20:36 was like that came from probably or not probably it came
20:39 from the Defense Department.
20:41 So and like that's another thing.
20:44 It's just not really ever talked about.
20:45 So it's like then that's passed.
20:47 So when you combine, you know, the Smith month modernization
20:52 Act where they're able to just tell you anything and then
20:55 you have and then you know, they they gather your data
20:59 illegally.
21:00 That was another Obama owns made its metadata.
21:02 It's metadata.
21:03 It's not that big of a deal.
21:04 It's doing make big scrapes.
21:05 They're taking everybody's data from these tech companies.
21:07 They're spying on US citizens through the Patriot Act and
21:11 then they're using the media to manipulate the entire population
21:14 and it's just like you cannot have and then there's so much
21:18 money in like the election.
21:19 We talked about that on a show recently to where they
21:21 change laws about that where it's like campaign finance is
21:26 protected by free speech somehow which is sounds like fucking
21:29 bullshit to me and so then all these corporations are a lot
21:32 and corporations are people and so they're able to just spend
21:36 and spend and spend to get the guy that they want in exchange
21:39 for who knows what and when and then it's just like we're
21:42 out like how can you have a democracy under those circumstances
21:45 is like all these things need to be completely untangled
21:50 and undone but it's like no one's going to ever do it.
21:53 You don't go back to anthrax.
21:55 There was one of those things, you know, you see the meme
21:57 now when you were a kid you thought quicksand would be a
21:59 much bigger problem like a bigger obstacle in life because
22:02 I'm still terrified of movies quicksand.
22:04 Yeah, but you know, you just thought like it was gonna be
22:06 like all over the place and yeah, you would need to know
22:09 how to escape it at some point in your life because it was
22:10 such a 90s movie plot.
22:12 Yep anthrax was like that too is like oh fuck like this is
22:15 gonna be that's the new real.
22:17 Yeah, I wonder what I'm gonna happen a big anthrax.
22:21 Well, it was never big because it's like very difficult to
22:24 make and to get so the only place is it and then so after
22:27 that, okay, that was like one thing that Obama did do was
22:30 that that was like a we're getting in the weeds a little
22:34 bit now, but Obama passed a law because they had all these
22:37 it was illegal bio biological weapons were illegal underneath
22:42 the Geneva Conventions.
22:44 And so supposedly the Department of Defense.
22:48 They were like, you know, we don't and you know what the
22:52 punishment was for developing them for developing anthrax,
22:56 but by bio weapons is death by hanging.
23:00 Okay written into the Geneva Conventions.
23:03 So you didn't fuck around with that.
23:04 But if you offload that to NIH and the CDC.
23:14 You know, then they can they can study it and they can make
23:18 it and they can make these bio weapons and they can also
23:20 develop the vaccine alongside of it and that became like a
23:25 thing and Obama came in because somebody got in his ear.
23:29 It was like, hey, like this is a problem like you got to
23:31 shut this down.
23:31 So Obama outlawed it like hey, we are no longer going to
23:35 be manufacturing or doing these gain-of-function things in
23:38 the United States.
23:39 Like it's not good.
23:40 So we are we will not be having that they moved it to China.
23:43 They moved it to a whole and get like literally it's fucking
23:47 like and there's all sorts of documentation.
23:48 So like Obama said, hey no more of this.
23:51 We can't do this anymore.
23:52 So they're like, all right great and they just move the whole
23:55 lab and everything out of the United States offshore in
23:57 different places including including Wuhan.
23:59 So the Center for virology, so it's like it's crazy how they
24:03 have like they've the CIA is fucking smart like they thought
24:07 of like everything and it's like it's so hard to know what
24:12 is actually real and true and it's just like you just kind
24:17 of just want to give up you want to give up.
24:19 I mean that's always been a thing where you never know what
24:22 to believe.
24:23 So I feel like it's worse.
24:24 I feel like it's worse.
24:27 I don't think I don't know if it's worse.
24:28 You just know more now maybe but I remember like the lead-up
24:32 to Iraq in 2003 and I remember like talking to my dad and
24:37 like, you know, there was that woman who was a reporter for
24:39 the New York Times and you had that was like speaking
24:41 anthrax you had Colin Powell go up in front of the the UN
24:46 and be like this is the fucking you know, he held up a vial
24:50 of it.
24:51 I believe it was anthrax be like this is why we have to go
24:54 in because they're developing these weapons of mass destruction
24:56 and everybody just took it even though there is like no
25:00 intelligence on it and they're in New York Times and every
25:02 like everybody was like we got to go in to Iraq like there
25:06 was like a little bit of an anti-war movement like among
25:09 like the people but I remember being like these people are
25:11 fucking crazy and I was like 17 at that point 16 17 and
25:16 like the same thing I talked to my dad.
25:17 He's like, yeah, I can teachers like yeah, we got to go in
25:20 we got it.
25:20 We can't you know, and then there was like the famous line
25:23 that they would say I remember like Condi Rice would be
25:27 like you don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
25:29 as if like the first thing that you see is like all we got
25:32 nuked with New York City got hit with a dirty nuclear bomb
25:35 and they blew up New York City like they didn't have any
25:37 of that shit.
25:37 We never found it but like that was just pushed through
25:40 the New York Times through all the news agencies through
25:43 you know, and it was all just a narrative that was developed
25:46 and crafted and allowed to happen through the practice
25:50 of this like Operation Mockingbird and it just like that's
25:53 why you just I don't I can't I don't trust anybody but
25:56 we've been going back.
25:57 We did that one podcast probably a long time ago.
26:00 What was it Jefferson bought the newspaper in his town
26:03 or something like that?
26:04 I don't know if he bought it to do a smear campaign.
26:06 Well, it was him versus Aaron Burr.
26:08 Yeah, Aaron Burr.
26:09 No, John Adams.
26:10 Yes.
26:11 Yeah, and they're like it would be like John Adams is a
26:15 is a her math her math a day.
26:17 Where is yes.
26:18 Yes.
26:18 He said like all the worst possible like absurd things about
26:23 John Adams.
26:23 I don't know if he bought it.
26:25 I don't know if he I don't know if you own the paper if
26:27 you would just like leaked stories and they would print
26:29 it for you're going to look it up with something going
26:31 on.
26:32 Yeah, trying it was like it's still considered to this
26:34 day the dirtiest most vile election like brutal election
26:40 back and forth all the things that they were accusing each
26:42 other of really.
26:43 Yeah, so that was I think that was 1800 1804 something
26:48 like 1800 maybe so and then they and then 1791 that doesn't
26:56 sound right to me.
26:56 No, that was that election.
26:58 Jefferson 1801 1801.
27:01 Yeah.
27:01 Yeah, because then yeah, and then bought it.
27:05 No, I don't mind didn't buy the paper but he had like but
27:08 that's always been a thing in DC to where and not just
27:12 DC but everywhere but politicians will like and that happens
27:16 in every in sports to where it's like will will week.
27:20 Yeah something make you feel good.
27:23 We'll give you this will give you this story.
27:25 But you know when we tell you to shut the fuck up or put
27:28 it push a different narrative out there about something,
27:31 you know, you better play ball and it's like you trade.
27:35 That was like the old John McDonough thing where he would
27:37 he would trade scoops for positive column inches.
27:41 It's like hey, why don't you do?
27:43 Why don't you do 3,000 words on how great I am and I'll
27:46 make sure that you know about the trade and the rumors
27:49 first, you know, and he would that was like like a widely
27:53 a widely talked about thing in this market.
27:56 So and people get so mad when I say that about the Black
28:01 Hawks and McDonough and how he'd be like, oh, I popped
28:03 up in the Daily Herald or the Sun-Times with like this
28:06 glowing article about McDonough and then what do you know?
28:09 Oh, they they assigned Brent Seabrook to an extension and
28:12 who got the scoop the guy who just wrote that long article
28:15 about McDonald.
28:16 So it you know, so that that's always been a thing but it's
28:19 a little bit different when it's like, you know, the CIA
28:23 is like telling you what to say because they're either
28:26 paying you blackmailing you or whatever and it's like something
28:33 that is supposed to be illegal but is now through the State
28:37 Department of this Smith month modernization act of 2012
28:43 is now like kind of legal.
28:44 So they're just able to like they just get away with everything
28:47 and nobody like nobody's mind in the store.
28:50 I'm not I don't fucking know anything.
28:52 I wouldn't even know how to stop like how do you even stop
28:53 something like this?
28:54 Anyways, because even if like you like catch on to something,
28:57 let's say that you're like the world's best journalist
28:59 and you're like giving it to you know, you're going after
29:03 the government and the CIA for all these different things
29:05 or these like or even if it's like somebody like 3m or you
29:09 know, you know or or the pharmaceutical whatever the any
29:12 of these big powerful agencies they can just comment like
29:15 they got if you're the one guy they got 98 other people that
29:18 are on their side because they're paying them.
29:20 They got the deck they got you right.
29:21 So you're the it's then it's like well, it just becomes
29:24 like an avalanche of information and they can easily dismiss
29:27 you as a conspiracy theorist or something like that.
29:29 So it's I don't know I don't want to do about this.
29:34 I kind of think we're just we're just fucked.
29:37 Well, I mean that's the answer to most things.
29:39 My we're just fucked.
29:40 Yeah.
29:40 Yeah, there was a memory we were talking about that that
29:43 things I don't understand and it was you drafted.
29:48 I just I blogged it on on Thursday, but you drafted like
29:52 what are these residential buildings these luxury residential
29:55 downtown buildings like who's living in those and I was like,
29:59 I don't think anybody is okay.
30:00 He's living in them.
30:01 Well Brian Callen like since we did that show went on Rogan
30:06 and that topic came up and he knew more about it than I did
30:11 obviously because I was just like I think I've heard something
30:13 like this.
30:13 He said it's like all these, you know foreign entities or
30:17 sometimes bigger bigger banks.
30:19 And if what they do is that they get this asset from you know,
30:26 from the company that builds it then they take out a loan
30:29 against it and put that money in the stock market and you're
30:33 able to so if you're if you're a nefarious if you're like a
30:37 drug dealer you want to do a real estate deal.
30:40 You're able to kind of launder your money through the stock
30:44 market be like going to the casino, right?
30:46 Like you get all this money, but you're doing it at scale.
30:49 So I'm going to buy this 20 million dollar apartment in New
30:51 York City and then I'm going to take out a loan against that
30:56 asset put the loan into the stock market take the money out
30:59 of the stock market.
31:00 It's washed.
31:01 It's no longer really drug money.
31:03 It's all just loans and wires going back and forth.
31:07 So it's it's like a interesting it's like and that was like
31:10 Dave's thing.
31:10 I don't understand what how money is that's how that's that's
31:14 how money works.
31:14 That's how money in real estate work prime example.
31:17 Yeah prime example.
31:19 We got to figure out how to do that stuff.
31:21 Yeah, I know.
31:22 Yeah, but I think I remember when Dave first got paid for
31:25 like I forget what deal is like we saw how do I like oh the
31:28 churning thing?
31:28 Yeah, he's like, how do I like to make like how do I just not
31:30 pay anything right now?
31:32 And there's like I can't right.
31:34 I forgot what they said.
31:35 We're like he's not even that wealthy enough to be right.
31:38 Well, I was talking about what he said.
31:40 I was talking to this guy recently and he's trying to like
31:45 raise money for a business.
31:48 And he was he went to like this guy that he knows is super
31:51 wealthy.
31:51 And he's like, you know, you don't really need that much
31:54 money for this.
31:55 You only need like five million dollars.
31:57 He's like, oh five million dollars like yeah, why don't we
31:59 go get in this this guy is like a like a billionaire guy.
32:03 Yeah, like you only need five million like so instead of like
32:07 trying to do it this way.
32:09 Why don't you just go up to Northern Trust with like they
32:11 got some like lower, you know, they're like I can't remember
32:15 how it was phrased but like it wasn't lower income, but it
32:18 was like lower net worth and it's like that they might be
32:21 interested in kicking in 500,000 and you just cobble it
32:24 together.
32:25 It's like that they can like there's this bank that in Chicagoland
32:29 that specializes in these lower net worth individuals and
32:31 everybody's like 15 million and below, you know, so they got
32:35 a few million to toss around and that's kind of what Dave was
32:39 and originally and I remember he was on like the rundown or
32:42 something or maybe was Barstool radio after the churning thing.
32:45 And he's like, you know, so like the money hit his account.
32:49 He's like, you know, I just I kind of just check it every week.
32:52 It's like amazing how much money I make just on interest because
32:55 he had like millions of dollars is like just in a checking and
32:57 a savings account.
32:58 He's like it's like it's like I'm going up like salaries out
33:01 of time just on interest.
33:02 Yeah, it's like, yeah, let's be fucking crazy.
33:04 Yeah.
33:04 Yeah.
33:05 Yeah.
33:06 All right, then.
33:07 Yeah.
33:07 Yeah, wild shit.
33:09 Wild.
33:10 Yeah.
33:10 Thanks everybody for listening to the tip for today back tomorrow
33:13 with the free swim.
33:13 We'll see you all then.
33:15 Yeah.
33:15 (whooshing)
33:17 [WHOOSH]
