• 2 years ago
Staff and students talk about this year's A Level results.
00:00 [Background noise]
00:18 Okay then Lee, just some headline figures from this year's results and how you feel about it?
00:23 Okay, so the results this year are broadly in line with the 2019 figures.
00:27 We've got some fantastic successes, particularly with our students who've had additional needs.
00:32 This is a cohort who've had unprecedented disruption, losing teaching time during their year 10 and year 11,
00:39 not actually sitting their GCSE exams.
00:41 So to perform as well as they have is an incredible testament to their hard work and their dedication.
00:47 They've done incredibly well and we're very proud of them all.
00:50 Now exam boards were instructed to bring attainment levels in line with pre-pandemic levels.
00:55 You've said that's roughly what you've experienced this year, but how do you feel about that instruction on exam boards?
01:01 I think in many ways it is harsh.
01:03 They're a year group who've had, as I said, disruption to their GCSE studies,
01:07 studying from home during year 10 and year 11, not sitting external exams in the hall during their GCSE years.
01:14 So to have to do that for the first time this year with very little leniency,
01:18 there's a worry about how employers will view that and whether in future,
01:22 when these students go to apply for jobs, whether employers will understand that they had that disruption
01:28 and their grades don't reflect that leniency that previous years had.
01:34 Because obviously, whether it's university, some people will take a gap year, some people may go to university later.
01:39 People are probably not too dissimilar in age, they're going to be competing possibly with the same professions.
01:43 Do you think that does put this year group at a disadvantage, not just for your school, but for schools across the country?
01:49 That is the worry, that is the worry that employers may not quite understand the context behind their grades.
01:55 But they have performed very well, they have got on the whole the grades they wanted to.
02:00 We have 90% progressing to the course they wanted to go to.
02:06 So destinations-wise, they have done very well. We are very proud of them all.
02:12 Okay then, Roberts, how do you do then?
02:14 I've got an A*, A.A.
02:16 Is that better than you expected, around what you're expecting?
02:18 It's about what I expected, yes.
02:20 So what's your plans now?
02:21 I want to go to the University of Leeds to do chemistry.
02:23 Are you looking forward to it?
02:24 Yes, of course.
