Riggs Vs Columbus C.C. 3 Hole Challenge, Presented By Biolyte

  • last year
Riggs | Fore Play
00:00 (gunshot)
00:02 - Alright folks, I'm gonna hit my tee shot
00:12 and then we'll talk about this,
00:13 which is Ivy in a bottle with Bullshit.
00:15 First hole here at Columbus Country Club,
00:17 which is awesome.
00:18 Just the driver up the right,
00:19 wind's coming off the right,
00:20 so really should be a pretty easy tee shot.
00:23 (gunshot)
00:29 (wind)
00:31 Just maybe crept into the right rock.
00:37 Alright, Columbus Country Club.
00:38 It says 1903 on this awesome logo
00:41 they got in the bar room there.
00:43 Donald Ross came in, redid it,
00:45 so it's basically a Donald Ross course.
00:46 We're in Columbus, like three or four miles
00:48 from the airport.
00:49 Fantastic golf course.
00:50 You're gonna see my kind of style.
00:52 I love Donald Ross.
00:53 This is also my kind of style.
00:54 If you're drinking, make sure you have one of these.
00:56 Gonna rehydrate you.
00:57 I know people love to do the IV thing
00:59 where you hit yourself with the IV to get rehydrated.
01:02 Drink one of these and in 30 minutes
01:05 it's the equivalent of getting a whole IV set up.
01:08 It's Ivy in a bottle, drinkviolite.com,
01:11 use the code melon, get 15% off.
01:13 We're gonna do a three hole challenge,
01:15 Columbus Country Club.
01:17 Hard greens out here.
01:18 Alright, we got 162 uphill.
01:22 Awesome looking hole.
01:24 I got a seven iron.
01:26 Should kind of fly a little bit out of this.
01:28 Just caught that right bunker.
01:45 Thought the wind was gonna take it,
01:46 but a little bit of a lazy swing.
01:48 That's gonna be a tough up and down.
01:49 Pretty straightforward bunker shot.
01:51 (wind blowing)
01:53 Alright, I gotta make a putt.
02:09 Gotta make a putt.
02:10 Hey, let's talk about these rakes real quick.
02:16 That's a rake.
02:21 Also, rake with the little forks this way.
02:24 Kind of rake it so the ball sits down a little bit.
02:28 Bunker should be a little bit of a penalty.
02:31 So if you see there, it's like kinda.
02:33 Yeah, you get a little bit of groove,
02:38 so you might not get the best lie.
02:41 That's kinda nice to see, I like that.
02:43 Great rakes out here.
02:45 Great rakes.
02:46 Alright, folks.
02:51 We got a straight uphill about nine footer.
02:53 By straight uphill, I mean it probably
02:55 moves a cup right to left.
02:56 This'll be a big one.
02:58 We don't get a lot of sandy, so if you make one sand save,
03:01 your percentage goes, it like triples.
03:02 Goes from like 3% to 9% lifetime.
03:08 (wind blowing)
03:11 (ball bouncing)
03:24 Thank you, Za.
03:29 I feel so hydrated right now
03:30 because of this six and a half times.
03:32 The electrolytes in this thing,
03:37 as in a normal sports drink, drinkbylight.com.
03:39 The code is melon, you get 50% off.
03:41 Almost choked right there, I'm so good, I love it.
03:45 And we're gonna put two more holes in
03:46 because I heard people bitching,
03:47 being like, you do a ad for this awesome thing,
03:50 Bylight, for 30 seconds,
03:51 and then I just get to watch you one hole.
03:53 So we're gonna fill in the next two holes as well.
03:54 Three hole challenge, or even through one.
03:56 Second hole, 382, par four.
03:58 I believe the first hole was the number five handicap.
04:01 This is number seven, and the third hole's number nine.
04:04 So just so people have a reference point.
04:06 (indistinct)
04:09 Oh my days.
04:20 I think it's okay.
04:24 Just over that tree, I think we're in the right rough.
04:28 It looked like the worst spot, so here we go.
04:31 All right.
04:32 I didn't really realize, my depth perception stink.
04:35 I didn't really realize I was gonna reach the fescue.
04:37 So I hit a little too far right.
04:39 Kind of a bail out, OB all down the left.
04:41 Oh, we got, not a great spot.
04:43 I'm just gonna hack out and try to get up again.
04:46 Yep, that's all you can do, take your medicine.
05:01 All right, a little 67 yard wedge shot.
05:04 In his top on the right.
05:07 I gotta give a shout out to the super.
05:09 Okay, got a pretty good look for the puck.
05:23 Let's make a putt again.
05:24 Nice country club, let me tuck my shirt in.
05:26 Respect, have some respect out there.
05:28 You know, I might look a little bit unkempt.
05:32 That's because United lost my bag.
05:34 So I got a pair of gray socks on that were worn last week.
05:38 I got a pair of boxers on that were worn last week
05:40 and I got a shirt on that was worn last week.
05:42 So I was kind of trying to keep it off of me as much,
05:44 off of my person because it's kind of gross.
05:46 This is a tough little left to right.
05:49 You might notice too, we're in the middle
05:50 of the maintenance staff changing out the flags.
05:52 The first hole, we had a Barstool Classic flag.
05:54 This hole, we've got a really cool zoom in on that.
05:56 They've got a unique style flag that's like old school flag
06:00 with the pointed end on it.
06:02 Here at the CCC.
06:04 Okay, I have 12 feet, good call.
06:07 I agree, John.
06:26 I agree.
06:29 (indistinct)
06:31 Tough bogey, but this next hole looks sick.
06:37 That looks sick.
06:41 All right, number nine, handicap third hole here.
06:43 It's only, this is beautiful.
06:44 Look at this, mowed into the green.
06:46 So you got Teebox mowed into green.
06:48 Really old school look again with the old school flags.
06:51 Donald Ross, the whole deal.
06:53 Just kind of got an old school historic feel about it.
06:55 Only 340, but I'm just going to send driver up there.
06:59 Why not?
07:00 Try to hit something up the right center
07:02 is kind of the goal, folks.
07:03 He's barely in the rough for a spot.
07:23 Playing like an 80 yard shot or so, up hill.
07:26 (wind blowing)
07:28 I think I want to land this just right at the pin.
07:32 You can actually see right through the zoom in.
07:34 The top of a giant violaite bottle.
07:37 Code melon, 15% off.
07:42 That thing's got a hell of a melon up there, you know?
07:46 (wind blowing)
07:48 Zoom in there, Rob.
07:57 They get crept on there.
08:01 Up hill out of the rough,
08:04 that line up just dribbled up there.
08:06 Kind of on the front edge, so.
08:08 I have 20 or 30 feet, but let's just make a putt like usual.
08:11 All right, these greens are wild.
08:12 This one, we're actually in a pretty good spot.
08:13 We'd like to be a lot closer.
08:14 We got like 30 feet up the hill.
08:17 We're going to show you Rob's putt,
08:18 just to give you a real cool look
08:19 at Columbus Country Club's greens.
08:21 All right, we're going to get a look here on three
08:24 at these Donald Ross greens at Columbus Country Club.
08:28 Rob's got like a 60 footer from the back of the green.
08:32 Huge ridge right here he's going to get it to.
08:35 And then this thing should dribble all the way down there.
08:39 - Now come this way.
08:40 Go this way.
08:41 - That's all I love.
08:41 - This way.
08:42 - That's all I love.
08:43 - Dude, that's from where you were,
08:45 incredible putt.
08:46 - Thank you.
08:47 - Incredible putt.
08:47 That's an incredible putt.
08:49 Jesus Christ, you were out there.
08:52 - Not bad.
08:52 See, obviously we'd rather be here than there, so.
08:55 Let's close out this video with a birdie.
08:58 (soft music)
09:00 the wind is blowing.
09:02 (soft music)
09:05 (soft music)
09:07 - Oh.
09:19 What kind of wildlife over that board, did you see that?
09:25 - Clean as that.
09:26 (soft music)
09:29 - Thank you, John.
09:45 All right.
09:45 I love Mississippi, I love the clubhouse.
09:48 It's got kind of a, almost like a colonial look to it,
09:51 which is classy.
09:52 It feels like we're in Virginia kind of,
09:53 but fantastic spot.
09:55 I love the look of Donald Ross courses.
09:57 These greens are as slippery as can be.
09:59 When you're feeling yourself,
10:01 might get into a little bit of a slippery situation.
10:03 I can't recommend BioLite enough.
10:05 Big weekend with the boys, with the girls,
10:07 with your whole squad.
10:09 Maybe you're just dehydrated in general.
10:10 It's hot.
10:11 I think it's the hottest month in like 50,000 years.
10:14 BioLite, drinkbiolite.com.
10:16 Use the code Mel and get 15% off.
10:19 CCC, awesome, awesome golf course.
10:21 (whooshing)
10:24 Bye.
10:26 [GUNSHOT]
