How to Make Doll Cakes 2

  • last year
00:00 I am going to make a chocolate cake for a doll using plastic bottle tops, toilet paper,
00:19 acrylic paint, water, card stock, and glue.
00:23 I start by finding the appropriate size plastic bottle top.
00:27 I may even glue two together to get the desired height.
00:30 Then I tear toilet paper into small pieces and place them in a bowl, add glue, a little
00:35 water, and stir until it is the consistency of mashed potatoes.
00:41 Begin applying it to the cap to add texture.
00:44 After allowing it to dry, I paint it.
00:47 I can also stack and glue different sized caps, cover it too with the toilet paper mixture,
00:54 and paint it after it dries.
00:56 To make a cake for a special occasion, seal it with a thin coat of a clear drying glue
01:02 to make a basic chocolate cake.
01:05 For a little extra fun, cut strips of card stock, cut a scalloped edge on one side, curl
01:11 it around a toothpick, making small flower like spirals.
01:15 Arrange and glue a few on top, adding a few paper leaves and a brush of glue for shine
01:22 to make chocolate roses on top.
01:25 And you're done!
01:26 Happy Crafting!
01:27 [Music]
01:29 [Music]
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02:54 (upbeat music)
02:57 - This is just perfect.
03:00 Taylor, thank you for making the cake
03:02 for my anniversary dinner.
03:04 - Anytime Mrs. Darby.
03:06 You know I do love to bake.
03:08 How's three o'clock for delivery?
03:10 - Wonderful, see you then.
03:12 - Oh Crumb, you've been such a good boy today,
03:15 sitting here so patiently while I've been baking.
03:18 I'm gonna go grab the leash and take you
03:21 for a long walk before the delivery.
03:24 We wanna give a shout out to LPS Glitter Studios.
03:28 What's up?
03:28 Crumb, are you ready for that walk?
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03:49 (dog barking)
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