• 2 years ago
00:00 I am going to make a bean bag for a doll using fabric, thread, needles, and some kind of
00:18 filler, whether it's beans, rice, or even scraps, and a piece of paper.
00:24 For a larger doll, you might want to use newspaper.
00:26 I start by folding my paper over.
00:28 I lay my doll on top and then mark where the top of her head is.
00:32 I cut out a curve shape that is the same length as her body, and I now have a pattern.
00:38 You can adjust your pattern to make them bigger, smaller, wider, or thinner.
00:43 I cut five out of fabric.
00:47 Take two, lay them good side to good side.
00:50 Using a needle and thread or a sewing machine, begin stitching down one side.
00:55 Remember to lock your stitch in the beginning.
01:00 You're just going to do a straight stitch all the way down the edge.
01:06 This is a great opportunity to work on your hand stitching.
01:13 When you get to the end, just open it up, take the next piece, lay it good side to good
01:19 side, line it up with your edge, and begin stitching it just as before.
01:27 And then add the next one, and the next one, until all five pieces are sewn together.
01:32 Now I'm going to continue my stitching, but I'm only going to go a third of the way on
01:36 each side, so that I leave an opening in the middle.
01:39 And I'm going to add a few stitches at the ends, just to make sure they're closed.
01:43 Flip it right side out.
01:45 Fill it with the filling of your choice.
01:47 For a larger doll, I'm going to use scraps instead of rice or beans, just to cut down
01:51 on the cost.
01:53 Use a needle and thread to stitch the opening closed.
01:56 Trim off the excess.
02:01 And you're done.
02:02 Happy crafting!
02:03 [music]
02:19 [music]
02:39 [music]
03:05 Do you like to take photos of your doll crafts?
03:07 Well, yeah, who doesn't?
03:08 Did you know you can share them with us on Facebook for a chance to be in one of our
03:12 videos?
03:13 Just submit your photo in the same place that you would leave a comment.
03:16 You can even Photoshop your own website onto the picture.
03:19 It's like getting free advertising for you.
03:22 See you on the next video!
03:24 [music]
03:28 Shhh!
03:29 Where do I get my ideas from?
03:31 Well, it usually starts like this.
03:33 I head over to my computer.
03:35 They want me to make what?
03:37 Oh, okay.
03:39 Then I head on over to a little store in the middle of the old noggin shopping center called
03:44 Trial and Error.
03:45 It's only the best place to find creativity.
03:47 You know I'm being sarcastic, right, and that there is no real store?
03:51 I just keep working at it until I get it right.
03:53 And it's not impossible for two people to come up with the same idea.
03:56 Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Great minds think alike"?
03:59 But it is our goal to make fun and easy crafts as original as possible.
04:03 Shhh!
04:04 Hello, everybody!
04:06 You have missed me, no?
04:08 I mean, how could you not?
04:10 I am Naveen.
04:12 Oh, will you just get out of the way?
04:14 Nobody steals my spotlight.
04:17 Chloe, you ready to do this?
04:19 Yeah, I'm coming.
04:20 We want to give a shout-out to...
04:22 Bratz Girl Sweetie, 231.
04:24 What's up?
04:26 All right, yeah, you did good this time.
04:29 Sophie.
04:30 I'm just saying, you did.
