• last year
00:00 [Opening jingle]
00:07 Assalamu Alaikum and welcome to Titli's Busy Kitchen with me Titli Nihaan.
00:12 Except I'm not in my busy kitchen this weekend. I've gone mobile.
00:16 I'm actually in the North East of England with my stepdaughter Adele
00:19 because we're going to bake her wedding cake.
00:22 Are you ready?
00:23 I think so.
00:24 Let's do it!
00:26 What a fun feast of ingredients we've got here.
00:29 I've got 450 g of sultanas,
00:32 500 g of currants,
00:35 450 g of raisins,
00:37 6 eggs,
00:39 450 g of plain flour,
00:41 350 g of unsalted butter,
00:45 100 g of almond flakes,
00:47 350 g of brown sugar,
00:50 100 g of ground almonds.
00:53 This is the grated rind from one orange and one lemon.
00:57 In my little spice tray, I've got 1½ teaspoons of mixed spice
01:01 and a teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg and salt.
01:05 This is 100 g of glace cherries.
01:08 There's 150 g of dried cranberries here because Adele happened to find some at the back of her cupboard
01:14 and 200 g of mixed peel.
01:18 The first thing to do is to sift together the flour, the spices and the salt.
01:24 Into a mixing bowl,
01:25 add in the butter
01:29 and the sugar
01:33 and cream them together.
01:40 When you've creamed together the butter and the sugar,
01:47 add in the eggs, one at a time
01:49 and beat well.
01:56 Once all the eggs are mixed,
02:04 add in the rind from the orange and the lemon
02:09 and the flour
02:12 and whisk together.
02:16 Once you have a nice creamy mixture in your bowl,
02:19 add in a couple of handfuls of the dried fruits
02:22 and mix them all together.
02:29 By now you should have 3½ kilos of cake mix and this is probably a two-person job.
02:37 Here I've got a 10-inch cake tin which is very well greased on the inside.
02:43 I'll just add the cake mixture in.
02:46 Push it down well into the cake tin.
02:51 Once the cake has been pressed into the tin and smoothed over,
02:54 it's gonna go into the bottom of the oven at 150ºC or 300ºF
03:01 for 1½ hours.
03:08 After an hour and a half,
03:11 turn the oven temperature down by 10ºC or 20ºF
03:17 and cook for another 1½ hours.
03:21 After 3 hours, check the cake with a skewer
03:24 and if it comes out clean, then it's cooked. Don't worry if it's caught on the top of it here
03:29 because you can always remove that.
03:32 Now allow the cake to cool.
03:36 The cake's cooled and you're probably thinking, "Ha! Ha! You've burnt the cake!"
03:40 When Adele saw it, she was like...
03:43 "My cake's burning! My cake's burning!"
03:46 and I was like...
03:48 "Chill."
03:50 What I've done is I've put the cake onto
03:53 some cassettes.
03:55 I just push this down
03:58 and the cake pops out.
04:00 Because I want the top of the cake
04:02 parallel to the bottom of the cake to make it easy to decorate, I'm actually gonna slice off,
04:07 very carefully with a bread knife,
04:09 the top of the cake.
04:14 Et voilà!
04:19 Now we've got a nice even surface
04:22 on the top and the bottom.
04:25 Mmm... Cake!
04:27 Now we can turn this out
04:29 onto a plate.
04:31 Mmm... Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!
04:35 It's delicious.
04:37 It is fruity
04:39 and I'm gonna be back later in the year
04:41 to ice and decorate this.
04:44 But in the meantime, Adele's gonna be feeding it.
04:47 So there we are. That's the cake made
04:49 and Adele's gonna be feeding it a tablespoon or two of rum or brandy every week for the next few weeks
04:55 before I come back and shall I ice it.
04:58 You happy with it?
04:59 Very happy. Fantastic!
05:01 Thank you very much. You're welcome.
05:03 Join me next time in Titli's Busy Kitchen with me Titli Nihaan.
05:08 Until next time, Khuda hafiz.
05:10 [Closing jingle]