• 2 years ago
00:00 (laughter)
00:02 - We're gonna...
00:03 Together.
00:07 Okay, wait, wait, wait.
00:09 Okay, ready?
00:11 You ready, guys?
00:12 - One, two, three, go.
00:14 - Yuck!
00:19 - Yay.
00:20 - Yummy!
00:21 - Gooey.
00:23 - Step number two, whisk.
00:25 (whirring)
00:27 Okay, it's getting dangerous.
00:30 Oh, crap, I...
00:31 (fast forwarding)
00:36 - This segment was brought to you by Immigration Canada.
00:42 It's our job to help you integrate.
00:44 - So, we divided the cake into four different amounts,
00:48 as you can see.
00:52 And after, we are going to add
00:59 different colors.
01:00 - Oh, where'd it go?
01:02 - Different?
01:03 - To every different amount of mixture of cake.
01:07 (laughter)
01:12 - We like to speak slowly for those of you
01:16 who don't understand.
01:20 - So, now that we have added the food coloring,
01:29 to the mixed cake batter,
01:31 we are now going to mix it all together in one bowl,
01:38 and put it into the oven.
01:44 - Dun, dun, dun!
01:45 We have now put the blue, pink, and green cake batter
01:51 all into the one bowl, and you go largest to smallest
01:54 so that it can look like this.
01:57 - Oh.
01:58 And now we have to see if it'll bake properly.
02:02 Our cake is baked, and here's the finished product.
02:06 (choral singing)
02:09 (bell ringing)
02:12 - Voila!
02:13 - Alright, so we just took the cake out of the oven,
02:16 and our friend Matthew's here, and well,
02:19 here's how it looks.
02:20 Chelsea, you wanna tell us how it looks?
02:23 - Looks like taco.
02:26 - Yeah, Matt, how's it look?
02:28 - No words to explain it.
02:32 - Indescribable.
02:33 It looks kinda cool, though.
02:35 Marianne, what do you think?
02:36 - Looks good.
02:37 So we just cut the cake, and this is how it looks.
02:43 Alright, okay.
02:45 So who wants this one?
02:45 (rock music)
02:48, - Mmm, om nom nom nom.
