• 2 years ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Now,
00:08 when we cutting the hair,
00:11 is couple of points is very important.
00:15 Is first, first important point is the consultation.
00:20 When you have a consultation with the client,
00:23 how they want the hair.
00:25 And one of the consultation you can make,
00:27 to have, obviously after you talk to the customer,
00:30 then you can show some photo,
00:33 you can look on your phone, on iPad,
00:35 to some images, how you want to cut this hair.
00:38 After you done that,
00:39 now you know what you want,
00:43 either pixie haircut, or either the bob haircut,
00:46 or either the long haircut, the short haircut,
00:48 whatever you do, after you had the image,
00:50 we're talking about short hair today.
00:52 When you cut short hair,
00:54 doesn't matter if you're doing the pixie,
00:57 but doesn't matter if you're doing kind of,
00:59 building around the curvature of the head,
01:02 or either you're making shorter to create different things,
01:05 divide your hair.
01:07 When you divide your hair, divide it in three part.
01:10 The first part, we're dividing the top section.
01:13 Can you see here?
01:14 The whole shoe.
01:15 The whole shoe, either you can make it square,
01:18 or you can make the whole shoe, up to you.
01:20 And the other one,
01:22 then you're gonna divide it, this is the top part,
01:25 and then you should divide to the middle part, like this.
01:29 Middle part.
01:30 So divide the middle part,
01:32 from the top part, and from the bottom part.
01:34 Now, I'm gonna show you here.
01:36 Come over here, this side, come to this side.
01:38 If we take the section, just from this line here,
01:42 which is this line, the reason we say this line,
01:45 because anything after this is natural fall.
01:48 The ears is not pushing the hair,
01:50 so the hair hasn't got anything to bother with the hair.
01:54 So the hair is natural fall.
01:56 And then, we're taking this middle part, like this,
02:00 like this, dividing the hair to two part.
02:04 When you divide this hair to two part,
02:06 this called the middle part.
02:08 The middle part is crucial,
02:12 because that is where is building the hair.
02:15 The middle part building the hair on top.
02:17 If this is short, or it doesn't matter whatever the length,
02:19 but this one is connection between the top and the bottom.
02:24 It's connection.
02:25 And same times, it's make much easier for you
02:28 how to cut the hair.
02:31 So, after we done this part, divide it,
02:35 we have the bottom part.
02:37 And now, divide this section as well.
02:41 In meantime, if you have any question,
02:45 please ask me, and I will do my best to answer you.
02:48 So, make sure you're dividing it in right correction,
02:53 right amount.
02:55 After you done that, just put this one back as well.
02:59 And the last one, we're taking this part, like this.
03:06 Can you see?
03:10 So we're taking this, I'm just gonna quickly
03:14 put this one here, because I'm gonna take this one together.
03:17 There we go.
03:21 Like this, and take all this together.
03:24 And now, you know, I says to you,
03:28 that the bottom part and the lower part.
03:32 So we have, we have the top part, middle part,
03:42 and the bottom part.
03:44 Now the bottom part, you can cut it short.
03:48 Whatever you want to cut, you can do it.
03:51 (speaking in foreign language)
03:55 Good morning, everybody.
04:05 Now, when we're cutting this part,
04:06 you can do most of the part, most of the time,
04:10 we're doing graduation.
04:11 Graduation is mean like this,
04:13 the graduation, you're building the hair.
04:15 Layers, you're taking the bulk.
04:17 Graduation, you're building it.
04:19 If you, if the customer says, "My hair is thick,"
04:21 you have to do layers.
04:23 If you do graduation, the hair's gonna make more thicker.
04:26 But most of the time, we're doing graduation, short hair.
04:30 So longer to short at the bottom.
04:33 So you can cut several different way.
04:36 You can do scissor overcome, you can do it like this.
04:39 Just cut the hair, and then section by section,
04:43 and you're going there, shorter.
04:45 Just follow the guideline.
04:48 (upbeat music)
04:51 And then when you're holding it like this,
05:03 then you can see that graduation is formed.
05:06 Now again, I'm taking this part.
05:11 So don't go too, too short.
05:16 It depends if you, if I was going for pixie haircut,
05:19 I will do it too short.
05:21 But because it's not pixie haircut,
05:23 I'm gonna leave kind of little bit texture,
05:25 this is there, to build the shape.
05:27 That's why I'm not gonna go too short.
05:30 So I'm just doing cross-checking with now, as a graduation,
05:33 make sure my hair is just nicely in place.
05:36 After you're cutting all this middle part,
05:40 you can take over.
05:41 I kind of hope that you'll see on,
05:46 since we're doing this.
05:48 - Cross-checking same times,
05:51 you can do your cross-checking different time.
05:53 What I do believe, the haircut, when you're cutting the hair,
05:58 is to understand the way you're cutting it
06:01 is very important, because you not only can cut it by self,
06:06 easy, also you can tell your staff.
06:09 You can tell people next to you.
06:11 But if you don't understand what you're doing,
06:13 more likely you're gonna not finish the hair correctly.
06:17 Well, my aim, I want all of you to cut nice haircut.
06:22 So when you cut nice haircut,
06:24 you have to understand the fundamental of that hair,
06:28 how you're gonna follow to cut it.
06:31 So if we don't understand haircut, how we're gonna cut it,
06:35 then, my wish, good morning, darling.
06:40 So if you don't understand that one haircut,
06:43 how you're gonna cut it, then you can't explain it.
06:46 So if you can't explain one haircut to your staff,
06:51 that mean you by self,
06:52 you don't know how you're cutting that hair.
06:54 You know you're getting the result,
06:56 but you don't know how you're cutting it.
06:58 So, but then just stop yourself in one minute and think.
07:04 (scissors snipping)
07:05 It's, why is it like that?
07:07 Because you have only memorized that haircut.
07:11 You don't know, only you memorized it,
07:13 that's why you're cutting it.
07:15 So, but we're not memorizing it.
07:17 We're cutting, we know when we cut this,
07:20 how it's gonna look like.
07:21 So the memorizing it, only you have seen from somebody
07:24 and you're cutting it that way.
07:26 But I like to take your mind off from memorizing it.
07:29 And I want you to understand how you're cutting that hair
07:33 and how it's just looking like that.
07:36 So, the graduation like this, 45
07:41 and anything 45 and below is graduation.
07:44 Anything above 45 is layers.
07:47 And you can do graduation in several different way.
07:51 Especially with scissor over comb, you can do it.
07:55 Even you can do with clipper, even you can do with hands,
07:58 even you can do with your teeth, with your legs,
08:01 whatever you want to do, you can create.
08:03 So here we go.
08:07 After we done that, now the top part is very importantly,
08:19 it is coming, let's take this one here, Mavish.
08:22 I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna go show you this way.
08:26 Good morning, here we go.
08:29 Good morning.
08:35 So, we're taking this part here, like this.
08:39 And if you bring all middle length hair down,
08:46 middle length is there and you can see.
08:52 And now, we're taking the hair, previous haircut
08:57 and just taking this guideline
09:01 and we're cutting around there.
09:03 Here we go.
09:04 On top of the previous haircut.
09:07 So, straight away, straight away,
09:09 because you have left kind of good lengths there,
09:14 you don't see any lines.
09:15 Straight away, it does blend in with it.
09:18 (indistinct)
09:20 And same times, it's building very good kind of weight
09:27 around there and that weight here is gonna make connection
09:31 between middle and the top section.
09:34 Yeah, let's take this one.
09:37 Okay, good to see you.
09:41 Who is that, Mavish?
09:42 Good to see you as well.
09:43 Good morning, Mary Jack.
09:45 Good morning.
09:47 Good job, thank you, Mary.
09:49 Mavish, thank you very much.
09:51 Thank you.
09:51 I love to see all of you.
09:53 So, as I say, this possibility is nice and important
09:56 to do some things this morning,
09:59 because when I'm busy,
10:01 obviously I can't talk too much and do it.
10:04 But I think I love to share the work.
10:08 Well, when I share the work,
10:09 I don't want to just share as Billy's doing some things.
10:13 I like to share that you can benefit from it.
10:16 And one day, the size, I've really learned some things
10:19 from this haircut.
10:19 And that is the important part.
10:21 When I share the video, I'm not doing it
10:26 just because I want to be on video and do some things.
10:28 I like you to learn some things from it.
10:31 I want you to understand some things from it.
10:33 I want you to learn and pass it to somebody else from it.
10:36 Great way, yeah, absolutely.
10:39 Saira, excellent work.
10:43 Thank you very much, Saira.
10:44 Now, after we've done that,
10:46 we come into the top section.
10:48 The top section, just comb your hair.
10:50 Down, down, down, down, down.
10:52 Now, how much you're gonna take it off,
10:57 that is between you and client.
10:59 And obviously the style she showed you.
11:01 The first things, because we have combed everything down,
11:04 take this part as a back part from the crown.
11:09 When you take this as a back part,
11:12 and middle, take one section half here
11:16 and one half is there.
11:17 So we're gonna just put the hair forward down,
11:19 and you can see now the middle,
11:20 one half here and one half there.
11:22 When you've done that, and then you come into the fringe,
11:25 just from the vertex, from the vertex,
11:28 take it to the middle of the eyebrows,
11:30 middle of eyebrows like this, and that is become fringe.
11:34 So you have a fringe, you have side part,
11:37 and you have the back part.
11:38 And that is gonna make much easier for you.
11:42 Now, if we're gonna start from the back part,
11:44 we're taking the hair, you can cut it like an apple,
11:48 or like an orange slices, you know, like slices.
11:52 The orange, it will be, this is the point,
11:57 and then you comb like this.
12:00 That's called orange slices.
12:02 Or you can make it like just section by section
12:06 next to each other.
12:08 What is make the difference?
12:10 The orange, it build the weight around it,
12:12 because you're over-directing it,
12:14 or you're doing something,
12:16 so the crown hair will be more hair.
12:18 Well, if you do section by section,
12:20 you're taking the weight from it.
12:22 For that reasons, I'm going to section by section,
12:25 because I'm gonna take a little bit weight from it.
12:26 So still you can go for graduation,
12:30 but take the weight a little bit more.
12:32 Instead of building too much weight.
12:36 So you can do it that way.
12:39 I'm holding it, this is the bottom part,
12:41 I'm going to the other part,
12:42 and then each section parallel, perpendicular to the growth,
12:47 and you go into the kind of graduation.
12:50 Same, each section, because I have sectioned my hair,
12:56 and then I'm just following.
12:58 Just following the extra one I'm taking,
13:01 and now this is finished.
13:02 That is finished, then I'm coming,
13:04 I have three panels left.
13:06 This panel, that panel, and the fringe.
13:09 If I take the fringe, isolate the fringe,
13:14 if I put this one here,
13:16 now I have the side panel.
13:19 The side panel, you can bring the hair down first,
13:24 which I already can see is the longer one.
13:26 I just, for the previous length I have cut it already,
13:30 go on the same length.
13:38 Same length, and do other side as well.
13:41 Now, the section, the way I'm going to follow the section,
13:55 I'm taking one slice, and it's going this way.
14:01 You can go slices like this,
14:05 but because we're going to leave the front longer,
14:08 so we're starting the section,
14:11 and the section like an apple,
14:12 is just coming like this, and it's coming from there.
14:16 Not section like this,
14:19 section we're keeping the main point here,
14:22 and we're following like this.
14:25 So, taking one section,
14:27 and you're taking just the edge,
14:31 taking from the point,
14:32 and you're coming over directing the previous hair
14:36 to the back, especially the front,
14:38 you're going more backwards.
14:40 And now, you left it, and you're coming to the other side.
14:45 You're taking one section,
14:48 and you're coming to the other side.
15:00 (scissors snipping)
15:02 Taking one section, you can do it this way.
15:05 You have several different way.
15:08 When you're cutting the hair, always the position,
15:11 if you're holding the hair, if you're not comfortable,
15:14 wait for seconds, and make it in right position and cut it.
15:17 If you're not doing in right position,
15:19 if you're feeling not comfortable,
15:21 that mean your position is just not right.
15:23 Either the customer's chair is too high,
15:25 or either the position you're standing is not correct.
15:28 So, make sure your position is correct.
15:31 When you make your position correct,
15:33 trust me, your haircut will be much better.
15:36 Mahwish, yeah, absolutely Mahwish.
15:44 We will think about your training as well.
15:45 So, we're taking one here.
15:50 Why not?
15:54 One day, we will teach you as well, Mahwish.
15:57 (scissors snipping)
15:59 After we've done that, now we come into the fringe.
16:02 The fringe, we're gonna ask the client,
16:04 how short you want your fringe?
16:07 Little bit shorter.
16:08 Now, we're bringing this one here.
16:10 And cutting nice square.
16:25 When you're doing this side,
16:27 when you're doing this side,
16:29 don't try to bring it from here.
16:31 What I would suggest, because if you do this way,
16:34 you're cutting this corner.
16:37 You have to go the other side.
16:39 You have to go to this side,
16:40 and do it from this side.
16:44 So, bring the customer towards you,
16:46 and you're standing.
16:47 So, your scissors is following from this side.
16:51 That way, you are more in control of cutting the fringe.
16:56 Try to not stay in one side and cutting the fringe.
16:58 If you do that, one side will be going different direction.
17:01 The other side is gonna come like this.
17:05 It's not gonna come like that.
17:06 So, stand in perfect position.
17:10 Where's the hairdryer?
17:11 After we've done that, we're gonna blow dry our hair.
17:16 Just tiny bit, little bit off from the neck area.
17:21 (air whooshing)
17:23 If you think you want to tailor the hair
17:25 to make a little bit more kind of blend,
17:28 or the edge is gonna come off a little bit,
17:31 it's up to you.
17:33 Now, I'm gonna blow dry the hair.
17:34 (air whooshing)
17:39 (hair dryer blowing)
17:43 - How do you get the spray?
18:03 - The spray, it give a little bit hold,
18:06 and also, it's called Cololova.
18:11 They have 11 different methods inside this product
18:15 to make the hair shiny, healthy, hold,
18:18 everything is inside there.
18:20 So, take a picture and read it.
18:24 From Fromazee, Fromazee Cololova.
18:28 (air whooshing)
18:33 Now, just take little bit part from the top.
18:36 (air whooshing)
18:39 (hair dryer blowing)
18:42 (air whooshing)
19:09 If you feel bored, let me know.
19:12 (speaking in foreign language)
19:16 Ah, I understand, yes.
19:33 Thank you very much.
19:36 You study in UK.
19:39 (speaking in foreign language)
19:42 Yeah.
20:04 Thank you very much.
20:08 (air whooshing)
20:10 After we've done that, we just take section.
20:25 (air whooshing)
20:28 So, if we show you this way,
20:33 that is the size of the brush I'm using.
20:37 They're very, very important to be the right size.
20:40 (air whooshing)
20:43 Nice and hard.
20:44 (air whooshing)
20:47 The nozzle, the nozzle always give the right direction
20:58 and heat to make the hair nice and smooth,
21:01 and the shade as well.
21:03 (air whooshing)
21:06 (hair dryer blowing)
21:09 I always says,
21:26 I always says, as much as the haircut is important,
21:35 styling the hair is important as the haircut.
21:39 The haircut is 50% and the finishing is 50% to make 100%.
21:44 If you don't finish the hair perfectly, nicely,
21:49 doesn't matter, you may cut the best haircut in the world
21:51 and your hair still will be terrible.
21:53 So, you have to finish it correctly
21:56 to make that hair more wow.
21:58 If the customer's coming out from your salon
22:01 and you haven't finished the hair very well,
22:02 maybe the haircut's very good,
22:04 nobody gonna notice your haircut.
22:06 Everybody's gonna says, "Hmm, look all right."
22:09 But if you finish it correctly, everybody's gonna ask,
22:12 "Wow, I love your hair, look beautiful, so nice.
22:16 "Who done your hair?"
22:17 Billy done it.
22:18 There you go, you're gonna get the extra customer.
22:20 (air whooshing)
22:22 In it.
22:23 (air whooshing)
22:26 (air whooshing)
22:28 - Uh, Rubas, hello, how are you?
22:51 (air whooshing)
22:55 (air whooshing)
22:57 - Saira, thank you very much.
23:17 Thank you, thank you.
23:19 Thank you all for your support and your comment
23:22 and I really, really appreciate
23:24 because that is why I'm doing the videos.
23:28 I want the people to really enjoy it.
23:32 I like to give it more and more.
23:34 I like all of you to benefit from my,
23:37 we should all, we're all benefiting from each other.
23:40 I learn, you learn some things from me,
23:46 I will learn some things from you.
23:47 And I think sometimes,
23:49 I think this is eventually should be happen.
23:52 If you're a hairdresser,
23:54 if you're a very good hairdresser,
23:56 let's say you're good with haircut
23:58 and somebody's good with color,
23:59 exchange your skill.
24:01 Call each other and says,
24:03 "I would like to teach you some haircut,
24:04 "you teach me some color."
24:06 If you're good with hair up,
24:07 says to them, "I'll come and teach you some hair up
24:10 "and you teach me some haircut."
24:11 So exchange your skill.
24:13 That's how we learn from each other.
24:15 You don't need to go to academy,
24:17 to Tony and Guy or to Vida Sassoon or somewhere
24:20 to pay a lot of money to learn.
24:22 Exchange your skill to each other,
24:23 learn from each other.
24:24 And that's how we all we can go forward.
24:27 You know?
24:28 (water rushing)
24:30 (water rushing)
24:33 Because we all need each other.
24:58 We all need each other.
25:00 Yeah.
25:01 Thank you very much.
25:06 Thank you.
25:07 He says, Mary Jack says, "You're very generous."
25:11 I think,
25:12 you should be like that.
25:15 Don't you think so?
25:16 Don't you think you should be like that?
25:18 Who agree with me?
25:19 Please put your like.
25:21 Who says, "Yes, I do agree with you."
25:23 Whoever agree with me,
25:24 what I say about exchanging the skill,
25:27 please says, "Yes, I do agree."
25:28 Please, write it down.
25:30 (water rushing)
25:32 Or if you don't agree,
25:35 tell me reasons why you don't agree.
25:38 So I can,
25:38 maybe I'm wrong because nobody's perfect.
25:42 We all learn from each other.
25:44 We all learn every single day.
25:46 Say it.
25:47 Olly, yes, perfect.
25:50 Very good.
25:50 Yeah.
25:55 That's fine too.
25:57 (water rushing)
26:00 Write a comment because I don't know
26:01 if you're just liking it or you're just saying it.
26:03 So now I have three.
26:05 Mary as well.
26:06 Perfect.
26:08 So, eventually, sometimes,
26:13 I may ask you,
26:14 guys, for example,
26:17 who's good with hair extension?
26:18 I'm not very good with the hair extension.
26:20 Yeah?
26:21 I may ask you,
26:22 whoever's gonna teach me the hair extension,
26:24 I'm gonna come to your salon,
26:26 teach you the haircut or the color,
26:28 you teach me the hair extension.
26:29 I may do that.
26:31 And then you may say,
26:33 Bailey, I need you.
26:34 You come to my salon
26:35 and I'm gonna teach you the hair extension,
26:36 for example.
26:37 You never know.
26:40 And I will come.
26:41 (water rushing)
26:44 To just make it fun.
26:45 To just make it interesting.
26:47 You know?
26:48 It's not just about the haircut and the extension.
26:50 So we're exchanging the skill.
26:51 We're gonna be the first to do some things together.
26:54 And that's why,
26:56 or maybe advice for how to do something else.
26:59 And we do it together.
27:00 (water rushing)
27:01 Look, many people, they agree.
27:04 Many people, they agree with what I said.
27:06 And that's absolutely amazing.
27:08 (water rushing)
27:10 (scissors snipping)
27:13 Can I have the small GHC striping please?
27:36 (scissors snipping)
27:40 (water rushing)
27:42 So, who else says?
27:44 Zoe.
27:46 (laughing)
27:48 Why Zoe, why do you think I'm funny?
27:50 Why?
27:51 Let's do it.
27:53 Manwish, we will do it,
27:56 but you're too far from me, darling.
27:58 Yeah.
28:01 Tabasum Khan.
28:05 Tabasum, thank you very much.
28:09 Um,
28:09 yeah, Mary Jack.
28:15 I've been working like that.
28:16 That's very good, Mary.
28:18 That's very good.
28:18 So I think some people, they're just working,
28:21 but we have to make it everybody to know about it,
28:24 we have to share it together.
28:25 So when we do that,
28:26 and then we all will do same things.
28:29 You know, we all will do same things.
28:32 Now, while we have eyes,
28:33 sometimes look your mirror.
28:35 You have two eyes,
28:36 the mirror is your third eye.
28:38 So use your mirror effectively,
28:40 that you can see how the hair should look like.
28:43 When you do that,
28:44 then you can make a decision how to do it.
28:47 If you want to take a little bit more bulk,
28:48 if you want to style it a little bit better,
28:50 so you can do it.
28:51 Um,
28:55 thank you very much.
28:59 You mean you like the way I am?
29:02 That's why, Anita, you says I like your style.
29:05 You mean you like my style, the haircut?
29:07 Or do you like the way I say it,
29:09 the way I'm talking?
29:10 Yeah.
29:12 Which style?
29:13 You mean this style,
29:18 and the way I'm wearing, black and everything?
29:20 Look very like James Bond?
29:23 Yeah?
29:23 Thank you, Manoj.
29:26 After we've done that,
29:36 the sideburns,
29:38 I personally don't like too big sideburns.
29:41 But at the same time,
29:44 I don't like to cut it too short either.
29:46 Straight away,
29:47 what I do say always to anybody,
29:51 doesn't matter in my training,
29:53 when I go somewhere,
29:54 or doesn't matter if I'm doing in a salon,
29:56 or doesn't matter if I'm telling my staff,
29:58 I always say, "You can cut it,
30:01 "but you can't bloody stick back."
30:03 So cut it a little,
30:05 then you can cut it.
30:06 But don't cut it too much,
30:07 then eventually, if the client is not happy,
30:10 then you book it off,
30:12 and then you're gonna be in trouble.
30:14 You know?
30:18 Isn't it?
30:19 Absolutely.
30:25 Some people, they make me so jealous.
30:36 We work so hard,
30:37 but these people always in football games,
30:39 in basketball games,
30:41 in different games,
30:42 they're enjoying themselves.
30:43 I wish I could do the same.
30:45 I wish I could do the same as well.
30:47 I can't.
30:48 You know?
30:50 I don't know how they get in time,
30:51 they go into all these games,
30:53 and football, and basketball,
30:54 and stuff like that.
30:55 I wish I could.
30:56 You know?
31:04 So, who is that?
31:05 Manwish, the way you are.
31:10 Oh yes, actually I did get that.
31:12 I did think you saying same things.
31:14 Yeah, thank you very much.
31:16 I knew when he says, "I like your style,"
31:22 I look at myself and I says,
31:23 "Wow, there's not too much,
31:24 "especially about my style today."
31:26 So I'm sure she's not talking about my jacket and my hair.
31:29 (laughs)
31:32 So, now, what we're gonna do,
31:36 just tailoring the hair gently.
31:38 We're gonna go little bit with thinning scissors
31:41 and soften the hair.
31:42 Soften the hair, like this.
31:44 We're gonna go with normal scissors
31:47 and take the hair, the sideburns,
31:50 up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up,
31:51 like this, and just gently cutting it.
31:53 You can see straight away, bang.
31:55 Again.
31:58 (scissors snipping)
32:01 Again, we're gonna do this way.
32:04 You see here, just gently,
32:06 tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
32:08 (scissors snipping)
32:11 I'm gonna ask one question.
32:28 Many people of you,
32:30 especially people in Pakistan, is here,
32:32 I can see many people from Pakistan is watching as well.
32:35 How hard to learn the makeup?
32:37 Because I believe,
32:40 I'm doing a lot of hair, wedding hair, stuff like that,
32:44 so the makeup is very important.
32:46 How hard to learn the makeup?
32:50 I don't do makeup.
32:51 Well, is it easy?
32:52 Hmm?
32:54 (scissors snipping)
32:58 Well, guys, let me just say some things.
33:01 Also, the makeup, in my opinion,
33:03 it should look like a makeup.
33:08 It shouldn't look like you're changing person
33:10 from a different person, you know?
33:15 As soon as the makeup has come off,
33:17 and you see, ooh,
33:18 it shouldn't be that scary.
33:21 It should be,
33:22 it should be natural.
33:24 So.
33:25 (laughing)
33:28 You know, you're taking the makeup off,
33:30 and you're taking the eyelashes off,
33:31 you're taking everything off,
33:32 and it's completely look different person, you know?
33:36 You shouldn't look like that.
33:37 It should be natural.
33:38 It should be nice.
33:39 It should be beauty without makeup.
33:41 So,
33:42 the amount of the makeup people,
33:46 they're putting on the face,
33:48 you don't know where to kiss.
33:49 You're kissing the makeup,
33:50 you think you're eating the makeup.
33:52 It's so much is there.
33:53 It's going in your mouth.
33:55 (upbeat music)
33:57 It shouldn't be like that.
34:00 I think it should be very gentle.
34:03 How is that, darling?
34:13 - Beautiful.
34:14 (phone ringing)
34:17 - Okay, we're just taking a sideburn,
34:22 little bit like this.
34:24 Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.
34:25 And then dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip.
34:28 And it's taking little bit from the thickness is there,
34:32 and it's just make nice and soft.
34:34 - No, it's all right.
34:39 - So, that is for today.
34:42 I'm gonna just tidy around the neck.
34:45 I know I have took it a little bit long here now,
34:49 because talking to you guys.
34:51 And just gonna do this one here.
34:54 That is for today.
35:02 I'm gonna just put little bit wax and this is done.
35:04 Thank you very much for watching,
35:05 and thank you very much for listening,
35:06 and thank you very much for your advice,
35:08 and thank you very much for liking it.
35:10 Thank you very much for to being part of my video
35:14 and my games and not game, what games is game for?
35:19 Thank you very much for being part of this social media.
35:23 Ciao, bye.
35:27 I'm gonna say bye-bye, I'm gonna press it.
35:29 If you have any question, please ask,
35:31 and I will do my best to come back to you.
35:34 Guys, thank you very much.
35:38 Manwish, Jackie,
35:40 you have Zoe, you have Tabassum,
35:47 any of you, Nida, Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary.
35:51 Thank you very much, all of you.
35:54 Robas, thank you, bye-bye.
35:56 Ciao.
35:57 - Thank you. - Yeah, thank you.
