Hollyoaks 30th May 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 He actually left his entire estate to you.
00:03 35 million pounds.
00:05 You decide on the offer.
00:06 I've got bigger plans for myself.
00:07 We rob the van.
00:10 Let's make a toast.
00:11 Robbing a security van.
00:12 To saving the market.
00:13 The heist is back on, baby.
00:15 Shh.
00:15 Look, I'm not sure if I'm ready to go.
00:17 I can't leave Julia.
00:19 To get that money, he has to get married.
00:23 So?
00:24 So we take him for everything he has.
00:25 You're gonna marry him.
01:24 Can you just hear me out?
01:27 Turns out the man I love is a pimp.
01:48 Right.
01:49 I am just saying you both come to be invited for Black Ops training course next week.
01:52 It'll be just what we need to prep.
01:58 So you were joking yesterday when you said I should marry the Earl for his inheritance.
02:03 No, I meant it, just not in the way you're taking it.
02:06 How else am I supposed to take it?
02:08 This plan is so Sienna.
02:10 I'm surprised you didn't think of it.
02:11 Ethan, this is a terrible plan.
02:14 You are asking me to sell myself for money.
02:17 Right, OK, yeah, it does sound a bit like that, but I swear it isn't.
02:21 I chose you. I want to build a life with you.
02:24 I don't want to marry anyone else.
02:26 And you shouldn't want me to either.
02:31 Thank you.
02:32 Where are you off to?
02:35 Brooke and Julia have challenged me, so I must answer the call.
02:38 That's certainly an interesting way to...
02:41 Sounds good. What time will you be back?
02:44 Well, I don't know. I have to first go to the dog and ask Tony if I can get my old job back, so...
02:48 Whoa! What is this?
02:51 This? This, my friend, this is war.
02:56 Fine. Don't tell me.
02:59 Say hi to Juliet for me.
03:01 Well, I get to tell her I'm staying in person, so...
03:11 Scott. Scott. Scott!
03:14 Yes, love, what can I get you?
03:16 Why are you asleep? Are you OK?
03:18 [MUMBLES]
03:22 Haggis and eggs. I mean, do people really want two at once?
03:26 Well, they're going to get them.
03:28 And this deal was my idea.
03:33 Scott, are you all right? Why are you sleeping on the job?
03:37 I can't sleep, Jack.
03:39 Too busy worrying about Miley.
03:42 She's just not responding to us, you know?
03:45 I feel like such a terrible dad.
03:47 Oh, I doubt it.
03:49 The very fact you're worrying like this shows you're on the right track.
03:53 What kids need to know is that whatever happens, you're going to be there for them.
03:58 It's so hard, isn't it?
04:01 I mean, Vicky, she had a right attitude on her at first,
04:05 but she soon came round.
04:07 You've just got to be there for both of them.
04:10 Kids need to know where they stand.
04:13 Hey, hold it right there.
04:22 It's present time.
04:25 Open it.
04:29 What?
04:30 Come on, open it.
04:31 I know we're not supposed to,
04:33 but I had to get you something because...
04:36 well, I couldn't be prouder of you.
04:39 Go on, keep going.
04:41 Your lucky spatula.
04:48 You know, that little beauty is the sole reason I won Buns of the Year
04:51 at the Chess Herald Bake-Off three years in a row.
04:53 I just... well, I hope there's still a bit of luck left in it for you.
04:57 Tony, I actually came to see if you still had my old job available.
05:01 What?
05:02 I'm not going to London anymore.
05:04 Well, there's no job here here, in red.
05:08 I'm not going to let you give up on the opportunity of a lifetime.
05:11 I can't leave right now.
05:13 I can't leave, Julia.
05:15 Ready to get your ass kicked?
05:18 Doc!
05:20 Right, dug these out for boot camp.
05:24 I told you, I'm not doing boot camp.
05:26 But these chotter is so fit.
05:28 You can tell he never skips leg day.
05:30 We'll learn some basic survival skills
05:32 and have something nice to look at while we do it.
05:34 Maybe we shouldn't do it.
05:36 Why not?
05:37 Well, because of the day.
05:39 It'll be perfect, we'll have the whole weekend.
05:41 Oh, hey, Tony, what's up?
05:45 Hey, I just came to see how you were doing.
05:48 Why?
05:50 Well, next week, it's the anniversary of Luke's passing.
05:55 I just wondered if you needed a hand with anything.
05:59 Luke?
06:00 The anniversary, I completely forgot.
06:02 Nice one, Jack.
06:08 Anyway, so I said to James, "Have you finished reading it?"
06:10 And then he throws it in my face.
06:11 I mean, I know he's got a lot going on.
06:13 And yeah, I've been working non-stop, but...
06:15 It's bang out of order, innit?
06:17 Although I am really worried about him, so...
06:19 Sorry, can we talk about me now?
06:21 All we ever do is talk about you.
06:23 Yeah, but I really need your advice on something.
06:27 OK, say you bought someone a really expensive pair of trainers.
06:32 Like, collector's items.
06:35 One of a kind, really classy.
06:37 The best kind.
06:39 OK, hit me.
06:41 OK, so say the person that you bought these trainers for...
06:45 Ethan.
06:46 It's not Ethan.
06:47 It's just another random hypothetical person.
06:51 Yeah?
06:52 Anyway, say this person that you bought this one of a kind
06:56 amazing, lucky to even be allowed to wear them in the first place,
06:59 trainers for, wanted to loan them out
07:02 to someone who didn't even care about trainers,
07:05 but that would give them a grand.
07:07 What?
07:08 Absolutely not a chance are those trainers coming out of the box.
07:11 Thank you.
07:12 Quick question.
07:14 Are we really talking about trainers?
07:16 Yeah, of course we are.
07:18 What else would we be talking about?
07:20 Sienna.
07:21 Oh.
07:22 You don't deserve those trainers.
07:25 You know, some things are more precious than money.
07:28 You've got someone that's one of a kind,
07:30 you don't go giving it away, do you?
07:32 Sienna, will you talk, please?
07:35 Alone.
07:37 Unbelievable.
07:44 I can't believe I forgot.
07:50 I am such an idiot, a stupid, selfish, thoughtless...
07:53 You, it's OK, all right? You had a lot going on.
07:56 No, it is not OK!
07:58 It's been a year since Luke died.
08:00 He was the other half of my heart and what, I just forgot?
08:03 He was my brother. I should have been planning something.
08:06 So did you remember?
08:07 I realised this morning.
08:08 And you didn't think to tell me?
08:10 You were so excited, I didn't know how.
08:13 You know, I had this idea last year
08:19 to do a food and footy festival in the market.
08:23 To influence passions.
08:25 You can still do that.
08:27 How? The market's ruined!
08:30 We can do it anyway.
08:32 No.
08:34 No?
08:36 No, I'm going to do it in the market.
08:38 Cindy, that's impossible.
08:39 Nothing is impossible.
08:41 What about our other plans?
08:44 I can handle both.
08:47 Yeah, all right, I am sorry if I made it sound like I was trying to pimp you out.
08:51 Ethan, I don't do things like that.
08:53 OK, please, just hear me out, yeah?
08:55 You get married, you're taken to the cleaners,
08:58 you get a divorce and a huge settlement.
09:00 It's literally that easy.
09:01 Ethan, it won't work because I love you
09:04 and I don't want to marry anyone else.
09:06 And I know that.
09:07 That's why I'm not worried. I trust you, Sienna.
09:10 Sienna, when I first came to this video,
09:12 I thought you were going to be my wife.
09:14 Sienna, when I first came to this village, I was lost.
09:17 I was some criminal under Maya's thumb.
09:19 And yes, I had Dave and his family,
09:21 but I always felt like a spare part around them.
09:23 Until I found you.
09:25 And then everything changed.
09:27 You gave me a purpose.
09:29 You gave me love, you gave me a family.
09:32 What have I given you?
09:34 You are always there for me when I need you
09:36 and you never, ever judge me.
09:38 That's what.
09:39 So I'm about as useful as a lamppost.
09:41 Just admit it, all right? You miss the thrill of the things we used to have.
09:44 You know, like hiding bodies in the woods,
09:46 breaking into police stations, all right?
09:48 And now it's just, what, PTA meetings and playdates.
09:50 I thought you said you liked that stuff.
09:52 I do.
09:53 How much better would it be with money?
09:55 If that's what you think of me, then maybe we shouldn't be together.
09:58 Ethan.
09:59 It's not just about money.
10:01 Think about how much we can help the people we love, Sienna.
10:04 I can't do this. I just...
10:06 I need some space.
10:08 What does that mean?
10:09 I need some space to think.
10:11 [♪♪♪]
10:14 [♪♪♪]
10:17 [♪♪♪]
10:24 [♪♪♪]
10:27 ♪ Down by the river, by the boat ♪
10:48 ♪ Where everybody goes to be alone ♪
10:52 ♪ Where you won't see any rising sun ♪
10:56 ♪ Down to the river we will run ♪
11:00 ♪ When by the water we drink to the trays ♪
11:07 ♪ Look at the stones on the river bed ♪
11:10 ♪ I can tell from your eyes ♪
11:14 ♪ You've never been by the riverside ♪
11:21 You guys are like ninjas, I swear.
11:24 I don't think we're quiet. I think you're just loud.
11:27 One foot in the grave and I'm still the champion.
11:30 All right, enough.
11:32 Sorry, you know what I'm like.
11:34 I'm gonna take this back to Pro Slice.
11:49 This was your plan all along?
11:51 Yeah, I'm at the market now. It's a state.
11:57 Let's pick this up later. I've gotta go.
12:02 Sienna?
12:04 We just keep bumping into each other, don't we?
12:06 Somewhat intentional on my part.
12:08 I'd, uh, hear about some property matters,
12:10 but I'd hope to bump into you.
12:12 Are you all right?
12:13 Yeah, I'm fine.
12:15 I just... I have a lot on my mind.
12:18 What did you want?
12:19 I wanted to apologise for the misunderstanding yesterday.
12:23 I've had a loss in the family and things were chaotic.
12:27 Oh.
12:29 Oh, I'm really sorry.
12:31 Were you close?
12:32 It was my father.
12:34 So, no.
12:36 Wow.
12:38 How are you feeling?
12:41 Sorry, I don't mean to be rude,
12:43 but I think you're the first person to ask me that since you died.
12:47 How is that possible?
12:49 It's been all wills, land, shares and inheritance.
12:53 I cannot stop to think how I feel about it all.
12:57 I don't even need it.
13:00 OK, but you could still do something really good with that.
13:04 Money's still money, right?
13:05 No, you don't understand.
13:07 I don't need it because everything that comes from that man
13:09 has strings attached.
13:11 And I won't be his puppet.
13:13 Oh.
13:15 Oh.
13:16 Yeah, I mean, if it doesn't mean anything to you...
13:19 ..I should...
13:22 Yeah.
13:23 I'm allowed to joke about dying? Stop it!
13:29 I know to you it's just a joke, but for me it's a lot.
13:31 Oh, boo hoo!
13:32 At least try and take it seriously.
13:34 No, I'm going to go with a smile on my face.
13:36 Wow, because you'll be gone and I'll still be here.
13:39 Maybe I don't want to joke about it sometimes.
13:42 I know you're not going to London.
13:46 What did my mum tell you?
13:48 Why are you being so stupid?
13:51 Whatever. You are unbelievable.
13:53 I'm unbelievable?
13:54 Imran, you can go to London. You can get out of here.
13:58 I am staying for you.
14:00 I know, which is why it's so stupid.
14:03 Imran, I don't want you to remember me sick and weak
14:11 in a hospital bed.
14:14 I want you to remember me like this.
14:17 And if it was the other way around, would you want me to stay?
14:23 What is it that you really want?
14:26 I want to go to London.
14:34 I want to work in a crazy busy kitchen.
14:38 I want to live in a tiny flat.
14:41 I want to see the sights.
14:44 I want to explore.
14:47 I want a new life.
14:49 But I can't leave you.
14:55 You're not.
14:59 Because I want you to go.
15:03 I want you to get the hell out of here.
15:10 But I want you to promise me a couple of things.
15:13 Promise me that you'll never stop being annoying.
15:20 You'll kiss loads of girls for me.
15:24 That you'll live your life for you.
15:31 And that you won't forget me.
15:40 Hey.
15:42 I promise.
15:45 I'm going to miss you so much.
15:50 I'm going to miss you too.
15:52 I love you.
15:56 You idiot.
15:58 Oh, Luca, I'm so sorry.
16:01 Everything I have done is to keep what we built together alive.
16:06 You should still be with us.
16:08 And I should never forget that.
16:10 Hey, you built your home here with him and it shows.
16:13 Yeah, but what's the point?
16:15 I have completely lost sight of him.
16:17 I don't even know why I'm robbing this van anymore.
16:19 Shh, keep your voice down.
16:21 Maybe we should just call it off.
16:23 It's too late for that, all right?
16:25 This heist has become more important than Luke.
16:28 I completely forgot his anniversary.
16:30 How long is it going to be before I forget him?
16:32 You won't because you're not going to.
16:34 How do you know that?
16:36 Look, the date that Luke died is just a date, all right?
16:39 It's not important.
16:40 What is important is that you keep his legacy alive.
16:43 This was his legacy.
16:45 No, this is bricks and mortar.
16:47 No, it's not.
16:49 This is something that Luke and I made together.
16:51 It was our future, our livelihood, and now look at it.
16:54 It's gone, just like he is.
16:56 Look, I... I am going to save this market.
17:02 I am never going to forget Luke again.
17:04 Neither will I.
17:06 Shall we do this?
17:09 Looks like that's going well.
17:16 Yeah, today.
17:18 No tantrums this morning when I picked her up from Auntie Di's.
17:21 Maybe she doesn't hate me.
17:23 I don't think the tantrums are about you.
17:25 Not completely, anyway.
17:28 Yeah, well, you should know.
17:30 You were the best foster parent I ever had at school.
17:33 I just wish Miley felt the same.
17:37 Oh, I don't know, maybe I'm just trying too hard.
17:41 Probably.
17:43 Hey, listen, how are you, anyway?
17:46 Have you eaten today?
17:48 Spoken like a true dad.
17:50 Yes, I've eaten enough.
17:52 Yes, I've washed behind my ears.
17:54 Oh, all right.
17:56 Just because you're all grown up and living on your own,
17:58 I'll shut up.
18:00 It is weird, though, you know, now that DeMarcus is leaving.
18:04 And I need so many new clothes for sixth form.
18:07 It's not like that allowance cup is a brand-new wardrobe, is it?
18:10 Hey, I know.
18:12 What?
18:13 Why don't I get on the Vinted app?
18:15 Yeah, I could sell some of my clothes and get you some pre-love stuff as well.
18:18 No, I'm not going to ask you to do that.
18:20 Well, you're not asking, are you?
18:22 I mean, the clothes are just sat there,
18:24 so we might as well put them to good use.
18:26 Thanks, Scott.
18:28 Scott, come push me!
18:31 Yeah, I will.
18:34 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, yeah.
18:41 Ah.
18:43 Hey, come on, you. You as well.
18:45 Oh.
18:50 You want a little push as well? Come on, then.
18:52 Have you heard from Imran?
18:54 He's been gone hours.
18:56 Juliet said she'd talk to him.
18:58 I should go with him, shouldn't I?
19:00 I can get him settled.
19:02 Enough!
19:04 This is all I've heard about for months.
19:07 Mum, just let him breathe.
19:09 Stop trying to control his every move. He's a grown man.
19:12 How was the battle?
19:23 A trap.
19:25 Oh.
19:27 I know you texted Juliet,
19:29 and she set that whole thing up so I'd go to London.
19:32 She wanted the last time I see her to be as herself.
19:35 Even Tony won't give me my whole job back.
19:40 I think...
19:48 this place is ready to say goodbye to you.
19:53 What if I'm not ready to say goodbye?
19:56 Well, that's understandable.
19:58 You had a huge part of your life here,
20:02 and moving on to the next stage can, of course, be hard.
20:08 Are you still staying?
20:13 Are you still staying?
20:15 No.
20:26 I'm going to London.
20:29 For Juliet, but also for me.
20:33 That's the right decision.
20:42 And I know it's going to be hard,
20:46 but we'll all be here to help.
20:50 You've always tried to take care of me, and made it so hard.
20:57 I'm rad.
21:11 I love you.
21:13 Please just forgive me, yeah?
21:15 So, your plan...
21:26 is for me to get this Earl to marry me...
21:30 somehow.
21:32 Yeah, and then he gets his inheritance.
21:36 Which he couldn't care less about.
21:38 And then you divorce and take the settlement.
21:40 But what if he doesn't want to divorce me?
21:42 Well, then you introduce him to your baby daddy.
21:45 Ethan, I'm serious.
21:48 What if it doesn't work?
21:50 And what if it does?
21:53 And you'd really be okay with me marrying another man?
22:00 Oh, no. I'd hate it.
22:03 But it'd be worth it,
22:05 with me, you and the twins, and our own little manor.
22:09 Lady of the Manor.
22:11 I like that.
22:14 Are you in?
22:20 Let's take this Earl for everything he's got.
22:32 Is there an end in sight to the gender wars?
22:38 Stream or watch live right here tonight at ten.
22:59 Do you think Cindy's okay?
23:01 Yeah, she was just upset about the anniversary.
23:04 I know, but she was all over the place this afternoon.
23:07 I don't think it's anything to worry about.
23:09 I'm going to make some tea. Want some?
23:15 (upbeat music)