Hollyoaks 13th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 Yeah, sorry, I'm just trying to remember back, you know,
00:02 some of the fellas that your mum had.
00:04 Er, Tony. Now, he'd be good to talk to.
00:07 You think Tony's my dad?
00:09 We've just lost our getaway driver.
00:10 We've got less than two weeks, right?
00:12 We're gonna have to find someone new, cos I tell you what,
00:14 it's not gonna be you two.
00:15 Listen, Ella, I'd love to stop and chat,
00:17 but I've got to get to school.
00:18 No, stop! You're my brother.
00:21 Tom, I don't want to have a baby.
00:29 Yas?
00:30 Hey!
00:31 Hey.
00:32 Come on. What's the matter?
01:28 Yas? What's happening?
01:29 We need to get her to hospital.
01:42 Absolutely not.
01:44 There's no getaway driver.
01:48 So you think Tony's your dad too?
01:54 Help my wife, please! She's pregnant!
01:56 (GASPS)
01:57 Come on. My stomach...
01:59 It hurts. What's wrong?
02:01 Her name's Yas Cunningham. She suddenly collapsed.
02:03 She was sick on the way here.
02:05 OK, Yas, we're gonna get you a scan
02:07 and we're gonna find out exactly what's going on.
02:09 What?
02:10 She's partially deaf.
02:12 Oh.
02:14 OK.
02:16 There we go.
02:18 We're gonna get you a scan, OK?
02:20 Will the baby be OK?
02:22 We need to get her upstairs right now.
02:24 (HUMMING)
02:26 Oh, just do that last box, would ya?
02:31 I mean, we may as well get a man with a van rather than Damon.
02:37 We need a pro.
02:38 What, like some underworld scumbag,
02:40 like the driver that let us down?
02:42 Er, excuse me? Half of my mates are underground scumbags, thank you.
02:45 Yeah, well, I don't want to put my fate in the hands of a thug
02:48 who's fresh off a 10 stretch.
02:50 Look, inexperienced scappers, jobs.
02:54 Damon is a decent bloke.
02:55 He didn't lobby me for knocking out that truck driver
02:58 and he's not a bad kisser either.
03:00 Maybe we shouldn't be bringing a good guy into this.
03:06 Maybe we shouldn't be robbing an arm of a van.
03:08 Yeah, but we are. And then Damon shows up.
03:10 It's obviously a sign.
03:12 That's your lot.
03:14 If my order shows up, will you tell them to come my way?
03:16 Right, I'll be off, then.
03:23 Leave you lot to scheme in peace.
03:25 Oh, come to your senses at last, have you?
03:31 Wasn't the right time.
03:32 Oh, right, yeah. Tick-tock, we haven't got long.
03:34 Oh.
03:37 What? No...
03:39 Fine, I'll go and do it.
03:41 It started when Charlie found out his dad was dead
03:47 and no-one had bothered to tell him.
03:49 He was really upset.
03:51 So that's why he's been acting strange.
03:53 Yeah, so I decided to call my dad, Mark.
03:56 He's fine, living in Italy,
03:57 but it turns out he's not my biological father.
04:00 Bet your mum never said anything.
04:02 She let me believe he was my dad
04:04 and he says he just went along with it.
04:07 Have you asked her about it?
04:08 I've tried, but it's like she's psychic.
04:10 She either changes the subject or ends the call.
04:14 And what with Juliet dying, I just thought, life's too short, so...
04:18 You found proof?
04:20 Well, not exactly.
04:22 Darren says... You're going to need more than gossip.
04:24 Tony made me get a DNA test.
04:26 But my mum and Tony were on and off for years.
04:29 Oh, yeah? What's that got to do with the price of fish?
04:31 Um...
04:36 A lot.
04:38 I think you're my dad.
04:40 Uh-oh. Has the coven kicked you out?
04:47 Hiya, guys.
04:49 It's a bit quiet around here, isn't it?
04:51 No, it's just a thought.
04:53 But why don't you do another one of those singles nights?
04:56 Why, have you been through all those phone numbers you collected last time?
05:00 A gentleman never tells.
05:02 Do you know what? That's not a bad idea.
05:04 Maybe I should. Zara, you want to join me for company?
05:07 Sure.
05:09 New jewels.
05:13 I think he likes you.
05:16 Steady on, Cupid.
05:18 What, were you a matchmaker in a former life?
05:20 No, as you know, I ran the dog and I was a cop.
05:23 Did you miss it?
05:24 Not the paperwork, but, oh, I missed the adrenaline rush.
05:27 Dawn raid, the robberies.
05:30 Robberies?
05:34 Hey, Dawn-a-ray, wait.
05:40 Listen, I am so, so sorry, but I swear I didn't mean to hurt you.
05:45 No, I'm sorry to spoil the moment.
05:47 Some of us are still grieving.
05:49 I know. We all are.
05:52 Look, just because... What, you kissed Joel?
05:54 Are you going to tell me now the man of God was offering you comfort?
05:58 I'm sorry you saw that.
06:00 No, it meant nothing and it won't happen again.
06:04 It was just a brief moment where I forgot everything that was going on.
06:09 Oh, look at you.
06:11 Dawn-a-ray, I know you feel like you're alone.
06:15 But you're not.
06:16 I am here, like it or not, for as long as you need me.
06:19 What, did you get a better offer?
06:23 What's a better offer than being your bestie?
06:27 Yeah.
06:28 I was... I was prayer-doing.
06:34 Not crying.
06:35 She's crying herself to sleep, thinking we can't hear her.
06:39 She's going to go and stay with Arsid for a bit.
06:41 So I'm going to go and help her back.
06:43 Yeah, you do that.
06:45 Spend time with her.
06:48 Take every chance you can get.
06:49 Listen, I am going to hang around you like the smell of dry shampoo.
06:55 OK? And I'm not going to let Joel or anyone else get in the way, OK?
06:59 Come here.
07:01 Hi!
07:06 And I said to him, "Hey, you wee ballbag, you're under arrest.
07:10 "You get five years."
07:12 Five years?
07:13 He was lucky he didn't get life.
07:15 But, of course, procedures have changed since then.
07:18 They do things differently now.
07:20 Hey, just ask Hilton about his How To Rob A Bank book.
07:23 Right, see you later.
07:25 Yeah, bye, Jack.
07:27 See you, Jack.
07:28 See you, Damon.
07:30 Since when did you become such a true crime nut?
07:33 What? I'm not.
07:35 What was all that about? Like you were taking notes?
07:38 I'm just being nice. You should try it sometime.
07:40 Tom! Tom!
07:51 I've just got a letter from the police.
07:53 I've just spoke to Miss Bax. She says to call when you get any news.
07:56 All I know is that she went straight from the scan into surgery.
07:59 I'm waiting to hear. Surgery?
08:01 Well, at least we know she's in safe hands now, inshallah.
08:04 Is Yaz OK? Can you tell me anything?
08:07 Just that she's in recovery, which means she's out of surgery.
08:11 That's a good thing.
08:13 OK, but what about the baby?
08:14 I really can't tell you anything more.
08:16 I didn't operate on your wife.
08:18 It was actually Mr Soni.
08:20 Mr Soni, this is Mrs Cunningham's husband, Tom.
08:22 They're taking your wife back down to her room,
08:25 if you'd like to come with me.
08:26 Is everything all right?
08:28 I really do think it's best that I speak to you both together.
08:30 Shall we?
08:32 Come in.
08:35 No need to wear the Hutchinson linen in public.
08:38 Can I not just have one hour to myself to catch up on my programmes?
08:42 What's going on?
08:44 Oh, nothing. Just another paternity bombshell.
08:47 What?
08:48 Look, Ella, your mum would have told me if I was your dad.
08:52 And we were married back then. We had a daughter. Her name was Grace.
08:55 Yeah, I know. Mum told me all about her.
08:57 Well, then why wouldn't she have told me about you?
08:59 I find it hard to believe that you're mine and no-one ever said anything.
09:03 You don't want me, do you?
09:04 It's all guesswork until you do a DNA test.
09:07 Listen, a bow's race.
09:08 There's no point getting all worked up until we know all the information.
09:12 Yeah, you're right.
09:13 When was your birthday again?
09:15 Oh, well, if you don't know, just forget it.
09:19 (ROCK MUSIC)
09:27 Erm, about those Underworld scumbags...
09:43 Oh.
09:44 Did Damon tell you to do one?
09:46 I didn't ask him, actually.
09:48 I don't want him getting involved in this. He's a good guy.
09:50 Good. Cos you can't trust him in his spot.
09:52 We do need to know that he's not going to say anything.
09:54 Might need to keep him quiet.
09:56 Grace, I didn't tell him anything.
09:57 Yeah, and you'd better not.
09:58 It was the last thing he needs to get grasped at.
10:01 - Deus Anderson. - Always a pleasure.
10:05 Yeah, I think you might change your mind once you hear what I've got to say.
10:09 - What is that? - Drawdrick?
10:11 I can't. I'm... I'm here in a professional capacity.
10:14 We've had a tip-off. There's a robbery in the works.
10:16 (ROCK MUSIC)
10:18 Yaz?
10:25 Yaz.
10:27 Tom.
10:30 So, how are you feeling?
10:36 Awful.
10:39 I'm not in agony, so...
10:42 Good.
10:44 As you know, the scan revealed an ectopic pregnancy.
10:48 That's when an embryo develops in a fallopian tube.
10:52 You were yet to have your first ultrasound, is that correct?
10:55 Yeah, it's set for next week.
10:57 Had it been spotted earlier, it could have been treated with drugs or monitored.
11:02 But the tube had ruptured, so I performed a laparotomy to stop the bleeding.
11:06 So, does that mean...?
11:07 But the sad fact is that ectopic pregnancies are simply unable to survive.
11:13 There was no chance the foetus would grow to term.
11:17 Therefore, we had to operate to ensure the risk to Yasmin was taken away.
11:22 This means that, unfortunately, we had to end the pregnancy.
11:27 I'll let you process your loss and pop back after I've had a chance
11:34 to further assess the ultrasound with my team.
11:37 Until then, maybe try and get some rest.
11:40 - Tom... - No, I'm sorry. I think I just need a minute.
11:50 Well, obviously, we will be extra vigilant,
12:01 but, to be honest, it sounds to me like a hoax call.
12:04 But it did sound like a credible threat.
12:06 And we have to take these things very seriously.
12:08 Oh, and I appreciate that.
12:10 Which is why we'll take all of your security tips and put them into practice.
12:13 - What's the plot doing here? - Oh, like you don't know.
12:22 What, you can't just check out your handiwork, have you?
12:24 You what? I've just came to see why she's acting all weird.
12:28 What? I'm not. I'm, like, completely normal. I'm always like this.
12:32 Oh, come on. I know the signs.
12:34 First, the casino, now Luke's phone box.
12:37 - What are you lot planning? - I don't know what you're talking about.
12:40 Sarah, I'm worried about you.
12:46 You know, you're getting a lowdown off Jack,
12:48 and now the police are sniffing round.
12:49 It's nothing.
12:51 Look, it's not nothing, but we can handle it.
12:53 It's, like, badass behaviour, is what you called it last time.
12:57 Because she said you were saving Luke's phone box, not whatever this is.
13:01 It's not that different.
13:03 After what an enormous crash.
13:06 Cindy lost everything, the market was uninsured,
13:08 and now the bank manager's trying to sell it from under her,
13:11 and so we're just getting even.
13:13 What, with a bank manager? What, are you going to do, rob the bank?
13:16 Oh, what? No, of course not.
13:18 It's an armoured van.
13:22 An armoured van?
13:24 Sarah, can you hear yourself?
13:27 You're not Grace. This is serious. We're talking prison time.
13:31 If it goes wrong, and it won't...
13:33 You've completely lost it.
13:36 Damon!
13:39 Damon!
13:41 I see your feminine charm has had its usual repellent effect.
13:46 Well, come on, was it him that gassed us up?
13:48 No, I don't think so.
13:50 Well, you need to get a handle on this Damon situation
13:52 before it backfires.
13:53 # More than a girl, can't let it get you down... #
13:57 Tom?
14:08 Are you OK? What's wrong?
14:12 She's gone.
14:13 I hadn't really told anyone.
14:15 What? Who has gone? Yaz?
14:17 I mean, is she OK? She's fine.
14:20 She never even...
14:21 Oh, Tom, come here. It's OK.
14:23 No, it's not.
14:24 Our baby's gone.
14:27 Hiya.
14:40 Er...
14:42 I think we need to talk, don't we?
14:45 Why?
14:46 Well, I mean, I heard you talking to Donna Marie and...
14:51 Well, I heard you saying all of a sudden it meant nothing and...
14:54 Right, about that...
14:55 You were right.
14:57 OK, I caught you at a moment of weakness and...
15:01 I'm sorry.
15:02 No, you have got nothing to apologise for.
15:06 No.
15:07 You're in pain, you're grieving and, erm...
15:11 No, I chose the wrong way to try and take that away.
15:14 What I said to Donna Marie was that I wish she hadn't had to see us.
15:18 Oh.
15:20 No, it's not right throwing it in her face right now.
15:23 All right, no, erm...
15:24 You're right.
15:27 We should just, erm...
15:29 Just be friends.
15:31 Exactly.
15:33 Friends.
15:35 We can't let this get in the way.
15:36 Oh, you're right. Well, erm...
15:40 I think that's the right call.
15:41 Friends.
15:42 Definitely.
15:46 You're looking better than before.
15:54 Yeah, but I don't feel it.
15:56 The baby's gone.
15:58 Tom's not handling it well.
16:00 These things take time.
16:01 Sorry, can you say that again?
16:03 I can't hear anything more than a metre away.
16:06 But I can lip-read pretty well.
16:08 You did tell me and I do apologise.
16:11 I was just saying that these things take time.
16:14 Can I ask, have you always been partially deaf?
16:18 No.
16:19 There was an explosion, an attack a few years ago in our back garden.
16:24 The way I look at it is it could have been a lot worse.
16:28 Oh.
16:30 Sorry, shall I come back?
16:31 No, sit down.
16:33 - I'll be here if you need me. - Thank you.
16:37 I've just seen Tom outside.
16:44 I'm so sorry.
16:46 You know, when you first find out, your entire life changes,
16:50 and then when it doesn't happen...
16:52 Have you?
16:54 Do?
16:55 A long time ago.
16:57 The miscarriage.
16:59 Oh, I'm sorry, are you even OK to talk about this?
17:04 What is there to talk about?
17:05 The baby's gone.
17:08 And Tom really wanted it.
17:10 He was made up.
17:12 Basically the best thing that could have ever happened to him.
17:15 Then I had to open my big gob and...
17:19 And say what?
17:21 That I didn't want it.
17:23 Then I doubled over in pain, like I brought it on myself.
17:27 Yeah, stop it, Daph. It don't work like that.
17:30 I know that. It's just...
17:34 I just feel like me and Tom just want different things.
17:39 OK, so this is just the hormones talking.
17:42 He's still really raw.
17:44 But a family is everything that Tom's ever wanted.
17:47 What if I've taken that away from him?
17:52 Ella.
18:06 Hey, look, I'm sorry about before.
18:09 You caught me a little bit off guard.
18:12 Any man would be honoured to have a lovely girl like you as a daughter.
18:15 What's that?
18:17 Well, a long time ago, your mum gave me this.
18:20 Let me know that you've been born.
18:22 Why should you do that if you're not my dad?
18:26 Well, courtesy, I suppose.
18:28 Who knows what goes on in the mind of Mandy Richardson?
18:32 Anyway, it says that you were born on the 8th of August, 2007.
18:36 I'm sorry I couldn't remember before, but...
18:38 Well, when you've had as many kids as me...
18:42 Anyway, working backwards from then,
18:43 it must have meant that Mandy fell pregnant
18:45 in the middle of November 2006.
18:48 And?
18:50 Well...
18:53 That was the year that we lost baby Grace.
18:55 May the 11th.
18:57 And as hard as it was for me,
19:00 it was almost impossible for your mum.
19:02 And she left the village not long after, in June.
19:06 June?
19:07 So it couldn't be you?
19:11 Look, I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.
19:15 And I know that you've been lied to long enough.
19:17 I have to make her tell me who he is.
19:20 You sure you really want to know?
19:21 I mean, she's been out with quite the rose gallery.
19:24 And that awful Dr Ali, Warren.
19:27 Warren Fox?
19:29 Yeah. Even my black sheep of a brother, Dom.
19:32 Maybe there's a reason she's not come clean.
19:37 Can I have a word?
19:45 I don't want anything to do with you, stupid raid.
19:47 Last time I got involved in something like that, things got heavy.
19:52 I'd prefer a quieter life, too, believe me.
19:55 Finally. Don't tell them you've had a change of heart and walk away.
19:58 Job done.
19:59 I can't.
20:01 I've given them my word.
20:03 And have you ever tried saying no to Grace?
20:06 It's not even her that I'm worried about, it's Cindy.
20:09 She's family and I've got to look out for her.
20:11 There's got to be an easier way to save the market than risk prison.
20:14 You'd think.
20:15 Well, this is happening and it's happening soon.
20:19 For ages, it was just some mad plan and now it's becoming real.
20:23 Well, if you care about him as much as you say you do,
20:26 you wouldn't let it happen.
20:27 Are you willing to lose everything?
20:28 No.
20:30 But there's just no way of stopping it.
20:32 Well, there's got to be. You've got to think.
20:36 You know, this isn't about saving the market any more.
20:39 It's about saving Cindy and Grace from themselves.
20:41 Tom...
20:50 What I said earlier,
20:57 I know how much you want in this baby.
21:00 And I'm so sorry.
21:02 This is not your fault.
21:04 It's just one of those things.
21:07 We can't let it beat us.
21:11 I don't want to lose you.
21:13 You're not going to lose me.
21:15 I love you, Yaz.
21:17 I love you too.
21:19 So much.
21:20 Do you need more time alone or is it now good to continue our discussion?
21:30 As I said, I wanted to speak to other members of my team
21:33 after checking the ultrasound.
21:35 I've done that. So...
21:36 During surgery, I attempted to repair the damaged fallopian tube.
21:42 It wasn't possible, so the tube was removed.
21:45 OK.
21:48 As, I'm afraid, was the adjacent ovary,
21:52 which was also badly damaged.
21:53 I did notice an abnormality in the other ovary,
21:59 so another ultrasound was performed.
22:02 It showed what?
22:05 I appreciate this won't be easy to hear
22:09 and I'd suggest getting a second opinion
22:11 or getting further investigation.
22:12 But as your remaining ovary is abnormally smaller than usual,
22:20 added to blockages in your fallopian tube,
22:23 in my opinion, you'll be unable to conceive naturally again.
22:28 (SIGHS)
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22:33 (MUSIC)
22:34 Support information for the issues raised
22:39 can be found online at channel4.com/support.
22:44 And I've got a wedding invitation for you.
22:46 I know you don't know the couple,
22:48 but don't worry, they don't even know each other.
22:49 Married at first sight, stream with UK, US, NZ and Aus versions now.
22:55 Next, Channel 4 News.
23:01 I won't let her come to any harm.
23:02 Can't risk losing anyone else.
23:05 That's why there is no way
23:09 I am going to let Cindy go through with this heist.
23:11 I mean, what kind of little sister would that make me, eh?
23:15 Love you, Luke.
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