Hollyoaks 12th June 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 I'm leaving tomorrow morning. We agreed just friends.
00:03 Why do you have to go and complicate things?
00:04 This is proof I was right all along.
00:06 Warren Fox is my real dad!
00:08 But did you get his phone?
00:09 I got something better.
00:10 How's his wallet gonna help us?
00:12 Find a way to get out of here.
00:14 Hurry, drive!
00:15 Darren!
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01:06 I guess this is really happening then.
01:20 Yeah.
01:21 [Music]
01:23 I can't believe you've done this.
01:29 Cindy, where are you?
01:31 Ella really needs her auntie.
01:33 She would know if you ever answered your phone.
01:35 I don't need a taxi.
01:38 Alright? I can get a train.
01:39 Nonsense. I booked you one.
01:41 And if it was up to me, we'd all come with you to the airport.
01:44 Grandma, it's my first day of nursery.
01:47 We're gonna miss you so much.
01:50 And I bet that lovely Vicky girl will too.
01:53 Are you seeing her before you go?
01:55 We said our goodbyes at prom.
01:57 I don't want my flowers.
01:59 Hey, let's keep it formal, alright? Handshakes only.
02:02 But, I'll miss you guys too.
02:05 Why don't you take that lovely picture of you Westwick boys?
02:09 It'll remind you of home.
02:11 Oh, when did this happen?
02:14 What a shame.
02:16 It really captures the love between a father and a son.
02:20 You nicked a car and nearly killed me.
02:22 That's not an accident. That's a crime.
02:24 I said I'm sorry.
02:25 Joyriding, robbery, weed. I'm losing track.
02:28 You had to fob the police off.
02:30 Tell them someone forgot to put the handbrake on.
02:32 I just had to get out of that school.
02:34 I didn't know the car was in reverse and I only sped up because I didn't want you to see me.
02:38 Are you gonna tell Nancy?
02:39 Oh yeah, course I am, yeah.
02:41 I've already left her a nice message.
02:42 Nancy, oh yeah, Charlie's fine apart from he ran me over in a stolen car and broke my arm.
02:47 Are you for real?
02:49 Look, I know the problem was a lot to cope with.
02:51 But how did he think this was gonna help?
02:53 I don't know. I don't know how anything is gonna help how I'm feeling right now, but I wish it would.
02:57 Charlie, just slow down. Just breathe.
02:59 Don't start with all your breathing technique rubbish. Nothing works.
03:03 I'm just trying to help, Charlie, okay?
03:05 But you can see how much damage you've done because you let it brew up and...
03:08 I'll tell you why I got in that car.
03:09 To make it all stop.
03:11 To make me feel nothing 'cause I'm sick of it.
03:13 Finding out Warren Fox might be your dad.
03:23 It's enough to drive anyone to drink, innit?
03:25 Not that I'm condoning it, mind.
03:27 In fact, where's me phone?
03:29 What for?
03:30 I need to try Cindy again.
03:32 Well, Ella doesn't want to worry us.
03:33 Cindy's responsible for her welfare.
03:35 She needs to know about this whole "who's the daddy" thing.
03:37 She might be able to give the girl some answers.
03:39 Right, and Ella reckons she's coped well enough without her, so just leave her.
03:42 Well, it doesn't look like she's coping very well to me.
03:45 Otherwise, she wouldn't have got so drunk.
03:47 Must be messing with her head.
03:49 I guess.
03:50 It's not the only reason.
03:52 Why?
03:54 What else is going on?
03:57 Lee and Michaela Barnes?
03:59 What are you not telling me?
04:02 Right, Ella slept with Charlie, but then he wouldn't leave Shing Lim for her,
04:06 but then she found out anyways,
04:07 and now everybody's calling Gail out a homewrecker.
04:09 Charlie did what?
04:10 I shouldn't have said anything. Ella's gonna be dead embarrassed.
04:12 What have I been saying about Charlie, do you eat?
04:14 Nothing complimentary.
04:15 Exactly.
04:16 'Cause he drags innocent kids down to his level.
04:19 Right, first you with the drugs, and now this.
04:21 I'll tell you what, if Auntie Cindy's not around,
04:23 I'm gonna go and find that little snake,
04:25 and I'll teach him some respect.
04:26 You're welcome.
04:32 Love of my life.
04:34 Sorry, I'm just texting Rafe to see if he wants to come over for lunch.
04:37 I did what he asked, gave him some space,
04:39 but now I need to show him what he's missing.
04:41 Oh, and who can resist this?
04:43 Oh, it's David.
04:44 Right, I have to tidy up in case he comes over.
04:47 Sienna, this place is immaculate.
04:49 Yeah, I know, but Rafe thinks that I'm still not over you,
04:52 so your pile of unballed socks on the bed might make him a tad suspicious.
04:56 Okay, I will go and ball my socks.
04:58 Thank you.
04:59 Sophie has the dentist at lunch.
05:03 What if Rafe wants to meet? I can't put him off.
05:06 Oh, no, no, no, no. I have laundry to fold.
05:09 Okay, but maybe you could take her and then drop her back to school,
05:13 because if I could get some time alone with Rafe,
05:15 maybe I could find out who Dilly is.
05:17 Right. Just don't go steaming him with, "Who's Dilly?"
05:20 I know what I'm doing, and I'm doing it for us.
05:23 You could fit an old lady in there.
05:31 Pa will probably want to sneak into your hand luggage.
05:34 If this is a big goodbye speech, you re-invent it.
05:38 No, yeah, yeah, yes. I do.
05:41 If you just indulge me, OK?
05:45 Could be...could be your last chance.
05:48 Yeah.
05:49 Um...I walked away from my kids.
05:58 My responsibilities, my feelings.
06:02 I let you down. I missed out on a lot, and, um...
06:07 Look, I'm sorry. Dad, stop apologising.
06:12 Look, you were there when it mattered.
06:14 Let's be honest, I'd probably still be in prison
06:16 if it wasn't for you fighting my corner.
06:18 Yeah, because I was trying to make up for all the time I missed out on.
06:22 It's my fighting that is driving you away.
06:26 You can't solve all your problems with violence, and you know that.
06:29 Plus, that's not even the reason I'm going.
06:31 It's about the opportunities and my future.
06:34 And...and...
06:36 I get it about your opportunities, your future.
06:40 I'm...I'm proud of you. I'm so proud.
06:45 I just feel like you might be leaving some of your regrets behind.
06:49 Like what?
06:51 Like saying a proper goodbye to Vicky.
06:54 What time's DeMarcus jetting off?
06:57 Don't you want to give him a wave?
07:00 Maybe one last pick on the cheek?
07:02 Why? It's not going to change anything.
07:06 If I did see her today,
07:10 I don't know what if I regret ruining the memory of last night.
07:14 It's like the longer we drag it on, the harder it will be.
07:18 Yeah, and nothing is going to make him stay, so...
07:22 I don't really need reminding.
07:25 It's time we just moved on.
07:27 We already had our...our perfect goodbye,
07:31 so it's best just to leave it at that.
07:34 Look, Dad, I know you only want what's best for me.
07:38 And I appreciate it.
07:40 And, hey, no-one's got my back like my dad does.
07:45 Come on.
07:52 Well, I'm not buying that clap-trap for a second.
07:59 And I'm not having you moping around here, killing my post-pronk vibe.
08:03 What do you want me to do?
08:05 Well, I don't know, get some closure.
08:08 You know, you two have been through so much.
08:11 Yeah.
08:13 I suppose.
08:17 I just...I hope he knows how I felt about him.
08:21 How I'll always feel.
08:24 Well, if there's things that need saying, now's your chance to say it.
08:29 - Cheers for those, Tom. - Oh, sorry, mate.
08:34 Right, where is he?
08:36 Who? I'm all right, thanks for asking.
08:39 I heard about your accident, don't milk it.
08:41 Where's Charlie? Cos I want a word with him.
08:44 Charlie's not here. He's...
08:47 - Well, he's struggling. - Oh, he's struggling?
08:49 Well, so's Ella.
08:51 She got smashed last night and she ended up in A&E.
08:54 Cos Charlie used her for a quick bunk up behind his girlfriend's back
08:57 - and he's broken out. - Is Ella all right?
08:59 Well, no thanks to him. She's sleeping it off at my place now.
09:02 - Where's Cindy? - Oh, she's swanned off.
09:05 For a bit of me time, I can't get hold of her.
09:07 Poor Ella's got enough to worry about, not knowing who her dad is.
09:10 What? You knew about that?
09:13 Yeah.
09:14 Look, I'm sure Charlie didn't mean to hurt Ella.
09:17 Yeah, he's not well. He's...
09:20 - His anxiety is through the roof. - He's out of control.
09:23 Look, he was joyriding and he ended up running me over.
09:26 He's having some kind of breakdown and he won't even talk to me.
09:29 Wait, so you're saying Charlie did this?
09:31 Did we give our parents this much grief?
09:33 Well, I was the same compared to you two.
09:35 What's that supposed to mean?
09:37 Teenage crime wave.
09:40 Teenage Casanova? You talking about yourselves or Charlie?
09:44 Yeah, you're right.
09:46 It's all my fault, isn't it?
09:48 You give me a teenager to look after and look what happens.
09:50 I suppose we all make mistakes when we're that age.
09:53 You can't. There's no point blaming yourselves.
09:56 Charlie just needs a bit of guidance, that's all.
09:58 Look at the damage he's done already.
10:00 And the people he's put in hospital.
10:02 You've got Vicky, Ella, me.
10:04 I failed that kid.
10:06 And maybe he is out of control.
10:08 I didn't actually mean that.
10:10 Yeah, but next time someone could end up dead.
10:13 And what if it's too late to help him?
10:15 Watch it!
10:36 How are you?
10:38 What are you two up to?
10:40 Uncle Ethan took me to the dentist.
10:42 I was brave and I didn't cry.
10:44 Good girl.
10:46 I thought Mummy wanted Uncle Ethan to rot in hell.
10:49 Yeah.
10:50 Well, we are being civil in front of the twins.
10:52 You weren't very civil in the village when Sienna pied you off.
10:56 It was quite embarrassing, that, wasn't it?
10:58 Yeah. Thank you for reminding me of that.
11:01 It was actually a mutual decision.
11:03 Look, Sophie had a wobbly tooth, Sienna had an emergency,
11:06 so I stepped in.
11:08 It's probably her now, checking in on me,
11:13 making sure I'm not giving Sophie too many sweets.
11:16 Can you just, like, watch her for, like, one second?
11:18 Hey, how are you, Soph?
11:23 You miss hanging out with Uncle Ethan?
11:26 I see him all the time. He's Mummy's boyfriend.
11:29 Oh, no, no, darling, he was.
11:31 When they fell out, they decided they were just going to be friends.
11:33 That wasn't real. Mummy said it was just a game.
11:35 Oh.
11:37 Did she, now?
11:38 Where's Sienna? Where are you?
11:40 Got my tissues.
11:46 Fiverr says you're going to start bowling.
11:48 Good to know.
11:49 When she's done doing your goodbyes,
11:51 I will throw us an epic McQueen karaoke party.
11:54 That'll cheer you up, yeah?
11:55 Um, really? Cos I'd just get over the nightmare of the last one.
11:59 Got your passport, wallet, earplugs.
12:02 We're all going to need them if you don't stop fussing.
12:05 Oh.
12:09 Thank you.
12:11 For everything.
12:14 Just... being my family.
12:17 I'm not going to say good luck.
12:21 I wish. You don't need it.
12:23 And I'll keep an eye on this one for you.
12:26 I'm glad he's got you.
12:29 I'm sure you're going to be OK,
12:31 doing this all by yourself now.
12:33 Yeah. I think I got this.
12:36 Yeah.
12:37 I love you.
12:43 You're going to shine, all right?
12:46 I love you too, Dad.
12:50 I love you too, Dad.
12:52 Marcus...
12:59 Um...
13:01 I know that we said goodbye and everything last night,
13:04 but I just wanted to give you this.
13:07 You know, say thanks for being my brother-in-law.
13:13 You changed my life, you know.
13:20 You saved me from Joseph and...
13:23 made me feel loved, so thank you.
13:26 Only happy memories, yeah?
13:30 Mm. Just be happy.
13:34 You deserve it.
13:37 So do you.
13:39 Sure.
13:40 Marcus...
14:38 Are you going to steal it?
14:48 You said taking that car made you feel better.
14:51 Can't keep joyriding, though, can I?
14:53 I spoke to Steve.
14:57 Ella's been in hospital.
15:00 What? Is she all right?
15:02 She drank too much last night. Alcohol poisoning.
15:08 It's because of me.
15:10 She's all right. She's been discharged.
15:13 Darren...
15:15 Ella, they both could have died.
15:17 But they didn't.
15:19 Why don't you just go back and speak to Darren?
15:23 Brooke, bad things happen to everyone that comes near me.
15:28 Even Morgan.
15:29 That was not your fault.
15:31 Everything else is, though, innit?
15:34 Ever since Vicky took that pill by mistake,
15:37 all I've done is mess up.
15:39 I get everything wrong.
15:41 Try and do the right thing and just end up hurting people.
15:44 How is Darren going to sign to us with a broken arm?
15:48 I'm so selfish!
15:50 If you were selfish, you wouldn't care.
15:52 You wouldn't be upset. You're just...
15:54 You're just lost.
16:04 # Just imagine things are a little bit different... #
16:09 Hey, no, no, no, no, son.
16:13 These ones go with my outfit.
16:15 Right, who's up for the bit of bush?
16:17 Oh, no, Kate Bush, you know.
16:19 Running up that what's-it.
16:21 Good job Nana's at bingo.
16:22 She'll be ramming the babushka down half-rose.
16:25 Just when I think this family can't stoop any lower.
16:28 You OK, babe?
16:30 Yeah, you know what? I think I might go, you know.
16:32 Oh, look, he's missing his boy, ain't he?
16:35 Look, I have been there, babes, but mine came back in the end.
16:39 Hey, do you know what you need?
16:41 A good sing-song.
16:43 Yeah, man, channeling them emotions through a belting solo number,
16:46 fist pumps, high notes.
16:47 Hey, you know what? You will feel so cleansed after this,
16:51 like you've had a big emotional poo.
16:54 How about some old-school '90s?
16:56 Weren't you an MC back in the day?
16:57 Yeah, you know, I'm not really feeling it.
16:59 I know the perfect track.
17:01 Hunter, just leave it, yeah?
17:02 Here we go, boys to men, end of the road,
17:04 because it's like the end of you having to worry about his.
17:06 Now they've all gone.
17:08 This one goes out to the market.
17:10 Do not speak about my son!
17:13 Felix.
17:15 Babe.
17:21 Nice one.
17:25 I bet you got the vomitings finally stopped.
17:28 How are you feeling?
17:30 Like I want to forget the last 24 hours.
17:32 Why did you tell your dad about Charlie?
17:34 I was just looking out for you.
17:36 For what Cindy's doing.
17:38 Hey, girls.
17:42 Nothing beats a cheeky mini breakaway to recharge the batteries.
17:45 Did you take any nice pictures? Or did you forget your phone?
17:47 Oh, well, it wasn't much good without the charger, I forgot, Skymare.
17:51 Hello. You look a bit peaky, are you OK?
17:53 Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Hilton?
17:55 Oh, left him with Tom so we could have a catch-up.
17:58 So, what, you've been up too?
18:00 Oh, wasn't it prom yesterday?
18:01 You are unbelievable!
18:03 Leave it. Let's go home.
18:05 So how was it?
18:06 How was it? Well, Ella spent the night in a hostel with alcohol poisoning.
18:09 What? Why? What happened?
18:11 I'll explain everything. Will you shut up?
18:13 You haven't got a clue what Ella's been going through.
18:15 Now, Charlie's been treated like dirt and Warren Fox might be her dad, so...
18:27 Yeah.
18:29 Yeah, no, he's here. I thought I'd see him a bit, all right?
18:32 I'm sorry.
18:37 What? You're sorry cos I ran you over?
18:40 No, I'm sorry...
18:42 ..because I lost it.
18:44 I knew you were struggling again, but I just thought it was, you know,
18:48 girl trouble or regular teenage stuff.
18:51 I didn't realise it ran that deep.
18:54 Why didn't you tell me what was going on?
18:57 I thought I could cope on my own.
19:01 Well, that's what I thought, isn't it?
19:03 Look, if we stop talking, we're both in trouble, mate.
19:09 And whatever you do, I will always support you.
19:13 You know that, right?
19:15 So, how did you do it then?
19:20 When, you know, you were ill?
19:24 Oh, you find tools to deal with your mental health?
19:28 I got therapy, didn't I?
19:30 And that's what you need, and you need to stick to it this time, all right?
19:34 I want to get better, be better, but I just don't know how.
19:38 Mate, it's not too late.
19:40 This has to be a wake-up call to the pair of us.
19:44 But if we talk and we lean on each other, it'll get easier.
19:52 I promise.
19:54 Felix? Felix, what are you doing?
20:16 Look, I'm just checking on you.
20:21 I'm sorry if I offended you back there. I get you must have been missing the markers.
20:24 What did I say? What did I say?
20:27 I was there when I said it. What did I say?
20:29 I said, "Don't say his name."
20:31 Come on, Felix, I'm apologising.
20:33 No! You came to have another pop.
20:35 Are you drunk or something?
20:37 Drunk? No, no, no, no, no. I'm irritated.
20:40 I'm irritated that I let a little boy like you make me lose it in front of everyone in there.
20:45 What are you...? Just so you could be the bigger man.
20:48 What are you on about?
20:50 You are tired of being the sensible twin.
20:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to be like a party boy, Prince.
20:57 You know what? I'm getting Mercedes and a strong black coffee.
21:01 Yeah, yeah. That's why you slept with Olivia!
21:06 Ah!
21:08 You did that.
21:10 Because you have got something to prove.
21:13 You need to prove that you're not the snivelling, whiny little mummy's boy.
21:18 Why are you being so aggro? Me, aggro? Me?
21:21 But you did sleep with her, right? And you know what? I bet you enjoyed it.
21:25 You're out of line now. I'm out of line?
21:28 You bet it is, bride boy. Let's face it.
21:31 It's because he is the favourite. Shut your mouth!
21:36 Oh!
21:38 Oh!
21:40 That's it.
21:44 Do it again. Do it again.
21:46 Felix, do it again. Hit me again.
21:49 Hit me again!
21:51 Hit me! Oi! Oi!
21:53 Back off! Back off now!
21:56 What happened, bro? I didn't mean to hit him.
21:58 Well, hit me. Hit me!
22:00 I used to hit like that when I was six.
22:03 Six? What's wrong with him?
22:05 Talk to your brother. Where are you going to go?
22:08 Cowards!
22:10 Sometimes you feel like you can't win.
22:12 But you've just got to keep on going. Don't let it beat you.
22:15 Because if you do, you could end up losing yourself.
22:20 Forever.
22:23 (SIGHS)
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22:32 (MUSIC)
22:34 And support information for the issues raised
22:36 can be found online at channel4.com/support.
22:40 And in a world that's altogether different,
22:42 ask yourself, what's your normal?
22:44 Head to the Hollyoaks TikTok where the cast
22:46 chat about the many different lives that we all lived.
22:49 Now, next tonight, it's the Channel 4 News.
22:52 (MUSIC)
22:54 (MUSIC)
22:56 Did you see DeMarcus?
23:04 Oh, was he tautemoche?
23:07 Would it make you feel a bit better if you wore me crown?
23:11 Oh, come here.
23:19 (MUSIC)
23:22 (upbeat music)
23:24 you