Shortland Street 17th May 2023-n

  • last year


00:00 Previously on Shoreline Street.
00:02 Today for Shoreline Street, groundbreaking surgery.
00:05 Let's not forget Stella, our star newbie.
00:06 I will get hurt talking to the press.
00:08 Talia!
00:08 I'm on work relief.
00:09 Look how big you are!
00:10 We were just hoping to take Molly on holiday.
00:12 I'm his mother and I get the final say.
00:14 It's just a holiday.
00:15 Which I could never give him.
00:16 He's not going.
00:17 It hurts!
00:18 He needs a chest drain.
00:18 You want to prove yourself, now's your chance.
00:20 Oh, that hurts!
00:21 You caused this patient discomfort for nothing.
00:23 Hey, you're only human.
00:24 You were gonna be an amazing doctor.
00:27 Noah, I can't.
00:28 What's going on?
00:33 TK.
00:36 Noah, thank you.
00:37 You can go.
00:38 So?
00:44 So he is upset.
00:45 Well, I've said what he did, so he should be.
00:47 Yeah, well, he is really sorry.
00:48 And that patient was a nasty piece of work.
00:50 In what way?
00:51 In a racist way.
00:52 Is that why he did an unnecessary needle-through costume?
00:54 No, of course not, honey.
00:55 He was trying to save that man's life.
00:57 Well, you should get him a neck.
00:58 Yeah, well, he doesn't want to.
01:00 OK?
01:01 He's fighting for his place to stay on that surgical program.
01:04 Is that why he came to you?
01:05 Yes.
01:06 I'm just-- I'm trying to support him.
01:09 Well, you're too good.
01:11 You don't have to take on everyone's problems, you know?
01:14 Does it feel good?
01:21 What?
01:22 Being the talk of the town?
01:24 You know, that leukemia diagnosis.
01:27 I saw some conflicting symptoms and ran with a hunch.
01:30 Oh, so modest.
01:32 I got lucky.
01:33 So did that patient.
01:34 Impressed, Harry.
01:36 A compliment from you.
01:37 Yeah, cherish it.
01:39 It's rare.
01:40 I was.
01:41 Stella, just checking you'll be at the press conference later this afternoon.
01:44 Me? What?
01:45 For the face transplant.
01:46 Honestly, the media is just as important as the medical.
01:49 Really?
01:50 Well, isn't that just for the lead surgeons?
01:52 You assisted.
01:53 You should be there.
01:54 Sharing the glory?
01:55 It's hardly glory.
01:56 These things build profile.
01:58 They're important.
01:59 If you say so.
02:00 You assisted expertly.
02:02 Drew was lucky to have you there.
02:04 That's true, Stella.
02:05 Not this one.
02:11 Polka dots might strobe on camera.
02:13 What are we going to do?
02:14 Well, just can you let me get this press conference out of the way and then I can focus properly?
02:18 I just really do not want Marley to miss out on her holiday.
02:21 Bloody Talia.
02:22 Yeah.
02:23 It's OK, I don't want to come.
02:26 Of course you do.
02:27 Yeah, and we want you to.
02:29 I don't really like beaches.
02:31 Really?
02:32 Since when?
02:33 This sand's messy.
02:35 Yeah, but snorkelling's cool.
02:37 Yeah, you won't want to miss out on that.
02:39 Not anymore.
02:40 Mum said there might be sharks.
02:42 Look, Marley, I know your mum isn't super keen on this holiday.
02:46 We really want you to come.
02:48 I'd rather stay here.
02:50 And miss out on the hotel and the plane.
02:53 Well, mum can't afford the trip and I don't want to make her sad.
03:00 Look, sweetheart, that is not your fault.
03:03 Well, if I stay here then everyone's happy.
03:06 Well, I'm not happy.
03:11 She's poisoned her.
03:14 I would wring that bloody woman's neck.
03:16 No, that's not going to help.
03:17 Fine, I'll see if I can talk her around.
03:19 She's pretty adamant.
03:20 Yeah, and I'm pretty determined and pretty charming.
03:22 She's not going to wreck our holiday, Harper.
03:24 I promise.
03:26 Where is Drew? So unprofessional.
03:28 Not like him to miss a date with a camera.
03:30 Yeah, well, they're not going to stick around. Someone has to do something.
03:33 Well, don't look at me. I'm old news.
03:35 Oh, a sensual part of the team, more like.
03:37 Drew was the leader on the exciting part.
03:40 Far be it from me to steal his limelight.
03:42 Then who?
03:43 Stella.
03:46 Yeah?
03:48 Drew's been held up and we need a bit of action for the media.
03:51 Could you front her?
03:52 And do what?
03:54 A report from the front line, a snappy quote.
03:57 Oh, well, why aren't you doing it?
03:59 Oh, they've heard from me a thousand times.
04:01 Nice to have a fresh face up there.
04:03 Ah, fresh and Māori?
04:05 Even better.
04:07 Thank you for your patience.
04:11 Our lead surgeon, Dr. McCaskill, has been held up.
04:15 So I'd like to introduce you to a rising star who assisted on the face transplant, Dr. Stella Reihana.
04:21 Dr. Reihana, what drew you to this field?
04:27 Um, the challenge.
04:29 Plastic surgery for patients with burns and other body trauma.
04:34 It has a huge potential for growth.
04:35 Look at you go, girl.
04:36 What about she makes the news?
04:38 And literally transform lives and save lives and I really want to be a part of that.
04:42 Can you guide us through your role in this transplant?
04:45 Sure.
04:46 I assisted Dr. Drew McCaskill when we received the donor face.
04:50 The old man's really giving it the push, hey?
04:53 Rising star.
04:54 Well, she is.
04:56 Yeah, she's smashing it.
04:58 And hey, her brilliant guts if you didn't love her so much.
05:01 Yeah, thanks, Talia.
05:02 I'll see you there.
05:03 Um, I would be happy to continue, but the real expert is here.
05:08 Dr. Drew McCaskill.
05:10 My apologies and thank you, Stella, for being part of an amazing team that I was very proud to lead.
05:16 I know there's huge interest in this groundbreaking transplant, so please hit me with your questions.
05:22 Noah, have a sec.
05:24 Uh.
05:25 We can walk and talk if you have somewhere you need to be.
05:27 Sure.
05:28 Um, what's up?
05:31 About what happened earlier.
05:33 With Mr. Braithwaite.
05:34 Oh, yeah.
05:36 Yeah.
05:37 Sorry you had to be the brunt of racism.
05:39 Wish I could say it won't happen again, but we've got your back.
05:42 She'll be happy to have her in your court.
05:45 Hang in there.
05:47 See you later.
05:48 Yeah.
05:50 Okay, we have to tell him.
05:51 What?
05:52 He needs to know.
05:53 No, what?
05:54 Nothing happened.
05:55 But it could've.
05:56 No, it wouldn't have because I wouldn't have let it.
05:59 I love TK, okay?
06:00 And I'm not gonna let something so small and stupid hurt him.
06:06 I mean, I'm here for you in a professional sense, but that's it.
06:09 Sorry.
06:10 It's all good.
06:11 Guess I've just got my wires crossed.
06:13 Yeah.
06:14 Now, um, Madonna's looking for you.
06:18 Sweet.
06:23 Thank you for meeting me.
06:25 Let me guess.
06:26 It's about your Fijian getaway?
06:29 Got it in one.
06:30 There's nothing else to say.
06:31 Marley can't go.
06:33 I think that's a shame.
06:34 We can't all have flash overseas holidays.
06:36 Okay, well, here's the thing.
06:38 Some of us can.
06:39 And we'd really like Marley to be a part of that.
06:42 He's my kid.
06:43 Yeah, and it feels to me like you're trying to punish him for his good fortune.
06:47 I'm not punishing him.
06:48 Listen, Marley can still have plenty of fun times with you now you're on work release,
06:52 but he's really been looking forward to this holiday with us.
06:55 Us?
06:56 Mummy and Daddy and their perfect set of kids?
06:59 What is your problem?
07:00 You?
07:01 You're so up yourself.
07:02 Okay, you're stubborn, and not only that, you're selfish.
07:06 I have a bus to catch.
07:07 Right, you can't take the truth, Charlie.
07:09 I'm back to prison for the night, dickhead.
07:11 Just do one nice thing for Marley.
07:13 Is that too much to ask?
07:19 Media Queen Stella Rehana.
07:21 A star is born.
07:23 Shut up, you guys.
07:25 Take the win.
07:26 It's not like you to go all shy.
07:27 It just doesn't have to be such a big deal.
07:29 That's all.
07:30 I can't wait to see the finished product.
07:32 Maybe they'll release some doves.
07:34 They took his face off.
07:37 What are you on about?
07:38 Come on.
07:39 Okay, whatever.
07:40 Look, at least you'll be pumped up the list for sure.
07:43 Now, more drinks?
07:45 Yes?
07:46 Sure.
07:47 Isn't it your turn, Quinn?
07:48 Do you ever pay for drinks?
07:49 Oh my God, you guys suck.
07:50 I'll get them.
07:52 I'm just going to the bathroom.
07:54 Stella, thank you for speaking so well today.
07:57 To the media?
07:58 Sure.
07:59 Everything all right?
08:00 You didn't feel pushed into the spotlight?
08:03 Um, it was actually more being the token diversity girl that felt a little bit weird.
08:09 Sorry?
08:10 Well, it was a marathon surgery and I wasn't the only registrar who assisted.
08:14 No.
08:15 But yeah, a young Maori face looks good standing between you and Drew, right?
08:19 I'm sorry, that was not my intention.
08:22 Excuse me, Chris.
08:28 What was that about?
08:29 Just a misunderstanding.
08:31 What does that mean?
08:32 Just that.
08:35 Just the man I want to see.
08:37 All done?
08:38 Yes, I'm done.
08:39 Great.
08:40 Well, I'm nearly finished.
08:42 So I was thinking maybe dinner?
08:45 Somewhere special?
08:47 You can hear the couch calling my name.
08:48 Oh, okay.
08:49 Takeout?
08:50 You know, we can make it nice and romantic.
08:52 Oh, this I like.
08:53 Gate climb.
08:55 Oh, I've hurt your eyes, Madonna.
08:57 They're being all married and sexy.
08:59 Yeah, they're lucky.
09:00 I'm happy for them.
09:02 Give me five minutes.
09:03 I'm just going to finish up some emails, okay?
09:04 And then I'm all yours.
09:06 Surprise me.
09:07 Here you go.
09:09 Couple golds.
09:10 Oh, you think?
09:11 You look so in love.
09:12 Hey, Madonna.
09:13 Yeah, totally.
09:14 We're very jealous.
09:15 I mean, I'm not going to speak for Nicole, but you and DK definitely have something special.
09:20 Yeah, we do.
09:21 Yeah, more like soulmates.
09:22 Totally.
09:30 Does Cece seem a bit off to you?
09:32 No.
09:33 Noah, what are you doing?
09:35 Oh, I was just heading off.
09:37 Pumari.
09:38 Pumari.
09:48 Hey, you okay?
09:49 Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
09:51 What did my dad say to you?
09:53 Doesn't matter.
09:55 Why do you want to know anyway?
09:57 No reason.
09:58 Okay, then.
09:59 Do you need help, or?
10:01 I'll be fine.
10:02 Okay.
10:03 I've got to go to the bathroom.
10:04 Hey, here he is.
10:08 Welcome to your farewell drinks.
10:10 Parker.
10:11 No, bro, I'm here to stay.
10:12 None less smoky.
10:13 Ooh, fighting words.
10:15 Oh, your girlfriend will be happy you're sticking around then.
10:17 I'm getting a beer.
10:19 Wait, what girlfriend?
10:21 Well, you're not the only one flirting with all the hot nurses around here.
10:24 Don't know what you mean.
10:25 Yeah, you do.
10:26 Thank you.
10:27 Yours is at the bar, tired arse.
10:29 So, who's Noah flirting with?
10:31 Girl, you know you're starting to get a wreck, right?
10:34 I keep it light.
10:36 And if they're not into it, I don't push it.
10:38 If you were a guy hitting on the nurses, then you'd get caught on.
10:41 I'm not hitting on anyone.
10:42 Anyway, flirting's harmless.
10:44 Yeah, right.
10:45 Just look at you and hurry.
10:46 What?
10:47 He couldn't take his eyes off you at the media thing.
10:49 You think?
10:50 Hmm.
10:51 Okay, well.
10:53 You know what?
10:55 It was actually pretty sweet that he didn't get all bent out of shape with jealousy.
10:59 Not being picked was his dream, eh?
11:01 Yeah, 'cause some guys wouldn't be able to handle that, but he was actually really good about it.
11:05 Now we know why.
11:06 Be careful.
11:17 Yeah, I just want to make things right.
11:19 Corey's going through a lot.
11:20 Now might not be the best time to try and patch up the past.
11:23 Yeah, I suppose you're right.
11:25 I just don't get it, man.
11:27 Why, he always had to put me down, make fun of me.
11:30 Well, unhappy kids hate happy kids.
11:32 I mean, he'd never know what was going on in his home life.
11:34 Yeah, that must be it, eh?
11:36 His life would stink and I was a good punching bag.
11:38 What?
11:39 He hit you as well?
11:40 Yeah, him and his mates would ambush me after school.
11:43 That is not okay, Logan.
11:44 Like, why do you care so much about what happens to him?
11:47 Don't know, really.
11:49 He might still be a bully, but he might have changed.
11:52 Carte, remember?
11:54 Yeah, but that was before he knew about the leukemia.
11:56 Yeah, but that doesn't just change someone instantly.
11:58 No, but it sure make you think about your life and where it's headed.
12:02 Maybe.
12:03 Just, just don't count on a miracle.
12:06 Okay.
12:13 Morning, Madonna.
12:14 I bet you're a little worn out today.
12:16 Yeah, Marie has a migraine so I switched with her.
12:19 Oh, thank you.
12:20 Gosh, poor Marie, she really suffers, doesn't she?
12:22 Uh-huh.
12:23 Hey, Cece, um, where do you want me?
12:26 Until Dr Warner needs me for a pre-op check.
12:29 Actually, no, if you need anything today you need to see Madonna.
12:32 Oh, okay.
12:33 Madonna, where should I be?
12:35 We need a wound review on Mr Powdrell, Ward 7.
12:38 Mr Powdrell, Ward 7, check.
12:40 Yeah, his temp's up a bit so look out for infection.
12:43 Cool, and then I'll report back, yeah?
12:46 Mm, salamat.
12:47 Uh, Noah, you'll need one of these.
12:51 Oh, right.
12:53 Knew that.
12:55 Okay, tell me if I'm making more of this, but is Noah being weird?
12:59 Yeah, a bit, but I'm handling it.
13:01 So it's a work thing?
13:03 Yeah, slightly complicated by an issue with me.
13:05 Personality clash or...?
13:07 I think he has a crush on me.
13:10 Uh-huh.
13:11 No, I know it.
13:12 Okay, TK walked in on an awkward moment yesterday.
13:15 Awkward moment?
13:16 Yeah, okay, Noah is...
13:18 Okay, what are we talking here?
13:20 Noah had some nasty racist blowback from a patient, so I've been counselling him about it.
13:24 And I think he took it the wrong way.
13:26 Like my sympathy, I mean.
13:28 And he tried to kiss me.
13:30 Cece!
13:31 Shh, shh, shh.
13:32 That's sexual harassment.
13:34 No, no, it wasn't.
13:36 Did you try and encourage him?
13:38 Cece!
13:39 Just keep your voice down.
13:42 Well, did you want to kiss him back?
13:45 Cecelia!
13:46 Shh, shh, shh.
13:48 Please, okay?
13:49 Yes, I know, it's totally wrong, but he's young and charming and he's kind of flattered.
13:55 I don't know.
13:56 And TK walked in on this?
13:58 I mean, it was over in seconds, and I backed him up and I made it really clear that nothing will ever happen, ever.
14:02 Well, better not. I mean, you're married.
14:04 Yes, I know that, Madonna. Thank you.
14:06 Sorry, of course you do.
14:08 So I just need to minimise the contact between us.
14:10 Leave it with me.
14:12 Thank you.
14:13 I mean, what are friends for?
14:15 Excuse me, Stella. I owe you an apology. May I?
14:21 Sure.
14:23 I take your point about the media.
14:26 Of course it makes me look better, and Drew, to get a bit of reflected glow from the upcoming generation.
14:33 And when the person featured is female and Maori, yeah, it makes us look less elitist and less privileged.
14:42 Right.
14:43 So I understand why you felt exploited, and I'm sorry. Guilty as charged.
14:49 But you also need to know you got there on merit, not demographics. You earned your place.
14:54 Thanks, Chris.
14:55 Well, please don't hesitate to speak up again the next time the dinosaurs need calling out.
15:02 OK, you're on.
15:04 What was that all about?
15:12 Oh, just work.
15:14 But he's all right, your dad. Not as out of touch as some guys his age.
15:20 Do I need to be worried about anything?
15:22 Why would you be worried?
15:24 Oh my gosh. Are you blushing, Warner?
15:29 Of course not. Us Warners are shameless.
15:32 And why didn't you tell me that last night?
15:35 You were tired. I was kicking myself. I've been trying to pick my mood.
15:39 Right, so now you've got Talia's back up and made things even worse.
15:42 I thought I could appeal to her better nature. Turns out she doesn't have one.
15:45 If she takes this up a level, I'm going to scram.
15:47 OK, OK. I know, all right? I've blown the whole thing.
15:50 You got that right.
15:52 Talia, hi. Um, please excuse my husband.
15:56 Listen, about last night.
15:58 I'm not here for you.
16:00 You heard.
16:02 Can I just say I'm sorry?
16:04 We've got this.
16:06 Noah, Mrs Finlay's pre-objects?
16:12 Oh, yeah, I'm on my way there now.
16:14 No need. Quinn's helping Cece with that.
16:16 Oh, so...
16:18 Please assess Mr Braithwaite's urinary output and pain control.
16:22 Braithwaite.
16:24 That says Ward right there.
16:26 Yeah, I know.
16:28 So?
16:29 Doesn't like brown doctors.
16:31 Well, he's got one. One who will not tolerate any disrespect. Am I right?
16:35 Right.
16:37 I mean, if he is abusive, report it to me.
16:39 But zero tolerance for racism.
16:41 Oh, yeah. Thanks for the honour.
16:44 Good afternoon, Mr Braithwaite.
16:51 Oh, not you again.
16:53 Look, I just came to check you over, OK?
16:55 Piss off.
16:57 Tim first, all right?
16:59 Look, I want a real doctor.
17:01 And that's what you've got.
17:02 You don't know what you're doing.
17:03 It's gonna be all right. Just hold still, please.
17:05 Look, go and learn on someone else, will you?
17:08 And that's...
17:10 39.3. That's high.
17:12 Yeah, go on. Get out. Get me a real doctor.
17:15 No, no, it's all right. It's all right. Just lie back. Just lie back.
17:18 It's gonna be all right. OK, mate?
17:20 I'm not your mate. Get me a real doctor, not you.
17:22 No, you can't leave.
17:24 Mr Braithwaite.
17:25 Geoff? Can you hear me?
17:27 Oh, hell no.
17:29 I need help in here.
17:31 Noah.
17:34 He got short of breath and collapsed.
17:36 He's got a temp of 39.3.
17:38 OK.
17:39 Mr Braithwaite, you need to take some big, deep breaths.
17:42 Possible.
17:43 He's tachycardic.
17:44 He's got crackles in his left lower lobe.
17:46 I think he developed pneumonia.
17:47 Agreed. Charred antibiotics.
17:49 You got a bit dizzy, Mr Braithwaite.
17:52 You had trouble with breathing.
17:54 So I gave you some extra oxygen to help with that.
17:56 No. Not you.
17:58 Just keep your mask on, OK?
18:00 You can't tell me what to do.
18:01 Just relax, OK, and focus on your breathing.
18:04 Get a real doctor, not some Irish student.
18:06 OK, let me make this clear.
18:08 Our staff are hired by ability. You do not get to pick and choose.
18:10 He doesn't know what he's doing.
18:11 He knows exactly what he's doing.
18:12 Yeah, us surgeons learn by treating patients. That's how it works.
18:15 Dr Forrester is part of our team, and his ability is not up for question.
18:18 Are you rejecting his care?
18:20 Would you like Dr Samuels to take over?
18:23 Good.
18:25 So you're leaving us so soon?
18:28 Yeah, they said I'd be an outpatient now.
18:30 Right. Well, I'll check up on you when you come for your next oncology appointment.
18:34 And if there's anything more I can do to help...
18:36 OK. Thanks, man.
18:38 I am sorry I stopped by the news.
18:40 Yeah.
18:42 Hey, mate.
18:45 I'm like your mate.
18:46 Fair enough. I was a dick going off with you like that.
18:48 Yeah, you were always a dick.
18:49 Can we just let it go? That bullshit when we were kids, can we just move on?
18:52 Why? Because I'm sick?
18:53 Yeah, OK? And I'm sorry for what you're going through.
18:55 And if you need my help, I'm here.
18:57 Why would I need help from a little whiny little loser like you?
19:01 Excuse me?
19:02 Oh, piss off, blondie.
19:03 You cannot talk to him like that.
19:04 Well, I just did. So how about you suck it up?
19:08 That is completely unacceptable. What the hell is his problem?
19:12 Leukaemia?
19:13 No, before that. Are you sure you never did anything to him?
19:16 No, never. It's probably what you said. He just had it rough as a kid and hated me on sight.
19:22 Plastic surgery for patients with burns...
19:28 Drew, seen Stella?
19:29 No, sorry.
19:31 Check it out. Interviews online. She does most of the talk.
19:35 Right. What about the brilliant lead surgeon?
19:38 Well, in the background, I think.
19:40 But the camera loves Dr Rehana.
19:42 Doesn't it, Jess?
19:44 Hey, do you know any good places I could take her for a bite to eat or something?
19:49 Like a date, you mean?
19:51 Just to show there's no hard feelings that she got the surgery and I didn't.
19:56 Why don't you ask your old man? He's got away with the ladies.
19:59 Yeah, it's a hard pass.
20:00 Hey, it's good that you're being a grown-up about not being picked.
20:03 Yeah, well, you're the top dog. You made your choice.
20:07 Wait, hold up, hold up.
20:10 Hmm?
20:11 Was it close?
20:13 It's done now, mate.
20:14 OK, but if it was so close, what did I do wrong?
20:17 What made you change your mind?
20:19 It wasn't my call, mate. OK?
20:21 Drew's right.
20:27 I'm jealous of you guys.
20:29 Look, there's no need.
20:31 You've got everything.
20:34 As usual.
20:35 Hey, it's not a competition.
20:37 Well, it kind of feels like one, and you win every time.
20:40 You're winning too.
20:41 Dahlia, you're making great progress getting your life back together.
20:45 And you're Marley's mum.
20:47 Nothing can ever change that. He thinks the world of you.
20:51 I feel sorry for Mimi.
20:52 No, he loves you.
20:55 I love him too.
20:57 I know you do.
20:59 Take him.
21:03 All right?
21:05 You can go.
21:07 Thank you.
21:09 Marley, can you come here?
21:13 Is Mum OK?
21:15 Mum has had a really big think.
21:17 And guess what? You're allowed to come on holiday.
21:19 Thanks, Mum.
21:21 I'll miss you.
21:24 I'll miss you too.
21:25 I'll come back. I promise.
21:27 Yeah, of course you will.
21:28 Like you did.
21:30 That's right.
21:32 Where'd you go?
21:33 Oh, it was just a few months back.
21:36 She went away for a long time.
21:39 So she said she would come back.
21:41 And she did.
21:42 And all better.
21:45 What was wrong with her?
21:47 Look, I don't think this...
21:48 I'm not asking you.
21:49 Marley?
21:50 Well, she was mean and scary, but she's all better now.
21:55 Hey, Miles, can you go and play outside again, darling?
21:57 OK.
21:59 I can explain. I, um...
22:03 I wasn't well.
22:05 I had postnatal depression.
22:07 What?
22:08 Yeah, I had to go away for a while,
22:10 and I went through rehab and came back.
22:14 Does the girl know about it?
22:18 Wow. Wait till I tell her.
22:20 Please don't.
22:21 You know what?
22:23 You're no better than me after all.
22:25 And you don't deserve my kid.
22:28 Rising surgical star Stella Rehana
22:32 says face transplants can transform shattered lives.
22:35 Whatever.
22:36 Oh, you love it.
22:37 Hey, it's not show business. It's medicine.
22:39 Oh, it's all show biz, baby, and you turned it on.
22:42 Who doesn't love to be turned on, am I right?
22:45 This is awesome. You can't buy this kind of publicity.
22:47 And we all know who to thank.
22:49 Let's hear it for Stella.
22:51 Don't be embarrassed. Take the win.
22:53 Great win.
22:57 You know, you never really change, do you?
22:59 Excuse me?
23:00 One word from you and I'm out and she's in?
23:03 Harry, don't do this here.
23:05 You know what? The next thing I know, you're warning me off.
23:07 While Chris Warner, legendary Sillise,
23:10 lines up for his next conquest.
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