I’ve Got to Get Some Answers (Poem with Music)

  • last year
Partial Lyrics:

I’ve Got to Get Some Answers

Why aren’t you married is it really a choice
Do you have someone special with whom you rejoice
Do you believe in love at first sight or first voice
Do you believe in soulmates that’ll have you wonderstruck
Why has it never worked out no matter how hard you pray
Who was the one I saw you out with on last Thursday
How many have you been with and do they plan to stay
Do you think it’d happen with me should I try my luck

Hold on please I’ve got to get some answers
I need to see inside your whole being
You know telling me the truth is always freeing
If you give me the explanations I want
I’ll be your forever and exclusive confidant

Who were your heroes in your childhood
What were your parents like were they good
What has influenced you in where you’ve stood
What trauma from your youth affected you the most
Who was your best friend and how’d they fail
Who gave you your first kiss and was it stale
What city were you born and where do you now hail
Where did your ancestors come from and what coast

Please can I have a moment to get all the answers
I need to see inside your whole being
You know telling me the truth is always freeing
If you give me the explanations I want
I’ll be your forever and exclusive confidant

What are your politics like how’d they get their foundations
Who did you vote for president and give your donations
Have you read Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations
Where do you get your news from and how is it askew
How many protests have you been to and on what estate
What’s your position on Kosovo is it a free state
How much do you pay in taxes and what’s your rate
What conspiracies do you believe in and are they true

Will you please provide me with your best answers
I need to see inside your whole being
You know telling me the truth is always freeing
If you give me the explanations I want
I’ll be your forever and exclusive confidant

What kind of music do you listen to above all
Who is your favorite Beatle but it can’t be Paul
Have you heard of the music they made around Stonewall
What is your favorite poem I really gotta know
Do you read any of the great authors from Barcelona
Who is your favorite actress is it my friend Carmona
What’s your favorite Bergman film besides Persona
Which of Beethoven’s Sonatas is the best or is it a combo

Wait a second please give me the answers I need
I need to see inside your whole being
You know telling me the truth is always freeing
If you give me the explanations I want
I’ll be your forever and exclusive confidant

Do you want to hear a funny story about me
What’s my best quality without being too smutty
What is my ugliest feature that you can see
Do you know what I value most in perception
Want to hear about my self destructive attributes
Do you know the places I’ve been and their routes
Do you want to hear my answers to the questions
What do you think of me please no deception

Can you please share with me all your answers