The World's Through (Spoken Word with Music)

  • last year

The World’s Through

He scrolls a calendar and flips a coin
He recruits her in his group to join
Because he tells her the world’s falling apart
And he knows each and every clue
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

He builds a shelter away from the sun
She’s locked up in there like a nun
Because the sky’s exposing itself to those below
Fire and brimstone are finding themselves rather due
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

He reads from a book he keeps locked away
He believes it correctly predicts when it’s doomsday
She tries to look at it over his shoulder
And sees the pen marks and highlights running askew
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

He tells her he’s seeing things in his sleep
Day by day the signs are starting to creep
Every morning he provides her with a new drawing
With each brushstroke his paranoia grew
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

She’s sold her house and gave away her car
As well as her speakers and her husband’s cigar
That he planned to smoke when this was all over
But for now he’d have to sit and stew
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

To survive he’d collected quite a stockpile
What else can happen in self-imposed exile
He told her it was all necessary since the military
Would be coming to try to put them under their shoe
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

He’s looking at the planets through his scope
There’s a fire up there with which no one can cope
She looks through the hole and sees nothing
And interprets this as what it’s all come to
This is what happens when you think the world’s through

They counted down the seconds to midnight
She noticed all his knuckles were white
As she gripped on to his hand
And the world laughed at the view
This is what happens when you think the world’s through