Sunday Night Blues (Spoken word with Music)

  • last year

Sunday Night Blues

I feel an unnatural fear gripping my body
It’s a feeling I always get around this time
You’d think I’d be used to it by now
I take another shot and suck down a lime
I’m not sure it really dulls my senses
It sure isn’t going to bring the sun back
There’s no escaping what I fear
Which is trying to get back on the track

I don’t have the power to fight the Sunday night blues
Sitting around powerless against the Sunday night blues

Everything in the past two days have gone beautifully
I couldn’t ask for anything better
But now I look back at it as a waste
Maybe tomorrow I can talk to the wage settor
Though I’m afraid if things go my way
My life still won’t completely improve
It’s no surprise the world calls this the end of the week
It takes a whole reset to get back in the groove

I don’t have the power to fight the Sunday night blues
Sitting around powerless against the Sunday night blues

I picture how the next day will go
Even though these images I’d like to avoid
My week is creeping into my weekend
And it’s going to take until I’m destroyed
Can I stretch out everything I have
Or am I stuck with being stomped
The foot is coming down on my face
My boss won’t leave me alone until I’m swamped

I don’t have the power to fight the Sunday night blues
Sitting around powerless against the Sunday night blues

The only scenario I can really consider or picture
Is how nice it’d be to not ever awake
Would I’d be looked for in the morning
Since I didn’t show up during daybreak
Do those who take my time see me as irreplaceable
Or would they remove my name to find the next cog
In my dreams the boss is knocking my door down
He who haunts but is not there is a demagogue

I don’t have the power to fight the Sunday night blues
Sitting around powerless against the Sunday night blues

I grip my seat and shake in paralysis
Weren’t they supposed to release us from captivity
My mind sorts my life into boxes
Bottling up every last drop of creativity
I watch the ants crawl in formation
And feel powerless to bite and sting
My alarm warms up its voice in preparation
Tomorrow it’ll be the only thing that sings

I don’t have the power to fight the Sunday night blues
Sitting around powerless against the Sunday night blues