More Or Less Than Anything (Poetry with Music)

  • last year

More or Less than Anything

Down the dark cave I tumbled into nothingness
A place that was completely empty which would
Allow me to try out the things I wanted
I filled my stomach and lay content on a rocky bed of spikes
I kept my pockets clean and my wallet at home
So the ones who find me won’t know me

It’s just like operating without any kind of a schedule
Allowing yourself the freedom to be disengaged
To scan your mind and to have it rented
The boxes have not been touched or met the label maker
The event has been completely unattended
The board has been wiped away
The marker has had its ink removed
The can was left unfilled and pumped out
The medicine bottle has no rattle or prescription
The container has not been readied to ship
The lock has not been given a combination

I looked inside and didn’t discover anything to feel
I scrolled through my brain to see no thoughts
The stars were not in the sky that day
And the shuttle couldn’t find its astronauts
The chef was all out of his ingredients
Which was just as well with no recipe
Since the gardens and farms have no crops
The cows’ trough sat without its feed

I counted up and down from zero
As the bus sat without its driver
Weeds had grown up where they didn’t build the railroad
The soldiers all high fived each other for there were no guns
The factory starts to decay without its workers
The swimming pool had long sat bone dry
Management looked at each other and sat without any files
The banks’ vaults remained rather useless
I’d already withdrawn everything out of my account
And noticed the currency didn’t have a lot of color

Holding my breath due to the lack of oxygen
The gauge is lacking any measurement of rain
The prisons sit without a trace of inmates
So the state no longer needs to employ any guards
The members of congress lost their laws
So the interns head out to their unfurnished homes
The forecast can’t take its temperature
The motivational speaker has lost all his abilities
For his words the letters are missing
The professor comes without his syllabus
The students try to come to grips with no desks and no deadlines
Just like the inheritance is lacking a payout

The market tries to operate absent of greed
The killer’s terror has gone extinct
The night worker observes the vanishing sex drive
I wander the district and its defunct lights
The convent’s religion was in some way stolen
The drummer bangs on altogether beatless
The swindler never was able to come up with a scam
The player had trouble showing up to the game
The clock has its numbers and hands ripped off
You can complain to me about the missing love and happiness
But here in the cave I can see only the lack of pain
I’m learning that more than anything I like nothing

