Squatted Bent Presses 1,2,3x50lb

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Yeah, you head into the warmup already feelin' pretty good and the warmup puts a stop to THAT foolishness! It just proves that 'you don't really know until you really know' right? That left was NOT liking these Waiter's Style Squatted Bent Presses at all. I'd like to say they felt better as l went along but, for today, l had to settle for they suck less than the previous set. Reps were 1,2,3 with a 50lb Pancake plate. Am l still glad l did them?? You bet! I had a big workout ahead and l'd rather find out sooner than later what my issues are! These are superb at opening up the hands, wrist, lower back, shoulders, knees, ankles and feet. I've joked before about calling these the Everything Lift cuz they get EVERYTHING moving. If you get a chance...give 'em a try! God Bless!!
"A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother." - Proverbs 10:1
What came next... https://youtu.be/ntSUz-tLjSA