看过坡芽歌书, 也聆听了婉约动听的情歌, 富宁经济算不得十足富裕, 但是这里人的精神生活绝对是百分之百富足和安宁, 来到富宁这里飘香的八角, 这里简单的符号代表了浪漫的歌书留下了深刻的印象. 还有就是这里的人淳朴真诚, 足够的信任. 古朴宁静的坡芽村, 是一个壮族聚居小村庄, 在壮语中 “坡” 即山坡, “芽”是一种开黄色小花的灌木, 俗称黄饭花, 采黄花煮于沸水, 可得壮家人制作五色花糯饭所需的黄色染料, “坡芽”意思就是开满黄饭花的的地方, 坡芽村由于地处深山, 极少受外来文化影响, 全村现有五十五户人家, 全是壮族, 在壮家栅格式第一媒人, 素昧平生的男女青年借山歌相识, 用山歌传情, 可以说壮族男女青年从认识到结婚, 偶在山歌中进行. 雷公菜可以说是壮乡菜肴中的珍品, 是季节性很强的野生蔬菜, 因为它只有在入春以后打雷下雨才能吃到, 也是这个原因才得名 “雷公菜” 雷公菜主要是来做汤的, 雷公树一般只有五六米高, 而且枝杈繁多, 比较容易攀爬采摘.....
A Place Of Wealth And Tranquility:--
Reading Po Ya's songs and listen to the graceful love songs is a great pleasure. Funing's economy is not completely rich, but the spiritual life of the people here is absolutely 100% rich and peaceful. Come to Funing, the fragrance of the octagon, here is a simple symbol song books that represent romance leaves a deep impression. Also, the people here are simple and sincere. The quaint and quiet Poya Village is a small village inhabited by the Zhuang people. In the Zhuang language, "po" means hillside. "Bud" is a kind of shrub with small yellow flowers, commonly known as yellow rice flower. Picking yellow flowers and boiling them in boiling water can get the yellow dye needed by the Zhuang family to make five color glutinous rice. "Po bud" means full of yellow rice flowers. Because Poya Village is located in the deep mountains, it is rarely affected by foreign cultures. There are 55 households in the village, all of which are Zhuang people. Young men and women who have never met before will know each other through folk songs, it can be said that young men and women of the Zhuang ethnic group have learned to marry. "Lei Gong" cuisine can be said to be a treasure of Zhuang cuisine. It is a wild vegetable with strong seasonality, because it only appears only after spring. Lei Gong Cai is mainly used to make soup, the tree is generally only five or six meters high and has many branches, which makes it easier to climb and pick their leaves.....
看过坡芽歌书, 也聆听了婉约动听的情歌, 富宁经济算不得十足富裕, 但是这里人的精神生活绝对是百分之百富足和安宁, 来到富宁这里飘香的八角, 这里简单的符号代表了浪漫的歌书留下了深刻的印象. 还有就是这里的人淳朴真诚, 足够的信任. 古朴宁静的坡芽村, 是一个壮族聚居小村庄, 在壮语中 “坡” 即山坡, “芽”是一种开黄色小花的灌木, 俗称黄饭花, 采黄花煮于沸水, 可得壮家人制作五色花糯饭所需的黄色染料, “坡芽”意思就是开满黄饭花的的地方, 坡芽村由于地处深山, 极少受外来文化影响, 全村现有五十五户人家, 全是壮族, 在壮家栅格式第一媒人, 素昧平生的男女青年借山歌相识, 用山歌传情, 可以说壮族男女青年从认识到结婚, 偶在山歌中进行. 雷公菜可以说是壮乡菜肴中的珍品, 是季节性很强的野生蔬菜, 因为它只有在入春以后打雷下雨才能吃到, 也是这个原因才得名 “雷公菜” 雷公菜主要是来做汤的, 雷公树一般只有五六米高, 而且枝杈繁多, 比较容易攀爬采摘.....
A Place Of Wealth And Tranquility:--
Reading Po Ya's songs and listen to the graceful love songs is a great pleasure. Funing's economy is not completely rich, but the spiritual life of the people here is absolutely 100% rich and peaceful. Come to Funing, the fragrance of the octagon, here is a simple symbol song books that represent romance leaves a deep impression. Also, the people here are simple and sincere. The quaint and quiet Poya Village is a small village inhabited by the Zhuang people. In the Zhuang language, "po" means hillside. "Bud" is a kind of shrub with small yellow flowers, commonly known as yellow rice flower. Picking yellow flowers and boiling them in boiling water can get the yellow dye needed by the Zhuang family to make five color glutinous rice. "Po bud" means full of yellow rice flowers. Because Poya Village is located in the deep mountains, it is rarely affected by foreign cultures. There are 55 households in the village, all of which are Zhuang people. Young men and women who have never met before will know each other through folk songs, it can be said that young men and women of the Zhuang ethnic group have learned to marry. "Lei Gong" cuisine can be said to be a treasure of Zhuang cuisine. It is a wild vegetable with strong seasonality, because it only appears only after spring. Lei Gong Cai is mainly used to make soup, the tree is generally only five or six meters high and has many branches, which makes it easier to climb and pick their leaves.....