马里共和国是西非的一个内陆国家, 是非洲第八大国, 面积刚超过124万平方公里, 马里的人口为 1910 万. 马里人多样化的日常文化反映了该国的种族和地理多样性, 大多数马里人穿着飘逸, 色彩缤纷的长袍, 称为西非典型的布布. 马里人经常参加被称为马里多贡舞的传统节日, 舞蹈和仪式, 马里音乐传统源自被称为 “记忆的守护者” 的格里奥特人. 马里位于热带地区, 是世界上最热的国家之一, 广阔的北部沙漠地区沙漠气候炎热, 夏季漫长而炎热, 降雨稀少. 南部地区属热带干湿热带气候, 3 月至 5 月为干热季节, 六月至十月多雨, 潮湿且温和, 十一月至二月是凉爽干燥的季节.
The Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa, the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over 1,240,000 square kilometres. The population of Mali is 19.1 million. The varied everyday culture of Malians reflects the country's ethnic and geographic diversity, most Malians wear flowing, colorful robes called "boubous" that are typical of West Africa. Malians frequently participate in traditional festivals, dances, and ceremonies, known as Mali "Dogon" Dance, Malian musical traditions are derived from the "griots", who are known as "Keepers of Memories". Mali lies in the torrid zone and is among the hottest countries in the world, the vast northern desert part of Mali has a hot desert climate with long, extremely hot summers and scarce rainfall. The southern areas have a tropical wet and dry tropical climate, with March to May being the hot, dry season. June to October is rainy, humid and mild. November to February is the cool, dry season.
马里共和国是西非的一个内陆国家, 是非洲第八大国, 面积刚超过124万平方公里, 马里的人口为 1910 万. 马里人多样化的日常文化反映了该国的种族和地理多样性, 大多数马里人穿着飘逸, 色彩缤纷的长袍, 称为西非典型的布布. 马里人经常参加被称为马里多贡舞的传统节日, 舞蹈和仪式, 马里音乐传统源自被称为 “记忆的守护者” 的格里奥特人. 马里位于热带地区, 是世界上最热的国家之一, 广阔的北部沙漠地区沙漠气候炎热, 夏季漫长而炎热, 降雨稀少. 南部地区属热带干湿热带气候, 3 月至 5 月为干热季节, 六月至十月多雨, 潮湿且温和, 十一月至二月是凉爽干燥的季节.
The Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa, the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over 1,240,000 square kilometres. The population of Mali is 19.1 million. The varied everyday culture of Malians reflects the country's ethnic and geographic diversity, most Malians wear flowing, colorful robes called "boubous" that are typical of West Africa. Malians frequently participate in traditional festivals, dances, and ceremonies, known as Mali "Dogon" Dance, Malian musical traditions are derived from the "griots", who are known as "Keepers of Memories". Mali lies in the torrid zone and is among the hottest countries in the world, the vast northern desert part of Mali has a hot desert climate with long, extremely hot summers and scarce rainfall. The southern areas have a tropical wet and dry tropical climate, with March to May being the hot, dry season. June to October is rainy, humid and mild. November to February is the cool, dry season.