• 4年前
The Temptation Of Ever Changing Landscapes:--
The undulating karst landform gives rise to the ever-changing mountains and rivers of western Hunan, gorges and karst caves, and creates the mysterious and long-lasting and beautiful scenery of Xiangxi...The Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Xiangxi is located on the northeast side of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and the southwestern end of the Western Hubei Mountains. At the junction, the Wuling Mountain range diagonally runs through the entire territory. The mid-subtropical monsoon humid climate, abundant water, vertical and horizontal undulating karst land form ...

纵横起伏的喀斯特地貌, 衍生出湘西千变万化的高山河流, 峡谷溶洞, 成就了神秘悠远, 钟灵毓秀的湘西山水.....湘西土家族苗族自治州, 地处云贵高原北东侧与鄂西山地西南端的结合部, 武陵山脉斜贯全境.中亚热带季风湿润气候, 丰沛的水量, 纵横起伏的喀斯特地貌.....


