像蚂蚁, 蜜蜂这样的昆虫也有自己独特的 “小社会”, 这些昆虫会判断哪种性别对群体更 “有用”, 以此决定 “生男”或“生女”, 这是英国牛津大学的一项最新研究发现. 通过研究蚂蚁等昆虫群体内部的分工和生殖方式发现, 这些昆虫会根据不同性别在群体中的实际作用来控制雌雄比例. 普通蚂蚁往往由雌性蚂蚁负责群体中的主要工作, 雄性的作用相对较小, 因此会主动多繁衍雌性后代. 而白蚁群体中雌雄性别的 “工作量”相当, 所以数量也基本接近. 蚂蚁, 蜜蜂等昆虫在生育时可以主动控制是否让卵子受精来控制后代的性别比例, 受精卵将发育成雌性, 未受精卵将发育成雄性. 在空中生活的昆虫大多是白天活动, 成虫期具有发达的翅膀, 通常有发达的口器, 成虫寿命比较长. 如蜜蜂, 马蜂, 蜻蜓, 苍蝇, 蚊子, 牛虻, 蝴蝶等. 昆虫在空中活动阶段主要是进行迁移扩散, 寻捕食物, 婚配求偶和选择产卵场所.
Insects such as ants and bees also have their own unique "small society". These insects will determine which sex is more "useful" for the group, and then determine "giving a male" or "giving a female". This is a project of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The latest research findings. By studying the internal division of labor and reproductive methods of ants and other insect groups, it is found that these insects will control the ratio of male to male according to the actual role of different sexes in the group. For ordinary ants, female ants are often responsible for the main work in the group, males The role is relatively small, so it will actively multiply female offspring. The "workload" of male and female in termite colony is equivalent, so the number is basically close. Ants, bees and other insects can actively control whether to fertilize eggs to control offspring when they are fertile The fertilized egg will develop into a female, and the unfertilized egg will develop into a male. Insects that live in the air are mostly active during the day. The adult stage has developed wings, usually with developed mouth parts, and the adult has a longer life span. Such as bees , Wasps, dragonflies, flies, mosquitoes, gadfly, butterflies, etc. Insects in the aerial stage are mainly for migration and spreading, hunting for food, mating and courting and choosing spawning places.
Insects such as ants and bees also have their own unique "small society". These insects will determine which sex is more "useful" for the group, and then determine "giving a male" or "giving a female". This is a project of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The latest research findings. By studying the internal division of labor and reproductive methods of ants and other insect groups, it is found that these insects will control the ratio of male to male according to the actual role of different sexes in the group. For ordinary ants, female ants are often responsible for the main work in the group, males The role is relatively small, so it will actively multiply female offspring. The "workload" of male and female in termite colony is equivalent, so the number is basically close. Ants, bees and other insects can actively control whether to fertilize eggs to control offspring when they are fertile The fertilized egg will develop into a female, and the unfertilized egg will develop into a male. Insects that live in the air are mostly active during the day. The adult stage has developed wings, usually with developed mouth parts, and the adult has a longer life span. Such as bees , Wasps, dragonflies, flies, mosquitoes, gadfly, butterflies, etc. Insects in the aerial stage are mainly for migration and spreading, hunting for food, mating and courting and choosing spawning places.