The Towering Andes, Amazon And Orinoco Rivers:--
Located in the northern most part of South America, the wild land of Colombia is divided into two by the towering Andes. There are also Amazon and Orinoco rivers that flow through the country. There is a large mirror-like wetland next to the rain forest in the Choco area, which is covered by living things. The most diverse place, to see the natural treasure house of the Macarena Mountains, and the only part of South America that is scoured by the Pacific and Atlantic at the same time...The woolly monkey-the largest primate in South America, on the leaves Incubation, inherent diving skills, special diving skills, cruel survival rules, the most beloved bridge in the world...
高耸的安第斯山脉, 亚马逊河和奥里诺科河:--
位居南美洲最北部, 哥伦比亚野性之地被高耸的安第斯山脉划分为二, 又有亚马逊河与奥里诺科河流经国内, 雨林旁有大片如镜子般的湿地覆盖著的喬科地區是生物多樣性最豐富的地方, 去看马卡雷纳山脉大自然的宝库, 及南美唯一同時受太平洋與大西洋沖刷的部分.....絨毛猴--南美體型最大的靈長類, 在树叶上孵化, 与生俱来的跳水绝技, 与生俱来的跳水绝技, 残酷的森林法则, 世界上最有愛的一座橋.....
Located in the northern most part of South America, the wild land of Colombia is divided into two by the towering Andes. There are also Amazon and Orinoco rivers that flow through the country. There is a large mirror-like wetland next to the rain forest in the Choco area, which is covered by living things. The most diverse place, to see the natural treasure house of the Macarena Mountains, and the only part of South America that is scoured by the Pacific and Atlantic at the same time...The woolly monkey-the largest primate in South America, on the leaves Incubation, inherent diving skills, special diving skills, cruel survival rules, the most beloved bridge in the world...
高耸的安第斯山脉, 亚马逊河和奥里诺科河:--
位居南美洲最北部, 哥伦比亚野性之地被高耸的安第斯山脉划分为二, 又有亚马逊河与奥里诺科河流经国内, 雨林旁有大片如镜子般的湿地覆盖著的喬科地區是生物多樣性最豐富的地方, 去看马卡雷纳山脉大自然的宝库, 及南美唯一同時受太平洋與大西洋沖刷的部分.....絨毛猴--南美體型最大的靈長類, 在树叶上孵化, 与生俱来的跳水绝技, 与生俱来的跳水绝技, 残酷的森林法则, 世界上最有愛的一座橋.....