• 3年前
地球上有一个地方, 自然与人类合二为一; 一个以其令人叹为观止的自然风光而闻名的理想国家. 喜马拉雅小国, 不丹的另一个名字是“快乐王国”, 一个以修道院, 堡垒 (或宗祠) 和从亚热带平原到陡峭山脉和山谷的壮丽景观而闻名的佛教王国. 在高喜马拉雅山, 海拔 7,326 米的乔莫哈里峰等山峰是热门的徒步旅行目的地. 帕罗·塔克桑寺院 (也称为虎巢) 依偎在森林覆盖的帕罗山谷上方的悬崖上.
但是由于历史遗留问题, 不丹的某些地区还是有这样一夫多妻, 一妻多夫的现象出现, 而且由于思想教育落后, 不丹的婚姻大多数还是由父母包办的, 而且不少富人还是可以娶两个妻子, 在不丹北部还是有一妻多夫的现象存在.

Bhutan's Polygamy And Polyandry:--
There's a place on earth, where nature and humans exist as one; An ideal country famous for its breathtaking nature. A small Himalayan country, Bhutan's other name is "The Happy Kingdom.", a Buddhist kingdom known for its monasteries, fortresses (or dzongs) and dramatic landscapes that range from subtropical plains to steep mountains and valleys. In the High Himalayas, peaks such as 7,326m Jomolhari are popular trekking destinations. Paro Taktsang monastery (also known as Tiger’s Nest) clings to cliffs above the forested Paro Valley.
However, due to historical problems, there are still such phenomena of polygamy and polyandry in some areas of Bhutan, and due to backward ideological education, most marriages in Bhutan are arranged by their parents, and many wealthy people are still practicing, they marry two wives, and polyandry still exists in northern Bhutan.


