6-5 An Easy Target

  • 5 years ago
Six: Persecution Of Faith
5: An Easy Target

In 1999, the pseudo-scientist, He Zuoxiu published an article in Tianjin to frame-up Falun Gong. Several thousand Falun Gong followers went to the newspaper to clarify the truth. The publisher was about to issue a correction when the municipal government sent riot police, who had beaten up and dispersed the crowd, and arrested 45 people. The Tianjin government claimed, that they were just following orders from Beijing.

The persons then in charge of Falun Gong Research Society, among whom were Li Chang, Wang Zhiwen, and Ji Liewu, discussed the situation, and decided to lodge an appeal with the State Letter and Complain Bureau on April 25. Those who heard of the decision contacted one another, with the result being some ten thousand persons appearing at the State Letter and Complain Bureau, located adjacent to Zhong Nan Hai that day. Their requests were, first, the Tianjin government to release the fellow practitioners it had detained;

