9-2 The Mystery cave

  • 5 years ago
Nine: Jiang’s Beginning And End
2: The Mystery Cave

In the early spring of 2005, Udumbara flowers were found blooming at two temples in the Republic of Korea.
Later, in Taiwan and many locations in mainland China, Udumbara flowers were blooming. The flowers are shaped like bells and give out a pleasant fragrance.

This is no ordinary flower. And it blossoms only once every three thousand years. According to the Buddhist Canon, the blooming of Udumbara signifies that the Noble King of Turning Wheel has come to the human world to impart heaven’s law.

Word of the blooming reached Qi Men County of Anhui Province, where there lived a farmer, named Wen Chuandeng. Upon hearing the news of the Udumbara flowers, Chuandeng who lived alone in a modest home wondered to himself: It has been said the Udumbara would bloom with the birth of Buddha Maitreya. Why not leaving home and travel about? I might be fortunate enough to hear Buhdda Maitreya’s preaching. And that would be a divine blessing.