7-7 Escapade Of Nepotism

  • 5 years ago
Seven: Lustful And Shameless
7: Escapades Of Nepotism

Jiang Zemin’s Younger son, Jiang Miankang, is not as ambitious and ferocious as his brother. He has a background in radio, and has never worked on anything that has to do with the army.
But Jiang asked for Xu Caihou’s help to make Jiang Miankang, Vice Chairman of the political committee at the Nanjing Army base, as well as a major general.

Before his retirement, Jiang Zemin didn’t trust anyone with military power, so he tried to transfer Jiang Miankang to the General Strategy Dept of the PLA. But the head of the CMC, Chi Haotian, objected to his nomination. Jiang had no choice, but to settle Jiang Miankang in the position of the head of the second bureau in the army’s General Political Dept. Soon, he was promoted to be the assistant director of the Organization Dept. And next, the director of the Organization Dept.

Jiang Zemin’s uncle Jiang Shangqing had two daughters, Jiang Zeui and Jiang Zeling. As Jiang continued to advance