7-6 The Most Corrupted Man

  • 5 years ago
Seven: Lustful And Shameless
6: The Most Corrupted Man

In the 1980s Jiang Zemin sent his eldest son, Jiang Mianheng to the United States to study, get his green card, and keep watching on the development in China. In 1992, when Jiang established complete control over the Chinese Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Government, and the Army, he immediately summoned Jiang Mianheng to return, and take advantage of his power to make huge fortunes in China. Thus, Jiang Mianheng brought his wife and son back to China.

In Jan. 1993, he began to work as a regular researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It raised many eyebrows that he became the head of the Institute in just four years. Jiang Mianheng was doing business while keeping his job at the Institute. In 1994, he bought Shanghai Joint Investment Company, worth over 100 million yuan, for the incredibly low price of only a few million yuan, borrowed from a bank.

This was how Jiang M