8-1 Winning Politically At All Costs To The Nation

  • 5 years ago
Eight: Craving For Grandiose
1: Winning Politically At All Costs To The Nation

In the early years, as the Party’s head, Jiang Ze-min’s position inside the CCP was not very secure. Not only did he have to confront pressures from the senior leaders in the Party, but also he had to face the general public’s dissatisfaction, over the Tiananmen Massacre. Meanwhile, China’s foreign relations were on the rocks. Many countries called back their ambassadors. Trade and arms embargos hit China’s economy hard.

Premier Li Peng was originally Jiang’s immediate superior, but when Jiang was made General Secretary, Li became Jiang’s subordinate. It was somewhat awkward for both. At politburo meetings, Jiang always sat next to Li, and they hosted the meetings together. Jiang often made decisions based on Li’s facial expressions, so, outsiders called it the Jiang-Li system.

To solidify his position inside the Party, Jiang thought he needed to get on Li’s good side. Since Li used to serve as Ministe