6-8 Evils Broke Loose

  • 5 years ago
Six: Persecution Of Faith
8: Evils Broke Loose

Jiang Zemin wants to destroy Falun Gong practitioners’ reputations, cut them off financially, eradicate them physically. In May of 2000, the CCP gave the police the authority to arrest Falun Gong practitioners of their own accord without arrest warrants. To protest such unlawful arrests, in October 2000, upwards of ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners made to Tian An Men Square, and displayed banners. And thousands of adherents were even doing exercise in groups.

Somebody in the Politburo was having a good laugh at Jiang Zemin. His understanding of the power of spiritual belief fell squarely within the old way of thinking of the CCP’s class struggle. Although Jiang utilized the hardest means of suppression and persecution, acquired by the CCP over decades, Falun Gong just would not yield, and its practitioners protest peacefully. No one attempts to retaliate or resort to any kind of violence. Jiang was utterly helpless in the face of
